detectivist · 3 months
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SUCCESSION — 3.9: All the Bells Say 
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detectivist · 3 months
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gone girl (2014) / david fincher
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detectivist · 3 months
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detectivist · 3 months
"Doherty." Oona replied. "Detective Doherty."
The good manners and elegance oozing from the man before her were an unfamiliar sight: Oona had grown up surrounded by people who carried themselves in such a different manner, strength needed to be asserted loudly, proudly and often lest someone take it from you. Rigel Thorne's stillness felt effortlessly regal.
But, despite what a percentage of the population of her country might say, there were no kings in the asphalt jungle; only breakfast and dinner.
Oona fluttered her lashes, feigning surprise at the numerous options available. "Oh, I was thinking a three piece suit." The woman reached into her bag, opened a small folder and presented Rigel with a piece of paper. "Something like this?"
There were still fold marks upon the printed out picture; a blazer, a vest and a pair of pants were carefully laid out and numbered on what looked like a slab. Though the pants were impeccable, the other two items carried terribly large and dark stains.
"We could not ask the owner who his tailor was. Murdered, I'm afraid. No identification, no prints, no record; this person just does not exist." Oona explained, leaving the picture to lay atop Rigel's desk. There was no body, but it wasn't difficult to imagine what the stains tainting that beautiful suit were.
"Thought a man of your expertise could offer a new perspective on this whole thing. I mean you've been a tailor for...how long?"
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Rigel couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there seemed to be something a little off about this woman. He never wanted to judge or presume and a client was a client at the end of the day, but something within him told him to be very careful. He watched as she observed the half-finished dresses and coats adorning the mannequins, some of which was his own fine work, and hoped she was seeking inspiration rather than anything else.
“That won't be a problem," Rigel replied, returning a warm smile before retrieving his notebook and a pen. "Depending on what you’d like, a bigger order- ballgown, full wardrobe, something themed- will take longer and cost more, but something like a small order or a singular piece will be completed promptly, I can promise you that. So what did you have in mind, Miss...?"
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detectivist · 3 months
"oh, no need to apologise, mr. thorne. i forgot to knock." oona said with a dazzling smile, the sort you'd expect to find splattered across the faces of politicians and snake-oil salesmen. not on a detective's though.
she slowly made her way deeper into the tailor's atelier. oona glanced around with interest, fascinated by all the skeletons and unfinished pieces that would one day be worn for some special event or another. being there was like taking a peek behind the curtain --- though ms. doherty was seeking for any crevice that would allow her full access to the backstage.
she stopped right next to mr. thorne, hands in pockets, lips curled into a tiny but warm smile; oona had always feigned nonchalance remarkably well. rigel, however, looked like he might need a break from his job. maybe from london in general. where would he run, the detective wondered, if the shit really hit the fan?
"was hoping you could squeeze me in before your next appointment." oona quipped. "it'll only take a second, i promise."
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Even though the atelier is situated in a dark alleyway, hidden away in a corner of London that was rarely trespassed, Rigel’s large oak desk is positioned in such a way where a good amount of light would seep through one of the few windows when the sun loomed over the building and in the early afternoon the space became warm and bright.
Unfortunately it’s not so pleasant at the moment. It’s dull with a look of rain about the sky, and Rigel has no choice but to switch on his desk light. He can’t see the fine detail embroidery on the lapel of the jacket he was currently working on otherwise.
He became so engrossed in his work, listening to the quiet music emitting from the radio, that he didn’t see anyone approach his desk until a shadow was cast over the work surface.
“Oh!” He exclaims as he looks up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in. Are you here for an appointment?”
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detectivist · 3 months
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Sharp Objects: "Fix"
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detectivist · 4 months
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#DETECTIVIST : scarred emotionally and physically, lipstick stained teeth, violently independent, unsolved trust issues, recurring nightmares, cracking a glass in one's own hand, emotional meltdown haircuts, no strings attached, repressing as a coping mechanism, ripped stockings, sleeping on the couch, storms named after women, a missing ring, a missing finger, [...]
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TW : parent death, corruption, murder, attempted murder, loss of a finger [...]
NAME: Oona Doherty ALIAS: Detective Doherty, Number One, Red, [...] AGE: Thirty-six GENDER: Cis Female SEXUALITY: Bisexual MARITAL STATUS: Divorced
Her ex-husband is currently awaiting trial for identity theft, conspiracy, the murder of two attorneys and two other attempted murders; one on the solicitor general and another on Oona herself.
