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A new found goal
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My education matters.
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Alliteration= Repetition of initial constant sounds.
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College, a time to find out what you’re really made of. On the street it’s easy to survive when there’s a constant reminder of what you don’t to end up like. Stay focused mamita. The future is quickly approaching. Any time wasted will be regretted. I have to pull my brother up from the slums.
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Tiffany Ramirez
Dr. Shea-Portfolio Letter:
  All my papers became eye opening experiences from dreaded demands. I wrote three, one on Frida Kahlo for my photo analysis. My photo analysis final draft turned out better than I had expected. I learned that I can’t just write and expect it to be perfect. Getting peer edits helped me with this lesson. It is okay to get constructive criticism, take what you feel valuable and leave what you truly don’t believe pertains to you. My second paper was my report on alcoholism. I learned how to correct my run-on sentences. I was so stuck on trying to write poetry in everything I couldn’t differentiate my writing styles. Now, I can learn how to master the different writing styles I want to achieve. My third paper, on my Diet Plan really summed up my lessons. I could tell how organized my papers became. The A project showed me how easy it is to create a thesis sentence.
Coming to the realization of what really does work or doesn’t work for me is sacred to me.  Putting forth a genuine effort is all college is about. I was writing, and figured my first draft was perfect. The first draft is NEVER perfect. Outsider editing is a crucial step in the writing process. Setting aside ample time to do homework and studying is important. These new lessons worked for me. Not giving this English composition course my absolute all was the main action that did not work for me.
I saw a valuable amount of growth in my writing. If I may have had a little more mental support I think I could’ve done a better job in the beginning. The strong will push through. Those who push through belong, and desire. My favorite class activity was the Multi-Genre project. I did my project alone. The Multi-Genre project motivated me. I could be true to my story, and express it in any way I desired.  Presenting my project made me uncomfortable.  I think that helped me move past worrying about what others might think. Moving towards the chance other people might understand me, was healthy.  From the beginning of class I had written the poem “I Am 1 of 5”, and others very like that same poem.  I could see the bigger picture of who I am, what events have shaped me, and how my train of thoughts work.  The free write, and the Multi-genre project helped me. I’d truly urge you to keep those assignments. I would not urge you to change anything specifically. I would just ask that you empathize, and a communicate a little more with your students. Over all I think because your class wasn’t easy it promoted growth and that’s a wonderful thing. Freshman may need that push and tough love to realize this isn’t easy. This course was a bitter sweet taste of reality. I came in expecting it to be easy because I swore I was a fantastic writer. It was hard for me to Swallow the truth. I was taken off my high horse, as much as it was annoying to face the truth, I grew. This class did not disappoint me one bit. I am leaving this course wishing I did more. I can start my next semester off fresh and as a second chance.
My writing goals weren’t easy to attain. I accomplished four out of five. I met them by practicing every day. I studied poetry on my own time, I told myself I could grow if I wanted to. I studied vocabulary, and read relevant articles. I also incorporated the style of writing I wanted to master into everything I wrote.  I could figure what worked and didn’t work by doing it daily. Writing the poetry in a report didn’t necessarily work for me. This did however, help me realize when it is a good time to write a poem.  How to structure different writing formats. Writing the report on alcoholism was a huge risk taker for me because I know I spoke on addiction like a professional. That report may just help someone else understand they’re not alone. I was planning to drop out of this class and didn’t. To me, that expresses excellence. Deciding to stay and fight demons and learn new ways to grow- like writing.
My A Project was on a diet I decided to follow blindly. My Free for All Diet failed me. I thought it’d be a great idea to eat a lot more than usual to gain weight. Without doing my research first at the end I found out I did the whole diet wrong and it back fired to me maintaining my weight, and contributing unhealthy habits.
My class participation was there. I could’ve done better job but I wasn’t all in. I did do a good job when I did participate. When I did contribute to the class I know I went all in. I did my research, I was interested and open minded when it came to other stories. I replied to my peers and asked them questions to help them grow, and me understand.
