destiniesfm · 8 months
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{davika hoorne, 28, cis woman, she/her} We are so glad to see you safe, [PRINCESS] [BIANCA ORTIZ] of [SPAIN]! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are [GENTLE] and [KIND] enough to handle it. Just don’t let your [PLIANT NATURE] bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out [YOU JUST RECENTLY RECOVERED FROM A NEAR-FATAL ILLNESS].
bianca is quite different from the typical spaniard, as she is extremely gentle and pure of mind and heart.
she took her lessons from her very proper governess very seriously thus she grew up to be quite the perfect and very sweet little lady. her manners and soft mannerisms were immaculate, her embroidery was always a marvel to witness and her conversations were always filled with optimism and good humour.
she had also begged her governness and mother to allow her to learn how to cook eventhough a proper princess was not one to do hard, dirty work in the kitchens but in the end, her endless pleading and merit as one of the most filial child won out, hence allowing her to indulge in a small hobby of making delicious meals.
her pliantness and naivety ( always wanting to trust the good in people first ) could be her downfall . despite it all, she always strives to be optimistic and kind and can be quite self-sacrificing for duty and in order to make others happy.
her health had not been so good as of late as she suffered from a serious illness a few months ago and it was severe enough to make it an almost-near-death experience but thankfully, by some miracle she survived. her mother and ladies-in-waiting covered up the severity of it from most of her other family members so as to not cause panic and distress.
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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{angelababy, 40, demi woman, she/they} We are so glad to see you safe, [SULTANA] [WEN XIANG ABDUL NEE QING] of [TURKEY]! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are [STUDIOUS] and [WISE] enough to handle it. Just don’t let your [OVERLY-SERIOUS NATURE] bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out [YOU ARE PREGNANT].
Wen Xiang:
wen xiang has always been a scholar first and foremost. she has the greatest and never-ending thirst for knowledge so you'll always find her busy researching and studying almost every subject and topic she can get her hands on 24/7.
she also likes to help improve lives through forward-thinking strategies and innovative inventions so that's the extent of where her political interests lie. she has been one of the biggest brains behind some great technological advancements for china and turkey so far.
they don't want to be chosen as heir nor rule but unfortunately they do have some ruling duties they have to do as the ruling consort of turkey. one of which is socializing which they do a decent job of it but the bare minimum. thus, they prefers solitude or just the company of a few of their closest people
they're also highly intelligent and observant. highkey loves to quietly analyze people and situations.
she had a bit of fertility issues and a couple of early miscarriages throughout her marriage to the sultan ( a wc on the main ), thus it came as great surprise to her to suddenly be with a child at this current age she is at. not wanting to raise the hopes of anyone including herself as well as to not worry her husband, she has thus kept the pregnancy a secret.
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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{adjoa andoh, 59, cis woman, she/her} We are so glad to see you safe, [THE ROYAL ADVISOR] [CLEOTHA SOLOMAN] of [ETHIOPIA]! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are [INGENIOUS] and [CREATIVE] enough to handle it. Just don’t let your [SHARP-TONGUED NATURE] bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out [ YOU MURDERED YOUR BEST FRIEND'S HUSBAND ].
She's a very far-sighted advisor and can see the benefits of maintaining amicable diplomatic relations with powerful empires such as the mughal one but she is also a very blunt person XD
Her personality is greatly inspired by lady danbury in the bridgerton novels, a bit of catherine de'medici and a lot of olenna tyrell from GOT.
She's very sharp-tongued, blunt with dry humour, absolutely unafraid to speak her mind though she knows how to sometimes employ tact on very delicate matters, very shrewd, cunning and always ingenious in her ideas and solutions to problems. Can be a dangerous woman to cross as she has a lot of resources and connections at her disposal and she can be vicious to those who have wronged her loved ones. ( cue the time she unalived her bestie's husband bcos he was abusing her ).
She also has a love for fashion and is iconic for creating her own trendsetting outfits.