DOB: December 10th BIRTHPLACE: Dublin, Ireland CURRENT RESIDENCE: London , England ; recently moved to a new apartment right next to Acton Town station. Her humble home is still very much empty. Oona couldn't bring herself to keep anything from her old apartment. OCCUPATION: Detective Constable for the Metropolitan Police
FACE: Sarah Snook HEIGHT: 5'5" / 1.65 m ETHNICITY: Irish-British HAIR: Light red, thin and wavy though she often straightens it. When long it is usually found tied in a high pony-tail, but nowadays Oona likes to keep it short for the sake of practicality. EYES: Pale blue, sharp and hooded, Oona has no issues with staring and holding another's gaze. She is constantly looking for something, lies, weak spots, details she might want to save for later. Either way, being the target of Oona's attention often feels intimidating. PHYSIQUE: With wide hips and a narrow waist, Oona often struggles with her own femininity, especially in the workplace. She visits the gym often and is clearly in good shape. Her legs are toned and, despite not being particularly tall, the way Oona carries herself makes her seem larger than her most imposing peers.
DISTINCTIVE MARKS: Oona is missing half of her right hand's ring finger and has a large scar on her palm. These are the results of a stabbing attack carried out by Oona's ex-husband. The detective was also left with a gnarly scar across her stomach from that encounter. The flesh right above her bellybutton is a pink and lumpy half-circle; Oona is somewhat self-conscious regarding that particular scar. Most of her skin is also riddled with freckles.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good STRENGTHS: Committed, perceptive, resilient, confident, intelligent, brave, loyal, pragmatic, charismatic, forthright, active, strong-willed, righteous, [...] WEAKNESSES: Sarcastic, passive-aggressive, cold, manipulative, vindictive, suspicious of others, distant, impulsive, snarky, workaholic, haunted, [...]
SKILLS: Fluent in Spanish, some knowledge in the field of psychology, good leadership skills, particularly good with interrogations, excellent cardio levels, can drive a car or a motorcycle, good under pressure, knows her way around firearms, makes a mean martini. HABITS: Smoker, though usually only when under stress. Visits the gym at least three times a week. Drinks quite often and, perhaps, a bit too much.
> Born in Dublin, parents divorced when she was only 5. Oona stayed with her mother only for her to pass away two years after in a car accident.
> Oona goes to live with her father in Manchester, England. It's not particularly amazing but it's not bad either. Her father isn't the most expressive/sensitive guy but he tries his best. Oona grows to become a strong but cold teenager.
> Her dad works as a cop. Oona wants to make papa proud and tells him she wants to join the force too. He doesn't seem too happy about it. She gets excellent grades. He'd much prefer if she studied medicine or went into law. Oona doesn't listen.
> Good grades at the police academy. A lot of the old-timers speak highly of her dad. Oona doesn't feel overshadowed at all. In fact, she's proud to be associated with her dad's name. She becomes a member of the force.
> Later in life, after being moved to London and working as an officer, Oona works her way into detective work. She's focused and sharp and intuitive but her father still seems uncomfortable about her working in the same field as him.
> It becomes clear why when in 2017: just after Oona began her work as a detective, news broke out about a huge anti-corruption operation within Manchester's police force. Her father's name was amongst the list of cops who had been taking bribes in order to turn a blind eye on certain white-collar crimes. This broke Oona's heart.
> In comes Xavier, a man Oona fell head over heels for (a rare occurrence). A man's man but with hidden depths and plenty of mystery; he claimed to work overseeing a trucking business. They married after only a few years of dating and everything seemed right. This couldn't be further from the truth.
> Turns out Xavier was actually a murderer who had already taken the life of two attorneys back in 2010 and who had recently attempted to kill the current solicitor general. Oona figured this out and, when trying to confront the love of her life, she got stabbed on her stomach and hand, causing her to lose half of her right hand's ring finger. Her ex-husband is currently awaiting trial and Oona still bares plenty of scars from that relationship (physical and emotional).
> She is currently drowning herself with work, fearing that if she stops for one moment she might actually fall apart or bite someone's head off due to all the pent up anger and disappointment she has for mankind.
INSPIRED BY: Clarice Starling (Silence of the Lambs), Dorothy Lyon (Fargo S5), Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones), [...] WANTED DYNAMICS: Under co.
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detectivist · 4 months
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#DETECTIVIST : private & dependent writing blog . affiliated with the blog @talesfm , please do not interact if unaffiliated . this blog may contain nsfw and / or triggering content . written by eva , she/her , 25+ , GMT .
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detectivist · 4 months
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detectivist · 4 months
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Sarah Snook as Shiv Roy in SUCCESSION — 1x04: Sad Sack Wasp Trap
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