dgrayxbennett · 9 years
[[ i messed up. i was gone longer than i thought i would be. but anyway, replies are done. i’m going back to plotting, and i deeply apologize to those i left hanging a week ago. this week has been all kinds of hectic. it’s almost 5am, so i’ll be replying to plots again during the day. you can like this post if you want to plot, or hmu via assbox. i’m kind of back and ready to write. for easier plotting, you can follow me on twatter taemting bc aim is a piece of shit. you can also just make a starter and tag me, or leave something in my assbox/submission to reply to, then we can weave our way into a non-confusing relationship (unless that’s what you’re going for). thank you! ]]
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
alyssa was one of destery’s first friends when he was finally allowed out of the queen’s castle. sure, the holloways were fun people, but nothing quite met the oddity that was alyssa -- oddity being quite the compliment in wonderland. this girl belonged, and destery was always disappointed when she left. now that he knew she was also enrolled in the academy, he’d be willing to stay up just to spend more time with her. he smiled, bright, genuine, although with that permanently sleeping look, as he looked at her, only pulling back the slightest, still unwilling to let go of the girl. “i’ve been well!” he nodded. “been sleeping a lot still, but actually managed to do some stuff, you know? if dad asks, tells him i’m getting better.” destery let out a soft laugh. “did you just get here? how’s wonderland? are you okay?”
True to her words, he really hadn’t changed since their time apart. She missed the white rabbit’s son dearly, Destrey having been a wonderful friend and great company. She allowed him to hug her, her own arms wrapping around him tightly in response. “I am,” She said, a light laugh bubbling from her throat. Her smile never wavered, and she found herself reaching to fix the fly aways atop his head. “How have you been since coming here?”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
oooh, quotes. destery loved quotes. especially when other people said it. it was like looking into the mind of that person, how they thought, and why they would be able to relate to such a quote. although, something was a little wrong, destery thought, and his eyebrows slowly, unconsciously, furrowed at what the other was saying. what people hide is what people deserve to read. that seemed wrong. destery was an open book all on his own, but he knew secrets were kept secrets for a reason, so why should other people find out about them? that was his first question, and it looked like he was definitely about to learn.
“i-- yes, i understand, but aren’t they supposed to be--” he blinked, twice. “--oh, my name is destery gray, by the way--kept hidden simply in respect. why would people want to know about those kinds of things?” his lips formed into a tiny, pink pout. “seems sketchy.”
since they didn’t have any reporters in wonderland, except for, well, destery’s father (who was more an announcer of the queen’s arrival, really), the fact that news gathering became such a competition in the real world surprised him. he thought it was just about you wrote it, and how people understood it. apparently, it was far more than that. darker, even. destery was a little nervous. “no stories today?” he asked, purely curious.
through the grapevine // ip ★ dgb
“well, first things first.” he began quietly, eyebrows furrowing as he looked around. he turned back, hands falling to rummage through the papers on the desk until he plucked out a sleek, black binder from the pile. fingers flipped it open, filtered through the pages until they fell to the space between them, held it open.
“george orwell once said, ‘journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.’” he said in an english that tilted with an accent, only vague, a dialect of region. then he looked up with a smile. “i think that should be your first lesson. what people hide? what they quiet? that’s what people want to read–no, that’s what people deserve to read.” with a flick of his hand, the binder cluttered the desk again, mixing with papers, sending some off the edge. though isaac didn’t notice, too much aware of the boy’s curved features; delicate, softened, it was mesmerizing, vaguely nostalgic. “what did you say your name was?” he asked, fingers wrapping around his camera again.
as soon as the question trembled across the still air between, isaac was distracted again, looking through pictures, clicking through them; they were mostly useless, nothing interesting had come out of hiding in a locker in hopes of something marvelous happening. though the new boy didn’t have to know the inefficiency of some techniques. he only had to be aware that they tried, attempted, sometimes failed, though they never surrendered. “second thing you should know is you should always be on the lookout. anything is a potential story–obscure scandals can sometimes make your career. if you’re the first to report, you’re the one they read, the one they trust–it’s a race. got it?”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
destery felt himself being moved, and knew that he was now on emrys’ lap, which made him wonder how polite the school news head must be to not just simply wake him up. at the sound of the other’s voice, though, destery’s eyes slowly opened, and he shifted, eyes meeting the other’s. the fingers stroking his hair felt calming. destery was naturally affectionate, and grew attached to anyone who welcomed his affection, or showed just as equal amount of affection as he. it felt weird with emrys, though, as he didn’t seem to be the type to give anyone the slightest bit of tenderness.
