dezignapetechnology · 2 years
Tips to increase Business
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
We as a digital marketing agency provide the right tools to grow your business at a fraction of the cost (and time) that it would take a person doing everything from scratch. We also provide work from experts and professionals who are up to date with the latest trends, as well as keeping your business with the digital trends it needs.
If you’re still not convinced, we’ve put together a list of 8 reasons why you should hire DezignApe Technology for your business.
We as a Digital Marketing Agency will help you in the way which are mentioned below-
Generate market research and create a strategy to fit your competitive environment.
Provide advertising services on all types of     platforms (Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Manage and optimize your website’s rank.
Plan and create content marketing that engages     users and drives traffic.
Handle your email marketing, communication and campaigns.
Manage your social media accounts and     communities.
Plan and execute PR and media outreach for     your website/brand.
Install tracking and analytics tools     to measure your goals and marketing results.
Apart from all these, there are also various reasons for which you should hire us that will help your business grow in the digital world and will take you to the top of the Google search engine.
1. You get expert knowledge application.
2. We will reach more channels than you thought.
3. You have time to focus on your business.
4. Big-time savings.
5. A competitive industry strategy.
6. New ideas!
7. You can sit back and enjoy the results.
8. Everything is measured by us.
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
SEO secrets to improve website ranking
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
We are all living in a digital world and every business should be striving to create and maintain a strong online profile and link-building is an important aspect of digital marketing. Links are a way to divert web traffic and there are many different types of links; inbound, outbound, and even internal links that connect the various pages on a web platform. DezignApe technology assures you that we will build a strong online profile of your business and help your business to engage huge traffic on your website.
Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a "vote of confidence" from one site to another.
In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content. If many sites link to the same webpage or website, search engines can infer that content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a SERP. So, earning these backlinks can have a positive effect on a site's ranking position or search visibility.
 Earning backlinks is an essential component of off-site SEO. The process of obtaining these links is known as link earning or link building.
Some backlinks are inherently more valuable than others. Followed backlinks from trustworthy, popular, high-authority sites are considered the most desirable backlinks to earn, while backlinks from low-authority, potentially spammy sites are typically at the other end of the spectrum. Whether or not a link is followed (i.e. whether a site owner specifically instructs search engines to pass, or not pass, link equity) is certainly relevant, but don't entirely discount the value of no-follow links. Even just being mentioned on high-quality websites can give your brand a boost.
2) Google Recognition:
As you would expect, the number one search engine notices things like links, and the more valid links you have, the better your ranking. There are many ways that you can assist Google to notice your platform and all links need to be valid, as broken links can lead to penalization. If you will hire DezignApe Technology we will create an on-point marketing plan that includes several link-building strategies.
3) Domain Authority:
Domain Authority or DA is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz  that helps a website owner gauge their site’s “ranking strength”, i.e., how likely their website is to show up on search results. A machine learning algorithm makes predictions and creates a Domain Authority score ranging from 1 to 100 based on how often Google uses a given domain in search results. A higher Domain Authority score represents a greater likelihood of ranking.
 DezignApe Technology is a full-service digital marketing company helping businesses of all sizes improve their search visibility. Our link-building experts review your backlink profile, study your historic Domain Authority, analyze your competitors’ SEO position and put together a content-based SEO strategy to increase your Domain Authority.
We also offer SEO content writing, technical SEO, search engine marketing, Link building, website development, other digital marketing service you need to bolster your online presence and sales.
Contact us today to learn more about digital marketing strategies and how our services can help you. For more click here.
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
Grow your business by joining hands with DezignApe Technology as we do provide Visiting cards designing ,Digital marketing , Graphic Designing, Website development. With the help of our team we help to grow your business digitally with our best discounts💻💻 #digitalmarketing #graphicdesign #visitingcard #dezignapetechnology #contentwriting  #digitalbusiness
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
SEO stands for “Search engine optimization”. It is the process of optimizing your web pages to make them reach a high position in the search results page of Google and other search engines. SEO focuses on improving the ranking of your website in the form of organic and paid search results
DezignApe Technology is one of the best  SEO companies in Noida and also the best digital marketing company in Noida, India. We began our operations as Digital Marketing Agency and have grown by leaps and bounds. From the very beginning, we have stayed true to our core beliefs and have delivered an exceptional experience for our customers. We have more than 500 satisfied customers over the globe and have delivered more than 1000 projects.