I’d assign myself a C grade. I put my all into finding a lesson regardless of my faults.  Find appositive and didn’t this course got to waste. I did more work than I didn’t. I missed two classes, but participated each time I was in class. I know if I had the book I would’ve been able to accomplish more.
I think you asked all the relevant questions you could.
                 Thank you, Dr. Shea. You helped me tremendously. You’re very patient. More understanding than you lead yourself to be. Your course is challenging and eye opening. I only wish I would’ve had your class later down the line to better take advantage of it’s not so easily seen beauties.
Tiffany Ramirez
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Yo quiero escribir algo en español. Con mi lengua voy a hablar con el mundo !
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Dear Hannah and Tim,
 I had created five writing goals in the beginning of this semester. My first goal was to use figurative language without hesitation, followed by creating poems, being able to read by looking at the words and having them so indebted in my mind I can instantly see the story, to expand my vocabulary and write a poem in Spanish.  I think I am on my way to reaching most of my goals. I have found myself looking up and practicing figurative language styles, listening to poetry on YouTube, and TEDTALK; incorporating them in my class work and my daily routine, and asking people how they use figurative language. This has helped me tremendously so far. Not too often have I found myself finding ways to expand my vocabulary, except for researching definitions of words I don’t know and writing them in my writer’s notebook. This will hopefully help me with my fourth goal which is to read by word memorization; so, I can look at a group of words and instantly see the story that is being told. I do believe I have excelled in this area. Even when I am on social media or writing my papers I practice memorizing words. Doing this and translating new words I learn I can eventually finish my goals and write a piece In Spanish without using a translator tool. The goals I set were not easy to reach in just a couple of months. I think they will need constant practice and patience for a while to reach the standard I have set for myself. My college career will be dedicated to these goals now. Since my introductory piece “I am one of five” -I’ve found that I look deeper into my life and how I genuinely feel. I am more likely to put the details together to see the bigger picture without confirmation bias. I have had quite a few epiphanies. My lovely pink notebook promises to be my sanctuary for words without failing me. I have become less fearful of the truth. I am learning a lot about myself and my way of thinking thanks to my free writes. I’d like to improve finding positives in the lessons I’ve written down. I want to be able to follow a more beneficial path of life. I also would like to maintain my writer’s notebook better. With time management and consistency, I know this can be accomplished. I don’t think I’ve formed any relationship with people in the class, although I wish I would’ve. The course itself has helped me by making me express myself in a new and true way. I like the way you think, Hannah. Certain ways you view different things, for example the Silence poem you showed us in the beginning of the semester, the MLA practice which you helped me with personally. I don’t know if you noticed but you helped me see the bigger picture from the website; and, the picture of the refugee girl and the meaning you saw within it. You’ve given me a foundation to view issues in a broader way. I appreciate that. Considering my unintentional slacking off in the middle of the semester, I’d like you both to know I appreciate the course and plans you have set up for us. I was a little overwhelmed at one point but you were patient and kind with me, and made me feel comfortable. I am sorry if I in any way effected the class or your ability to teach us effectively because of my personal downfall. Tim, I’d love the opportunity to take another class with you, regardless of your work overload. It showed you believed in us and challenged our abilities. You don’t play when it comes to the workload! I am learning to juggle college responsibilities after getting my GED since dropping out of high school five years ago, and dealing with an alcohol addiction and some crazy mental health issues. Thank you both for your patience and understanding. You’re both wonderful! If I had to give myself a grade in this class, it would be a B. Because I have missed two classes, haven’t tweeted as often as I’d liked to, and I didn’t complete my Multi-Genre project with my group. I did however finish my project in the time we agreed upon after a personal conversation. I have been keeping up with my tweets and going to class, which I believe expresses an effort put forth; that is why I chose a B. Tim, you said the simplest thing to me one day, “This is college, so…” those words have motivated me during a very dark time. Thank you!  I hope to work with the both you of you in the future.