“i’m not tired,” destery replied, voice soft. he liked emrys’ eyes, too, he decided. “not anymore, at least. is it time to close up?” he asked, not really wanting to move from his spot on emrys’ lap, but slowly pushed himself up anyone. he leaned back on emrys’ shoulder instead. “i can help! teach me how, so maybe i can do it from now on. less trouble for you everyday.” a determined nod.
emrys wasn’t the kind of person who’d let his guard down, especially when he doesn’t know the other person he’s with. he wasn’t used to sleeping in the presence of someone (which is why he was eternally grateful his roommate was usually out at night), so despite closing his eyes, he was fully aware of what the other was doing. their current position made taking note of his surroundings easier, still lightly stroking the other’s surprisingly soft hair.
he was unsure if the other fell asleep, not wanting to wake him up out of sheer curtesy. he did help, despite being late and barely doing much, and he had promised to bring him his daily dose of tea so his mood wasn’t as bad as it usually is after a news team meeting. he moved a bit, checking to see if the other was asleep or not (though he couldn’t really tell either way) and settled for moving back a bit as he moved the other to his lap, peering over to check if the other woke up. “hey, kid…” he whispered, still stroking the other’s hair, “you that tired?”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
She had been in no particular way looking for him, simply walking the ever busy campus of her new school. Most would consider her lost, she would say she was exploring new terrain. That's when she saw the familiar flash of platinum blonde strike across her vision, and a soft smile played her lips. "I see you're still the same, Des," She called to him, waiting for him to notice her.
obviously, destery had nowhere to go. he had just thought about skipping club, and head back to bed when a voice, familiar tone and all, called out to him. he stopped in his tracks, gradually turning around to see that the beautiful, eccentric girl he had met in wonderland years ago also went to the same academy. a smile quickly crept up his lips, and destery immediately started bouncing towards the girl, enveloping her in a tight hug. “lys! you’re here!”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
destery was very confused. had he met this man before but, due to his slowed thinking process, actually forgot? that wasn’t good. he was probably forgetting something really important if that was the case. “i just woke up--” he tried, but the other man started leading him back to the dorm rooms, and since destery was, and always is, in a daze, he followed the stranger, anyway, eyebrows slightly furrowed. 
“Shh,” he said almost immediately, finger coming over the girl’s lips, completely missing the fact that her voice was definitely a little (or more than a little) lower than all the other girls he’d come across. Maybe she was sick, he reasoned. “Club, schmub. Who cares? It’s gonna be there even if you miss it or not. Don’t worry, darling, I’ll escort you to your room and get you all rested up!” 
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
The whispers did not go unheard of by the little bunny, his hearing naturally exemplary, much more so when he was in his better, fluffier form. He wondered who this Jinx was, though, and how he was related to Jasper Isaac. Why would he change his name, if ever that was the case? Jasper Isaac was a nice name--nice, perfect for the taller of the two. It was a cool name, and Jasper Isaac was cool. Jinx was not a cool name. Jinx was a mean name.
When the giant kitty cat took Destery Gray’s nose between his fingers, the little bunny could do no more than blink as he sat on top of Jasper Isaac’s thighs. It hurt, kind of, but Destery Gray wasn’t bothered. He was so used to it, he thought of it was some form of affection. At least this time, kitty wasn’t prancing away to hide from him. It had always been a game for the both of them--and Destery Gray wondered why he was always it in hide-and-seek.
“That’s not what your dad said, though,” Destery Gray replied, obviously oblivious to the fact of the name change. If it wasn’t done legally, then he was having none of it. “Come on,” he continued, tugging at Jasper Isaac’s shirt, and sounding just the slightest bit whiny. “I don’t know what other thing you’re talking about now.” A pause for thought. “Other thing? You mean Jasper Isaac? I don’t understand, kitty. Jasper Isaac is your name.” The louder Destery Gray talked, the more people stopped to listen, wonder who this Jasper Isaac was when there was only the two of the Wonderland folks present--Destery Gray, son of the White Rabbit, and Jinx Holloway, son of the Cheshire Cat. Not Jasper Isaac, as people knew, but Jinx.
~ * jasper *~ // jih ★ dgb
[ ☆ ]—No, he didn’t hate the Bunny Rabbit.