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
Why SEO with DesiznApe
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
Why SEO with DesiznApe?
SEO stands for “Search engine optimization”. It is the process of optimizing your web pages to make them reach a high position in the search results page of Google and other search engines. SEO focuses on improving the ranking of your website in the form of organic and paid search results.
If you are looking to create long-term brand awareness, expand your target audiences, and start earning more revenues for your business then search engine optimization is very crucial.
1) It boosts your Credibility
2) It doesn’t have to cost you anything
3) It Supports Content Marketing
4) It Maximizes PPC campaigns
5) It gives you a competitive advantages
6) It can help you reach more people
7) It improves Website Usability
8) It Improves your engagement rates
9) You get Quantifiable results
DezignApe Technology is one of the best  SEO companies in Noida and also the best digital marketing company in Noida, India. We began our operations as Digital Marketing Agency and have grown by leaps and bounds. From the very beginning, we have stayed true to our core beliefs and have delivered an exceptional experience for our customers. We have more than 500 satisfied customers over the globe and have delivered more than 1000 projects.
Here we  provides the best digital marketing services in Noida. We provide SEO and SMO both services together. Our digital marketing experts make a post and write blogs and post it on the most popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Our SEO experts help to achieve top ranks on Google. Our digital marketing teams use the best keyword and publish them on blogs and create backlinks on other websites to increase the ranking of the website
As a professional SEO service company in Noida, we start with an in-depth analysis of your website and do research for the most valuable keywords to formulate a high effectively game plan with an option of customization as per your needs..
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
How to increase traffic on your website DEZIGNAPE TECHNOLOGY
Having a website and getting inbound leads from the website are two different things. Whether you are just starting out or been there for a while, getting traffic on your website can be quite challenging.  In this blog post, we will cover some methods and ways that will help you increase traffic on your website. Let’s begin.
Ways to improve traffic on your website
1. Search Engine OptimizationYou might already be aware of this term – SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques that are aligned with the guidelines of the search engine. Following the search engine guidelines, understanding the algorithm, and implementing various strategies according to it can help to boost your website ranking which will eventually increase the traffic. 2. Valuable ContentIt is the content that brings people back to your site. Make sure that you offer valuable and helpful content to your target audience. Not only it helps in building authority but also helps in building trust and relationship with your readers.  3. Traffic from Social MediaSocial Media can be a great traffic generating tool. You can leverage social media and redirect the audience from social media to your website. Implement social media marketing to your strategy to grab the attention of your prospects and generate more leads. 4. Create BacklinksCreating back links can be extremely helpful in getting more traffic to your site. Build both, external and internal links to your website in order to see the benefits.  5. Paid Ads or Search Engine MarketingAnother thing that you can do to boost traffic on your site is running Paid Ads. Running paid ads can be a bit expensive, but it can help you boost your traffic in a short span of time. However, you need a right strategy and use the right keywords in order to see results and make your campaign cost-effective.  
Increase your website traffic with us!
If you are struggling with getting more leads from your website and need a proper guidance, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. We are a digital marketing agency and can help your with increasing the traffic on your website using our expertise and experience.  We will take care of all the essentials that your website needs and design a customized plan for your business in order to boost the traffic on your website.
Contact us
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
SEO is an integral part of online marketing. If you want to improve your website ranking and increase traffic, then you can’t ignore Search Engine Optimization.  
75% of the searchers do not click past the first page of results. So, how to get that rank? What to do and what not to? There are several methods and techniques that are used to get that #1 ranking on search results. With this, comes a lot of misconceptions and myths.
