diabolikvampires · 5 years
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— A piece of advice.
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diabolikvampires · 5 years
do you ever sit with a group of people and not say anything for  the entire time so theres no reason for you to be there youre just awkwardly listening to people converse while doing your own thing and wondering how its so easy for them to just talk or why its so hard for you to say anything
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diabolikvampires · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage: Main Prologue ~ENG~ESP~
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Translation under the cut~
Keep reading
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diabolikvampires · 5 years
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Random screenshots (CL) 
Random screenshots part 5 Random screenshots part 4   Random screenshots part 3 Random screenshots part 2 Random screenshots part 1
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diabolikvampires · 5 years
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Shu’s Route
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diabolikvampires · 5 years
Zillenial things
Being young enough for Minecraft but too old for Fortnite
Being alive for 9/11 but not remembering it at all cuz you were like 2
Seeing reruns of 90s shows when you were really little but being to young to really remember them
Feeling betrayed by Butch Hartman
Listening to the bops of ~2009-2012 in middle school gym class
Growing up through the transition from clunky PCs for nerds and flip phones to smartphones and sleek and easy laptops
Being called a millenial by baby boomers and Gen Z by millenials
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
You’re a random nobody
Me to a newborn baby
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
My earphones:
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
Me thinking about a joke I told last week
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
Unpopular Opinions
• There are only 2 genders - Male and Female
• Pansexuality is just a fancier name for Bisexuality. Even if you believe that there are more than two genders, there are only two sexes. Bisexuality is the attraction to both the sexes.
• You need dysphoria to be transgender. Being trans is not a choice. It’s a very difficult thing to deal with and by saying it’s a choice you are demeaning the struggles that actual trans people face.
• The Fat Acceptance / Health at Every Size movement is bullshit. It’s absolutely okay to be fat. It’s absolutely not okay to spread misinformation that being fat is healthy or that losing weight is impossible.
• The feminist movement is more of a leftist movement than a movement for women right now.
• Reverse racism isn’t a thing because it’s just called racism. If you dislike or are prejudiced against a person simply due to their skin tone, that’s being racist.
• MOGAI identities and neopronouns are not only silly, they are genuinely harmful to the LGBT community.
• Your race, gender and sexuality are only a minor part of you. They do not make you special. They are not your personality.
• Men face struggles too. Men are more likely to be victims of violent assault and almost never win child custody battles. There are hardly any male only centres for victims of sexual assault. Men do get sexually assaulted a significant amount more than people consider as the definition rape only includes penetration, skewing the statistics. Forced oral sex and the like is not counted, which is why male rape statistics seem so low at first glance.
• Women are not inherently goddesses. Men are not inherently evil.
• There is nothing wrong with being cis, white and male. Not being these things also doesn’t make you a better person.
• Words only have the power you assign to them. It’s silly to be afraid of them, irrespective of their usage in the past. All words have a history. By being afraid of them, you only give them more power and continue to dwell in the past.
• It’s absolutely okay to eat the food of and wear the clothes of other cultures as a means to immerse yourself and learn more. Segregation does no good, it never has.
• Your mental illness doesn’t cure you of your sins. It’s not a get out of jail free card if you were present, aware and in control of what you were doing.
• Your political leaning does not automatically make you a good/bad person. Your actions do.
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
Flip your phone upside down
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
Exactly two people on the planet are allowed to wear a wifebeater tucked into jeans
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That will be all; I won’t be taking questions.
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
marvel studios: how can we make the captain marvel movie as 90′s as possible?
marvel studios:
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ah, perfect
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diabolikvampires · 6 years
Today my girlfriend said to me “I can’t wait to watch you succeed” with the biggest grin on her face and man if that isn’t just like the most loving, supportive thing anyone could ever say idk what is
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