devilish-disasters · 10 years
Any RPG's where I can play Damon Salvatore pre Elena? 
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"You moved from Vicenza to this dump? You must be mad."
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
I. Am. ALIVE. 
How long have I been gone? Ehhh, probably well over a month.. I'M SO SORRY!
But I'm back now, and I want ALLLLLLLLL the plots, okay? Love you guys.
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
Come on, I know you can kiss me better than this.
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Well then, lucky for you, I'm always good company" she winked, taking a drag of her cig and blowing it out in circles. "So, Ash... Lived here long?"
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I took the lighter and lit up the cigarette that was still between my lips, before I took a drag and handed it back. “I’ll continue be good company if you do the same,” I smirked, playfully pushing my shoulder against her.
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
Hannah smirked and pulled a cig from the box, taking her own lighter from her bra and sparking up before handing him it. "Only if you continue to be good company" she teased.
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"Yeah I agree on you with that one," I nodded while I grabbed the package of cigarettes en a lighter out of my pocket. "Thanks," I mumbled, taking one of the cigarettes and putting it between my lips before I held the pack up for her so she could take one as well if she wanted. "Is that so?" I asked. "Can’t say I’m not curious now." With a smile on my face, as usual, I winked. "Is there a chance that sooner or later I’ll know more about ‘em?"
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"You think so?" she chuckled. "Well if you do then you know it was a compliment. -- Italian, right?"
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Half a bottle of whiskey is usually too much for anyone, but I'm special" she winked, of course she wasn't about to blurt out that she was a vampire, it's not like he would believe her anyway. "Looks good" she nodded, taking another glance at them before looking back up with a grin. "Only the ones that are hidden by my clothes."
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I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her. “She just told you that?” I asked. I took one more sip from the bottle. “Well I’m just to drinking from a young age, like four or something, but half a bottle whiskey all at once is even too much for me.” I followed her gaze, that went down to the drawings in my skin. “Oh yeah, it’s the work of two of my best mates. One is the new Da Vinci and the other is a zombie.” It was kind of true, if you didn’t take it too literally. “D’you got ta’oo’s?”
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Well, Charlie, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My name is Hannah" she flashed him a devilish look before letting it soften into a smile.
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"My mother used to slip whiskey into my baby bottles to get me to sleep, you could say that I've been drinking it for a very long time.. I'm not going to pass out" she giggled. Watching him, her eyes wandered along his tattoos, looking at all the art that was just inked into his skin. She nodded to herself, looking back up and giving him a smile. "Sorry, I was just admiring your ink."
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"Badass," I joked. Not like I wasn’t used to stealing or anything. I watched her  drinking from the liquor fast, what made me chuckle. If I could keep up normally wasn’t much of a doubt for me, but drinking a half bottle all at once was a lot. Whiskey was something I drank a lot and used to drink even more. “If you pass out I’m gonna walk away, you know that right?” I asked with my eyebrows lifted up, suprised by her action and taking the bottle of whiskey from her. I drank one third of what was left, leaving a sour face but I quicly recovered from that. With a smack the bottle landed on the bar again. “I’m gonna start with this, great amount to get the party started,” I said. 
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Well aren't you the charmer, I almost blushed" she grinned. "What's your name, stud?"
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Of course not, but it is now" she bit her lower-lip and battered her eyelashes, pulling the best fake innocent expression she could manage. "From the bottle" she nodded, unscrewing the cap and chugging half of it without so much of a gag. Perks of being a vampire. Slowly, she handed the bottle to him and grinned. "Let's see if you can keep up."
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I chuckled when she took the bottle. “Is it yours?” I asked after the bartender was gone, with a playful half-smile. “Always,” I smirked. “From the bottle?” I pointed with her with my hand. “Ladies first.”
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"I got your back" she smiled, quickly leaning over the bar she grabbed a bottle when she felt the hand of the bartender go over hers to stop her. "This is mine, buddy" she slyly compelled him and grinned when he walked away.
"So, bottoms up?" she sat back down and winked.
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"Well pick up lines aren’t really my thing. But sounds like we have a plan. Let me get some whiskey then."
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
Damon growled and pushed her back into the wall, slamming his hands against it, either side of her head. He let out a shaky breath and glanced down at her lips. "You know I'm gonna break your heart, right?" he whispered.
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"You have a heart. You are capable of caring. You can stop this. You can chose to." Melanie tried to control her emotions. Seeing him like this was scary, but it hurt her too. "I believe in you."
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"I say you should have opened with that line" she smirked.
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"Well that’s indeed a very important question. I suggest you start the night with me. And in the mean you and I could drink whiskey. What do you say?"
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
"Should I start the night with a vodka or a whiskey?"
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"You do? Well shoot me."
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devilish-disasters · 10 years
Damon sighed and walked up to her, gripping her shoulders tightly. "No? I kill people, Mel. I rip into their necks and I walk away with no care for what soul I've just taken... So tell me again... Am I still a good person?" he growled.
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"Just because you do bad things doesn’t mean you’re a bad person."
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