Biggest Myths About SEO
Let us debunk some of the biggest myths about SEO: 1. SEO is dead You might have heard this before – SEO is dead. This is not true. Search Engine Optimization is a key component for growing online. Every time, Google launches a new algorithm, you might need to modify your strategies and tricks. Moreover, some older strategies might not work now, but SEO is not dead. You just need the right methods. 2. No follow links are valueless No follow links are the links that are not followed by the crawler. But, don’t forget that humans can still go to that link for reference. So, don’t ignore the no follow links from sites with good authority.  3. More content is better Yes, according to the stats, top ranked websites have a lot of content. But, is that it? The answer is no. The quality of your content also matters. Most of the top ranked website offers immense value to their audience through their content. Focus on quality over quantity. 4. Keyword research is not necessary Thorough keyword research helps you to find what people are searching for. It helps you understand your audience better and produce content as per their requirements. Moreover, targeting particular keywords gives you direction and helps you in being relevant.  5. SEO is a one-time thing SEO is not a one-time thing. Consistency is crucial if you want to maintain your rank on the search engine results page. Consistent efforts and updation are necessary if you want continuous results. Conclusion Search Engine Optimization can offer great benefits if done right. It is important to understand the algorithm and make alterations in your strategies accordingly.  If all that sounds too much, then you can hire a digital marketing agency to avail SEO services for your business and get the results you desire.
Contact us
to know more.
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
Digital Marketing Trends 2022
If you have the intention of remaining competitive in today's online landscape, then you must adopt to the rapidly evolving changes in digital marketing. Here are 5 top digital marketing trends for 2022 that will help your business to not just survive but thrive! 1) Short Videos
You can see short videos trending everywhere nowadays, on every platform. They attract a great amount of audience and are highly engaging! It accounts for almost 80% of all the online traffic, many influencers, brands and service providers use video marketing technique.
2) Voice Assistance
Voice assistance helps the users to get answers to their questions within seconds and is very easy to use. It also helps people who find it difficult to frame their queries as it gives accurate answers without taking up much time. 3) Personalization
People prefer getting their goods and services produced according to their individual requirements and according to the reports, a majority of consumers are likely to shop from brands that provide personalized goods or services which satisfy individual needs of the consumer. 4) Mobile-first Marketing
This is a strategy which priorities mobile apps or mobile web over desktop and making our apps/websites responsive to the format of a mobile phone. It can include marketing through texts, multimedia messages, mobile games, push notifications and other such sources. 5) Bit-sized Content
People in the present world are always on the move and do not have much time to spare over any extra information so we must make content that is short, accurate and easy to digest for the audience, it must be attractive to the eye so that the audience or consumer take a pause to loo at it. So these were some of the Digital Marketing trends of 2022 that will help your business grow. For more such informative content, visit our website https://dezignape.com/default.aspx
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dezignapetechnology · 2 years
SEO is an integral part of online marketing. If you want to improve your website ranking and increase traffic, then you can’t ignore Search Engine Optimization.  
75% of the searchers do not click past the first page of results. So, how to get that rank? What to do and what not to? There are several methods and techniques that are used to get that #1 ranking on search results. With this, comes a lot of misconceptions and myths.
Biggest Myths About SEO
Let us debunk some of the biggest myths about SEO: 
1. SEO is dead 
You might have heard this before – SEO is dead. This is not true. Search Engine Optimization is a key component for growing online. Every time, Google launches a new algorithm, you might need to modify your strategies and tricks. Moreover, some older strategies might not work now, but SEO is not dead. You just need the right methods. 
2. No follow links are valueless 
No follow links are the links that are not followed by the crawler. But, don’t forget that humans can still go to that link for reference. So, don’t ignore the no follow links from sites with good authority.  
3. More content is better 
Yes, according to the stats, top ranked websites have a lot of content. But, is that it? The answer is no. The quality of your content also matters. Most of the top ranked website offers immense value to their audience through their content. Focus on quality over quantity. 
4. Keyword research is not necessary 
Thorough keyword research helps you to find what people are searching for. It helps you understand your audience better and produce content as per their requirements. Moreover, targeting particular keywords gives you direction and helps you in being relevant.  