What Jinx felt about the son of the White Rabbit could be more akin to fear, though that was highly unlikely as the son of the Cheshire Cat was afraid of very, very little. It was more of confusion, of a lack of a sense of understanding that the eldest Holloway could never, ever stand, a reality he painfully encountered when he realized he could not get through the bunny’s defenses with his simple tricks. Hence, the escapism. Jinx was not a fan of things he could not play with (again, very little), so he’d rather run away than watch his attempts go down the drain. 
Except this stupid little bunny probably thought they were playing a game of tag, and unfortunately one that involved embarrassing him to unimaginable levels. He could already hear the murmurs of “Jasper Isaac? Isn’t his name Jinx?” and all its variations as he was toppled to the ground, and it took all of his remaining sanity just to not rip the puny boy’s head off of his body. Instead, he gave a rather harsh pinch to Destery’s button nose, squeezing as hard as his golden hues glared before slowly sitting up, huffing as he felt a jolt of pain course through his leg with the simple motion. This bunny was going to have hell to owe. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?” He scolded, giving a squeeze to the other’s nose with every syllable he forgo. “My name is Jinx, Bunbun. J-I-N-X. Not Ja–” A pause. There was a crowd that was lowkey listening in to their banter. Did he really want more people to know of the nightmare that was his real name? “That other thing. Got it?” 
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
[[ omfg ok ok hi i’ll be out for this week and i’ll probably be able to squeeze in some replies here and there but i’m gone for like two days and no this isn’t going to be like when i had fiyero (chunji) before that i said i will only be gone three days and never come back i am so sorry for that but anyway yeah just a few days, a whole week at most. see u guys! 
ps: you can also hmu via twitter if u want to plot: taemting]]
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reply to:
- lucifer (that jackass)
- emrys
- isaac
waiting reply (thread):
- cj
- jasper isaac (jinx yes ok)
plot with:
- bree ??
- penelope ??
- hadhi
- orion
- mag / margaret
- orion
- luna
- lileas
- mato (pls wait for my reply i am sob)
- mitz (u lil bitch if ur reading this we’re doing shit i hate u sfm u made me join disney dudez ur not leaving me oh my gOD)
- i wanna plot with all of u pls omfg
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[[ if i forgot anyone, hmu ok im so sorry sOBS. i’ll be making a plots page for when i come back too ok.
for anyone who wants to plot/para/script, you can either like this post, hmu via assbox, or just leave something in my assbox to start with!! thank you!! see u in a few days!!]]
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
“Tsk, tsk. Cute, but absentminded – not a good combo, see, ‘cause there’s people – NOT me, of course – who’re gonna take advantage of you, right? So, here I am, your saviour, escorting you back to your dorm, yeah? Wanna walk there with me, babe?”
“but,” destery tried, still frowning. he wasn’t sure what to say. who was this guy again? he saw him around the hallways, usually with jasper, but destery never bothered learning his name, or what he was like. destery was just greeted with a kind of surprise right now, seeing as this guy was actually like this--but it’s not registering quite properly yet, as it usually took awhile for destery’s thought process to work in unfamiliar situations. “but i think i have a club meeting right now.” he brought his hand up, checked his watch. “or not. i don’t remember. who are you?”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
“i’m--” destery blinked, eyed the other boy, whose name is isaac (isaac, his name is isaac), “yes, i’m fine. thank you.” a sleepy smile made its way up destery’s lips, and his hooded eyes gleamed, elated to have found someone who would willingly take him under their roof. destery only knew him as the official photographer of the news team, and having passed by him often, he also found out that isaac was a fourth year, a level younger, but was a lot more knowledgeable in this field than destery could ever was.
albeit currently quite lethargic, destery was always willing to learn and help around, and that sent current into his brain telling him to immediately pay attention. if he learned the way around the news team, and if he knew a little bit of photography, maybe he’d be more than just emrys’ “adorable, sleepy, personal assistant who was almost always late”, and actually someone who did more for the group. “yes,” destery finally answered, voice soft, and expression almost shy. he was rarely every shy.  “yes, i would love to have you as a teacher! if-- if you have the time, maybe you can teach me about-- teach me the ways of the news team.” a determined nod. “what you do, how you work. everything and anything you think is important.”
finally, destery would be able to make something out of himself in the news team. despite his passion for service, having worked under the queen of hearts, maybe it was time he broke out of his shell and became something more.
through the grapevine // ip ★ dgb
he was clicking through his pictures when the other arrived, the boy with light hair, an innocent face. there was a roundness to his features, as though each line was curved and softened, as though any harshness eluded him. isaac had seen him before, but until then he was only a face, a boy who existed in the same walls as him, in the same club. sometimes he would watch him from afar, never finding a reason to close the distance; he still hadn’t, but fate seemed adamant about a meeting, pulled them together, formed a thin strand of gravity that made his desk tremble, the papers sway.