She is also the aunt to the current king of ethiopia as she was his father's younger sister and thus currently still retains the title of princess and the honorific of "your highness".
However some who has known her when she was married to a duke in England and is now dowager duchess ( her son is the current duke and a wc! ) may refer to her as "your grace".
She very dearly loves all of her family members and is a very present figure in their lives though she does hand out tough love sometimes, especially more so now that they are all adults who should be wiser figures XD
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"Perhaps. However, it is a redundant move, for whoever one of us could easily forgive this terrible slight in the memoriam event of such a tragedy?" she shook her head in displeasure. "I do wonder which of them were the brains behind this grand ball. Do you have any guesses, Miss Karimi?" Cleotha posed the question whilst subtly studying the apothecarist.
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"  hmm  …  "  isra  hums  ,  raising  her  glass  toward  her  face  ;  not  to  drink  ,  but  to  look  .  keen  hazel  eyes  thoroughly  inspect  the  glass'  contents  ,  the  ballroom  and  crowds  momentarily  fading  away  .  then  ,  just  like  that  ,  she  returns  to  the  present  .  "  i  do  believe  they've  put  lavender  honey  in  this  lemonade  .  an  interesting  choice  .  "  she  concludes  with  a  thoughtful  dip  of  her  head  ,  shifting  her  attention  to  @destiniesfm  .  "  do  you  think  the  sharmas  are  trying  to  calm  us  down  ?  because  they  knew    some  might  be  upset  by  this  …  turn  of  events  ?  "  she  asks  idly  , drawing in a long sip of the beverage .  she  doesn't  mean  to  prod  the advisor with  her  questions  ,  necessarily  ,  but  rather  ignite  conversation  .
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"Compared to the more pleasurable and hedonistic activities that were invitingly on display, I can assure you that neither one of our absences would be noticed tonight," Cleotha said dryly. "Ah, did they settle in well?" she asked with genuine concern, for when it came to family, Cleotha always held them the highest in her heart.
closed starter ›› @destiniesfm
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        malaika  had  stepped  away  to  check  on her children, finding all three of them sleeping peacefully in their rooms while plenty of guards stood outside the soloman apartments. she wished she could've stayed longer, a party the last place she wanted to be, but she must be a queen tonight. steps slowed when she spotted someone else in the hallway. a smile only appeared when the torchlight illuminated a familiar face.  ❝ was my absence noticed? ❞   while not impossible, it would surprise her if true - unless it was her family who'd noticed it.  ❝ i went to check that the children were well. ❞
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destiniesfm · 8 months
"I accept your condolences but I doubt the depth of your sincerity by this ostentatious party thrown by you and your family, your majesty,' Cleotha replied bluntly. "Never once in my life have I attended such a frolicsome memorial before. Strange way for one to pay respect to a tragedy, wouldn't you say? "she remarked, her sarcasm evident as she surveyed around the boisterous room. Frankly, Cleotha found it all extremely distasteful and wondered which among the Sharmas was the ignorant fool who had founded the idea of this event.
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Closed starter: Eesha Sharma and Cleotha Soloman (@destiniesfm)
Location: The edge of the Diamond Ballroom
Eesha could sense the mixed emotions of many of the families in attendance; among those who had lost, some of the Germans seemed to be enjoying themselves, but the Ethiopian faction held themselves aloof from the celebration. Eesha, though she was not known for sympathy, understood their anger; they had lost their mother, their matriarch, not of natural causes but because she was taken from them by a cruel force. They had every reason to feel aggrieved by the party thrown on the back of their pain, but that could make them dangerous enemies if the relationship was not smoothed out. If Eesha could do any smoothing, she would go to the aunt of the king first. "Lady Cleotha Soloman...it has been a long time since you have graced our court. I am sorry that the situations surrounding our meeting are so very tragic. I was very sorry to hear about the king's mother. You are all very strong to come and we appreciate you making the journey."
