devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
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Bah! I dunno who to tag, so whoever would like to do this, have at. XD
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Found this cute little maker on Picrew on a post and thought I’d start a thread with the DMC peeps
@harlot-of-oblivion @boxofgrifs @drusoona @arcticlee
Have fun! Tag any other peep! 
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 7
For @dmcgenweek Day 7 - Free for all!
I’m apparently allergic to deadlines, so this is really late. But I finally got it finished!
Dante only half-listens to the bubbly chatter of the girl perched on the corner of his desk, slowly flipping through a magazine he's read many times before. He's still not entirely sure how he got conned into babysitting Patty again, but at least it's only for a week or two while her mother's out of the country on some thing. And at least he's getting paid this time. But after the first hour, he's discovered that if he thought an eight-year-old girl was a nightmare, a fifteen-year-old one is even worse, especially in the chatterbox department. Yap, yap, yap, about school, clothes, boys (he's surprised by the growl that tries to bubble up in his throat when that subject comes up), and whatever else enters her head. Interspersed, of course, with her usual haranguing about the state of the shop. A change in her tone catches his attention, and he peers over the top of the magazine at her. "Come again?" "I said," she huffs, expression twisting in annoyance, "my school's having an event for parents and children on Friday. I wanted to go because all my friends are going, and the theme sounds really elegant- Ren Faire formal. But with Mom out of town..." Dante snorts and goes back to his magazine. "Doesn't sound very fair." He ducks with a grin as another magazine goes sailing past his head for the pun. "It's not! But I still wanted to go, because the dresses are probably going to be so pretty..." "Probably just gonna be a bunch of cheap medieval costume dresses from the local costume store." "Hey! Some of those can be really pretty, you know!" He just chuckles and says no more on the subject.
Friday rolls around, and Dante's in his room when he hears the shop doors bang open, Patty announcing her arrival, and the thud of her schoolbag hitting the floor. The sudden silence that follows makes him grin. Then he hears her happy shriek and thundering footsteps heading toward the guest room. He takes the opportunity to slip out of his room and into the office, settling on the couch to wait, listening to the sound of her running back and forth in the guest room and bathroom. Eventually she emerges, and he stands to greet her. Patty is resplendent in a gauzy blue dress the color of mist, pale blue butterflies dotting the shoulder veil and skirt. Her hair is done up in fancy braids, a delicate and intricately twisted diadem crowning the whole look. (Dante, for his part, is wearing the red and black leather outfit he'd worn during that mess with Arius and Argosax. It's the most medieval outfit he's got, and figures it'll be acceptable.) He bows with a teasing grin just to make her blush, offering his arm once he straightens. "Our carriage awaits, Princess~" His grin only increases at her delighted gasp when she sees it's an actual carriage waiting for them outside, instead of his car. He knows he's probably gone a little overboard with this whole thing, just for some school event that isn't even prom or whatever. But it's worth it to see the girl who'd once been as alone as he'd been at that age beaming so brilliantly.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 5
For @dmcgenweek Day 6 - Dreams/Nightmares
I’m still working on these! I hope to finish the last one before the deadline tomorrow.