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Tiffany Ramirez
Dr. Shea – A Project
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When I hear, the word Diet I think of a plan to lose weight. I always chuckled at diet plans because people seem to obsess over them -which is unhealthier than the diet itself. Remember Regina George (Rachel McAdams)? The meanest of the four mean girls. In the movie Mean Girls back in 2004 Regina was on a persistent diet to lose weight. The new girl Cady (Lindsay Lohan) sabotages her efforts by giving her weight gain protein bars. Now I cannot decide which one is meaner. The funniest part is Regina’s face when she finds out the protein bars contribute to the opposite of what she’s been obsessing over. Well, unluckily for me I don’t have Regina’s ability to gain weight. Since I started college I’ve been dying to put on the Freshman 15 I was promised back in high school. I ended up confused by the end of my first semester. I tried out my very own Free for all Diet. My plan was to gain 20 pounds, and find figure out the pros and cons of my diet.
           The “Free for all” diet I followed so religiously consisted of me eating whatever I desired. I figured if I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I felt like it I would eventually put on some pounds. Now, I literally did just that; whatever I wanted. I drank more milk than water. I ate as much chicken as possible. I filled my third plate up with rice, and ate chips and drank coffee until three in the morning. Eventually I started doing research. I asked many students (more specifically really built guys) what their secret was. The secret is to desire change, moderation, and exercise. I had no time limit on when I would eat. I didn’t modify what I was eating. I most definitely never exercised. I checked out some websites. The websites validated what I was hearing from all those super built guys I see around campus. “Eat more calories than normal, increase dietary fat consumed, don’t forget the protein intake, and lift heavy weight.” When I heard these things, I was exhausted just thinking about the work this diet would take. I still did as I planned- whatever I wanted. Increasing the number of calories consumed is all about math. www.calculator.net is a great website to help with foundation of calculating calories and more. The website also provides the number of calories in certain foods, information about energy relating to foods, and more.
           The eating whatever I wanted resulted in no weight gain. Surprise! I was very surprised when three months later I had gained no weight at all. I started off this semester weighing 125 pounds. My goal was to gain 25 pounds. Per the website recommended above I’d need to have about 2,665 calories a day, 166 calories an hour. That’s two bananas every hour! That is 32 bananas a day! That’s insane, so the results weren’t all that great. I didn’t gain weight but I did learn a lot.
           Although I didn’t get the results I lunged for at the beginning of the semester I now have what I need to make necessary changes. Many positive and negative lessons came from this assignment. As for the positive lessons one, I am more motivated now to take my weight gain goal seriously. I realized it is a joke to think I can do whatever I want when I want. This not only goes with a diet but also in the real world. There are rules and regulations, and a lot of will power that comes into play with ever I do in my life. Because I have come to that eye-opening realization, I can take the next step to change for the better; both mentally and physically. Second, Since I know I did not do the diet correctly I know there is a chance to see results. Me not gaining weight has nothing to do with a problem I have physically, but with the way I maintained the diet. If I work on gaining weight genuinely I am almost positive I will see results, because I am a healthy person. As for the negative lesson, I concluded I am too care free. I also smoke cigarettes. Scientist Marina Picciotto from Yale University proved that cigarettes contribute to weight loss. Cigarettes signal the brain and lead it to believe the person smoking is satisfied. Smoking and eating whatever I please have dramatically affected my health, and my skin. I’ve noticed I have difficulty breathing. My skin often becomes itches while I eat junk food too often. It appears my self-absorbed diet backfired.
           The word diet doesn’t necessarily mean trying to lose weight. Any diet plan must be genuine, and done strategically.  A Free for all diet may not be the best option if someone is truly interested in getting results. With any diet, there are results. With results come negative or positive lessons. I would just suggest that anyone who decides to diet will take the time to research the diet inside and out, so nobody ends up surprised like myself and Ms. Regina George!
 -Kendall, Krissy, “How to gain weight.” Content to nutrition. 2016 Bodybuilding. Web. 14                       December 2016.
  -www.calculator.net. “Calorie Calculator.” Weight Loss.” 2008-2016 Web. 14 December 2016.
  -Williams, Sarah. “Why Smokers are so skinny.” Latest News 2011. Web. 14 December 2016.
  Pictures:  -Walters, Mark. Mean Girls. 2004 Movie. www.ticketfly.com. 14 December 2016.
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