diaperedloserforlife · 13 hours
Showing Her Support
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He was so timid, even when we first met. That was part of the reason I was so enamored with him; he was such a sweet and caring guy, which was such a refreshing change of pace from the hyper-masculine posturing of the typical guys I dated.
The first few months of dating were a totally refreshing experience. He was bashful and adorable. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed “wearing the pants” in the relationship. I found that I relished in taking the initiative and taking care of this sweet boy. My sweet boy.
When he told me about this… little side of him some time after moving in together, I couldn’t not melt from cuteness overload! You’re telling me the cutest guy I’ve ever dated wanted to wear diapers and suck on pacifiers? It was almost too adorable to handle!
Regardless, he still seemed really shy about it, even after telling me. Even after hearing me gush over my new baby boyfriend. That’s why I had to be extra supportive!
And that’s what this was, showing my support. Transforming the spare room to a nursery complete with crib, diaper drawers, and everything should make it impossible for him to pretend he’s not a little baby boy anymore! This was all to show him that I support his little life, and I’m excited to take care of my new little baby boyfriend!
That brings me to the here and now, changing another of my baby boy’s diapers. He’s so cute and so silly. He still blushes every time even though I had changed his diaper countless times before. He still has shyness about his new role despite the childish nursery surrounding him, yet somehow that shyness was adorable.
“Why are you blushing baby?” I teased, “I thought you’d be used to Mommy changing your diapers by now?”
His only response was to suck his pacifier faster and hide his tomato-red face behind his bear. Adorable.
You smiled at the childish display as you wiped his most intimate parts.
He really was so silly. He was blushing as if he didn’t sleep in a crib every night, as if I hadn’t changed a countless numbers of his diapers, as if I didn’t dress him in the toddler-ish shirt he wore right now, as if he wasn’t used to sucking his pacifier or hugging his teddy. He just needed a little bit more encouragement, encouragement you would happily give him.
“It’s okay, baby. I know you’re just a little baby, and that’s okay! Look around; you live in a nursery, little one! Mommy is here to take such good care of you! ”
Sure your baby boyfriend was shy, but you were so proud of him for telling you about his little side. Now all you had to do was continue to show your support of your silly little one.
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diaperedloserforlife · 13 hours
Two Worlds, One Family
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This caption is for @baby-bear-den! I hope you enjoy it!
I smile as the front door opens. This is my favorite part of the day.
As always, you’re wearing your favorite big girl costume: a fancy white lab coat covering your chic clothes. Nobody would ever guess what you truly are. Or what you’re hiding under all those fancy clothes.
But I know.
For the few hours you leave the house, you get to pretend you have everything a diaper girl like you lacks. Power. Authority. Respect. It’s well-deserved, I’ll readily admit. You earned it. Not only do your colleagues respect you, but your subordinates fear you.
It makes me laugh every time I think about it. If they only knew.
“Hi, Daddy!” you chirp, walking over to me to let me check your diaper.
“Hi, sweetie!” I respond, removing your lab coat and feeling the soggy diaper under your clothes, “how was your day?”
It’s the contrast I love so much. Listening to you ramble on about roleplaying as big girl while you obediently lift your arms so I can remove your shirt. On and on you go. All the while, I strip you of your big girl costume, replacing them with clothes much more suited to your authentic self.
You continue rambling on about your “big girl” life, even as you’re standing in nothing but your soggy diaper. It’s adorable. But not as adorable as the onesie I put you in, delightfully colorful and covered in all kinds of barnyard animals.
Perfect for you.
I shove your paci in your mouth when I finish buttoning your onesie, stopping your adorable rambling midsentence. I’m done listening. You may command a room there, but not here.
I’ll never get tired of the look on your face when the paci silences you. It’s the look of a woman caught between two worlds. The moment you truly understand whatever happens outside of the house is nothing but a mirage. You aren’t the well-respected, highly competent biologist you think you are. Not at home.
Here you’re nothing more than Mommy and Daddy’s diaper girl—our plaything. You never have been—and never will be—in charge. Not over us, not over your own life. Your place is filling your diapers for us, adorably begging for changes, desperately wishing you could join our adult fun.
