dianareypira-blog · 5 years
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This is Diana Rhey D. Pira, 16 years of age, she was live in Brgy; Bacsay Camiling, Tarlac, she has 5 siblings, and her 2 sisters is on the other country, they are working for their family. She likes traveling in other province and country but she never experience to travel other country because of financial, but when she was traveling other province most of her destination was on the beach, every summer her relatives and family was going to beach byt before that they are going to church first.
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She likes to swimm, like beach river, when she saw any kinds of river that beautiful, her cousins and sister are going there to make memory and feel the beautiful nature, and also in a pool or resort she and her cousins try to overnight in a resort but there is a bad thing happened.
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She has a cousins who will support her ambitions and also crazy things she want to do, anything they want to go, they are going there even they parents did not allow to go there, and when her all cousins are completed they are to buy all food that they want and going to their house to foodtrip, every night they doing that even they have not enough money, because they do not have to be rich to fullfilled all they want.
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She do not like to participate a contest specially a pageant but her sister want to join her so she try a pageant, when she was grade 7 a miss Intrams and Nutrition Month but she did not won so she stop joining, but her boy cousin inspired her to join again because her cousin joined any kind of pageant and she is proud of it because even his a boy he have a confident to join.
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So when she was 15 years old she join in Miss Bacsay, she did not won but she get an award, even she is nervous she joined because she want her parents to be proud, also her sister and relatives, so when she joined a pageant her aunt was who buy all she need so she did not problem financial and her boy cousin was joined too, she was 1 year older than to her boy cousin, and her cousin won he got the first price and get a 4 award, and untill now her cousin was joining pageant in their school. She likes watching vlog like jammill.
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She do not like dancing because she do not know how to dance but she try her best to dance when she need to participate, but her bestfriend was good in dancing, she was one who pursue her to learn how to dance, they are thinking that her bestfriend and her was twin or sisters because they are look a like, they has a same long hair and they do not like to cut it, they has the same habbit they like singing even their voice was not beautiful that much, they has the same goal and they are same part of a student council in their school. When she was grade 7 she try to joined a SSG in their school and she won, she become 7,8,9 representative but when she is grade 10 she try to joined again but she failed so she enjoyed her life in high school.
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She is graduated at Birbira High School she has many friends in their school, mostly are boys she believed that boys are more true than girls she has only 2 girls friend but after she graduated they seperates mostly stayed at Birbira High School and others are change other school like her, she transpered at Camiling Catholic School, beacause at Birbira High School ther is no strand stem, she want to stay but by her ambition even they seperate she is willing to sarifice her friendship but even they did not the same school they ar still chatting and actually when lunch they are eating together but only the 2 girls and 1 boy but he is a gay. That her three friends are the same school and they meet new friends but their new friend are boys, and she like the one boy actually just only a crush and she has many crushes and that boy is tall and a little bit hansome,and her new school she feels like she out of place but she still talking to others. She likes reading a fiction books like wattpad but in her new school they did not allowed to have a cellphone so she is just reading it at night,when she reading a story she feel like she is the girl in the story and sometimes she is think that she want to write a story,she has many story that she want to write but she did not know how to write so she did not try, her story is about her experience,in love,friends, families and etc. She has experience in love and she want to share it. She want to share her but just only about the main in the story, so she always had a feeling for him. Since, she was younger but she was not noticed. Until high school, she realised that she had this attraction towards him, however people will get tired and leave. So, with this thought,she realised their attraction will eventually stop. So that is it she just only want to share. But her ambition is to become Enginner like her father, so that when she is Engineer all she want to go in, even in other country she have money to fullfilled her wants but life is never easy for those who dreams.
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