Vergil knows he's not as alone as he seems these days. Not in the sense of Dante and his friends always lurking about and "being there for him." Dark glimpses at the corner of his eye haunt him when he goes out, flashes of movement that aren't there when he turns to look. He has stopped turning to look. Sometimes in the silence of the night, when not another creature is stirring, he hears the distant echo of familiar laughter, gone when he tries to focus on it. He has stopped listening for it. He doesn't try to rationalize them, or the odd things that happen around him with increasing frequency. Blankets draped over him while he sleeps that Dante swears up and down that he doesn't even own. An energy drink can rolling out of nowhere to fetch up against his boot when he's out on a long hunt. An unaccountable light with no visible source lighting his way when there are no more streetlights to see by. He is a patient man, has learned not to push, to force things before their time. His impatience and temper cost him dearly in the past; he will not make that mistake again. He doesn't want to risk... Something is building. He can feel it. When it finally reaches its peak, he can feel it at his back. But still he doesn't turn to look. Doesn't listen for it. Instead, he holds out his arm, the movement ingrained in memory, and feels fanned air against his hair, his face, as a familiar weight settles on his arm. A familiar heavy weight leans against his leg a beat later, his hand reaching down to brush velvet-smooth fur. And at his back, a familiar cracking rumble vibrates the very air with its depth. He doesn't look. He doesn't have to. "Heya, Shakespeare! Long time, no see! Didja miss us?" Vergil closes his eyes at the familiar voice. "...yes. I did." And he smiles.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 6
For @dmcgenweek Day 6 - Birthday/Musical
For this one, I had this playing on repeat while writing, and it’s totally what Vergil was playing. :3
Electric guitars wailed in the office, punctuated by whoops and laughter as Dante and Nero played along with the jukebox. Nero had started it by grabbing Dante's old guitar from its stand under the mezzanine, and Dante couldn't help joining in, grabbing Nevan from the armory. Of course, the added effect of purple lightning arcing everywhere as Dante played the Devil Arm only amped the pair up, driving them to more and more ridiculous rockstar antics as they jumped and danced around. Neither noticed Vergil had entered the room, until the jukebox suddenly went silent. (Not because Vergil had turned it off, but because the current song ended.) They looked up to see Vergil staring at them with an unimpressed stare that was almost his default these days, and while Nero promptly blushed, Dante just grinned and hefted himself up from his knees. "Oh, looks like the no-fun train just arrived!" the younger twin taunted. "Ya got something against our music?" Vergil's eyes narrowed, but he didn't retort as he usually might. Instead, he strode across the room, Dante and Nero turning to watch as he walked between them, and he carefully picked up the old violin laying on top of the filing cabinets. Turning to the pair, he gave them a challenging stare as he lifted the instrument to his chin, lowering the bow to the strings, and started to play. It took five seconds for them to recognize the tune, and about three times as long before they were able to recover enough to pick their jaws up off the floor. Dante was the first to recover, grinning like a kid whose Christmases all happened at once, and started playing along. Not to be outdone, Nero was a beat behind his uncle, all three soon grinning at each other as they played.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 4
For @dmcgenweek Day 4 - Protection/Smile
Yet another entry! Hopefully this works well enough. XD
Morrison hummed as he unlocked and opened the post office box, sighing as a cascade of envelopes and flyers fell out of the overstuffed box onto the floor. "Gettin' too old for this, Dante," he muttered, bending to pick up the scattered mail. Emptying the box of the rest of the mail, he flipped quickly through it to check for any notices there was more mail to retrieve, then again more slowly, discarding the junk mail in the nearby trashcan. Chewing on the end of his cigar, he studied the stack of bills left, and the red "Past Due" stamped on several of them. He tapped the stack of envelopes against his hand, then headed out. He had a few stops to make.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 3
For @dmcgenweek Day 3 - Grief/Sleep
And my third entry for DMC Gen Week!
Nero eyed V's profile, frowning, the man so pale the dark smudges beneath his eyes looked like bruises. "...you know you look like one of those raccoon things?" "Griffon has informed me of such several times." Yeah, Nero would bet the annoying bird had. Still... "You really should get some rest, V. You can't live on Surge and Monsters." V finally lifted his head from reading his book to give Nero a look that made the other man twitch. "There's little time for-" "Five minutes isn't gonna kill you." V's mouth twisted in a frown. "We don't-" "Fifteen minutes." "I-" "Thirty minutes." V's brows furrowed slightly as he paused, meeting Nero's raised eyebrow. Neither spoke as they just looked at each other, silence filling the air between them. Finally V's expression melted into a smile as he chuckled quietly, gaze flicking down briefly. "You're giving me no choice, are you?" "Nope!" Nero grinned. "Two hours. At least." V opened his mouth to protest, faltered when Nero's eyes narrowed. "I will sit on you if I have to."
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 2
For @dmcgenweek Day 2 - Hug/Competition
Here’s my second entry for DMC Gen Week!
