diana-langston · 4 years
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diana when she is able to be herself is dressed very chill, jeans, casual t-shirts, some plaid or a cardigan. she’s awkward and gay. she comes from new york but is in no way a socialite. she dresses more for comfort then style. she’s still figuring herself out and what she likes and doesn’t outside her parental pressure
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diana-langston · 4 years
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Ugh, you still smell like a frat house.
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diana-langston · 4 years
some   may   be   nsfw   and   /   or   be   triggering.   
01    :     TOUCH .
❝ i love this [ FABRIC ], it feels satisfying. ❞
❝ your touch. it leaves me breathless. ❞
❝ your touch is unlike any other. ❞
​❝ have you ever felt anything more comfortable? ❞
❝ feel this. what does it feel like to you? ❞
❝ i wanted to see what it felt like. ❞
​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞
​❝ you felt ice cold when i touched you. ❞
​❝ you feel warm to me. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of [ FABRIC ] against my skin. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your skin against mine. ❞
​❝ i would never touch anyone else. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers. ❞
​❝ don’t you dare touch me. ❞
​❝ i want to feel your lips against my own. ❞
​❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞
​❝ let me give you a massage. ❞
❝ you feel like home to me. ❞ 
02     :      TASTE .
❝ i love the taste of you. ❞
❝ i can never forget that taste. ❞
❝ fair warning, it does have a bitter taste. ❞
​❝ no offense, you just aren’t my taste. ❞
❝ can i have a taste of that? ❞
❝ i have yearned for the taste of your lips. ❞
​❝ that tasted pretty good actually. ❞
​❝ it just left a really bad taste in my mouth so no thanks. ❞
​❝ nothing taste better than chocolate. ❞
​❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
​❝ i will forever savor that taste. ❞
​❝ blood has such a metallic taste. ❞
​❝ my taste buds are mad at me after eating that. ❞
​❝ how’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? ❞
​❝ you didn’t even taste it. ❞
​❝ trust me, you’ll want to taste this. ❞
​❝ i think it has a bit of bitter sweet taste. ❞
❝ so you tasted it, did you like it? ❞
03     :      SIGHT .
❝ i see you. ❞
❝ i’ve never seen things so clearer than i do now. ❞
❝ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❞
​❝ how can you see anything? it’s pitch dark. ❞
❝ i’ve looked close enough and i see you for what you are. ❞
❝ please, just look at me. ❞
​❝ stop staring at me like that. ❞
​❝ get that light out of my face. ❞
​❝ it’s so bright outside today. ❞
​❝ what’s wrong? what did you see? ❞
​❝ you’re scared, you must have saw something. ❞
​❝ what i saw, you’ll never believe me. ❞
​❝ i’ve never seen you before. ❞
​❝ have we seen one another before? ❞
​❝ you see me for what i truly am. ❞
​❝ i didn’t see anything. ❞
​❝ did you see that? ❞
❝ i can’t believe my eyes. ❞
04     :      SOUND .
❝ shhh, i just heard something. ❞
❝ did you hear that? ❞
❝ what is that sound? ❞
​❝ i missed the sound of your voice. ❞
❝ do you hear me? stay away from me. ❞
❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞
​❝ i’m sorry, what was that? i didn’t hear you. ❞
​❝ i’ve heard that sound before. ❞
​❝ you didn’t hear anything at all? ❞
​❝ can you hear what they’re saying? ❞
​❝ aw, i love the sound of music. ❞
​❝ i never said i could hear them. ❞
​❝ wait, hear that? something is coming. ❞
​❝ i could hear screams … ❞
​❝ i heard you all the way upstairs. ❞
​❝ you didn’t just hear that? that sound? that noise? ❞
​❝ trust me, you’re going to want to hear this. ❞
❝ please, just hear me out. ❞
05     :      SMELL .