I carry you to your playpen, playing Doc McStuffins, before heading to the kitchen to make dinner. You may supervise others out there, but here you are supervised. The only thing you supervise here are the stuffies scattered around your playpen.
Someone walks into the kitchen. I turn around, preparing to scold you for leaving your playpen, only to find my girlfriend smiling back at me.
“Hey babe, how was your bath?” I ask, kissing her.
“Amazing, I love those new bath bombs,” she replies, “do I hear Doc McStuffins? She’s home early!”
“Yep, she got home a few minutes ago!”
I watch as she approaches your playpen, kissing you on the forehead. She picks you up and carries you back into the kitchen, sitting you in your high chair at the table.
Your face still burns in embarrassment whenever you’re locked into your highchair. I have no idea how we went so long without it. You look so cute in it, especially when Mommy puts your bib on you.
For the next twenty minutes, you sit in silence, listening to Mommy and Daddy talk about our day. We make an effort to ignore you, all to make you feel even more little. Besides, adults don’t want or need a baby to talk about her day.
Once dinner is ready, Mommy prepares a plate for you, cutting your chicken into bite-sized pieces and filling your cute Disney Princess plate with all your num-nums.
Mommy playfully feeds you before we eat, your face burning brighter every time she says, “here comes the choo choo train! Open up for Mommy!” When you’re finished, your face is smeared with mac and cheese, your bib dirty from all your “oopsies” as you clumsily spilled your food.
As we eat, I notice you fidgeting in your seat. I’m careful not to draw any attention to it. I know what’s about to happen. I surreptitiously prod my girlfriend, letting her in on your potty dance. You’re staring off into space, desperately—and fruitlessly—trying to avoid packing your pampers at the dinner table.
You continue to squirm, no doubt wondering why we’re still at the table long after we finished eating. I couldn’t help but laugh seeing the relief on your face as we finished eating, believing you’d be freed from your plastic prison before loading your diaper only for the relief to vanish, replaced with renewed terror, as I sat back down after cleaning the dishes, continuing my conversation.
The cutest toot, slightly—and adorably—muffled by your soggy diaper, escapes into the room. You whimper as our conversation stops, our undivided attention on your endearing display in your highchair.
“Are you making a stinky for us, baby?” Mommy asks rhetorically.
“Mmmmphfff!” you unintentionally respond, your body tightening to fill your diaper.
Your legs, once freely swaying in boredom, are now rigid and unmoving. You unconsciously grab the plastic of your highchair, fingers white, as you grip for leverage to push. Your eyes are wide, full of humiliation.
More toots escape into your diaper.
Finally, with one loud grunt, your diaper visibly expands, crinkling as it does.
“Good girl,” Mommy coos, “get all those ickies into your diaper, little one!” Your face somehow manages to grow an even darker shade of red.
You struggle for a few more minutes, your diaper occasionally expanding as you push the mess out. It’s adorable.
“All done, kiddo?” I ask, unlocking the highchair, “you did such a great job filling your diapee for us!”
“C-can I hab changies?” you whimper through your paci.
“Not yet, little one,” Mommy answers, “it’s almost your bedtime and I want to spend some time with you, baby!”
You look up at me pleadingly. I laugh. “Sorry, kiddo, I’m with Mommy on this one!”
I pick you up, carrying you over to the couch. I sit beside Mommy, gently laying you on your back across our laps.
Mommy tickles your tummy, causing you to laugh despite your embarrassment. “Such a cutie patootie we have! Daddy and I are so proud of you!” Mommy coos.
“That’s right, sweetie! I don’t know how we got so lucky! We have the cutest baby in the whole world! Even if she is stinky! Pee yew!!”
“Can you say ‘I’m the cutest, stinkiest pamper packer in the whole world!’ for us, baby?” Mommy asks.
You nervously suck on your paci. “I-I’m da cudest, stinkwiesth…p-pam-pamper packa in da ‘ho world," you stammer, faced flushed in embarrassment.
“Yes you are! Yes you are!” Mommy chirps proudly, “you’re the smartest baby in the whole world too! I don’t think there’s another baby who knows as much about animals as you!”
