designnconquer · 2 years
What is Digital Marketing Preston and How Can it Help Your Business?
The Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Services
Digital marketing Preston services have become a necessity for businesses that want to thrive in today’s competitive market. Digital marketing is the process of using digital tools and techniques to promote your business and to get more customers. This article will guide you through the basics of digital marketing services, so that you can decide which services are best for your business.
There are many different types of digital marketing services, I’ll go through them further down in this article.
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Digital Marketing Trends and What is Happening in the Industry
If you didn’t know anything about digital marketing, you wouldn’t think it changes as often as it does, agencies constantly have to adjust their strategies as new technology or algorithms come out. Digital marketing has always been a moving target, with new trends emerging all the time. One of a digital marketeer’s jobs is to try and stay on top of the latest trends in digital marketing.
The digital marketing sphere is full of new and exciting developments, so it can be hard to keep track of them all, but luckily if you hire someone or an agency to complete your digital marketing Preston services, you won’t have to worry about this. Many of these trends are shaping our digital world as a whole so it’s important that your company is keeping updated.
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The 5 Main Types of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a multifaceted concept that can be approached from different angles. There are many types of digital marketing, and the main ones are SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, paid search, and email marketing.
SEO services: SEO services are a type of digital marketing that focuses on optimising websites to rank higher in search engine results pages. This type of service often includes on-page optimisation techniques such as keyword research and meta tags.
Content Marketing Services: Content Marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing valuable content to attract or retain customers by using platforms like blogs or social media channels. The goal is to generate an ongoing flow of relevant content for potential customers to consume in order to build awareness about the company's products or services.
Social media marketing: I’m sure you already know just how big social media really is, the amount of people who use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok and any other social platform daily is absolutely astronomical – it’s no wonder that social media marketing is a massive area in many companies’ digital marketing plan. If you don’t have a presence on social media at this point, you’re doing digital marketing completely wrong.
Paid search: Also known as PPC, running ads on either Google, Bing or a social platform can be really beneficial, it gets results quickly and gets you off to a running start. Many companies use a PPC campaign alongside an SEO campaign because PPC is known as a short-term strategy compared to SEO which is a long-term strategy. It’s short term because you’re paying for results, and eventually you don’t want to have to pay for these results anymore and you want your organic SEO to be doing the work for free.
Email marketing: I’m sure you all have had a promotional email in your inbox, whether you clicked it, ignored it or deleted it, email marketing is a core element of digital marketing for many companies. Email marketing is a great way for your customers to keep up with any promotions, deals or simply a way for them to get to know your company more.
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Why Invest in Digital Marketing?
The digital world continues to grow and you certainly don’t want to be left behind. If you’re still stuck in an old-fashioned view of ‘not needing a website’ or even having a website and not paying much attention to it, you need to change that sooner rather than later. Investing in digital marketing services from a trustworthy company can really help you to earn more and have more of a presence in the industry that you’re in.
If you’re wondering which agency you should go for, I would recommend digital marketing Preston agency, Piranha Internet. They have over 20 years of experience and a close-knit team of digital marketeers ready to work on your brand to get it performing the best it possibly can.
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designnconquer · 2 years
Web Design Lancashire – Why Web Design is Important
If you have a website for your company and it’s outdated or you simply didn’t invest enough into it, then you’re more than likely to be missing out on all the benefits of good web design Lancashire. In this article, I’m going to talk about why good web design is important and why you should be investing in it. A website isn’t just something that produces sales or leads by itself – a good website that has great useability could be the difference between 10 sales and 100s of them.
Good web design is an integral part of the success of any online business. It is important for a website to be aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Whether you are looking for a new website design or you need to redesign your current site, this article will help you understand what good web design means and why it is so important.
What is Web Design?
Web design refers to the process of creating a visual layout for a website, which includes the colors, fonts, images, and other features that make up the site's look and feel. A good web designer should have knowledge in graphic design, information architecture (organizing content on a page), usability (ensuring that people can find what they want on your site), and search engine optimisation (making sure that search engines can index your site)
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Benefits of a Good Web Design
A good web design is a key factor to the success of any website. It is not just about the visual appeal, but also about how it will be used by the visitors. A well-designed website will have an interface that is easy to navigate and understand. The content should also be clear and concise so that visitors can find what they are looking for with ease.
A good web designer is a person who has knowledge in both the design aspect and coding aspect of websites. They should be able to make a website visually pleasing while also ensuring that it functions properly on different devices and browsers. The benefits of good web design include:
-          Sets the first impression
-          Ranks well on search engines
-          Reaches more potential buyers/clients
-          Gives a sense of trustworthiness and credibility
-          Outperform your competitors
-          Great useability
-          Easy to navigate
Why You Need to Make Sure Your Website Design Is Mobile Friendly
Mobile-friendly website design is now a must have for any business in the digital world. In this article, we will tell you why you need to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and what are the benefits of responsive web design. Ready? Let’s go! Why is mobile-friendly design now a must-have for every business? As more and more people are turning to the digital world, it is important that you stay up to date with the latest trends. More people are treating their mobile phones as a hub to find everything – mobile search continues to rise. The average person will use their mobile to search more than a laptop or desktop PC, so it’s crucial that your web design has mobile responsiveness in mind. It’s great if your website works on desktop, but if it runs slow or doesn’t adapt to mobile, you’re going to be losing a lot of users.