❝ what is that smell? ❞
❝ i have missed your smell. ❞
❝ you smell nice. ❞
​❝ it’s unlike anything i’ve smelled before. ❞
❝ i smell the food cooking from here. ❞
❝ do you smell that? ❞
​❝ how are you able to smell that? ❞
​❝ no offense but it really smells. ❞
​❝ it’s starting to smell. ❞
​❝ tell me, you’ve smelled this before. ❞
​❝ i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies. ❞
​❝ i can smell you from here. ❞
​❝ are you smelling me? ❞
​❝ i missed the smell of your hair. ❞
​❝ i need to step away, get some fresh air. ❞
​❝ do you smell that? that’s the smell of freedom. ❞
​❝ i could never erase your smell. ❞
❝ i can smell the fear on you from here. ❞
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diana-langston · 4 years
👊: Have they ever been involved in a physical fight?
“Oh God no- not that I don’t think I could hold my own, but I rather just talk it through. Fist fighting seems pedestrian” 
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diana-langston · 4 years
calendula — has your health ever taken a turn for the worst?
“I had pneumonia once, but other than that- no. I like to think I’m healthy.”
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diana-langston · 4 years
chamomile — what’s something that always comforts you?
my stuffed mushu, tea, sometimes a run depending on the thing that has upset me. my brother
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diana-langston · 4 years
More & More! Headcanons
Send some symbols to hear about more in-depth about my muse(s)!
World Views/Experiences †: Did they come from a religious family/culture? ☩: Do they practice any sort of religion? If so, is it the same as their family’s? 📿: Have they ever had a supernatural experience? 💣: Did they ever get caught in a situation because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? ✨: What motivates them? Is it a deep rooted passion/motivation, or is it something they struggle with from time to time? 💊: Have they ever dabbled in drugs? If so, what kinds? ☣: Have they ever been severely ill? If so, did it leave an effect on their overall health in the long run? 💉: Do they suffer from any sort of chronic illness or bodily fragility? ✪: Have they ever let a rare opportunity slip them by?
Locations 🔅: What’s a place that holds special meaning to them? Why? 💧: Are there any places they avoid? If so, why? 🔥: What’s a place that left them motivated in some fashion? 💋: Where did they have their first kiss? Do they remember who it was with? 🌟: Do they have any places they want to go before they die? For what reasons do they want to go there? 🌙: Where is the most unusual place they’ve fallen asleep at?
People ✘: Who do they detest the most? Do they typically avoid this person or antagonize them? 👊: Have they ever been involved in a physical fight? 💞: What was their first love like? 💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen? 💍: Have they ever been engaged before? What broke it off if so? 💛: Have they have sex? If not, are there any personal reasons why?
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diana-langston · 4 years
herb asks 🌿
angelica — who/what is your biggest inspiration in life?
basil — have you ever fallen out of love?
calendula — has your health ever taken a turn for the worst?
chamomile — what’s something that always comforts you?
lady’s mantle — do you have a favorite comfort item?
lavender — what are you the most devoted to in your life?
lemon balm — are you more sympathetic or empathetic?
lilac — what’s your favorite thing that you did as a teenager?
mint — are you a virgin?
rose — have you ever been in love?
sage — what’s your highest level of education?
thyme — have you ever done something brave?
vervain — do you believe in luck?
yarrow — have you healed from past traumas?
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diana-langston · 4 years
☕ YOUR MUSE BRINGING MINE A WARM DRINK ( @nicoletterogers​ )
Diana had been at the local Starbucks grabbing her usual morning coffee after her run, she would sit her with her little book and try to jot down ideas but really end up doing doodles and ignoring the fact that a deadline was going to come up and smack her in the face. She was stretching her neck and noticed Nic behind her and she waved. “Hey!” Diana waved her over to her. It was her turn to order and she did her usual caramel macchiato and turned to Nic. “What do you want? My treat.”
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diana-langston · 4 years
“a paper bag?” she mused, thinking about it for perhaps far too long than she should have. “you think? somehow i don’t know if mr. worthington would really appreciate that…look.” she tried to let out a small laugh but it sounded tight and fake. it was like the woman could read right through her and for a moment–if felt like a load of relief rolled off her. “it is–it absolutely is. that never leaves you, not even for a second. pageants are supposed to be about creating a well-rounded lady but i’ve yet to see one come away from that experience unscathed.” herself included.