“destery, both things are fine. i’m fine. but are you?” he quirked a brow up, let the chair roll back as he stood, calmly, painting slow lines in the air. “i’m isaac parker, i take pictures for the paper. you’re new–how new? do you need help? guidance? would you like to become a photographer?” each word unfurled with an ease, like water that splashed from his lips, settled in the air, made it damp with a somber tone. dedication poured into his eyes, thickened his voice, smoothed the creases from his lips; whatever semblance of a smile had remained simmered, cooled into something monotone, neutral. “i mean, if you need a leader, a teacher, that can be me.” the thought of having a protege, after all, was too exciting, too much like the comics he’d read, the stories he’d seen.
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
"Ohohoh, what do we have here?" he asked, devilish grin and all, even as he draped an arm around the stranger's shoulders as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "What's a cute little honey like you doing roaming around alone, baby?"
having just woken up from a nap, destery gray walked around the hallways in a daze, only flinching the slightest bit when he felt an arm around his shoulders. he looked up, eyes half-lidded and tired. “what– huh– oh.” a pause, his eyebrows furrowing in thought (a slow one, at that). “i’m… i don’t know, really. hi, who are you?”
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
one last hope // cjb ★ dgb
the only reason destery gray was in the fencing club was because his father told him to to pursue an active lifestyle -- or something like that. his father could have meant a bunch of other things, but destery was already a part of a hundred and two other clubs and student associations like he had the time and willpower to actually attend all of them. but that was destery, and his futile attempts at trying to regain his former lifestyle.
as more students begin to saunter into the gym, destery had already been waiting inside with a bunch of others. instead of interacting with each other like the other students did, destery was leaning back onto a bench, the fencing mask already resting on his face as he nodded off. he knew that once the activities started, calais wouldn’t let him out of her sight.
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
one of destery’s bad habits was being unable to shut up when he’s nervous or excited. he usually wasn’t the former, but because he actually liked the idea of the school news team, and he liked the school news team head already, the thought of getting kicked out made him anxious. when emrys told him to be quiet though, he immediately did so, biting his bottom lip in an attempt not to snicker. being forced to rest felt different to him. he usually just did so on his own whether his conscious wanted him to or not. destery’s body had a way of shutting itself down, and that was why he was late today in the first place. not that he would tell emrys that -- maybe in the future, though. in a game of truth or dare.
destery was just about to get up from the couch, thinking about fixing up the rest of the news room, and maybe look for a blanket for emrys while he was at it, but when emrys guided his head to rest onto the latter’s shoulder, he was almost shocked. it was rare that people reciprocated his affections, and it was even rarer when the other person--who he just met, might he add--initiated it. so, there he was, leaning onto his supervisor’s shoulder. destery felt a sudden calmness wash over him; it felt odd, but nice. he felt his eyes getting heavy once more as he dozed off beside his new-found refuge.
the sudden offer made him open his eyes, sighing because he was so close to sleeping when the other started talking. “what? no, i’m fine here.” he replied, waving the other off dismissively. this was probably the nicest emrys has ever been to someone besides perriane (though a lot of people might argue that fact) and it was hard for him not to just shoo him off. how could he when the other looked like a lost animal? it was adorable, really. he hasn’t found anyone adorable since he came to the academy, and he never thought he’d find anyone that fit into that particular category; being surrounded by minions all his life made sure of that.
“i’m fine right now, thank you.” emrys didn’t mind that the other suddenly inched closer, but that doesn’t mean he was used to having his personal bubble popped just like that. he reached to grab the other’s head, pulling him onto his shoulder and lightly patting him. “i’m fine so rest and shut up.” he stated, closing his eyes once more. the thought of making the boy his minion came to mind, and that honestly wasn’t such a bad idea, he mused.
