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“You sound like my sixteen year old right now,” Nora joked with a small smile laced with a chuckle. “Not that she has any authority to arrest me, just feeling like I’m constantly attacking her. I meant no harm, I promise.”
“I would be offended if I didn’t choose to believe that you compared me to your kid because of my youthful glow.” She teased, flipping her hair over one shoulder dramatically. Daisy would be so embarrassed of her right now. “Kids are a handful aren’t they? My niece is getting to that age where she wants nothing to do with me. It’s kind of breaking my heart, I thought I had at least 3 more years of unconditional love before she fell into the angsty teen phase.”
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“Oh, I know you do.” He’d known her long enough to know that. Though, even within a week or so of meeting her, he’d figured that out. “Double team and sisters in the same sentence just… isn’t at all what I want to hear.” Ryder smiled as he worked on tying the tie. Glancing up to her, he held out arms. “Crooked? Look good? Hey, you could be my date and we can drink tequila in the corner, sulking.”
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The realization of the way she structured that sentence did not hit her until Ryder had mentioned it. She scrunched up her nose, though still she smiled. “I feel like saying inappropriate things should be apart of my resume. It is definitely a special skill that I alone seem to have.” She explained, though there really was no explanation for her run away tongue. Things just came out all mixed up. It was a sickness really, though it made for amusing stories. She took a pause, glancing at him and his polished pulled together look, before she stalked over to him. Her fingers already straightening the tie before she could laugh at his proposition. “I own like one dress Ryder and I’m pretty sure the last time I wore it was to my High School Graduation.” She chuckled as she smoothed down the tie. “though the offer of tequila does make me consider putting it on. Daisy is at a sleep over and I’m dying for some adult time that is not discussing Murder weapons and motive.” She sighed, almost wistfully.
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moodboard | Lena Jiaying Croft
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“Hilarious,” Veronica playfully rolled her eyes, looking up from the file on her desk to set her gaze on Lena. “I thought I was the only one who stayed here this late.” Pathetically enough, the blonde preferred working after everyone had already cleared out for the evening, insisting that it helped her focus. “Late shift or just bored?”
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Lena’s eyes darted from the tablet in her hands to her coworker just in time to see the girl roll her eyes. Pride welled up inside her, getting a sarcastic eye roll was pretty much the only thing she ever tried for when she told her bad jokes. “I don’t normally stay this late because, Daisy.” She offered, her fingers still typing away at the screen in her hands. “but she’s spending the night at a friend house so I offered to lend my expertise to the cuber crimes division. It is a mess down there I swear they are seriously lacking a woman's touch.” She complained with a shake of her head.She would have stayed down in the basement in that space if all the male eyes, and fucking smell hadn’t been so bad. “What about you? Working on anything fun?”
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“I’m pretty sure that’s an abuse of power there, detective.” Kaia replied, raising a brow at the other brunette even as she laughed softly. “You aren’t the only one I know at the station, i’ll tattle.”
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“Tattle?” Lena glanced up at Kaia, astonishment in her tone. “What are you ten?” She teased in good humor, the smile that had been tugging at her lips a moment ago was now a full blow smile. “Now that can’t be, because the ten year old I have at home wouldn’t tattle. She curse up a storm because she takes after me far too much, but she wouldn’t tattle.”
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“Ally.” He responded. The middle child, the Barbie. Anyone who knew his family, knew at least that sister. And that was sort of enough said. Ryder caught the tie and began to put it on with a sigh. He should have been at work. Not even be on-call was strange to him. “She begged me to go to this work event. I usually can’t make it to anything. And please, I’d love nothing more but this time around, it’s not a clingy date. It’s unfortunately, my sister. Can’t let her down.”
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Lena worried on her bottom lip. It wasn’t exactly what she had been asking, but hearing Ally’s name come out of his mouth answered the question on why he seemed to be worrying himself about being dressed correctly. Not that Ryder wasn’t a snappy dresser, he just never really had to try. “I get it.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “My offer still stands though. If it gets to be too much, just text me and I’ll call you with some sort of medical emergency. Always have a back up plan.” She explained tapping her temple, her face stoic and a little bit cold. “Other wise you might get stuck at an event while your sisters double team you and try to set you up with some Surgeon chaser.”
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Lena couldn’t believe she had agreed to this as she sat down across from the boy. Though truth was it kind of boggled her mind that the captain would have asked her to do this after fuck had slipped from her lips during an interview on live t.v. “So how does this work?” She asked, her finger twitching as she tapped a beat on the table in front of her. “Also can I preemptively say any swear that comes out of my mouth is off the record?” She was going to be better this time, but she still couldn’t be 100% certain she wouldn’t fuck up and say something inappropriate...
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❝the question isn’t “who is going to let me,” the question is “who is going to stop me?❞
lena jiaying croft –
resident | crossroads | detective | twenty-seven | female (she/her)
trigger warning: death
There was a curse on the Croft Family, or at least that was the story Lena had grown up listening to. Long lives full of happiness and personal contentment were not meant for this family who had, eons ago, pissed off Yu. No one in her family could rightly choose what the ancestor had done, and each time the story was told it was something different. Lena never put much faith into it. It was a fairy tale, meant to scare her and her sister into behaving. Mostly believing if they did they could outrun the curse. But Lena never believed, even when her parents died in a freak accident when she was only 10.