5. SEO is a one-time thing 
SEO is not a one-time thing. Consistency is crucial if you want to maintain your rank on the search engine results page. Consistent efforts and updation are necessary if you want continuous results. 
Search Engine Optimization can offer great benefits if done right. It is important to understand the algorithm and make alterations in your strategies accordingly.  If all that sounds too much, then you can hire a digital marketing agency to avail SEO services for your business and get the results you desire.
Contact us to know more.
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dezignapetechnology · 3 years
Are you ready to explore the biggest digital marketing trends in 2020 with us? Let’s begin. After the covid 19 outbreak, most of the businesses are shifting towards digitally promoting their business. Most of the consumers prefer to stay at home and browse the products and services through the internet. Digital Marketing is a dynamic field where trends keep on changing continuously. In order to be at the top of the heap, one must be aware of the latest trends in Digital Marketing. Read the blog thoroughly and add the missing points in the list of your digital marketing strategy.  Here’s the list of some of the biggest digital marketing trends in 2020:
1. Unique & Interactive Content
There is a reason why they keep saying, “Content is the king”. With every brand recognising the importance of good content, it has become essential to provide unique content to your audience in order to retain them. Content is just not a strategy, it is a means to communicate with your audience and create a distinct brand image.  Content not only helps in improving SEO but it can also become a great resource to bridge the gap between a brand and its audience.
2. Video Marketing
Videos are a great and effective way to interact with your audience. Now, you might be wondering how effective video marketing is? According to a survey conducted by
, around eight out of every ten users have purchased a piece of app software or after watching the brand’s video (Wyzowl, 2018). So, if you are serious about boosting your sales, then you can’t afford to ignore video marketing. Apart from this, the 2019 report of Wyzowl shows that
of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. That simply signifies that your competitors are shifting towards video marketing and to stay competitive, one needs to adapt the new trends in digital marketing.
3. Voice Search
We are living in an era of Alexa and Siri. Gone are the days when people had to type everything on the keyboard, with the launch of various voice search assistants, people are now shifting towards voice search. Voice search is a convenient way to find the answer to a query.  With voice search coming into the trend, it has also become essential that we must optimize our content and website accordingly. To learn more about voice search optimization, read our blog post: Voice Search Optimization Guide.
4. Social Media
If you are thinking to promote your business digitally then you can’t ignore social media. Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization are crucial elements of digital marketing. Social Media is just a platform to promote or advertise your business, but also a great medium to get connected with your target customers, take feedbacks, interact with the audience, and build strong customer relations. If you are curious to know more about social media, go through our blog:
What is Social Media Optimization and why it is important for your business?
5. Some other key digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2020:
There are various other new trends in digital marketing that must be kept in mind while designing a digital marketing strategy: • Interactive Emails• Micro-Influencers• Chatbots• Direct Messaging• Multichannel & Omnichannel Marketing Conclusion The transformation of technology has highly impacted consumer behaviour towards purchasing and interacting with brands and businesses. Consumers are getting smart and are looking for instant solutions. Customers now demand transparency and authenticity from brands. Along with this, the digital marketing trends are also changing rapidly and it has become crucial to adapt the new digital marketing trends. In case you are looking for digital marketing assistance, connect with DezignApe Technology. DezignApe Technology is a pre-eminent digital marketing agency that offers an assortment of Digital Marketing and IT services. Call us now at 8006872426 or email us at [email protected].
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dezignapetechnology · 3 years
Are you ready to explore the biggest digital marketing trends in 2020 with us? Let’s begin. After the covid 19 outbreak, most of the businesses are shifting towards digitally promoting their business. Most of the consumers prefer to stay at home and browse the products and services through the internet. Digital Marketing is a dynamic field where trends keep on changing continuously. In order to be at the top of the heap, one must be aware of the latest trends in Digital Marketing. Read the blog thoroughly and add the missing points in the list of your digital marketing strategy.  Here’s the list of some of the biggest digital marketing trends in 2020:
1. Unique & Interactive Content
There is a reason why they keep saying, “Content is the king”. With every brand recognising the importance of good content, it has become essential to provide unique content to your audience in order to retain them. Content is just not a strategy, it is a means to communicate with your audience and create a distinct brand image.  Content not only helps in improving SEO but it can also become a great resource to bridge the gap between a brand and its audience.
