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“We’ll see, huh? I got a pretty new toy I wanna test out on ‘im.”
“….” squints “he can hold it until you get bored enough”
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“Till he’s gotta use the bathroom.”
“I’ve hid olba anyway you won’t find him’
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“Well, he dead then..”
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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“I’m a sadist, you know.”
“you’re a filthy liar!” Huffs “you’re a masochist!!!”
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“Nope.” Ah, the bliss of selective memory and hearing.
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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“I’m just gonna talk to ‘im...”
“don’t use me to hurt someone I actually like!!!”
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“I could threaten to kill everyone he loves--”
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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Already has his Valefor equip, huntin down @amolahmor-ghameq
“Deceivingly fluffy~!”
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“I don’t do creative, I do effective, which one d’ya want?”
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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“Blow up half the country.”
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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“Can’t I just blow up the country like I do in Reim?”
You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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You know, I've changed my mind. Your idea to get rid of Olba is a good one.
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“Obviously. I am offended you thought otherwise.”
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“It sounds like fun.” Sinbad replies, obviously amused, and clapped his hands together as if it were some sort of game. How much of the palace could he ruin before this said force came to stop him? He was already the destroyer of Reim several times over.
“Weakness, Me? Maybe so.” The teen ponders, raising his blade toward the palace. It crackled loudly, his weapon equip activating. Was this stranger bluffing? He would find out.
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“As long as you keep threatening him that’s a task easier said then done. If you try and harm the palace you’ll have a enemy worse then me to face.” He said wonder why he picked out a laboratory. It took him a minute to realize what he was getting at, his hand tightened on his sword as he grit his teeth a little to stay calm. “Meaning even you have a weakness child. I don’t care, do what you will to that women’s lab.” better to pretend he didn’t care.
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fallenpunchblade replied to your post:Fuck, he can’t remember if Yamu’s lab has actual...
hello yes he heard something about explosions?
gotta blow stuff up yo
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“You think I can forget the burn of Fire?” He coos, building a wall of ice between them and squinting at the heat that burnt his skin as the steam rose and pushed passed him. But Valefor wasn’t simply a Djinn of ice. He was one of many tricks.
“How it warms my heart..” Stagnation, an ability of Valefor’s. Sinbad used it playfully,  slowing Olba’s perception of time and his movements as well. Hands reached to the other’s cheeks then, lips planting a mocking kiss on his forehead before fleeing to the left.
“You can’t beat me yet. But I think I’ll keep you alive. It’s more fun to make you suffer.”
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“You forgot that I’m also a part of Amon’s household…”  He muttered, prepared to fight for his life since it was being demanded of him.  But two Djinn now?  Just what he always wanted…
“You’re not some God, those power’s aren’t even yours to begin with!”  He growled, “And everyone can change, even a killer can live to protect people if you give him a second chance.
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“Amol Ahmor-Ghameq!”  Olba released his household vessel, a winged dragon of flame bent on melting that ice and finishing this.
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Fuck, he can’t remember if Yamu’s lab has actual chemicals in it or not. Probably...it would explode hardcore...right? Maybe.,.
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“You’re stubborn. Maybe I should leave you alone. It would hurt more that way. Should I turn the palace into ash? Or maybe just her laboratory..” He’s been around long enough. Olba wasn’t the only prey he’d been stalking. “Everyone’s got a weakness. And if ya pay attention, it’s super easy t’find.”
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“I’m not old.” he spoke, a slight growl and warning in his tone. “I don’t plan to die for a long time, even more when a immature child like you threatens someone who I’m protecting. Turn your back to me to threaten him again and I have no trouble using it for a target.” No matter what he said Sharrken wasn’t going to let him get under his skin without one hell of a fight to get there if at all so what he was planning with these insults were beyond him.
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