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
~ * jasper *~ // jih ★ dgb
[ ☆ ]—Jinx was having quite a good day, really. It was obvious in the spring in steps, light and airy as he walked along the crowded hallway, giddy from the success of the last prank he had pulled. That is until he heard a shrill voice calling out his dreaded full name (a dreaded full name that he had hoped no one would ever discover in his stay in this Academy), a shrill voice that was so damnedly familiar that he could already feel the hairs on his skin stand on end without even looking at the one who owned it. “…I’m out.” He muttered, quickly side-steppping from of the crowd and leaping out from the third floor window, his walk on the courtyard having an obvious limp  due to the hasty impact. But, anything was better than being assaulted by a freak of nature, no? “I am not Jasper Isaac. Liketotes.” 
the fact that jasper (oh, yes, jasper) thought he could get away was so adorable. did he also forget that destery was a rabbit, the son of the white rabbit, and ran errands for the red queen? being late meant having to give up his head, and although destery did sleep too much for his own good, his specialty was sprinting past anything to keep himself away, away, away from the guillotine. seeing his target jump out from the third-story window surprised him, eyebrows raising as the tall figure disappeared into the courtyard. back in wonderland, it was usually seven-year-old jasper who approached first, appearing out of nowhere in an attempt to startle the little bunny, only his pursuit would usually go up in smoke (sometimes literally).
after a deep breath, destery began moving with quick strides, then coming to a sprint, practically hopping down the staircase two to three steps at a time. by the time he reached the ground floor, out the courtyard he went. he came to a halt to let his eyes scan his surrounding. jasper isaac was definitely the easiest one to spot, with his towering stature, and an obvious limp. when he found his target on lock, he darted through the courtyard, a bounce in every step, until he reached his favorite childhood kitty cat--”JASPER!!”--and toppling him to the ground.
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
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With her wand missing, Fairy God Mother is unable to maintain the magic that keeps Elias Academy safe. There’s a glitch in the system and soon enough a loophole builds within the isle until, eventually, the entire thing goes up in smoke.
Children of animals revert back to their original forms, mutant powers are no longer kept secret and dark magic knows no barriers.
Double, double, toil and trouble… The magic is gone.
Keep reading
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
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I’m late! I’m late!
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dgrayxbennett · 9 years
the comment made destery’s cheeks heat up. it had been awhile since someone admired his work. then again, it had been awhile since he actually did anything remotely close to work. when emrys told destery not to call him sir, he bit his lip, trying to refrain from laughing. destery bounced over to the sofa, looking like he had more energy than he perceived. he sat down beside emrys, blatantly observing the other boy with glassy, curious-eyes. destery felt bad for emrys; he looked exhausted, and destery could almost feel it. just looking at emrys made him want to go back to bed (more than he usually did).
“do you want me to help you back to your room?” he asked. not that he thought emrys was old or anything, but destery really didn’t have it in him to think before he spoke. which wasn’t much of a problem for him, considering he never knew when he was being offensive. he also didn’t have it in him to leave the most hardworking member of the news team like this, either.  “do you want coffee? i’ll get you anything!” destery scooted closer to emrys -- a distance you wouldn’t take after having just met someone for the first time. but, hey, they met, so what was personal space now?
hearing the other tell him everything was fixed made him break into a smile–it was the first time he’d expressed happiness that particular day (or maybe week)–as he moved to check the other’s work. he checked each pile: all the corrected ones in one, unedited papers in another, and to-be-considered articles as the last atop his desk. the multiple markers and pens he had scattered about was placed neatly inside the holder and his sticky notes were neatly placed in a line near his laptop.
“this is great!” he exclaimed, surprised at himself for acknowledging someone and surprised at the other for making him do so. it wasn’t that he didn’t acknowledge anyone’s hard work or effort, but rather this was the first time he’d actually voiced it out in such a manner. it was probably due to the fatigue that he wasn’t able to articulate other possible praises for the boy. making his way back to the sofa and practically collapsing on it–he wasn’t physically tired, no, he was built better than that–with all the stress from meeting new people and adjusting to the new environment finally catching up to him. “you needn’t call me sir.” he stated, pinching the bridge of his nose before tucking his classes inside his dress shirt pocket.
“c’mere, i’m sure you need a rest too.” the boy looked absolutely ridiculous with his hair all over the place and his complexion looking like a dead man–he assumed it was because he was sleep deprived, and the lateness was due to him trying to combat it but realising he had to work. he knew that feeling all to well. patting down on the seat next to him, he gestured for the boy to sit, relaxing into the sofa before closing his eyes.
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