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“Ah- well men are terrible and rarely know how to appreciate anything,” Diana mused. She wasn’t the stereotypical anti-men lesbian, but she had her moments of, gross men- lets just ship off to an island somewhere and forget they even disgraced the earth. But to be fair- she was sure even straight women had those moments. “Were you a pageant girl?” Diana asked genuinely curious. She luckily never had to submit herself through such things, the closest she may have gotten was her debutante but she chooses to not to remember that.
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diana-langston · 4 years
to willingly sit there and accept to diana cooking for preston was starting to question the boy’s state of mind. he knew his sister couldn’t cook but he was making up the time he broke from them when he left. he didn’t mind either, after his fight with lucca he just needed to be with a familiar person in his life. he needed his sister before venice got word that he snapped on her own brother. “is it really that bad, di? please don’t tell me you are the one person who can actually burn water. you sure you don’t want any help?” preston was no expert but he knew how to make food to keep him alive and have a taste. 
“you know, if you want we can always get some wings or something. but im pretty confident if you can make pasta…” he said giving her a hopeful grin as he walked into the kitchen to see what damage had been done. “so…what’s up? causing any trouble around here?” 
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Diana didn’t know why she was insistent to cook, maybe part of her still wanted to punish him for leaving her behind. Not that he could’ve taken her with him, she was sure they’d both be cut off if they tried that. The two were adults after all, but Preston always had more freedom than her. She guessed that’s what it was like to not live in a household that’s trying to control you. “You can burn water?” Diana questioned. She lead him back to the kitchen and the pasta was over boiling in the pot. Of course she takes her eyes off of it for one second and the kitchen wants to start to turn into a disaster zone. She rushed to turn it off and grabbed some mitts to move the pot off the stove. “I’m fine,” she muttered. “I am fully capable of following a recipe.” She wasn’t.
“Back up plans are smart,” she grinned. She checked on the sauce in the pot, it was supposed to be thicker than this, she covered the lid again before focusing on her brother. “No trouble yet, but I’ll be sure to call you for the bail money,” Diana joked. She wasn’t much a trouble maker, that was always Preston, she had a way of moving in silence. “Seriously though, it’s been okay- I found out one of my friends back home are here. A girl,” slight blush formed on her cheeks as she thought of Venice. “She’s really cool.”
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diana-langston · 4 years
“Okay, so like….if you could go anywhere, and do literally anything you wanted, money’s not an option and everyone elses judgement or expectations didn’t matter….what would it be? I always think the different answers to this are so interesting, like…for me, I’d just want to travel and see the world, and learn about as many cultures and languages as possible. It would be so cool to write music with different influences or in different languages and stuff, it would be like my own little journal, ya know? I’d be able to look back and see all that I’d learned and discovered through my music, it would be amazing, and personal, and just like, the raddest thing.”
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“Hogwarts, I’m assuming fictional places are also optional in this fantasy scenario?” Diana replied. She knew they wanted a real answer but she was honestly the first thing that popped into her head. You can’t ask if you could anywhere and you wouldn’t want to go to the most magical place ever. “But if we’re looking at real life things- I suppose Rome would be cool, or Amsterdam.”
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diana-langston · 4 years
Nadia was sat on her floor with her hair in a messy bun, baggy clothes with a bunch of papers scattered around her of different designs, crumpled sheets, her bottle and glass of wine and fabrics. She couldn’t remember the last time she had her break. Her stress level was so high that she could kill someone if they annoyed her in the slightest. Over the course of the hour, she heard a few knocks at the door. The times she went to answer, no one was there. Her first initial thought was someone being immature and playing ding dong ditch which resulted her rolling her eyes and went back to work. Within the next few minutes, she heard someone knocking on the door. Frustrated, she stomped over to the door, “What could you possibly want for you to continually knock on my door so incredibly annoying like that?”She spat when she opened the door quickly. The look of stress and frustration was visible on her face.
