dewiyl · 2 years
real problem here lol
udah lama bgt gk buka blog ini. biasanya emg buat curhat. dan akhir2 ini gua ngerasa byk bgt masalah. pusing bgt. keluarga berantakan, kerjaan berantakan, gk punya temen juga. atau seenggaknya gua ngerasa ggak punya temen. gua gak pernah ngerasa sesusah ini secara mental dan fisik dari lahir. jadi jujur aja gua kaget banget dapet cobaan kaya gini. gaktau deh ini cobaan atau azab dari Allah. ya gua sih mikirnya azab aja gitu biar makin benerin aja gitu, kalo emang ada yang salah dimasa lalu terus ini konsekuensinya, mudah2an kedepannya gua gk beigtu lagi dan bisa belajar dari yang salah itu. gua tuh ngerasa malu banget sama keadaan yang sekarang ini. malu banget. gak pernah gua juga cerita ke siapa2. tapi sesek banget rasanya didada dikepala. kaya pengen dikeluarin semua itu semua masalahnya. satu2nya cara gimana masalah ini seenggaknya bisa setengah selesai itu juga sulit banget prosesnya. jujur cpaek banget gua. mungkin ini gua yang berlebihan aja ya, tapi belakangan ini karna semakin banyak masalah dan pikiran gua jadi kaya orang gak semangat idup. gua gak semangat lagi nonton film, denger musik. padalah itu adalah hobi gua dari gua SMA. gua bisa sampe seharian di depan laptop sekarang males banget rasanya. ngerasa kurang motivasi juga mau ngapa2in. bahkan mau kerja aja kaya males banget. ngerasa gak bakal ada hasilnya. belum lagi gua sering sakit2an belakangan ini. badan gua makin kurus semenjak puasa, makin gampang sakit. selain itu gua juga jadi gampang cemas dan sering punya pikiran negatif. bener2 gak nyaman yaAllah kaya gini terus. gak pernah tenang rasanya yaAllah. kadang gua ngerasa masalah gua ini sbesar yang gua bayangin gak sih? temen gua ada yang udah ditinggal orang tuanya meninggal, ada juga yang lagi susah punya anak. ada juga yang masih alay masih mikirin cowo lkaya anak SMA. kadang gua mikiryaampun masalah gini doang mereka pusingin, tau gak sih masalah gua ini sekarang gimana? malu sih masalah gtu doang koar2 di media sosial. terus dengan keadaan gua yang kaya sekarang ini temen deket gua dulu yang bener2 gua anggep temen malah pada ngejauhin gua semua. emang bener ya kal olagi miskin tuh mana ada yang mau deketin hmm. insyaAllah gua mau tetep istiqomah kerja cuma tawakalnya itu susah banget. hati ini labil banget yaAllah. tapi ya gimana lagi kalo gak mau ada masalah ya berarti waktu gua di dunia udah selesai. gua masih optimis bakal selesai in masalah. tapi gua juga ngerasa pasrah, udah gk berharap banyak dari orang2. insyaAllah cuma berharap banyak sama Allah.
