detamberkarev · 5 years
Mason was quick to motion the woman to follow him as he began walking towards the attendings’ lounge. He bit down on his bottom lip rather nervously as he rubbed his hands together. He hadn’t even realized how sweaty has palms were, all of a sudden. On the fourth finger of his left hand was the mark that had been left behind by his gold wedding band that he had worn for a whole decade, which had only come off a few months ago. But the imprint on his finger was still there, burned onto his skin like the memories of his failed marriage. Maria, his ex-wife had been a part of his life for fifteen whole years now. And Erica, his little girl whom he had left behind in Santa Monica, he missed her a lot even though they got to Facetime each other every night before bed. Perhaps breaking up their family was the worst thing to come out of the divorce, but at least he was not completely estranged from his daughter. Mason snapped out of his thoughts as she spoke up, chuckling softly at her question before shaking his head. “Oh no, I… I mean, I can see why you might think that, considering that I sound like a southern boy when I open my mouth.” He noted, laughing softly before he licked his chapped lips. “I was actually born and raised in Santa Monica, California. I’ve lived there all my life until I moved down to Seattle a few months ago.”
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Amber’s face began to shift to a slight red tint, and she hoped he didn’t notice. She felt like an idiot even more but tried to hide it the best that she could. She walked along side of him, looking down at the ground before speaking. “Oh wow. Is that near the beach? I always sorta wished I could move somewhere with a beach. Even if it were just a lake or something.” Amber’s hand came up to push some of her hair behind her ear, before she looked at him. “Did you like it there? I mean obviously you did if you lived there for so long...” Amber needed duct tape. Just a big piece right over her mouth so that she couldn’t embarrass herself anymore. How was it that she was so nervous to talk to him? She felt like a 14 year old girl again and it wasn’t really all too pleasant. She took a deep breath, trying to think of calm before she spoke again.
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detamberkarev · 5 years
All of a sudden, Mason felt as though he had been too forward with Amber. Having invited her to have a cup of coffee with him when he had just met her only few minutes ago, he hoped that he did not come off as some creep who does this with every woman he meets. Sure, he wasn’t that kind of man. Mason did not know what went over him that day. He had hung up on Charlotte, something he wouldn’t have even imagined doing in his sleep, and he had asked a stranger to coffee. This did not make any sense. “Um… yeah… uh right, I’ll get you a cup… of coffee… of course.” Why was he stammering?
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Amber stood there looking down at her shoes trying to think of something productive to say. Usually, she was pretty calm and collected. She’d stood in front of a jury, sworn in and was able to talk fine. But one cute guy and she clammed up. ‘Just talk to him. Ask him about his job. Anything.’ So she blurted out the first thing that came to her head. “So you’re from the south right?” After the words left her, she wanted to physically smack herself in the head. Flirting was not her thing, not like the boys. She was the awkward type that liked books and stayed in her room watching Star Wars during her senior prom. She didn’t talk to hot doctors, ever. “I’m just assuming...ya know since your mom is.” Yep, dig the hole a little deeper, Amber.
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detamberkarev · 5 years
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❛ HAYLEY ATWELL ┊ AMBER KAREV ┊the ┊THIRTY ┊year old ┊ FEMALE┊ has been seen around seattle. i heard they work at┊SEATTLE PD ┊. SHE ┊ is said to be ┊ +COURGAEOUS ┊ but also ┊ - EMOTIONAL ┊ around town. makes sense since they are also known as the ┊ OATHKEEPER ┊ in seattle
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Amber Karev was born Amber Evans to Helen Karev and Jimmy Evans, the youngest of three; Alexander, Aaron and Amber. Living wasn’t easy, in fact a lot of her life was her  being raised in a bar. Her father was a drunken, drug addicted mess and her mother was schizophrenic.
She was mostly taken care of by her eldest brother, Alex. He was the one taking her to doctors appointments and even dutch braided her hair for school in the morning.
When she was 5, she, Aaron (9 at the time) and Alex (12) they were all placed in foster homes. Although even then, Alex would make sure he could see his siblings.
In high school, Amber took as many AP classes as she could. She knew what she wanted to do at 12 years old, be a cop. So she did. She got a full ride scholarship and joined the police academy at 18 years old. At 21 years old, she was sworn in and became an officer.
For a while, it was mostly paperwork, but once she got out on the field, she never wanted to come back. This is what she lived for.
But Amber made the mistake of falling for her partner and when things ended badly, she left and instead moved to Seattle, hoping to reconnect with her brother.
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detamberkarev · 10 years
American Idiot OBC || Letterbomb
You’re not the Jesus of Suburbia The St. Jimmy is a figment of Your father’s rage and your mother’s love
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detamberkarev · 10 years
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cersei lannister + powerful/feminist moments
requested by stannisinquisition
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detamberkarev · 10 years
I’ll Be There For You ; The Rembrandts
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detamberkarev · 10 years
The Hanging Tree by Jennifer Lawrence
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detamberkarev · 10 years
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Woman? Is that meant to insult me? (inspired by)
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detamberkarev · 10 years
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We don’t know who we are until we’re connected to someone else. We’re just better human beings when we’re with the person we’re supposed to be with. I belong here.
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detamberkarev · 10 years
asoiaf/got meme » whatever you want [2/10] » cersei lannister + wine
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detamberkarev · 10 years
I love you when you’re singing that song,
and I got a lump in my throat because
you’re gonna sing the words wrong.
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detamberkarev · 10 years
Coldplay - Warning Sign
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detamberkarev · 10 years
Don’t - Ed Sheeran.
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detamberkarev · 10 years
Beyonce - Irreplaceable
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detamberkarev · 10 years
Obsessed - Mariah Carey
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