Eternity can be rather bleak when you don’t have a solitary soul to spend it with. Forever was a…
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Eternity can be rather bleak when you don’t have a solitary soul to spend it with. Forever was a…
//I am moving John here, so he will no longer be a side blog. However, I will keep this one as an archive. Please follow him if you would still like to observe/interact!
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please DO NOT assume that just because my character is doing something that i as the writer
approve of it
am romanticizing it
have a kink with regard to it
think it is okay for anyone to ever do ever
because sometimes my character does things that I absolutely cringe at and which are almost painful to write.
but my writing a villain does not make me a villian
understand that it is fiction and I do not condone the wrong actions that sometimes are written out on my blog for in-character purposes.
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Eternity can be rather bleak when you don't have a solitary soul to spend it with. Forever was a...
//I am moving John here, so he will no longer be a side blog. However, I will keep this one as an archive. Please follow him if you would still like to observe/interact!
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When you live in the dark for so long, you begin to love it. And it loves you back, and isn’t that the point? You think, the face turns to the shadows, and just as well. It accepts, it heals, it allows. But it also devours.
Carver, Raymond. Late Fragment. (via wordsnquotes)
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Mini mun rambles/PSA
//I am currently working on a verses page, which is why no replies have been done yet. That and my current mental status is '@_@'. If that makes any sense at all. I hope so.. Anyways..
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I am considering making John a main blog and keeping this as an archive. I dunno, though. I will see where the Fates have led me sometime later this evening, possibly. 
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Friendly reminder that our muses don’t always have to be friends and/or fall in love… (u‿u✿)
They can be enemies. Brutal enemies. So hateful of each other that they fall asleep plotting the other’s murder.   (◉‿◉✿)
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Reblog if you love your followers (✿◠‿◠)
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please don't be intimidated by me, I'm a fucking dork
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Reblog if you're a Multishipper
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Silence now filled the room, a soft exhale the only sound that broke it. He knew guiltiness and he knew it well. Itachi wasn’t the only murderer in the room. Countless words ran through his mind, yet none solidified into voiced phrases. It seemed he could offer no verbal comfort. How could he when he knew little of what the other had been through? The words would sound empty; as lies, even if his intentions were sincere.  
Finally he stood, one hand clasping Itachi’s shoulder and squeezing it gently; the action speaking more than he felt the words that followed could. “There are no apologies needed.” Came the softly spoken reply, and then he disappeared into the kitchen once more to retrieve another cup full of the blood. When he returned it was pressed into the other’s hands, and he stepped back in order to allow him polite space to feed.
“I have a guest room. I welcome you to it.. In fact, I insist.” He wasn’t planning on allowing the wounded newborn vamp to leave until he was fully healed. Perhaps even for a time after the fact; for certainty’s sake. 
A New Hope|| @ desolosanguine
If he noticed the change in eye color he said nothing, a deep frown turning his lips. A tongue was swiped across bloodied teeth and along the inside of his mouth, guilt joining the expression of displeasure already on his features. “No..” Came the low spoken reply, and then the cup of sustenance was set on a nearby table as John made his way back to the other’s side.
“I’m not going to drink from you. I’m fine now.. It was a mere, though drastic..” He grimaced. “Lapse in control.” The back of his hand was pressed against the other’s forehead, invading his space without a thought as he checked for fever. His forehead was a little warm.. which worried him, more than a bit. But that wasn’t enough to merit his words.
“You feel guilty, don’t you?” He questioned, already knowing the answer. Though for what exactly, he wasn’t sure. Probably whatever had led to the state he’d found him in. “You need rest.. you’re severely weakened. You will be in a better state to cope when you awaken.. you also probably need to feed.. I have more blood in the other room. I want you to drink at least a small amount of it.”
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“I just hate the fact that I have to give up my freedom to walk around freely simply because some people are like that.”
His jaw quirked at that. “Indeed…” Even as his tone spoke volumes in regards of agreement, distaste tinging it as well, a touch of amusement shame alike sparked at him; both because his true nature was unknown. If she knew, that he had the capability to be and had been more dangerous than that group of boys, what would she think then?
“I want to, though.” A more genuine smile curled at his lips now, expression holding true affability. “Or..” He ran his tongue briefly over his teeth, contemplatively, sending another glance around. “You can join me in my walk. No one should bother you now.” He saw no harm in it. And company during the remainder of his stroll was beginning to sound rather appealing. 
Night Fright // John Blaylock & Maia Esperanza
The girl sighed and pulled at her hat a bit more. She didn’t mean to upset Mr. Blaylock. He was after all one if the few people that she cared about and spoke to her without any pity or judgement. He accepted it though sometimes she wondered if it was more like he tolerated her.
She gave a faint nod to his question. “I was but I guess I should go home now.” Her head rose as he spoke about the boys that’d been pursuing her and she nodding again, knowing he was probably right. “I just hate the fact that I have to give up my freedom to walk around freely simply because some people are like that.” Swallowing down her pride she explained before looking at him again in surprise. “You… you don’t have to do that, Sir. I’m literally just down this path. I wouldn’t want to bother your stroll around the park anymore then I have.”
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Why? Because I am your equal. I am not superior to you in any single way, shape, or form. You may admire my writing, but that does not make me superior to you.
So don’t see me as someone that you could never get to roleplay with, but instead someone having fun, with a writing style you adore.
I am not your senpai
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i want to write relationships that are complicated.
i want to write the on-again-off-again relationships. i want the screaming matches and the cancelled dates and the hurt feelings and the second guesses and second chances. 
i want to write people who completely shake up each other’s daily routine and flip their entire world on its axis. i want them to drive each other crazy and question why they bother sticking around and then remember the way their partner laughs or see them in a moment of vulnerability that tells them 'this is is why i stay. this is why i love you.' 
i want to write relationships with struggles. with class differences and financial divide. two people who are so completely different they somehow complete each other. i want the jealousy and the feelings of inadequacy that goes with it. 
i want to write people who aren’t afraid to be honest with their partner. who aren’t afraid to say 'yeah you're being an asshole' followed by 'but i still love you, you idiot.'
i want the first time they see their partner cry and the morning after their first intimate night when everything feels so right.
i want people who get so used to one another that they stop going the extra mile. i want the ‘you don’t make the effort because you already have me’ argument.
i want relationships that challenge each other to be better people and make each other question their beliefs and moral compass. 
but most of all, i want to write relationships that are real. that make you feel something. i want to go on the emotional rollercoaster right along with them.
that’s what i want.
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just because i ship it doesnt mean i expect it to become canon
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