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"It was a little bit fun, but oh, Teresa, I felt so guilty to derive any pleasure at all from the activities that took place! It was supposed to be a grand memoriam but there we all were dancing and having so much gaiety and indulgences as though it were a normal ball of celebrations," worried the tender-hearted princess, a troubled expression clouding her fair face. "Isn't it quite sinful?" she asked worriedly.
"I met the royal advisor of Japan and the prince of Scotland. Both seemed to be extremely nice people," she smiled widely in memory. "I also crossed paths with Stefan," and on him, her note turned somber.
Closed starter: Teresa Ortiz and Bianca Ortiz (@destiniesfm)
Location: Spanish quarters, end of the ball
Teresa knocked on her sister-in-law's door and peeked her head into the room with a warm smile. "I wanted to check in after the ball and see how it went for you Bianca. Everyone else is still out and I don't want to go to bed until everyone is back, but if I go to my room now, I know that I am going to fall alseep; perils of aging, you know," she chuckled at herself, stepping into the room and pulling a chair up to sit next to Bianca, handing her a mug of warm, soothing tea. "Did you have fun tonight dear? I know it was odd to have so much dancing at a memorial, but I do hope you had fun." She stopped for a moment and tilted her head, wondering if she should bring up Stefan, but she did not know how Bianca felt about her intended. Instead she asked, "Did you meet anyone fun or special?"
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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Bianca bit down an amused chuckle and replied gently," I was merely asking you about the kind of silk you had used for this lovely dress that you are wearing. Are you feeling a bit under the weather or am I stressing you out by too much talking?" Bianca asked in great concern.
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the  awareness  that  she's  being  a  poor  listener  swirls  around  in  the  back  of  her  mind  ,  yet  other  concerns  —  the almost stifling heat , the  idle  chatter  around  them  , among others —  are  that  much  louder  ,  preventing  suzume  from  simply  snapping  out  of  her  state  .  she  can't  be  sure  how  long  she's  simply  nodded  along  ,  adding  an  '  ah  '  here  and  there  .  as  she  finally  reemerges  from  her  thoughts  ,  and  an  unmistakable  look  of  expectation  from  @destiniesfm  greets  her  ,  she  suspects  it’s  been  a  while  . "  …  hmm  ?  "  the lady  blinks in rapid succession . she stands  up  straighter  ,  raising  her  glass  to  her  lips  to  conceal  the  sheepishness  that  blossoms  across  her  features  .  "  my  apologies  .  what  did  you  say  ?  "
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"Were you--were you actually hiding from me?" Bianca queried in astonishment. "Why?" 'Was she that unappealing,' she wondered. He certainly wasn't smiling nor charming her like he did the last time they met some years ago. One that had made her girlish heart flutter a little bit.
Or maybe he had changed due to his immense grief over the loss of his father? Her heart softened at the thought of the incomprehensible pain he must be feeling over the loss of a parent in such an untimely and mysterious manner. "My deepest condolences by the way, for your great loss," she said with great feeling and a sympathetic expression.
closed starter ›› @destiniesfm
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        it'd  only  been  a  matter  of  time. all night he'd done his best to remain busy, jumping from one conversation to the next, dancing with a handful of people and as a last resort, concealing himself amongst the crowd. a prince playing pretend, living happily under the belief that no betrothal existed if the princess wasn't around to declare it so. sadly, the bliss must set like the sun. his normally charming smile faded. stefan was far too polished to scowl, appearances far too cherished, but it was with a neutral expression that he looked toward the spanish princess.  ❝ so you finally found me. ❞
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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Bianca loved dancing and in fact she was extremely skilled at it. However a major part of her felt troubled by the grand-scale of hedonism and gaiety that was happening in what was supposed to be a grand memoriam for the unfortunately deceased. It was almost like everyone was literally dancing on their graves and that left a sour taste in the mouth of the soft-hearted princess. "It's lovely to make your acquaintance Prince Calan," she smiled with one of her natural sweet, wide and genuine smiles. "My name is Bianca and I'm a princess of Spain. However, I'm afraid I must decline you on that dance as I just feel it isn't that proper at this time," she gave a small apologetic smile.
