diaryofafelon · 4 years
It's the year 2020 and I've been diagnosed as "delusional" by the lead psychiatrist at the second largest institution for pre-trial detainees in the United States of America. The world has shut down due to a bionic plague supposedly infecting millions and killing thousands of others. 
How we got here is no mystery to me, of course I am of the delusional mind, but this reality of lies for some reason perplexes the world and they live in fear for this false reality they created, failing to recognize their part in it. I am no innocent man, this being my fourth time to prison, but my reality is a bit different, because I acknowledge what I have lived, versus only the internet, and media tycoons draining the life of every existing being for profit and fear to enslave those they cannot through other forms, such as myself has been. 
Before I get too far ahead and  begin receiving hate mail for this not being a true diary of day to day entries, but rather a biography of sorts reflecting past, present, and personal history, lets go over some facts; you're welcome to cross check them with your most reliable source, that being the internet. 
The United States is the second leading nation for the world's incarcerated, our "biggest enemy"  happens to be our closest ally for numbers in this regard, that being Russia. That number being roughly 25% holding of the worlds incarcerated give or take depending on the year.  If you happen to be one of the lucky ones to get out society can "feel safe" knowing that your likelihood of re-incarceration will be in the 60 percentile range within 90 days of release, this term being known as recidivism; but have no fear, this number jumps past 80% within 12 months of release. 
The world can feel safe knowing the United States also leads in annual mass shootings and gun ownership; there being more than 300 million in the U.S. with more than 10 million of those being AR-15's. And while we address this "global pandemic" of plague, we still, or at least the media thus far has failed to recognize mental health, bullying, and its effects being suicide. Millions will march in the "Women's March for Equality" and "PRIDE"  to put an end to ignorance, not recognizing their own, or rather choosing not to, because their efforts have never been for equality, but control rather; the tearing down of men to create this new slavery that has become. We say we care about others, but while something is completely legal in one part of our nation, someone else is being profited off of  through enslavement of incarceration and their life ruined...we are the most divided country in the world by simple state of law, which would be the furthest thing from United, unless the walls were torn down. 
From 2001 to 2016 the suicide rate has increased 31%, with men being four times more likely to commit the act than women, numbers far surpassing 9/11 on an annual basis, with it being the second leading cause of death other than natural cause. And where do felons fall into this? We are 17 times more likely to commit the act than the general population, but while we fail to recognize, or at least some, that 1 in 12 Americans is a convicted felon, the rest can scream "IT'S MY BODY", or "Love is Love", giving themselves a pat on the back with their most creative work outlined in their new highlighters they bought at Wal-mart, flailing their tits for "equality", and strutting the streets in thongs, because that somehow makes them feel safe, while the rest of us kill ourselves. 
So who's the real minority? Who is really being oppressed? Just follow the law they'll say, that or don't get caught, but if you do, you better have money, or a connection...otherwise you're fucked. 
It's highly probable I offend you in this endeavor of sharing my reality if I haven't already. I've called plenty of women cunts in my lifetime, plenty of fags, fags, and may have used a few other damned words. Most of the time these words for you, me, or the other are said out of emotion. They mean nothing, while other times they are for blatant ignorance by those others who still choose it....and there is a clear difference, that you might see in the usage of these words which reflect necessity for others to become, enlightened...the briefest example being the woman on the flight telling me to kiss her ass, after she involves herself in my business, because my mask is below my nose....but she'll be damned if I tell her to "lick my dick bitch"....there really isn't a difference, but this is people's problems with their choice of words in victimization...that and being charged with a hate crime for calling someone a faggot, when my government has always known me to be gay. 
Whether it's enlightenment, or an awakening...it is the year 2020. A number reflecting perfect vision, perhaps revelation that this plague of disease may ensue, or the sharing of this reality, yet unknown.
Cheers to being delusional.
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