destinysengineer · 6 years
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((So I’m half-reviving @destinysengineer and @ptisi for the sole purpose of being used with @smashisland, as they don’t want me to use my multi-muse blog for the group. Group RPs will be done with these two blogs. Everybody else can find me at @breadbasketofmuses if you would like to RP with Shulk, Robin, or a slew of other characters.))
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destinysengineer · 7 years
((Moving birb back to here so I can have more muses to work with.))
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destinysengineer · 7 years
that teeny little shulk ended my life i love him so much. this is a blessing. Thank You
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Thank you!! Here’s another one!
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destinysengineer · 7 years
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((Today marks 2 years since this blog was made. However, this blog’s actual “birthday” is in February because that’s when my first iteration of this blog was made.))
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destinysengineer · 7 years
Was stepping out on the bionis' leg terrifying? Or was the more terrifying part wandering around on it?
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►\\\ “I’d say the most terrifying part was looking up at the Mechonis in full, unhindered view from the Bionis’ Kneecap. The actual walking around on the Bionis’ Leg isn’t so bad as long as you manage to avoid Territorial Rotbart.”
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destinysengineer · 7 years
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new dawn
I’m so ready to start playing Xeno2 right now!
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destinysengineer · 7 years
-leaves a lot of various scrap metals for shulk... even though there's a caterpillar hiding in it for some reason-
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►\\\ “…Oh! Look at all these parts! I can use this for the turbine that needs replacing, and this one for that experimental pistol I’m starting to work on and…” It was at this moment that the caterpillar wiggled out into the open and scared the living daylights out of the young engineer.
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“GYAAAAAHHHH!” He shrieked as he dropped the metal and it bounced off the ground with a loud ‘CLANG’. “W-why the bloody Bionis is there a caterpillar crawling around on that part?!” It’s now completely unusable until the innocent little bug decides to find another place to stay.
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destinysengineer · 7 years
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★☆ on the 4th december you get a rainbow sluuuggg! ★☆
>collectable in Xenoblade Chronicles btw<
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destinysengineer · 7 years
wildcardkinshi replied to your post: So how about that Xenoblade 2?
(I haven’t beaten yet. I’m doing Blade quests which I think one of them has expired meaning I cannot finish it)
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((I technically spoiled the ending for myself. Sequentially, I’m back in chapter 6, but I saw the ending and was like “whoaaaaa”.))
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destinysengineer · 7 years
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So how about that Xenoblade 2?
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destinysengineer · 7 years
(old meme in 3, 2, 1) so i take it you're really feeling it?
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►\\\ “...No, I’m really not. Dear Bionis, I thought this tomfoolery had ended months ago...”
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destinysengineer · 7 years
( Dunban: )
Dunban gave him a pat on the back (and, thankfully, with his clean hand). Certainly, the lad deserved as much. He was underestimating how useful his abilities were to their efforts. A mechanic, much like a medic or even a bug collector, had their own contributions to make.  Shulk was too humble to realize that fact on his own, and, thus deserved prompt acknowledgement for his talents.
“Don’t be so sure, Shulk.. Moments before, you wouldn’t have believed that my bug-collecting could’ve served any practical use.”
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“Who’s to say that this will be the only case of such a surprise?” He offered Shulk an encouraging sort of grin, his words sincere. “Through our travels, we may find ourselves with an excess of scrap metal or parts. Without you among us, such items would be utterly useless. Think about what your presence means to us now. We have someone who knows how to use debris!”
►\\\ Dunban had a point, and perhaps even more poignant of one than he had originally meant, seeing as a thought came to Shulk’s mind just then. He had been about to protest that the odds of coming across scrap metal and parts was pretty unlikely, when in actuality, it wasn’t. Especially if their group had any intention of going to Mechonis to stop the Mechon threat.
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“That’s very true...” He mused. “With how many Mechon we’re going to need to destroy in order to save Bionis, it’s possible that I might be able to fashion something out of their scrapped parts if and when we ever truly needed something in a pinch.” Granted, Shulk didn’t have most of his tools with him that he’d use for proper weapons manufacturing, but he’d probably still be able to manage something if they really needed it.
“I guess I really can serve a use to this team outside of my visions.” He chuckled. That in itself was important, granted, but it still felt nice to have some other reason to be an active member of the group.
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destinysengineer · 7 years
"Sorry Shulk, I forgot what Monado Purge does."