You stare back at Mommy, knowing the humiliating game that’s about to start.
“Yes you do, sweetie!” Mommy continues, “can our widdle scientist tell us what sound a cow makes?”
You squirm in embarrassment.
“You can do it, little one!” Mommy prods, “tell Mommy and Daddy what a cow sounds like!”
“M-moo,” you answer meekly.
“Surely you can do better than that!” I add, tickling your tummy, “try again, silly!”
“HAHAHA Daddy! It tickwes!!” you plead, squirming around, diaper crinkling wildly.
“Well, tell me what a cow says, silly!”
“MOOOOOOO!” you scream, still laughing after I stop.
“That’s right, baby!” Mommy says, “so smart! What about a pig?”
“OINK OINK OINK!” you squeal, starting to have fun despite your humiliation.
“Good job, kiddo!” I gush, “how about a frog?”
“WIBBIT! WIBBIT! WIBBIT!” you chorus, proud of yourself.
“Good girl!” Mommy sings, “what about a duck?”
“KWAK KWAK KWAK!” you lisp, violently blushing.
“So good!” I congratulate her, “but this is the hardest one yet! What does a baby say before bedtime?”
The smile fades from your face, “b-b-but I ‘on wanna go ni ni Daddy! I wan’ stay wif Mommy and Daddy!”
“No buts, silly,” Mommy says sternly, “Mommy and Daddy want to have some fun, and I gotta get you into a fresh diapee before you stink up the house!”
“Wha-no, PWEASE daddy!” you beg me, knowing I’m much more persuadable than Mommy.
Before I can answer, Mommy flashes you a dangerous look. “What did I say?”
You hiccup in fear. “T-that it’s b-bedtime, Mommy,” you answer dejectedly.
“That’s right, silly. Now say good night to Daddy, little one,” Mommy chides.
“G-goodnight, Daddy,” you whine.
“Goodnight, sweetie,” I say, kissing your forehead.
The last thing I see before you turn the corner is your pleading eyes over Mommy’s shoulder as she carries you to the changing table. I can’t help but smile at how adorable you are.
You may think you’re a big girl, but we know better. You’re right where you belong.
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diaperedloserforlife · 14 hours
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When she comes over it’s time for baby powder in you booster padded diapers, booties, the Pooh bear jammies they bought you, your paci, and bottle 😣 probably an early bed time too
She told daddy she doesn’t want you resembling anything other than a clueless toddler when she is around 😣😣
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diaperedloserforlife · 14 hours
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Naughty girls get mittens 🫣
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diaperedloserforlife · 14 hours
I want to be immersed in the unfair aspects of being a baby.
The hours spent in the playpen with nothing but baby toys. Mommy was extremely concerned when she saw that the toddler toys you were playing with were rated ages 2-5, and since then your playpen has been filled with soft sensory toys that encourage exploring texture, sound, and other play more fitting for a 12 month old.
Meal after meal of jarred baby food of every type, only ever washed down by the blandest of baby formula on a strict bottle schedule. The airplane game was fun when it was applesauce and baby oatmeal, but mommy and daddy have been insistent about "growing your palette". Chicken and gravy, green beans, turkey dinner, have all become frequent staples in your new diet.
Television for toddlers for when your very good, being made to sing babble around your paci and clap your mittened hands to yet another episode of the wiggles, or worse yet cocomelon.
The 12 hour minimum sleep schedule that has you in your crib half of everyday, swaddled tightly on your back like a newborn for naps and early bedtimes, only ever interrupted for your late night feeding of formula.
You wanted to be a baby, but you should be careful what you wish for.
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“Losers like you belong in thick diapers, chastity and strict restraints.
Just lie there and piss yourself while your hot wife gets fucked by alpha men with big cocks right next to you!”
To see all my NSFW captions and to suport the blog: AllMyLinks🍑
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I have seen this image on here before. If it is yours and you would like me to remove it, please let me know. Or if you would like me to give you proper credit, please let me know that as well.
Mommy's Game
"Oh sissy baby girl!! Time to change your diaper."
You waddle into the nursery. Your diaper is soaked and poopy. You see Mommy and your mouth drops open in surprise.
