devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
Social Media in Times of Tragedy
When tragedy strikes anywhere in our country, or the world even, the way companies publicize(or don’t) during the time after the event can effect their image. For example, Urban Outfitters is known for its edgier look and “against the man” image. While they definitely have a crowd that follows their image they have had multiple accounts where they were not quite so sensitive to past events or current social stigmas. One time is when they release a frayed, faded, sweatshirt with the Kent State sweatshirt that appeared to look like it had blood splatters on it. The Kent State shooting of 1970 was not only hard for that community, it hit a lot of college campus communities. The fact that it could have happened anywhere had the country in despair. After the backlash that Urban Outfitters released a very apologetic statement and immediately took the item off their online site. When companies carelessly release items or comments that degrade or dredge up past or current tragedies can really effect how they can come back from the heat they get. While there are times that companies can poorly publicize themselves on social media there are the companies that try being positive and offering heartfelt condolences. The Pulse shooting in Orlando, FL was probably one of the more tragic blows the country had experienced. No matter who you were, what you believed in, you felt for the LGBTQ+ community when news of the shooting broke. Though they are constantly criticized for their biblical view on marriage Chic-fil-a on University and House Road in Orlando was open on that Sunday preparing food and delivering the free meals to the One Blood center where people were donating blood. Being a Christian I know that the founders of Chic-fil-a are compassionate like we are taught to be. They broke some of the negative images made by certain groups when people found out that they were supporting the community and being open on a day that they are never open on, just to lend a helping hand.
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devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
My current Klout score is a 10. I have not been on the website for very long but from what I can see my score is comprised of my social media pages, and my topics of interest. Three things I can do to improve my score is to make my topics for conversation a little more professional, share more articles and subjects from Klout to my social medias that are linked to it, and lastly monitor what is it that I share and post on my social medias. 
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devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
Facebook Brand Survey
I decided to analyze Urban Decay cosmetics. UDC’s assets is their cosmetic line of foundation, eye shadow, make up primers, and so on and so forth. Some of the techniques they use to interact with their customers is posting videos of models having the product tested on them and adding photos of their lines to their page. A lot of consumers will post their positive or negative comments about how they feel about the product. Most of the users are excited and engaged in talking about UDC’s products. I think they are passionate about it because Urban Decay is such a good cosmetics brand. Their make up is long lasting, and although their make up isn’t organic, their coverage and life span is really hard to beat. I think one way that the brand could improve their profile could be making it more consumer interactive, as in asking the users for feedback and what they would like to see color or quality wise in their products and other items along those lines.
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devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
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devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
Exercise #2 “Unwired Day”
So, the other day for my class #unamk375 I was challenged to spend a whole day disconnected from all electronics and technology. I am not really one who is dependent on her phone; however, not being able to watch Netflix felt really weird. I don’t live on campus so my friends or sorority sisters arent’t just a couple of footsteps and a doorknock away. When it comes to my job it is required that when I’m the MOD I have to check for emails and hourly sales as well as other business functions that require using our computer system. Outside of that I did not use my phone, MacBook, or anything else. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and it definitely made me feel better to not have to worry about my phone or anything else. It did make me nervous to drive without my phone just in case I was in an accident. In a technology dependent world that we live in I think that we can attribute a lot of our health problems to all of the electronics that we surround ourselves with such as; anxiety, headaches, and other things such as that. 
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devynnconnor-blog · 8 years
3 Goals
1. I want to pass the class.
2. I want to be able to understand how social media can help build a positive reputation
3. I want to learn more about how business applies to social media.
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