devonxjoy · 2 years
normalize not knowing shit about your special interests. normalize studying your special interests for 12 hours straight and not retaining a single shred of information
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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One of my favorite Tim White artworks
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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devonxjoy · 2 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but reminder that you didn’t choose to play life on hard mode. You didn’t choose for “simple” or “small” things to be so excruciating or overwhelming to you: No one would choose that. You are doing what you can, all while bearing a tremendous burden on your back. You are so strong, and I’m proud of you for making it this far.
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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• Bracelet.
Designer/Maker: Háry, Gyula (1864-1946); Hibján, Samu (1864-1919)
Date: 1899-1900
Place of origin: Budapest
Medium: Diamond, gold, silver
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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Republicans say 'fcuk your feelings' then whine that they are unlikable.
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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Yoan  Capote created this installation, called “Stress”. The installation has teeth made from bronze supporting large slabs of concrete
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devonxjoy · 2 years
Listen, maybe I can’t change the world, but I can pass eggs over the fence to my neighbor to save them a few dollars. I can cross the street and fix another neighbor’s cabinets. I can send my kid to the house next door with a can of tomato sauce they need and they’ll come back with a box of cocoa powder they weren’t going to use. We can leave our old furniture at the curb and one of us will drive by and pick it up to fix and sell or keep. I’ll plant a garden since I have the space and time and I’ll share what I can and I’ll get calls from someone else asking if I can use a crate of oranges.
I may not be able to change the world but I can do something
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devonxjoy · 2 years
ppl who don't get cats will try to argue that cats don't love you meanwhile cats will cry and cry and cry and cry like the world is ending until you hold them like a baby and give them a kissy on their perfect lil forehead
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devonxjoy · 2 years
From the 
blue of her sky, 
she paints 
the face of his sea 
and from the 
heart of her sun, 
she shines the 
light of her smile 
of peace into 
even the 
darkest corners 
of his depths 
instilling calm 
and warmth in 
the cool, 
salt of his 
kissing them 
with the persimmon
that flows
from the 
nectar of her stars
and the gentle caress
of love that rains
from her clouds
restoring life
to the universe
of his soul
as it sighs
in the softness
of a rising tide
the breath of
her living hope.
-J.Wool, From the Sky to the Sea, Soul Whispers
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devonxjoy · 2 years
Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, my soul embraces you. My heart places you in the middle of my sky for you are its moon, its Sun, its stars. The truth of my life is that I love you with all that I am. You are forever entrenched in the deepest parts of my soul and my heart is full of you.  I sleep and wake up in your arms. I inhale and it is your air I take in. I exhale and it is your breath on my lips. Every beat of my heart is a song with your name on it, for I love you as you love, my darling, and as I love, as we love, mirror of my soul, reflection of my heart.
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devonxjoy · 2 years
i can't vibe with anyone who thinks icarus was an ignorant idiot for flying too close to the sun. "oh i'd never do that i would have remembered my father's warning and been fine". do you seriously think that after years of imprisonment, feeling the sun on your face and the open air beneath your wings, you would be able to focus on anything but the joy of being alive and free? do you actually think that if you were given the opportunity to go where nobody has never been before, you wouldn't want to push it to the limit? to dare to be the first to try what no one else has ever even thought possible? do you honestly think you're too good for your own human nature? look me in the eyes and tell me if i strapped a pair of wings to your back that could take you wherever you wanted to go whenever you pleased that you'd be careful and sensible about it. you are not better than icarus just because you have the benefit of his example.
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devonxjoy · 2 years
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Julia Soboleva (Latvian,b.1990)
Pretty Birdies, Hungry Kitties, 2021
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devonxjoy · 2 years
life really is so simple when you sit back and realise you don’t actually have to do a lot of things. i don’t have to be on my phone constantly. i don’t have to sit inside all day. i don’t have to reply to peoples messages straight away. i don’t have to have what’s in my fridge. i can go out and get groceries and make things that I’m craving. i can go on a walk. i can turn my phone off for a day or two. i can sit and read for hours on end. i can journal for as long as i want. i can mediate. i can cook. i can clean. i can breathe deeply. i can get myself a tea or a coffee. i can have meaningful conversations with my family. i don’t have to be in a constant state of “online”. i can disconnect. I’m not obliged to be here. my name isn’t being called out on a list. i can leave. i can take time away. i am allowed to live.
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devonxjoy · 2 years
I meant to make a longer post about this, might do at some point, but I just need to point out… that at one point in history… in an era that’s technically considered “prehistory”, because no one had writing at this point, at the very beginning of something we can generously call cities…
A family of four could spend three weeks harvesting the grain that grew wild around them, and they would not have to do that again for an entire year. (As a note: this wild grain? literally could never stand up to modern crops, which have been selectively bred since then for yield and hardiness and etc.) They didn’t have to pay rent, because that wasn’t a thing yet. They didn’t have to pay for water, because water’s fucking WATER, everyone has a right to it. Three weeks of (admittedly hard, probably “leave your body aching” labor), and your family is fed for an entire year. Yeah, you definitely want to supplement that with gardening and buying some meat from your neighbor who raises goats, but your whole family can fully live on three weeks of work.
And we, in this day and age, where we can absolutely produce enough food to make sure no one goes hungry, act as if working yourself to death is a virtue, because our ancestors had it worse… Our oldest ancestors worked very little just to get by. The idea that you will always have to be at work constantly just to live… that’s new, and that’s absurd. Those ancient people I’m talking about, who could get a year’s worth of sustenance for a few weeks of work… they painted their walls with the most beautiful murals. All of them did, in every house we can reconstruct. They had free time and the ability to artistically improve their space, and they did that. In the oldest city we know of.
They didn’t have to work eight hours a day to live their lives. That’s entirely artificial, absurd, capitalistic bullshit. Humans were built to work as little as possible for maximum benefit to the individual and the group… and somehow that’s become warped into spending our lives working for the bare minimum so a few billionaires can live like god-kings. None of this is natural. None of it is inherent. This *can* be overturned and made into a new form that actually respects the humanity of the individual.
We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings
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devonxjoy · 2 years
where the hell do yall live that growing your own food is possible for everyone and therefore it's okay to be incredibly condescending about people not already growing their own food
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