detransfem · 2 days
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bad advice barbie
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detransfem · 2 days
gotta love how life gets better for a dazzling moment and then the other shoe drops
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detransfem · 2 days
I don't think I'm ever going back to a therapist or psychologist or psychiatrist. It's 95% bullshit anyway, and I've been fucked over way too many times. I'm so fucking angry I wasted so much time and money on this shit, on someone who clearly wasn't genuinely listening to to anything for over a year and a half. After I said "detransition" and "regret" I guess it stopped being about me.
are therapists genuinely fucking incapable of listening to me or something
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detransfem · 3 days
here's to a night of digital self harm!!
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detransfem · 3 days
are therapists genuinely fucking incapable of listening to me or something
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detransfem · 7 days
as a detransitioner i find it funny and sad how so called “accepting” and “empathetic” tras started treating me when i stopped identifying as non binary. from experience tras went from blindly accepting and affirming my internalized misogyny when i was 12 to calling me every single misogynistic slur now that i’m a little older and wiser.
they really went from: “oh no! you’re not a girl because you don’t identify with traditional femininity!! you’re absolutely non binary and you need to take puberty blockers asap, don’t listen to those meanie terfs and radfem *insert misogynistic slur here* they just want you to commit suicide :DD”
and turned into: “i hope you choke on a fucking huge tgirl cock you dumbass *insert misogynistic slur here* you just want all trans people to kill themselves you fucking *slur*”
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detransfem · 8 days
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It's Never Sunny in the Shadowlands
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detransfem · 10 days
Protect trans kids. But please, dont investigate what happens in childrens gender clinics. Please dont do any research on puberty blockers. And please, dont why the numbers of trans identified youth skyrocketed over the last past years. We don't really need to know why some people regret transistion, so don't tell the trans kids detransitioners exist. Don't let them hear those stories, don't do any research on why they thought they where trans but regret it now. Protect trans kids by never challenging their claims, never be cautious when you see homophobic parents who clearly show signs of transhausen by proxy. Don't be alarmed when doctors from a childrens hospital talk about how puberty blockers ata certain age will render them unable to orgasm. Just hand out puberty blockers and hormones and send them off to surgery, but please don't ask why, don't ask if this is safe, don't ask what will happen in 10, 20 or more years, because, they are so vulnerable, we need to protect them.
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detransfem · 16 days
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detransfem · 18 days
girl what's wrong? are you experiencing the sylvia plath fig tree in your head again?
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detransfem · 19 days
wish more people gave a shit about their bodies as an interconnected system rather than seeing themselves as like a lego build with a bunch of different blocks that are exist separately and just happen to be snapped in place in close proximity.
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detransfem · 21 days
Laura’s thoughts ranged over a wide field, even now. Sometimes she said rather amusing things, and displayed unexpected stores (General Stores) of knowledge. But her remarks were as a rule so disconnected from the conversation that no one paid much attention to them. Mr. Arbuthnot certainly was not prepared for her response to his statement that February was a dangerous month. ‘It is,’ answered Laura with almost violent agreement. ‘If you are a were-wolf, and very likely you may be, for lots of people are without knowing, February, of all months, is the month when you are most likely to go out on a dark windy night and worry sheep.’
Henry and Caroline glanced at each other in horror. Mr. Arbuthnot said: ‘How very interesting! But I really don’t think I am likely to do such a thing.’ Laura made no answer. She did not think so either. But she was amusing herself with a surprisingly vivid and terrible picture of Mr. Arbuthnot cloaked in a shaggy hide and going with heavy devouring swiftness upon all-fours with a lamb dangling from his mouth.
This settled it. Henry and Caroline made no more attempts to marry off Laura. Trying to do so had been a nuisance and an expense, and Laura had never shown the smallest appreciation of their trouble.
- “Lolly Willowes,” (1926) by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Early feminist/fantasy fiction.
This passage is set prior to 1905, and it is extremely fun to read about the interior life of someone 100 years ago, who “violently” introduces the werewolf element to survive a boring conversation.
RIP Laura, I’ve only read 30% of the book and I know in my heart that touching grass was not enough for you and your restless, yearning heart. You would have done numbers on the internet
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detransfem · 21 days
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detransfem · 29 days
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here's a fake interview about my me & my girlfriend that i transcribed from my head. enjoy!
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detransfem · 30 days
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detransfem · 30 days
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detransfem · 1 month
I NEED a macdennis edit set to tim, I wish you were born a girl STAT
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