Closed starter: Calan Stuart and Bianca Ortiz @destiniesfm
Location: Ballroom
Though Calan was an outdoorsman by nature, loving hunting, archery, and riding above most things, he also enjoyed the athleticism that came with dancing. There was a beauty that came when two people joined together and allowed the music to move them. He especially loved the quick dances, the ones with leaps and quick steps. He moved from partner to partner in a flurry of greetings and movement. When he came to a young woman who looked a little younger than he was. She sat in a chair at the edge of the dancing and watched the movements with interest. His father had wanted him to make some politically minded friendships; how better than by dancing? He bowed deeply, extending a hand to her. "I do not know if this dance has been claimed for you yet. but I was wondering if you would fancy a dance..." He then stood up and laughed at himself. "Though I should probably introduce myself first. I am Calan, Prince of Scotland. You are?" he asked with a winning smile.
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destiniesfm · 8 months
"Gracias, hermana," Bianca uttered gratefully as her sister rescued her from that terrible man. "It isn't their eyes that are the problem, more so their hands and words," she muttered lowly, though unfortunately not low enough that her eldest sister still managed to catch her words.
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@destiniesfm ( maria & bianca )
"Are we having trouble hearing, cabrón?" Maria interceded on what seemed like an unpleasant conversation between her sister and a young suitor. Her eyes may well have been made of maroon pearls were they not the color of midnight already, "La Alteza Real," Her Royal Highness, "said no. Now off with you before you are forced to accept a dance with me instead." Taking Bianca by the arm, she escorted her to a much more crowded part of the ballroom, as to somehow disappear in the dust. "I leave you for five minutes and they can't keep their eyes off of you... Díos Mio, this will be a long trip."
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destiniesfm · 8 months
'Oh great, not another person I have to make small talk to, ' Wen Xiang groaned inwardly to herself as she is greeted by yet another royal or noble-born. Ever the bookish-introvert, Wen Xiang though, having experience of mingling and dealing with a large variety of people in the Turkish court due to her duties as the ruling Sultana, had eventually found herself too overwhelmed by the sea of people that was this gathering. Especially with how decadent a lot of them were behaving at a function that was supposed to be a somber memoriam.
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She had almost deigned to turn back when she saw that the balcony was occupied but now having been heard, she was forced to entertain the other a little, as proprietary dictated. With a small sigh, she then forced on a practiced smile and answered," Both. I am actually quite a lover of the night sky and it gets a little dizzying after awhile with the hijinks that are happening inside.
Evelyn stepped out of the ball room for a moment, wanting to catch some fresh air. It was good into the evening now, plenty of beverages had been consumed by now and that much was obvious by how some of the guests were already acting. Some were drinking due to the festivities, others were drinking because they wanted to forget the pain of losing a loved one. So Evelyn took a break, stepping out into one of the balconies and enjoying the breeze that the night had to offer. There was a glass of the wine in her hand, that she would occasionally sip from. Lost in thought, she was pulled back to reality when she heard footsteps approach. “Coming out to take a break as well? Or just to enjoy the evening breeze?” She asked without looking to see who it was. 
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"I think I should be the one asking you that question, brother," Wen Xiang remarks back towards her brother-in-law with a small amused smile. "How are you feeling exactly and just how much had you had to drink?" she asked with a slightly worried expression. She still never understood how one could easily succumb to societal or peer pressure to drink and thus the ruling Sultana had only had one drink for the whole evening, her mind as clear as a crisp summer's day.