"You like what you see sissy?"
You stare at Mommy dumbfounded. You can't believe your eyes.
"That's right, Mommy is wearing a diaper too! But I don't NEED diapers like you. I am choosing to wear them because I am going to have some fun with you today! Now lay down on the changing mat!"
You smile and immediately do as you are told. You hope this means Mommy is going to finally play with your little clitty. It's been six months to the day since you last had an orgasm. You lay on the mat, smiling while sucking on your paci. But Mommy has different plans.
She untapes your diaper, and even unlocks your cage. Holy shit! It's really happening! Finally, cummies! She wipes you clean. Your bum gets cleaned and all the poopy is wiped away. She takes your little penis and cleans it. It immediately gets hard.
"My my my, someone is an excited little sissy huh?"
You nod quickly. All you can think about is Mommy rubbing your tiny little thing, and making your squirties. But then, Mommy does something different.
You see her position herself so that front of the diaper is on your face. Then she begins to explain the "fun" you two are going to have.
"Here is our game sissy. I am going to pee my diaper while it's smothering your face. While I am doing that, I am going to rub your little clitty. If you make cummies by the time I am done peeing, you lose and you have to wear my soaked diaper instead of a clean one."
You hung your head. This immediately turned you on even more than you already were, but you wanted a clean diaper. You had just been in a dirty one for the past six hours. You had no choice but to agree.
"Oh and by the way, I have been holding in my pee all morning and had three huge bottles of water. So it's going to take me awhile. Ready? Here it comes!"
You soon felt her diaper warming up. She instructed you to lick it while she peed. She reached back and started rubbing your little dicklet. You were struggling, but somehow was managing to keep it together. It felt so good, and you wanted to cum, but knew you had to try and hold out. 2 minutes later, Mommy was finally done, she gave one last tug on your itty bitty clitty, and amazingly, you didn't cum. Mommy peed so much that some leaked out of the diaper and into your mouth. But you didn't care. You won the game! Or so you thought.
"Wow, I am impressed sissy. I figured you would spew your loser load in like ten seconds the minute I started rubbing you and peeing my diaper on your face. But you are not out of the woods yet. You see, Mommy had a big breakfast...."
You knew immediately what was coming next. Mommy was now going to poop her diaper, while sitting on your fave. She turned herself around and the seat of the diaper was now in your mouth.
"Same rules apply sissy. If you cum while I shit my diaper, then you still have to wear my diaper!"
She began grunting and pushing, and soon the diaper sagged into your mouth as the poop came out her butt. You were losing it. You tried to hold it, but you couldn't, and as soon as Mommy pushed out the rest of the massive poopy, you blew your load all over your stomach. It was a mind blowing orgasm, but you knew the consequences.
"Awww, poor little sissy couldn't contain her cummies while Mommy pooped on her. You are so pathetic."
The seat of the diaper was in your mouth and you smelled the horrible stench. She stood up, scooped up your cummies, and shoveled it into your mouth.
"Eat your load sissy."
You immediately gulped it down. Then Mommy untaped her diaper, wiped herself clean, put her panties back on, and taped her dirty Pamper onto you. She then applied a clean diaper over the top of the dirty one, and put you into some plastic panties as well since her diaper was already leaking.
"Well looks like I win sissy! That diaper is not coming off until tomorrow morning. You will notice I didn't put your cage back on. I want you to make humpies in my dirty diaper as many times as you can from now until morning. You get a chance to make cummies as much as you want! Aren't I such a kind Mommy for that. You will hump my poop and shoot your loser sperm into this diaper. Tomorrow morning you will finally get a clean diaper and your cage will be put back on. Until then, have fun mixing your pee and poop with mine!
You nod, understanding her command. She snaps your onesie back in place and puts your paci back in your mouth.
"Now run along and make your humpies sissy! And don't even think about asking for a change. You know you have to wait until morning."
"Yes Mommy. Thank you Mommy." Is all you can reply.
It may not have been the orgasm you wanted to have because of the consequences, but you were happy that you still got to cum. And now you could cum all you wanted until morning. But only in a dirty diaper worn previously by your Mommy. You knew this is how it should be for you though. You smiled, as Mommy left the nursery and you started humping the poopy diaper against the floor.