While their deaths were hard on Lena, her sister was inconsolable. She acted out, became fearful of just about anything. It was more then the people who took them in could handle, so Lena perfected her chiseled personality. Making sure she never gave her foster parents a reason to decided that she and her sister just weren’t worth the effort they had to put in. She got good grades, was a part of the student counsel and when high school rolled around she played several sport. Putting on the appearance of the perfect child while her sister rebelled. It was the least she could do. Things really became strained when her older sister came home with the news she was pregnant and refused to tell anyone who the father was. Lena had her suspicions, but all her sister had to do was give her that pleading look and she knew she would never tell anyone even when she was 100% certain she was right on who the baby Daddy was. Reagan was promptly kicked out and while Lena missed her sister she couldn’t help but feel like she could breath for the first time since their parents died once she was gone. she wasn’t tiptoeing around Reagan’s feelings, or guilty looks. Lena was able to truly show her appreciation to the people who took them in without feeling like Reagan was going to accuse her of disgracing her parents memory.
She still tried her hardest, with her sister out of the house. Even graduating salutatorian in her class of 600. It was something she was super proud of even if her sister refused to come and be in the same space as the people who had kicked who out. Still the summer before Lena went off to college she spent it in Athens with her older sister and adorable little niece whom she instantly fell in love with.
In the Fall, Lena bid goodbye to both of them as she embarked her trip to M.I.T. She had loved S.T.E.M. and technology all though high school and was amazed when this prestigious school actually wanted her. It was tough though. Any extra brain power she had after classes was spent talking to or thinking about her sister and niece. She hadn’t cut things off with the family that raised her but they never reached out, never called her back, and soon Lena stopped trying. It almost felt like they abandoned her but it was hard to feel sad at that when she remembered they were never really her family to begin with.
She was halfway through her Second year at M.I.T when she got the call and it shattered her world. Her sister had died, a mugging gone wrong, and she left Daisy in Lena’s care. The news was overwhelming and the school gave her time off to figure out what to do. Lena just never went back. She moved to Bellevue because that’s where Daisy’s life was and she got a job working as a beat cop for a while. The rage of her sisters death fueling her for a while until Lena actually started to like what she did. She provided for Daisy’s future and made sure the girl never forgot who her mother was, even though it was trying at times. It wasn’t long until Lena’s wasn’t just happy walking the beat. she wanted more. She took the detective’s test as soon as she was allowed and killed it. She’s been working as a detective pretty happily since then.
Lena has lived in Bellevue for quite a few years now, but still she doesn’t really feel like she belongs here. Most of the social interaction she has is with criminals or other people who work in the police department. Of course Lena probably isn’t the easiest person to make friends with. She’s only 27 and she’s been raising her Niece all by herself since she was barely 20, but that little girl is her whole life. On days where Lena does feel like maybe she missed out on the crazy 20’s most girls seem to have she just looks at Daisy, smiling as she hums a little tune, and it all just fades away.
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“Hey, uh…” Ryder looked down at the two ties, scanning eyes over them once more. “One of my sisters wants me to go to this thing this weekend. Point being – red or burgundy? Apparently there’s a difference.”
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Lena pushed herself off of the door frame she had been leaning against when Ryder asked her opinion. A horrible decision really. Still she grabbed the material out of his hands, holding them both up to his face, one at a time. “Hmm, Burgundy.” She answered, throwing the darker colored one back at him. “Or you know, what ever color that is. I really don’t know the difference. So what is this thing, and do you need me to call you half way through to get you out of it?” She tilted her head slightly to the side as she tease him. It might have been a joke, but she would do it for him if he asked.
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“...I get your point.” She explained to the other, a slight smile tugging at her lips. “But talk to me like that again and I’ll arrest you. You know because I’m feeling so attacked right now...” It was a horrible joke, but Lena just couldn’t help herself.
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“Your plans for tonight have to be better than mine, ‘cause seriously, all I have on the cards is Chinese food and the Cornetto Trilogy…”
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“Hmmm.” Lena muttered as she took a sip from the coffee cup in her hands. “I think I would rather watch the Cornetto Trilogy, whatever that is, instead of Moana for the 17th time this week. though I really shouldn’t complain, at least it’s not Frozen.” She said with a grimace remembering her niece's Frozen period. Lena had fucking hated that movie.
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“Well, whaddaya know,” James said with a satisfied smile as he looked at his phone. He paused for a moment before continuing, “Pottermore has confirmed that I’m a certified Ravenclaw.” He acted like he was going to mic drop his phone but didn’t go through with it (of course), exclaiming “Boom” as he did so.
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Lena hadn’t really been listening, which was the story of her life. Unless it was Daisy or work related, Lena had a tendency to just drown it out. “I’m sorry, a Ravenclaw?” She inquired, repeating one of the last things he said back to him. It was a tip she had learned from the people who raised her. An easy way to make people think you were actually listening. It had a success rate of at least 70%. “I feel like I’m missing something, what is a Ravenclaw?”
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