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►\\\ “If the enemy has an aura, it seals it for a short period of time so that they cannot use it. For example, Telethia have the ability Soul Read which gives them the ability to read a person’s mind and render their attacks useless, but Monado Purge puts a temporary stop to Soul Read.”
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destinysengineer · 7 years
Matthew gives Shulk a thumbs up.
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►\\\ “Erm, thanks? I haven’t even done anything...”
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destinysengineer · 7 years
Welcome back!! :3 *hugs both mun & Shulk! ^^*
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((Well, it’s not like I ever truly left, as I’ve been over on Robin this whole time. I just needed a reason to come back to this blog, really...))
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destinysengineer · 7 years
( Dunban: )
Dunban spare himself a chuckle at the boy’s prompt. In truth, he hadn’t given much thought to the repugnant smell of bug guts. He usually liked watching them scuttle about while alive. For some odd reason, the motions and rushing of the little critters fascinated him. Oh, well. So long as he gave his hands a thorough rinsing, few others would be aware of his clumsy mistake with crushing a bug. For now, he absentmindedly wiped them away on his right sleeve. His right arm was little more for show now, so it paid to use the sleeve for something. 
“I don’t think anyone cared to figure out how to remove those characteristics. So long as the bugs are useful, the consensus is to use them as they are.”
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“Sorry, Shulk. If you’re to use them, you put up with them, too.” He tried to keep from laughing now, for he should’ve known Shulk would ask such a thing. The poor boy didn’t like bugs much, huh? He only hoped that the party wouldn’t require them for elixir ingredients in the near future. “I think we should leave their usage to Sharla, though. She’s our medic, after all. You’re more of the techie type, aren’t you?”
►\\\ Shulk figured it was probably not worth the pain and agony to himself trying to deal with bugs and their medicinal usages himself. Like Dunban said, the blond was more of a techie type, so as long as he had companions that were well versed in other matters that helped them all survive, there was no reason not to delegate some of the responsibility that he didn’t exactly have an interest nor expertise in.
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“They don’t call me the ‘genius scientist of Colony 9′ for nothing...” Shulk laughed awkwardly after responding, a coat of blush starting to poke through his cheeks a bit. He didn’t exactly think of himself as a genius so much as somebody who applied himself to the craft he was learning until he got skilled enough with it as opposed to having natural talents. That and he was humble to a fault as it was.
“All the same, I suppose I’ll leave the bugs and other medicinal stuff to you guys then. I’d offer to help elsewhere, but I don’t think you particularly need an engineer around this camp all that much...” What good could he really provide anyway? Or was it just enough that he had his visions that would alert them to any danger before it caught them by surprise? That in itself was important enough, after all.
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destinysengineer · 7 years
( Dunban: )
Dunban was glad that the topic of Fiora was soundly dropped. He knew little good would come from repeatedly lamenting her fate. He considered the inquiry, somewhat surprised that it was sourced from Shulk. He’d expect someone like Reyn to show interest in bugs and crawly critters. Machines were more of the young man’s forte. Of course, he could easily scour the ground for another bug to demonstrate its utility, but he feared it would scare the other silly. Description would have to suffice.
“Don’t you mean the bug carcass I discarded?”
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“I may have allowed some of its innards to remain on my hands, but I threw the lot of it away.” He had clumsily crushed the bug on accident, and, thus, some of its guts clung to his fingers still. “I’m not sure myself, but I suspect a bug could be used in medicines or creams. Believe it or not, bugs do have nutrients.”
►\\\ Shulk couldn’t help but grimace a bit at the thought that Dunban’s hand still had a bunch of bug guts on it, but as long as the elder Homs wasn’t trying to smear the entrails on him, Shulk figured there was no point in getting worked up over it. If Dunban didn’t mind having bug guts on his hands, there was no use in complaining about it... That is, just as long as Dunban didn’t decide to cook dinner without giving his hands a good long rinse. Thankfully Sharla was usually in charge of cooking to begin with.
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“Bugs can be used in medicines and creams?” He repeated. “How curious... That’s not exactly what I was thinking they could be used for, but I suppose I just don’t know enough about bugs to really know what practical uses they can have.” Nor did he really want to delve into the art of using bug parts for stuff, but if he was out on the road saving Bionis, he figured he might as well hear a little on the matter.
“How does one stop the bug innards from being so... squishy? Or smelly? Or do they not do anything to mitigate those things?”
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