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I have seen this image on here before. If it is yours and you would like it remove it, please let me know. Or if you would like proper credit, please let me know that as well.
Under Mommy's Control
"Look at you." Said Mommy. "Look at the wittle baby who said he was too big for diapers. Who said he could make it to the big boy potty without going in his pants. Who said diapers are not a turn on for him. Look at you now!"
You lay there powerless to stop her as she gripped your penis and went up and down.
"You put up so much of a fuss when I put you back into diapers. But now you have a little boner! I guess somebody really likes making stinkies in their diaper and being changed by Mommy, huh?"
You heard her speaking, but you weren't comprehending her words. You were in a state of bliss.
"Do you think you should get to make a cummie baby boy?"
You definitely heard that one. You nodded your head enthusiastically.
"Hmmm, I don't know. You were awfully fussy about your diapers before. Fussy babies don't get to make cummies!"
She took her hand of your cock and you started whining.
"Oh but my baby boy really does like it when I play with his little pee pee. And I enjoy teasing you and eventually letting you make a big cummie mess!"
She grabbed your penis again. Again, you  nod your head yes.
"Are you willing to do anything to make a cummie baby?"
You nod again.
"Absolutely anything?"
You nod again.
"Would you wear diapers 24/7 for me?"
You nod again.
"Would you let me dress you as a baby in front of my friends?"
You nod again. At this point you are mesmerized. She starts to quicken her pace as she pulls on your dick.
"And you will do absolutely anything?"
You are getting so close to cumming. You nod again. Anything to get her to finish you off!
"Ok then! Cum for me baby! Cum in your diaper!"
You scream out and have the most explosive orgasm of your life. When it's all over, you are shaking from how big it was. Your diaper soaks up your goo. You start recovering and Mommy whips out a chastity cage and gives you an evil grin.
"Remember, you agreed to do anything I want!"
You start to realize after your post nut clarity that you are trapped. Literally. No going back now. You are Mommy's baby boy forever.
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ABDL Diaper Caption: The Stagdo Continued Caption (read the image then this):
Eventually the hot warm wet diaper made the urge to touch himself unbearable, he attempted to slide his hand down into the diaper, seeking relief. However, the restrictive mitten thwarted his efforts, leaving him frustrated and desperate. With a whimper, he resorted to rubbing his pussy through the sodden fabric of the diaper, the sensations sending shivers of pleasure through his body the diaper crinkling with each rub. His movements became more frantic, the friction against his new sensitive flower igniting a primal need within him. A surge of pleasure coursed through him, building towards a climax he couldn't control. In the bliss of orgasm, he moaned uncontrollably, his body trembling with release just as the kidnapper entered the room, catching him in his most vulnerable moment. The captor's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the captive rub his pussy through the wet diaper, his face contorted with pleasure and desperation. A sinister smile curved the corners of his mouth, revealing a cruel intent behind those piercing eyes.
"Ah, so you like that, do you?" he taunted, amusement lacing his words. "You're enjoying yourself too much for my liking."
With a devious chuckle, he stepped closer to the crib and leaned over his captive. Looking at him masturbate in his pee soaked diaper, furiously rubbing his wet padding against his quivering pussy - even while he was being watched. The captor moved towards a drawer and got something from it, hiding it behind his back. He came in front of the captive and dangled a chastity belt before the captive's eyes, causing a whimper to escape his lips. The captor quickly undid the captive's diaper and through the squirming applied the chastity belt and taped the wet diaper back up. The cruel irony of the situation was not lost on the captive, who had only just discovered the pleasure of his newfound pussy, only to have it denied to him by his captor.
The captor's lips curled into a cruel smirk as he watched the captive's reaction. "No more fun for you, my dear," he sneered, "You'll learn to obey me, or suffer the consequences."
With a final, taunting glance, the captor left the room, leaving the captive to wallow in his frustration and humiliation. Read more captions on my site: https://mydiaperstories.co.uk/diaper-captions/
Read more captions on my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mydiaperstories
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She actually posted it to everyone 😳
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