diaryofsongs · 1 month
i like when ventposts self censor in a way thats completely incomprehensible to anyone else like 'im so sick of ****** ******* ******' . im sorry that youre going through it. can i buy a vowel
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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People aren’t the only ones with vivid imaginations
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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they nappin’
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
Everyone always talks about Sokka and Zuko and how much they pull but no one ever mentions the OG
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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rewatching atla after like 10 years and zuko is so insanely pitiful
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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the doctor emotionally monologuing at the daleks and then it cutting to shots like this is one of my favorite parts of dw
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
So...about the whole "Thalia made me earn her care" scene in the tv show?
I've seen a lot of justification for it floating around with the point that Thalia being harsh was a natural reaction given everything with Jason. Of course she'd be reluctant to open her heart to another kid, and of course she'd be scared to bring Annabeth along just to lose her later on. And if this reasoning works for you, heightens your enjoyment even, great. Really.
But for me, it was something that undermined one of the most important pieces of the series so I thought I'd offer an unnecessarily long alternative view.
What makes the Broken Trio (Annabeth, Thalia, and Luke) so impactful is that their bond is in stark contrast to the individual relationships the three share with their real families. Annabeth went thoroughly neglected by her father and absentee mother. The same for Luke, saddled with a mother who was tragically unavailable whether she wanted to be or not, and a father who never stepped in. And for Thalia, she never knew where she stood with her mother. Did Beryl love her daughter for her, or did she love her because she was proof of Zeus' favor. Did she truly care about Thalia--because from a little girl's perspective, she surely couldn't have cared about Jason all that much, trading his life to Hera in order to save her own--or did she just see her as a bargaining chip for immortality? And was that even love at all? And later on the same sentiment would apply to Zeus as well. Did he save her because he cared for her or because he thought she could be brought back to control the prophecy in his name?
All three of these kids were given nothing but conditional love. They all suffered under the weight of their desires to prove themselves to their parents whether out of spite (Luke, and Thalia to an extent) or love (Annabeth), because that was the only way they'd get the gods' attention, let alone their affection.
That's why it's so so important that when they came across each other and decided to form their own family, they chose to break this pattern. Luke stuck with Thalia knowing she was a magnet for danger with a huge target on her back. Thalia ignored Hal and Zoë's warnings, trusting Luke solely off who he had shown himself to be. And both of them looked at Annabeth, knowing she would slow them down--she was seven, how could she not--and decided to bring her along anyway because she deserved better and if her family wouldn't step up, they would.
These weren't rational decisions because family isn't meant to be rational and they're not Athena. They don't want to be. And we see this emotionality reflected in their choices throughout. Ever logical, strategic Annabeth believes in Luke even when she shouldn't because a long time back, he chose her when he didn't need to. There's a million different interpretations of Luke because, let's face it, his character was messy and inconsistent in canon, but what ultimately sets him apart from the gods or titans is a genuine care for his family, even if he stomps all over it at times. For Thalia, even after Luke poisoned her tree, she maintained faith in him right until the last moment on the mountain. Her breaking point was when he hurt Annabeth, leading her to purge all the good parts of Luke from her memory, forcing herself to only think about the betrayal so she could do what she believed was necessary to protect Annabeth. Not that I don't think she made the right call, but I do think this was far more of an emotional reaction than a purely practical one, which is further emphasized by how Percy (the neutral party, the outsider to this family) had to look at Luke empathetically and from both sides to make his final choice (@ruegarding has a fantastic meta on this that you should definitely check out).
Anyway, the point is: these three did not perpetuate conditional love on each other. It's essential that they saw each other, hurt and lonely, and chose to care. It's one thing to have Thalia be less open with her affection and ensuring Annabeth learn how to fight, but it's attaching a completely different connotation to say she literally made Annabeth "earn" her affection (like, Annabeth was seven and alone and practically living in a dumpster. Are you saying Thalia wouldn't be completely on board with taking her away from there until Annabeth proved herself with a dagger?), and it's only worsened with Percy immediately linking her to Athena and the gods' way of care when the whole point is that the found family formed between the three was not like that. It was built on the genuine love that they needed, which is why it hurts so much when it breaks, and why it's the central piece that resolves everything in the end.
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
I found out that my dad has good omens on dvd, and idk how to feel about it cause I’ve never watched it and as far as I know it’s the gay angels and demons show/book that Neil gaiman and Terry pratchet wrote, but to him it’s the live action version of the book that his most favourite author ever co-wrote
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
the slightest mention of may castellan and i am reduced to a puddle of tears because every time i think of her i remember how she is making sandwiches and cookies for a son who will never come home and RICK RIORDAN I AM IN YOUR WALLS. RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU. RICKY WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
aghhh like bill potts has a chilly relationship w her white foster mother to whom she is not out to despite being soo comfortable lesbianing it up to everyone else in every time period and meanwhile her love for her birth mom who died when she was a kid literally saved the entire world and she loves learning and asking questions and didn't get a chance at higher education until she met twelve and she was gonna move out of her foster mom's w college friends but then the new place had alien bugs in the wood so she couldn't but we don't see the emotional aftermath of that and we barely get to dig our teeth into any of this meaty potential in the one single season they deign to give her and then they kill her
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
Live action Katara would never.
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
ive watched this video 5 times in the last two days and it always makes me laugh til i get a headache & i wanted it on my blog but didnt find it anywhere so guess i gotta do it myself
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
More reasons why Zuko being the Firelord is objectively the funniest thing on earth:
He hasn’t been civilised in 4 years, his entire teenage experience consists of living on a boat and sleeping rough. The most stable bed he has was probably in Ba Sing Se he probably will just nap anywhere.
He has customer service experience which means he probably uses his customer service voice on his minsters.
Additionally he probably just wanders into to kitchen to get his own snacks and tea because he forgets what servants do.
He probably has no idea why he can’t just chase after an assassin he used to hunt the avatar for Agnis sake why is the captain of the guard demanding he stay in his room he’ll find the guy first (he’s probably right)
Katara probably has a free pass on Eco terrorism because what’s he going to do challenge her, she’ll beat his ass.
If he saw a minster doing something shady he will either invite lady Beifong to detect their BS or commit B&E and look for evidence himself.
He somehow found a baby dragon and raises it.
He will be far to willing to give Kyoshi island anything they want cause he feels bad and Suki scares him.
He randomly insisted on giving some earth kingdom village 100 ostrich horses.
The Avatar will just show up call him Hotman and demand the go on adventures and the Firelord will just dip because he’s been confined to long and has the Zoomies.
He takes far to much advice from Sokka and will genuinely believe if someone doesn’t get Sokkas plans they must be an idiot because Sokka is 16.
Sokka and Zuko also get into a lot of teenage rebellion phases by accident.
Toph just walks in breaks a wall of his palace and demands a field trip that always involves the Firelord having to explain himself to the cops.
He somehow knows every dangerous teen in the world and they all come for tea uninvited.
He has broken into both the NWT and Ba Sing Se.
He has a really well documented facial scar and official portraits but still disappears to be Lee the tea guy like no one knows.
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diaryofsongs · 2 months
the only order between zuko azula and lu ten that matters is lu ten being the primary shield from ozai fuckery and zuko being the secondary shield from ozai fuckery. but lu ten was a primary shield and the strongest because he was an adult himself and he wasnt ozais child so ozai had no right to put his hands on lu ten without having to answer to iroh and then zuko is the secondary shield because he was the main target of all of ozais ire until he freed himself from it. and then with them both gone its just azula alone
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