deva-juju · 6 years
This sounds more like a good game theory episode than a writing prompt.
Your standard fantasy setting. Magic, mages, and mythical monsters.
Suddenly, the evil Lord Of Logic descends on the land, forcing all it touches to obey the laws of physics.
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deva-juju · 6 years
bro you should totally post your minecraft art! cringe culture is dead and minecrafts made a comeback bapey!!!
thank u……heres some creepers i drew
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edit: big insp from @wolfspawneggs fluffy creeper art!!
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deva-juju · 6 years
I don't get it. Can someone explain?
Dark Pit: Hey Pit, say “pack.”
Pit: Pack!
Dark Pit: Now say it twice!
Pit: Pack pack!
Dark Pit: Three times!
Pit: Pack pack pack!
Dark Pit: Now spell it!
Pit: P-A-C… (he giggles sheepishly)
Dark Pit: Are you joking? It’s K! P-A-C-K! Now spell it.
Pit: P-A-C-K!
Dark Pit: What color are polar bears?
Pit: …Blue?
(They both start giggling)
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deva-juju · 6 years
I think people are denying that Minecraft rn IS actively a money grab, the version they give to everything has the shop button right there when you open the game.
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i hate positive-memes so this is my post now
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deva-juju · 6 years
from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator  ☆
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deva-juju · 6 years
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a baby
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deva-juju · 6 years
You're given a mcguffin in OOT by a fish girl, and it happens to be an engagement ring. So yeah you get engaged to a zora fish girl.
I have serval odd headcanons. 1. Snake, Mewtwo, and Bayonetta have moments where they all remember they share unnatural origins and are not alone. 2. Marth, Chrom, and Lucina had a talk with Simon and Richter about meeting your ancestor/descendant. 3. Young Link once mentioned how he was engaged to a fish, everyone thought it was a joke until Gannon confirmed he was telling the truth. (Link felt closer to Young Link) 4. At one point everyone had a huge conversation about their favorite foods.
1. Aww
2. Makes sense
3. w a t
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deva-juju · 6 years
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fantasy prosthesis
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deva-juju · 6 years
F,, feet ...
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space bean ITS
their name is Urando
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deva-juju · 6 years
He was 8 inches tall and a stuffed monkey that I named Monkey Man
new metric for your personality as an adult = what you named your most iconic stuffed animal as a kid
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deva-juju · 6 years
He's also physically the heaviest smash kid.
Mega Man sleeps in a bed like the others, but he has a charging cord. It’s in the back of his neck and it’s covered up using a well hidden door that blends in with the rest of his body. If you unplug it he wakes up but he has the mental capacity of someone who’s running on like, almost nothing and is so groggy that he might as well be brain dead. This rarely happens tho cuz if you try and yank the cord and unplug him, if he feels the cord be tugged at all he will swat your hand and get a rather disgruntled look on his face. Other than that he’s probably the heaviest sleeper of all the smash kids.
(submitted by herbie-53)
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deva-juju · 6 years
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deva-juju · 6 years
Fuse all might and sans
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Any bnha character and for shits and giggles I’m including any of the quirksonas I have created for myself and friends
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deva-juju · 6 years
So much chaotic clickbait energy emanates from this
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deva-juju · 6 years
Dick move tbh
Hey shout out to the Universe for putting you in it! Real bro move. 
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deva-juju · 6 years
personal playlists i’ve made that might fit your niche
a country playlist for a friend who is playing rdr2 but doesn’t actually like country
soft pop bops
bad 70s/80s music that i love a lot
early 2000′s nostalgia playlist for kids that were born 1995-1999 and dont fit with millennials or gen z
classical bops that didn’t need to go that hard
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deva-juju · 6 years
This latest one is very abstract. I love the sound, it's very well put together. Not quite sure what it evokes to me but it's still amazing, buddy!
My song is on YouTube now! With neat little vector visuals ! :D
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