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dewiyl · 5 years
I find myself hard to share this. I dont have many friends to share, or i dont trust them enough to tell them this. This is the only account my that friends dont know, so im gonna write here. Im so into The Beatles lately, love to hear their songs, they were very charming and attractive as young boys. What a journey the have made. So it was such a shame that they broke up the way they did. Espcially between Paul and John. Then last night, i, unintentionally, got curious about what really happened between them. Only they knew what was what, and many rumours has been spreading whether they're true or not. So I am just assuming. Of course by watching their interviews. In my opinion, The Beatles as a whole group not only Paul and John, would break up anyway. With or wihtout Yoko. I thought this as I watched Goerge Harrison when asked about John. He sounded upset that John and Paul never realized his presence, forgot that he and Ringo were also in the band. Well, I cant blame him. I wouldve felt the same if i were him. In that kind of fame, it mustve been so hard to yourself together. You forgot people when you are in the top. Thats human being. Feeling upset and left behind is also human being. So it was unavoided what happened to them. However, John and Paul broke up was another story. And I think it was more than being in the band and writing sings together. It included many people as well. Yoko, their managers, and maybe even Linda. This is where I feel like I can relate to John's feelings. John was already complicated man before even everything started. His parents got divorced, seperated from his mother when he really wanted to live with her. Then he met Paul, shared the same hobbies and stuff, started everything together, visited his mom together, and even I think they were together when John lost his togther which really shooke his world. And Paul was there, even more he had the same experienced when his mother died. I guess their bond started to grow, like more than bandmate, friend, even more than brothers. Not in such weird way. I assumed that Paul was like everything for John. Would absolutely do everything for him. Maybe all this time he was longing for a mate, a person who really understands him, like really really really understands hi, fun to work with, and he can do everything with him, having fun together. Like a soulmate. And maybe he found that in Paul. I mean John didnt even feel thay way to women. Even I think Cynthia felt that too. So if someone feels that way toward a person, it must be something REALLY big happened between them that made them hated each other. I, too, had who i considered as a best friend. We met when we were in highshool. We were classmate. She had another friends that time. When i first talked to her, we were suprisingly really connected. Or I thought so. I think we shared the same thoughts and views on many things. We shared the same hobby, music taste, movie and others. She had a boyfriend at the time, my senior. It didnt bother at all really. She had her time with her boyfriend after schools which after she had time with her friends, including me. Not long after we first met, she started to ditch her ald friends. Said she sometimes didnt feel comfortable with them, always talked about the same things, boys. I remember her friend was mad at me because she didnt wanne be friend with her anymore. It wanst even my fault tho haha. We texted more than she did to his boyfriend i guess. I was so childish and insecure, so she took care of me very well. So I felt like 'maybe she is my best friend'. I never felt to have someone like that. I wasnt longing for someone or lonely, but it was nice to have someone who looked after you and you can depend on. She really was someone like that to me. Her mom was nice too. I've met her family. We even went to the college and took almost ever class together. So i thought the friendship will not end after highschool. She adapted very easy to new environment and i didnt. So she helped me alot to make friends in college. Until finally, she started to have new boyfriend. She still took care of me a lot in the beginning. She wasnt too opened about her relationship with boys to her other friends, except me. I was always the first person to know who she was seeing. Her dates treated me well too. So I was fine with her bekng with boys. I wasnt jelous of feeling lef behind. Until finally she made me feel that way. I dont know what happened, if I hurt her or something, or she maybe didnt like to hang out with me anymore, she started to left me behind because of his new boyfriend. And he made her being friend with his friend too. At that time i didnt understand any of it and felt like i was the victim. Why did she leave for him? I wasnt in boy x girl relationship so i didnt understand that it had to be the friend who was alyas left behind. She will forever choose her man. Even worse, she made a lot of new friends and never asked to hang out with her anynomore while hanging out with them. It hurt so much. I didnt like being treated that way. I begun to show how i felt towards her and she knew it. She said nothing about it and let our friendship started to fade away. Now we are almost not friend anymore. Sometimes we dint even talk when we see each other. I've never been treated like that so it really effected me in everyway. Thus, until this day, I still cant forgive her for how she made me feel about her. I hate her. I hate her because we never really discussed what really happened between us. I still hate her because she never shows her guilts. I'm starting to hang out a little bit with her lately, but I cant help but not to let my guards down. I dont wanna feel like a best friend to her again and then being left behind again. But I do care for her. I really want to be by her side if she needs me. I just feel she doesnt want me to be. It is whole different friendship now. Its not it used to be. I cant talk the way I did to her before and she doesnt talk they she did to me before. It pisses me off that it has to be this way. I loved her as friend, I really did because she was able to make make me feel pathetic and miserable when she wasnt friend with me anymore. Around two years ago her parents got divorced, her dad went to another city and his mom married somebody else's husband. I didnt know until his mom told me. I was the LAST to know about that. I tried to talk to her to tell about what happened. I was sad that I was the last to know. And it was when his brother got a bike accident and did surgery. I was so sad to see what was going on to her family. She must be in pain, confused, and didnt know what to do. Then she said se was going to move from her house. Again, I was the last to know. I was mad and upset about that. Now I'm trying not to take everything about her personally. We hang out and bump into each other quite a lot these days. I dont wanna think that we're close friend anymore. She seems like want to keep a distance. It upsets me really. I have a lot to tell her, what happened in my life and stuff. And I want to know what happened in her life while we didnt talk to each other. I hate it that we cant. Since then, I havent found anyone like her. I find the other friends always disappoint me. I dont know, I think I feel like I'm vulnerable to let someone into my life. Friends, lovers, anyone. It's hard to let go. What I actually really want is that her admitting her faults and talk about what happened. That's all. I see myself as John. Not that I have a hard life as he did, but maybe John felt like that too. Maybe Paul didnt realize him and Paul broke up had different affect on John than it had on him. When John lost his mother Paul was there. That was probably his hardest time. So he might think that Paul left him behind. I dont know what and how, but somehow I feel like Paul had special place in John's heart. He might be thinking that the most important people in her life were Paul and his son Sean. Being let down by people that are as important as that in your life affects you so much. Maybe Paul didnt know that since everything was normal to him. He didnt feel like losing a soulmate. It was so sad that they might didnt get a chance to say everything. After all, they were soulmates. I cant talk to anybody about this. I really cant. I already imagine the face they make if I tell them. They just dont understand.
