designkt-blog · 7 years
Place research journal
Starry Night-Van Gogh
Form: This was created by painting on a canvas.
Content: Where was this place? Does it have meaning to the artist?
Process: Van Gogh was at an asylum when he painted this picture. Maybe thats why the sky and the stars are so wavy and fuzzy.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Research Place Journal 1
Keith Haring
Form: This work is created by using black paper and chalk placed over old advertisements.
Content: What are the posters supposed to represent that he is drawing over the old ads?
Process: Maybe he is linking what the old ad means with what he is drawing.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Research Place Journal 3
Marc Adamus
Form: This was taken with a camera and edited.
Content: When looking at this piece I think Adamus was thinking how incredible it is to bring these two elements of winter and summer together.
Process: Adamus will stay in a place and become aware of the lighting and the weather before he takes pictures.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Research Place Journal 2
Van Gogh
Form: This is painted on a canvas showing a view of a village and a night sky.
Content: Looking at this piece, it looks like Van Gogh might have enjoyed painting this because of the view he was looking at.
Process: This was created using several small brush strokes and a lot of dark and blue colors.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Working on project 3
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Trying to figure out how much room I will need for my words.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 3 Intent statement
For my Identity project I will be making a display of things that “I AM”. I will be using multiple things to create this. It will have a thumbprint in the middle of the piece with the words “I AM” in the middle. Then I will have text surrounding the thumbprint.
First I will use ink to capture my thumbprint. I will then scan or photograph the thumbprint. Once I do that I will be placing it on a 16x20 page and creating a decorative background to place it on. Then I will create white boxes throughout the piece that I can put words on. When I put the words on I will be using metal letters covered with ink pressing them in the white boxes.
My intended meaning for this project is to show people who I am and to look deeper at myself to see who I really am. The materials I am using are really important because I want it to be permanent. I want to show this is who I am and I am ok with that. Having my actually thumbprint is important because this piece is about me and no thumbprint is alike, we are all unique. I chose to use metal letter stamps because I want it show its been indented into me. I will have a color background because colors have so many meanings and feels associated with them.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 3 ideas
1- My dad had a DNA test done and I am going to find out what he thinks he is. I am going to take a picture of my dad with a montage of places he this he is from. Once I get the results I am going to take another picture and then put where he is actually from.
2- My second idea is to have family and friends in my life capture pictures of me without me knowing. By doing this it will show what others see me as. It will then give me a better insight
3- My last idea is to take a picture of myself and make a collage of everything that i love or is important to me.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Post critique-project 2
During the critique, I felt like I received a lot of positive feedback. Some of the highlights were; the piece flowed and had movement, and there was hidden things throughout that kept you looking. I did not really receive any constructive criticism except from myself which was that I needed to present it in a frame. While working on this project I learned a lot about the meanings of different dreams. I also feel like I gained more confidence in my ability to work in Photoshop because I was able to make a piece that had a lot going on but it came together. If I were going to continue this project I think I would do something different. My idea would be to write down the dreams I have every night or at least the ones I remember. I would come up with several layouts focusing on 1 dream for each.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 2 Intent Statement
FORM: -For project two my idea is to take dreams I have had and make them into a design. The image will be 20x30 or 30x40, not sure yet. It will be printed on paper, put it on a board and then I will put an adhesive over top to make your view somewhat obstructed. I have not decided yet if I am going to frame the image or how I will present it.
PROCESS: -I am going to use Photoshop to create the actual design. Within the piece I will have images that I have taken.
CONTENT: -The meaning behind this is to show dreams I have had and dreams that are common. Everything in the piece will have a meaning behind it. I want to put the paper on a board so it is stable and strong. I am doing this because sometimes in your dreams you feel weak so I print it on paper which is not strong. I put it on a board to represent me during the day, strong and not easily pushed around. The adhesive over top will make it clear that dreams are not always so easy to understand. They are confusing and fuzzy.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 2 Options
Here are 2 options that I have come up with for my designs. I still need to photograph things that will be in the design.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 2 work
Working at home on project 2. Trying to figure out how to lay everything out.
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designkt-blog · 7 years
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Project 1- Moving Day & Boxes
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designkt-blog · 7 years
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Project 1- Living Room
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designkt-blog · 7 years
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Project 1- Kitchen & Dinning 
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designkt-blog · 7 years
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Project 1-Room 2
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designkt-blog · 7 years
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Project 1- Room 1
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designkt-blog · 7 years
Project 1 Intent Statement
FORM: What is it? What discipline? What size? What materials? What’s it going to look like? How will it be displayed?
My project 1 is taking pictures of my new home throughout the process of us moving in and remodeling it. The size will depend on how many pictures there are but I am thinking of doing 4x6’s. The images will be separated by rooms and placed on some sort of string to connect them.
PROCESS: This one is easy: How are you going to make it?
I am using my camera to capture the images. For each picture I am going to edit the color to show what the mood was like.
CONTENT: What is your intended meaning? Also, How do the FORM, MATERIALS, and PROCESS inform the CONTENT?
My point for this project is to show all the ups and downs that moving and remodeling a house face. For my material I am going to use 2x4’s and then place the images on the wood using a nail. This is to show the renovation of the house. Or I might use a painters canvas and splatter paint on it, then using different things to secure the pictures. Starting off with something that doesn't hold very well showing how everything felt like it was falling apart to finally living there and everything is normal so I use something like a nail that is very secure.
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