2. Video Marketing
Videos are a great and effective way to interact with your audience. Now, you might be wondering how effective video marketing is? According to a survey conducted by
, around eight out of every ten users have purchased a piece of app software or after watching the brand’s video (Wyzowl, 2018). So, if you are serious about boosting your sales, then you can’t afford to ignore video marketing. Apart from this, the 2019 report of Wyzowl shows that
of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. That simply signifies that your competitors are shifting towards video marketing and to stay competitive, one needs to adapt the new trends in digital marketing.
3. Voice Search
We are living in an era of Alexa and Siri. Gone are the days when people had to type everything on the keyboard, with the launch of various voice search assistants, people are now shifting towards voice search. Voice search is a convenient way to find the answer to a query.  With voice search coming into the trend, it has also become essential that we must optimize our content and website accordingly. To learn more about voice search optimization, read our blog post: Voice Search Optimization Guide.
4. Social Media
If you are thinking to promote your business digitally then you can’t ignore social media. Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization are crucial elements of digital marketing. Social Media is just a platform to promote or advertise your business, but also a great medium to get connected with your target customers, take feedbacks, interact with the audience, and build strong customer relations. If you are curious to know more about social media, go through our blog:
What is Social Media Optimization and why it is important for your business?
5. Some other key digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2020:
There are various other new trends in digital marketing that must be kept in mind while designing a digital marketing strategy: • Interactive Emails• Micro-Influencers• Chatbots• Direct Messaging• Multichannel & Omnichannel Marketing Conclusion The transformation of technology has highly impacted consumer behaviour towards purchasing and interacting with brands and businesses. Consumers are getting smart and are looking for instant solutions. Customers now demand transparency and authenticity from brands. Along with this, the digital marketing trends are also changing rapidly and it has become crucial to adapt the new digital marketing trends. In case you are looking for digital marketing assistance, connect with DezignApe Technology. DezignApe Technology is a pre-eminent digital marketing agency that offers an assortment of Digital Marketing and IT services. Call us now at 8006872426 or email us at [email protected].
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dezignapetechnology · 3 years
If you are willing to open a business but have limited knowledge about the next important marketing step then DezignApe Technology, the best web design company in Bareilly, is here to enlighten you with information about the importance of website designing and development. It is a fact that great website design services do affect the growth of business therefore, it is necessary to understand the proper usage of web designing and web development to uplift your firm’s name. Here are the few perks of website designing as well as development which will help you manage your digital business better:     • If your website is properly designed and developed then the navigation on your site gets easier for the visitor to look for things and access the information faster.    • With proper site development, the pages of your site are expected to load faster which will ultimately give your visitor another reason to stay for a longer period.    • A well-explained design makes it easier for the firm to attract more traffic on your site hence improving its visibility on the search engine.    • DezignApe Technology being one of the best web development companies in Bareilly will help you optimize your site to get a better ranking on the web.    • A great design will make your site into a user-friendly one thus improving the visual content of the design to get more clicks on the search results.    • The services of an efficient web designing company will provide you with amazing visual content for your site since it will help the user get a clear picture of the services or products your firm would be offering.    • Since the times have changed, digital services thus include designing & development which will undoubtedly improve user engagement. If we talk about some of the visible perks then it is:      1. Saving on costs     2. Allows ads on the website     3. E-commerce Understanding all these perks of web designing and web development, it is essential for a firm to look for some efficient website design services in Bareilly to raise the standard of your brand. With all the plus points like easy navigation, higher ranking, increased sale, lifetime clients, better user engagement, one must understand the necessity to imply these advantages that come along website design and development. DezignApe Technology will cater you with satisfactory website design services in Bareilly. If you are looking for an experienced web designing and development company in the town then we would be more than obliged to serve you with the best facilities available.
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dezignapetechnology · 3 years
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