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Diana had come back from her morning run when she bumped into one of the concierges who seemed to have a crush on her, she was doing her best to avoid the dude. She made a dash for it when he got distracted, she knocked on a door to hide out for awhile before she made her way back to her room. She was greeted with frustration though. “I don’t know what your talking about, but in favour of woman solidarity, can I come in?”
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diana-langston · 4 years
The Malnati was her home. But did Cheyenne ever think she would be living in a hotel? Absolutely not. Who thought that their adult life would ever lead them to living in a hotel. Not many people. But there was nothing wrong with just wanting to get out out of the hotel every once in a while. “So, are you coming or not?” She asked the person beside her. She couldn’t tell you where she was going, but she was going somewhere. 
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Diana was all in favour of exploring her new city, anything to get her out of her head and her room for a bit. She welcomed any and all distractions. She had been getting calls from her agent and it seriously made her tempted to drop her phone in the ocean- titanic style. “Of course I am,” she smiled. Cheyenne had become a new friend, they shared in the enjoyment of living in a hotel.
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diana-langston · 4 years
Diana was not a good cook, to say that she was a bad one would be more of a correct statement. She wanted to learn though, it was one of those things that you thought were basic skills people should have. Knowing how to ride a bike, drive a car, cook a meal. Diana only knew how to ride a bike because of Preston, she never did get her license because she had a driver or took the subway- that was New York life. Cooking however- the closest she got to a stove was when she was grabbing a soda from the fridge. She was a hopeless disaster when it came to food, so she could only assume her big brother wanted to die.
She had gotten over their minor scuffle they had when she found out he was here, although she did insist he was never to up and disappear again or next time her kindness will not be granted. She was trying out pasta- she thought that had to be easy enough. She heard a knock at the door and walked away from the stove to allow Preston in. “I hope you have your choice of takeout on standby,” she joked.
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diana-langston · 4 years
A normal person might have reassured her and promised that he was actually interested. A better person. But he wasn’t either of those things. Grayson instead snapped his fingers into pointing a finger gun her direction; some symbol of understanding, or thanks, or something. “Well, as you might know, I’m everyone’s favorite lifeguard.” He began - because that detail was obviously crucial information to the story of what he’d actually done. “Basically this tiny kid with his floaties thinks he’s a bad ass or something and tried to take his floaties off and swim. His older sister’s like busy or whatever and not paying attention, so there’s just this friggin’ three year old that can’t swim in the pool who starts trying to cry as he can’t swim.” Circling his hand in a dramatic flourish, he took a pause for effect then continued, holding both hands up panned out, as if waiting for praise. “Then I literally jumped in and saved the day like an actual bad ass.”
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Diana rolled her eyes at his finger gun, but couldn’t fight the smile that came on her face. Gray was goofy but always had a way of being interesting company. “I know you think you’re everyone’s favourite lifeguard,” she muttered. She let him continue nonetheless, allowing him to boast. As he was telling the story she felt concerned for the kid, who the hell stops watching a 3 year old in a body of water. “Should we be getting you a cape for doing your job,” she smirked. “Nha- but that was pretty cool, Gray. If it wasn’t over exaggerated,” she teased
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diana-langston · 4 years
cute. lia could work with cute. “thanks di. i know it’s really…shiny. but you don’t think it’s too much?” the blonde bit her lip, nervous. she didn’t want to be the center of attention tonight–or at all. the last gala was a disaster because the hostess had felt she had been upset by all the other people so she went on a tirade and lia had been caught in the middle. so she was trying her hardest to just…blend in. “work. my boss is going to a gala and i’m the plus one. again.” she laughed awkwardly. “i guess its a lot of peopl’s dreams to get dressed up and go to parties for their job, huh?”
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“Honestly Mags- you could make a paper bag look cute, you’re gorg,” Diana explained in a matter of fact kind of attitude. She understood showing up in a paper bag to a work event probably wouldn’t be ideal but she 100% was confident that Magnolia could make  anything work. She had very supermodel-esque look, like anyone would be lucky to even have her eyes on them. Diana was feeling that luck right now. “I would love it for a job, but being dragged to those things as a teen- monstrous. Different reasons to be on best behaviour.”
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