dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Fresh Start
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Just like my main blog I’ve decided to give this blog a fresh start! However unlike Pyramid Head only a couple of the characters will be reset so it’s not entirely new. So all new interactions will be on @dcvourhcpe and this post will be reblogged over the next few days.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
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This blog is going on semi-hiatus for a unknown amount of time while I take a break. This means I am still going to be active, but things will be slower and I will stick to sending and answering asks and maybe doing small replies from time to time. Longer posts will be moved to Discord so my username there will be given out sparingly.
In the meantime though check out my interest tracker so I can keep tabs on those who still wish to interact with me during my break!
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
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In all honesty I think I’m just going to put this blog and my sideblog on semi-hiatus until I can stop feeling tired all the time. Like I’ll do asks and memes here, but threads will be on discord instead ((for mutuals only since I’m iffy about giving out my discord)). I want to keep rping and developing my characters, but with how things are going right now running two blogs fully is causing me more stress than anything.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
For this Sinday I'm just going to write a short drabble since I've already got so much in my inbox. Reply with suggestions ((words, themes, partners, muses, etc)) or send a ask with said suggestions.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
Huh, that was easy. Too easy
Harry doesn't have time to think on it though because mid-fall the headbutt connects and he's dazed, making him hit the ground hard. It's made it all the more harder given the much larger killer is now on top of him which he doesn't realize at first in his daze.
When he does though he freezes and glares up at the Trapper in a attempt at a defense.
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He’s going to try to wrap his arms around Evan’s and use his weight to try to bring him down. If he can at least do that he’ll be happy.
Not really.
Evan isn’t going to resist this- he goes down from the force and weight of the other male. It’s something that amuses him and helps get him close enough for the heir to headbutt the miner. He’s enjoying this.
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dexdbydxylight · 2 years
For this Sinday I'm just going to write a short drabble since I've already got so much in my inbox. Reply with suggestions ((words, themes, partners, muses, etc)) or send a ask with said suggestions.
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