dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 4th March: World Book Day (UK) 🕮
“Hymns get stained when they’re not recited.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Asajjhayamala manta. 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Anguttara Nikaya » Atthakanipata » Mahavaggo » Mala Sutta (Stains) ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 3rd March: World Hearing Day 👂
“Better than a thousand useless words is one useful word, hearing which one attains peace.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Sahassamapi ce vaca Anatthapadasanhita Ekam atthapadam seyyo Yam sutva upasammati.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Dhammapada » Sahassavagga ✒️ Translated by © 1985 “Ācāriya Buddharakkhita”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 2nd March: World Teen Mental Wellness Day 😊
“A restrained mind brings happiness.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Cittam dantam sukhavaham.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Dhammapada » Cittavagga ✒️ Translated by © 2017 “Bhikkhu Ānandajoti”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 1st March: Self-Injury Awareness Day 🎗️
“If one regards oneself as dear one should guard oneself right well.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Attanance piyam janna Akkheyya nam surakkhitam.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Dhammapada » Attavagga ✒️ Translated by © 2017 “Bhikkhu Ānandajoti”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 1st January: New Year’s Day 🕛
“Don’t run back to the past, don’t hope for the future.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Atitam nanvagameyya  Nappatikankhe anagatam.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Majjhima Nikaya » Upari Pannasaka » Vibhanga Vagga » Bhaddekaratta Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 14th November: World Diabetes Day ⚕️
“Illnesses: all are low, but there is the disease of diabetes which is high.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Sabbepi abadha hina nama apica madhumeho abadho ukkattho” 📚 Tipitaka » Vinaya Pitaka » Mahavibhanga » Pacittiyakanda » Musavadavagga » Omasavadasikkhapada ✒️ Translated by © “Brahmali Bhikkhu”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 13th November: World Kindness Day 💖
“Should one cherish all living beings; Radiating kindness over the entire world.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Mettanca sabbalokasmim, Manasambhavaye aparimanam” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Khuddakapatha » Karaniya Metta Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 1994 “Amaravati Sangha”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 12th November: World Quality Day 🌐
“..And because of right freedom, many skillful qualities are fully developed.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Sammavimuttipaccaya aneke kusala dhamma bhavanaparipurim gacchanti” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Anguttara Nikaya » Dasakanipata » Tatiyapannasaka » Samanasannavagggo » Nijjara Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 11th November: Armistice Day 🤝
“Happy is that benignity towards The world which on no creature worketh harm.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Abyapajjham sukham loke, Panabhutesu sannamo” 📚 Tipitaka » Abhidhamma Pitaka » Kathavatthu » Mahapannasaka » Mahavagga » Dutiyavaggo » Kukkulaka ✒️ Translated by © 1915 “Shwe Zan Aung and C.A.F. Rhys Davids”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 10th November: World Science Day for Peace and Development 🔬
“Study of Vedas lifts man’s name on high, But ’Tis by conduct that he reaches Bliss.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Kittinca pappoti adhicca vede, Santim puneti caranena dantoti” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Jataka » Chanipata » Avariya Vagga » Setaketu Jataka ✒️ Translated by © 1897 “H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 9th November: World Freedom Day 🆓
“All that is in another’s power is painful, all that is mastered is pleasing.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Sabbam paravasam dukkham, Sabbam issariyam sukham” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Udana » Mucalinda Vagga »  Visakha Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2008 “Bhikkhu Ānandajoti”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 8th November: National Parents as Teachers Day (USA) 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫
“‘First teachers’ is a term for your parents.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Matapitaro pubbacariyati vuccare” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Anguttara Nikaya » Catukanipata » Dutiya Pannasaka» Pattakammavaggo » Sabrahma Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 7th November: Descending Day of Lord Buddha ☸️
“For those who are lost, gods and humans, he (Buddha) shines a light.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Esa devamanussanam, sammulhanam pabhankaro.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Jataka » Ekanipata Jataka » Litta Vagga » Mahasara Jataka ✒️ Translated by © 1895 “Robert Chalmers”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 6th November: Barack Obama is reelected President of the USA 🗳️
“One strong and wise is good the herd to guard.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Dhiro ca balava sadhu yuthassa pariharako.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Jataka » Sattanipata » Kukkuvaggo » Kapi Jataka ✒️ Translated by © 1897 “H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 5th November: World Tsunami Awareness Day 🌊
“Beware a danger yet unseen: suspect before too late.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Sankeyya sankitabbani rakkheyyanagatam bhayam.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Khuddaka Nikaya » Jataka » Catukkanipata » Pucimandavaggo » Pucimanda Jataka ✒️ Translated by © 1897 “H.T. Francis and R.A. Neil”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 4th November: “Nature” the scientific journal was founded. 🌲
“Oh! Conditions are impermanent, their nature is to rise and fall.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Anicca vata sankhara uppadavayadhammino.” 📚  Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Samyutta Nikaya » Nidanavagga »  Anamataggasamyutta » Dutiyavaggo » Vepullapabbata Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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dhamma365days · 4 years
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▶️ 3rd November: Laika the dog is the first animal to enter orbit. 🐕
“The physical form of mortals gets old, but their name and clan don’t.”
☸️ Buddha ☸️
📜 “Rupam jirati maccanam namagottam na jirati.” 📚 Tipitaka » Sutta Pitaka » Samyutta Nikaya » Sagathavagga » Devatasamyutta » Chetvavaggo  » Najirati Sutta ✒️ Translated by © 2018 “Bhikkhu Sujato”
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