dexdlydreams · 10 years
Best friend my ass 😂😂
Literally, like fuck you to the biggest extent. I don’t even consider you as a best friend lol, actually I never did ha. You turned into a person I never expected from you. I love how you always treat me like shit and don’t even care or bothered to apologize for what you done or said. I love how you don’t realize how you’re treating me. I did everything for you, and I literally regret everything. I was there for you and you were barley ever there for me and it’s funny how you try to turn the tables on me because you have no one to blame but yourself. I hope you are not so loaded with friends that you are the loneliest person alive. I am so enraged with this pulsing anger that I could slay you with words. I hope you get what you deserve. A whole life time full of it. That is all. Literally im so done with you.
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dexdlydreams · 10 years
Wear Whatever Makes You Happy
People should wear what they feel comfortable in. If you want to wear heels to school then fucking wear heels to school, if you want to wear dresses then fucking wear dresses. If you feel confident in it, go for it, if you think it fits your style, go for it, if you just like it for no reason, fuckin go for it On the other hand though people shouldnt wear whatever they think they have to because of societys standards, especially if they hate it and feel bad about themselves in it and it makes them uncomfortable. We live in a fucked up society do you really wanna waste your time focusing in people judging you in what you wear? Just because some bitch is staring at you juding and shit doesn't mean you need to stop wearing it like I said DO WHATEVER MAKES YOU FEEL CONFIDENT AND HAPPY! LIKE LITERALLY WHO GIVES A FUCKING CRAP ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK. Confidence is sexy and you go cause your a sexy mother fucker with an amazing sense of style and dont let anyone tell you different, you beautiful majestic creature.
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