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How to Choose the Best Web Designer for Your Project
When it comes to choosing someone to design your website for you, you’re going to want to read reviews, look at what they’ve done in the past and take recommendations – there are cowboy web designers as well as cowboy builders that you must watch out for. If a price someone gives you seems too good to be true, most of the time, it is. However, don’t think that just because you go for the most expensive option that it’s going to be the best selection by default. Many companies overcharge for the work that they actually produce.
For a trustworthy web design Lancashire agency, I’d recommend going with Piranha Internet. First formed in 2001, the company is ran by three best friends and they have a team of close-kit web designers, developers and digital marketing specialists, so you’re getting the full package when they design and build a website for you. t
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designnconquer · 2 years
Web Design Preston – The Worst Websites in 2022
When it comes to the internet, you’ll certainly come across a lot of websites that are outdated, badly designed or just simply hurt your eyes. Even in 2022, I find myself browsing and thinking ‘wow, put a hamster on a keyboard and it could probably design a website better than that’, seriously, some of the sites on this list aren’t just a bit old, they’re so terrible that it’s almost a joke.
If you don’t get web design Preston right, then users will just have an overall bad experience – you won’t get as many sales or leads and if you have any clashing colours or it’s simply hard to use, users won’t want to stay on it at all, they’ll back out and click on a different website that actually counts as useable.
With that being said, let’s get into the most badly designed websites in 2022:
1. Arngren.net
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What. The. Hell. Is. This.
Do I even have to say any more? Could they fit anything else on this page? All of the images are different sizes, one of them has encroached on the side menu, they have different colour borders for some reason, all of the font sizes are different, there’s about 50 different colours used, and I really DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON. And to make it worse

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They have a Christmas banner on! In August! It moves and lights up! This is truly dreadful. I’m also really hoping that the tank they’ve got listed is a toy tank rather than an actual one. Unfortunately, I can’t read Norwegian but I’m sure the content is as inspiring as the web design.
2. Pennyjuice.com
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Next up, not quite as bad but still horrendous is Penny Juice. Firstly, the logo is a complete atrocity, it took me a while to work out they weren’t called Pennyojuice. We’re not even going to talk about the slogan of ‘it makes cents’
 What is it with badly designed websites and colours? I’m convinced they’re in a competition of who can slap the most colours on a single website. Penny Juice, I know your product is for children but there’s no need for your website to look like a pack of crayons has exploded.
3. Yale School of Art
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Now, obviously this is done on purpose, but it’s still terrible. This takes artistic expression to a whole new level. It’s the gradient yellow textboxes that really get me
 Not great at all. All members of the Yale School of Art can contribute to the website, so that’s why it probably looks like it’s all over the place – there’s no way you can give free reign to students and have them create a professional, good-looking website, it’s just not going to happen, even if they’re students of an art school.
4. Berkshire Hathaway
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Now, you’d think I’d be happy with the step away from colours and flashing images
 Well, I’m not. Minimal websites are becoming all the rage at the minute, but this just takes the piss. There’s no images, nothing to grab your attention. Just a white background and a list of links. I could probably do better using the notes app on my iPhone. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet, has a $101.7 billion net worth and THIS is his company website. Just wow.
5. Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc
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The point of the arrow not being central to the search box is my biggest issue with this website
 Ironic that their slogan is ‘simply the best’ when making it onto the worst websites list. Where do I start? The logo looks like it was made in Word Art, the white outline around it looks like it’s been done by those kid-friendly jagged scissors and the background looks like we’ve dived into the deepest depths of the ocean.
6. Suzanne Collins Books
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Is this a random Tumblr blog or the website of an author who has sold more than 100 million copies of her books worldwide and has had one of them turned into a billion-dollar movie franchise? Although it looks like the first option, this is actually ‘The Hunger Games’ author, Suzanne Collin’s website. Suzanne, please make your website as creative as your books.
7. LingsCars
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You can’t see it in this image but most the pictures on the website are animated
 Including Ling on the motorbike. Clearly, this has been done for comedic purposes, but this does not mean that it’s any better designed. You’d think ‘Britain’s biggest individual seller of new cars’ would have a professional website to match the title, but no. I don’t think there’s a colour that isn’t being used on this site. I’m not even mad at this one though, her craziness has worked and she’s put her personality into a fitting website.
8. Toronto Cupcake
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Next up, Toronto Cupcake – why have they got 8 of their logos at the top of the website? The image is extremely low quality and just shows the packaging rather than the actual cupcakes. The packaging could use some work in the design area as well, as well as the logo - the cupcake looks stretched, and they’ve got their website address inside the frosting for some unknown reason. One of the rules of web design Preston is NO SPELLING MISTAKES. ‘Protocals’ and ‘avaialable’ isn’t telling me you have much attention to detail for a cupcake-making company.
There are plenty more badly designed websites in the world, but that was my list of the 8 worst websites in 2022.
If you’re looking for a company to design a beautiful website for you that offers a great user experience and even better aesthetics, I would recommend Piranha Internet. Don’t be like the people on this list, a website is a crucial part of a company.
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