dfazaa · 6 years
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dfazaa · 7 years
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Home decor the Scandinavian way, beautifully combining the wartm of wood with light white color palette.
Read more here
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dfazaa · 7 years
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Apartment goals tbh.
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dfazaa · 8 years
I miss you tho
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dfazaa · 8 years
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Can't agree more,but still ..be nice to people! Be nice to ur self! 👌
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dfazaa · 8 years
Ketika diri ini berusaha menjaga hati mereka yang disayangi, namun disisi lain hati ini sendiri terasa tersakiti. Kemudian pertanyaan yang muncul: Apa ini yang disebut pengorbanan? Seberapa pantaskah pengorbanan ini diperlukan? Ataukah ini termasuk menzalimi diri sendiri??? Atau....Mungkin inilah yang kau sebut "lemah"? #mencarisebuahjawaban
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dfazaa · 8 years
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dfazaa · 8 years
It is .
Is there anything you regret (doing, not doing) in college?I'm in my third year of college now and I feel as if I've done a 180 since I first arrived here. First year, I was a beast when it came to studying. I was a hardcore bone-breaking, blood gushing premed. I didn't take crap from anybody and I could've easily pulled off 7 straight hour study sessions excluding classes everyday for the entire year which in retrospect is something I am...not too fond of sharing. This of course made me miserable, but it gave me some perspective on the type of person I am and the life I wanted to live.Second year was a grab bag. I gave up a lifestyle that I realized was ineffective. Studying only goes so far in terms of how well you do in classes. It also didn't make me happy pulling off hours of work in the library. So as I looked for better, more efficient study skills, I was also looking for what was missing. I thought I knew in first year, and now that my lifestyle has fell through, I'm in the 'searching phase' (which I now realize extends far beyond college). I tried taking classes I thought I would like and learning a bajillion languages. Though I enjoyed the process, I realized I was loading myself down with a bunch of things all at the same time - a recipe for disaster.Now as a third year, I'm trying to learn more about who I am. I'm taking my time in exploring experiences rather than taking more classes, I've dedicated some of my time to tutoring, researching, and volunteering. The reason I quit the generic premed plan with hospital volunteering was because I hated restocking and not being able to do anything other than that and filing (this may stem from a problem I have which I may or may not be ready to admit). I love film so much, I'm taking an extra year to finish my bio/film degree. I regret not being able to explore more as a freshmen. 4 years is definitely not enough time to find yourself or do everything a university has to offer.I feel like I'm in a weird sylvia plath situation where my opportunities are falling like figs as I stand under the tree trying to figure out what the hell a fig even tastes like.
Hi there, YGKW –
Yes, there are things I wish I would have done differently (or not at all) in college…. and in high school, med school, residency… because that’s just how life is!
Despite the obvious need for a “Manual for Making the Best Decisions along Your Educational Pathway”, nobody has written it yet. So we are all stuck trying to make the best of it through college, using a combination of advice from those who have gone before, intuitive choices based on “gut feelings,” and a (hopefully enlarging) databank of “Lessons Learned from Prior Mistakes” with which to help guide the next decision that comes along.
You’re hit the nail on the head: college is mainly about learning “who you is.” It’s not about the GPA, it’s about your growth and maturation. It’s not about grinding through 4 (or more) years of lectures, labs, and late-night study sessions – it’s about learning how to succeed in one large arena (your education) while still fostering growth and fulfillment in other venues (your friendships, relationships, spirituality, physical fitness, family bonds, personal hobbies).
The people who hard-nose through their college experience, succeeding and excelling scholastically at the expense of all else, may have an “easier” time getting into the job or post-graduate position of their choosing – but this does not, in any way, guarantee their happiness, their success, or even their ability to continue to function in a way which will appeal to their employer or graduate program (or spouse or children or friends!).
My college-level regrets are probably a mirror image to yours: I came into college determined to pick a major that I could coast through (psychology was the eventual choice), and with my natural skills at empathy, memorization, and lateral thinking, I was cruising through those classes just fine. I hardly had to study, and I spent all my nights playing video games or reading until the wee hours of the morning. But the Big Self-Revelation that I had to face was: I wasn’t exploring my full potential. My childhood aversion to studying the hard sciences had closed my mind off to the very idea of ever going into a medical/healthcare field – but that was something that my parents could “see” as a good fit for my personality and skill-set. It took over a year of pitched arguments, internal struggles, and prayer before I finally decided to step out of my scholastic comfort zone and expose my self-esteem to the rigors and non-A grades of pre-med science classes. And since that decision wasn’t made until Junior Year of college, I suddenly had to cram 4 year-long science classes/labs into 2 years – what a culture shock, and a massive blow to my self-image!
But that same rigorous and shocking 2-year struggle (which only led into 7 more years of rigorous scholastic encounters… doh!) also gave me some of that oh-so-valuable: perspective. Perspective on who I was and could be. Perspective on what it truly means to work hard for a worthy goal. Perspective on the Real Priorities in life.
I hope your journey, as “non-optimal” as it may seem to you, will prove to have been a valuable perspective-bringer – if not now, then eventually. That’s how things eventually turned out for me, and even though YES, I could have made my college life easier by avoiding or pursuing certain desires and challenges, the end results of my college life did lead me to where I am now, and I love where I am now in my life (career, marriage, fatherhood, spiritual life, even this whole Tumblr hobby!) too much to change anything which wouldn’t have brought me here. :)
Good luck!
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dfazaa · 8 years
“To maximize your potential, you must focus on your skills and not your own limitations ...”
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— best sign ever, outside the Leonardo da Vinci museum in Ortigia, Sicily. 
Offenders are subject to a feeling of victimhood with consequent worsening of mood and decreased ability to solve problems.
The penalty is doubled if the violation occurs in the presence of children.
To maximize your potential, you must focus on your own skills and not you own limitations then:
Stop complaining and take action to improve your life.
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dfazaa · 8 years
Perasaaan yang tidak seharusnya dimiliki dan bukan sebuah pilihan. Lalu apalah daya ini selain hanya bisa menerima dan terus menata hati memantaskan diri untuk mencapai kebahagian yang hakiki.
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dfazaa · 8 years
Ketika jari lama tak menari tapi pikiran ini terus berkelana, sungguh keji .
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dfazaa · 8 years
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You're doing just fine 💚
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dfazaa · 8 years
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True. It's okay not to be okay 🍂
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dfazaa · 8 years
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No matter what just Face it! Be strong keep moving forward and eat ur 💩
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dfazaa · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTK_F1AuCc0)
One of the best diving spot in indonesia
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dfazaa · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3prFSmp6yxI)
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me, "Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely." Once I was seven years old It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure ...
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dfazaa · 8 years
#you’ll never be alone #shawnmendes
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