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dewiyl · 8 years
Part 1 Part 2
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dewiyl · 8 years
Part 1 Part 2
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dewiyl · 8 years
When I’m here with you, I kind of miss myself the way I used to be. ‘What were you like?’ 'I was… I was happy at a time.’
Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006), Dir. Goran Dukić (via wnq-movies)
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dewiyl · 8 years
31 march 2016
YaAllah, aku mau ngeluh. Aku capek hari ini yaAllah. Aku hanya lelah, aku mau pulang.
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dewiyl · 9 years
Im so thankful for everyone who stays with me after all, even after they know who i really am. It's hard to deal with someone like,isnt it? But thanks for not turn away from me. You guys were supporting me when i was at my worst.. May Allah always be with youuu 👭💜💛💚
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dewiyl · 9 years
Kalian yang sebenernya org2 gk waras. Tau salah tp pura2 gk prnh salah. Gk pernah mau mengakui kesalahan. Sllu meremehkan dan menyakiti org lain. Gk pernah mau mnta maaf atas kesalahn terhadap org lain karena kalian menganggap kehilangan satu org saja bukan masalah selama masih banyak yg mau berteman dg kalian. Ive prepared myself for the worst for my mistakes, but have you?
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dewiyl · 9 years
I dont have friends as much as you do. But i can make sure that im only being friend with those who makes me closer to my Allah rather tha yours who always think about having fun waste much time on playing and hanging out together. You guys are so useless. Remember, someday when you get to struggle on your difficult life lesson, i'll be the one who'll laugh at you. You have my words.
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dewiyl · 9 years
Kenapa dr awal selalu gua yg salah? Selalu sama gua lo itu marah? Selalu gua yg jd kambing hitam? Itu karena lo emg cuma mau ngeliat gua yg salah. Lo itu naif, lo tau ada yg lain yg salah, tapi selalu gua objek kemarahan dan keegoisan elo. Sebenernya yg menyedihkan itu elu. Elu tau orang lain salah tp sllu dg naif lo gk mau mengakui dan sllu pura2 gktau dan gk pekalah. Gimana ada orang yang pura2 gk sadar klo banyak org yg suka sm dia? Ya itu elu. Elo itu pathetic.
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dewiyl · 9 years
Penting gk sh belajar ddf itu? Emg susah apa cuma gua yg gk ngrt?
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dewiyl · 9 years
i've hurt myself by loving you
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dewiyl · 9 years
i need someone to talk to right now because im torn, confused, and dont know what happened and what to do to myself. people must think that i need to talk to god instead,course i will. but still, i need 'human' also to give me advice, well maybe just be a good listener for my story. im just saying, im sorry
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dewiyl · 9 years
I'll be beautiful, just for you wait for me yaaaaaahhhhhh
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dewiyl · 9 years
ooooooooooohhhh I miss my friends :( I wonder if they were here then I wont be lonely :(
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dewiyl · 9 years
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my friend and I after being a costumer service and a hotel guest :D
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dewiyl · 9 years
I fell in love with someone who even doesnt know my name wierd, but this is what happen, I dont understand either
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