Vergil jumped awake at the thump of something landing on his mattress. Sitting up, he saw the dark shape and glowing eyes that was his brother climbing from the top bunk. Scrambling out of bed after him, the twins padded quietly out of their room and down the hall. Up ahead, light spilled from a partially open door like a beacon, drawing the boys in to crouch by the frame just out of sight, listening. Inside, they could hear the rustle of pages turning under the crackle of a fire in the hearth. The scent of smoke and burning wood filled their nostrils as they inhaled, scenting the air, and...there. The sharp, spicy scent they were hoping for. Before they could act on it, their father's deep voice rumbled from inside. "Come in, boys." Immediately they scrambled into the study and to Sparda's massive chair as he set his book aside. Bending down, he scooped them up onto his lap, rumbling as they snuggled into his sides with quiet nestling trills. Wrapping his arms around them, he enveloped them in warmth and scent, his low rumble continuing as Dante and Vergil relaxed against him, the sound following the twins as they drifted back into sleep.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
DMC Gen Week - Day 1
For @dmcgenweek​ Day 1 - Injury/Healing
So, I decided to try the DMC Gen Week challenge, and here’s my first entry! I know I’m late starting, but’m still trying.
"Don't even say it." "I haven't said a word." "You're thinkin' it pretty damn loudly." "I am not." "Stop thinkin' it, or I'll find a rock to throw at your head." "As if that would stop you- don't you dare move, dammit! You'll start bleeding again!" Dante huffed and reluctantly sagged back to the ground, eyes closing, listening to the rustle of cloth, tracking Vergil's progress around him. He didn't jump at the light touch near one of the deep gashes across his ribs, though it stung like a bitch. "How long's this venom last?" "...I'm not certain," Vergil murmured at length. "I don't recall hearing of anyone who survived before." "That ain't saying much." That Vergil didn't contest the accusation was a win in Dante's book, but he kept silent as Vergil checked the rest of his injuries. "...I believe these are starting to heal." "Yay. Not that I don't enjoy the chance for a breather, but I'd prefer it without the burning venom." "I warned you not to provoke-" "Don't fucking say it!"
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
(Sorry the video’s so cruddy, and I usually don’t let myself get beat up this much, but I was having trouble focusing on making sure it was recording and not breaking the Buster Arm before I could get the last hit in. Mea culpa.)
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
Please write Dante and Vergil squabbling about something ridiculously absurd. Bonus points if Nero shows up to yell/be exasperated at them. =D
Here you go, Anon! Hope you enjoy these Sparda boys shenanigans~
To say Nero was alarmed to enter Dante’s shop and find the place in shambles was an understatement. Furniture was overturned, magazines and old newspapers scattered around like haphazard snowflakes, and there was a distinct “odor” of demons in the air.
Gripping Blue Rose, he followed the trail of destruction, alarm growing as it led into the living areas, into each room, and up the back stairs leading up to the roof. He could hear some sort of ruckus up there, like fighting, and his pace picked up as he cocked his weapon.
Bursting through the access door, he immediately took aim, expecting to see Dante and Vergil battling some demon or other.
But when what he actually saw registered, he let Blue Rose drop to his side with an exasperated sigh. “Are you two fucking serious?!”
Jumping at his voice, both twins paused in their wrestling and looked up.
But only for a moment.
All it took was a jerk from one of them, and then they were back to wrestling and snarling each other, leaving Nero to facepalm at them as they yanked back and forth, each trying to wrest the last energy drink can from each other.
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devilmayheadcanon · 5 years
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@dark-nights-syn Here you go!
Vergil strode out of the living quarters of the shop and into the office itself, paused, and just stared at the scene before him.
Apparently Nero had stopped by for a visit, both he and Dante lazing in the shop. But what made Vergil pause was his brother and son were camped out in the middle of the floor, the latter in devil form with spectral wings outstretched. Dante was seated behind him, running his fingers through the feathers of one wing, carefully straightening any bent or crooked ones, smoothing the barbs together, plucking out loose feathers that faded into bright sparks before reaching the floor. Dante seemed to be enjoying the task, and for his part, Nero looked half-asleep with eyes partway closed, swaying slightly with the effort to stay upright.
Frowning, the elder twin opened his mouth, hesitated, then closed his mouth again. Placing the Yamato on the desk, Vergil walked over, seated himself behind the other wing, and briefly brushed a hand over the spectral limb in warning before setting to work on the feathers there.
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