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( open starter - 0/2 ) late night, his body is rigid in high concentration as he makes his way through the halls of the palace towards his chambers. although the sultan had been weary of the party at first, politeness had brought him to a state where he could no longer feel his elbows and while he'd never been sailing to know for sure, it felt as if every step he took was akin to being on a small wooden boat in the middle of the vast, angered ocean. he believes he's alone and quiet, but decorated in dark jewels and heavy on his feet, most would attest his similarities to an elephant. flighty by nature, the sound of a door opening startles him in his drunken stupor, one foot slipping from underneath him on the stairs and a curse falling from his lips. catching himself with surprisingly quick reflexes against the bannister for his state of being, he leans against it, his dark eyes settling on the person who had appeared behind him. "good evening." rostam greets. "are you...well?"
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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"I'd give it about a couple more hours, brother." For he was truly her brother whether she liked it or not. And so far, she was ambivalent about him, but she knew for sure that she did not fully trust him. He was too charming and people of those kinds were usually as slippery as an eel. "A bit more to drink and the ones that are either sore losers or those who feel enraged with these display of tactless hedonism are bound to erupt soon."
"It's been quite a while yes," she answered nonchalantly at first. "Though with the way you speak, I had no idea you would miss me that much," she jested wryly with a slightly crooked smile, a corner of one of her eyebrows quirking. "A little challenging but nothing I can't handle," she shrugged. He wasn't someone she would confide in about the exact details of how she actually preferred her scholarly pursuits over ruling an empire. Though if he had been sharp enough to notice her main interests and behavior back when they were living together, it shouldn't be much for him to deduce. "What about you?" she swiftly turned the focus onto him. How have you been faring and what have you been up to lately?" she smiled politely, though a part of her was indeed curious as to what schemes the charming fox that was Angelo had been engaging in.
@destiniesfm | Wen Xiang and Angelo, At the Nine Ball Games in the Main Gardens
"How long you reckon before they stop throwing balls and the pins and aim for each other?" It's as good a conversation starter as any between the two eldest children of the Qing-Tolentino Empire. In the absence of any shared interests (frankly, reading is a bore and so is his step-sister), gossip and speculation make a fine substitution. Besides, getting her on-side is more than a local strategy. Her seat in Turkey is a formidable one at that, and Angelo offers a ginger smile and a kiss on her cheek. "Sister. It's been too long." What with her residence in Turkey and Angelo's endless travels on his country's maiden voyage. "How is life as a Sultana?"
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destiniesfm · 8 months
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do they weight their options when making a decision, or do they impulsively make a choice?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they meditate? Would they be considered "in tune" with themselves, or do they struggle with personal growth?
[THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like?
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
[THE CHARIOT] - Are they confident? If so, what makes them the most confident in themselves/their abilities?
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
[THE HERMIT] - What does their inner voice sound like? Is it self-reflecting and introspective, or domineering and judgmental?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Do they believe in destiny/fate? If so, what do they believe their "purpose" is in this life?
[JUSTICE] - Are they a mediator, or do they prefer to step away from potential conflict?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Would they sacrifice themselves, literally or metaphorically, for those close to them? If so, what kind(s) of sacrifice would they make?
[DEATH] - What is their view on the cycle of life? Do they believe in reincarnation?
[TEMPERANCE] - Are they a patient person, or do they tend to act on impulse?
[THE DEVIL] - Which of the capital vices is your muse tempted by? (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth)
[THE TOWER] - Are they a destructive individual (be it literally or metaphorically)? If so, how?
[THE STAR] - What is their health like? Do they consider themselves healthy, or do they feel like they could make improvements to better their health?
[THE MOON] - If they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? Is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
[JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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dependent multimuse blog for theopulenthq inked by garnet.
Feat :
The royal advisor Cleotha Soloman of Ethiopia ( aunt of the ruler, princess of the royal family, dowager duchess ) { threads . hcs . visages } Princess Bianca Ortiz of Spain { threads . hcs . visages } Ruling Sultana Wen Xiang Abdul nee Qing of Turkey { threads . hcs . visages }
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destiniesfm · 8 months
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Bridgerton, 2020
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