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Bien, para los fans de Campamento Desventura/Disventure Camp:
Aiden es un chico, noble, sensible, maduro, centrado y bastante empático con los sentimientos y situaciones de los demás; no es alguien que vea malicia en los demás a primeras PERO, tampoco se deja engañar por las apariencias, de hecho en general Aiden es un chico que sabe juzgar muy bien a las personas, es sabio aunque todavía le falta un muuuuyy largo camino por recorrer, pero es inato en su persona.
Al igual que un Ravenclaw, es inteligente, que por supuesto, hay que dejar muy en claro que no por ser inteligente eres de la casa del aguila; pero la inteligencia de Aiden viene de su sabiduría y de su pasión por aprender y siempre estar abierto a nuevas ideas y es alguien lo suficientemente curioso y maduro para ver y comprender diferentes opiniones y perspectivas, aunque un poquito limitado por su edad pero ya irá evolucionando.
Por este pequeño resumen sin querer extenderlo puedo declarar bajo esta cuenta que Aiden es: ¡Ravenclaw!~
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Now that the HTTYD Hogwarts Sorting it's done I'm gonna expand my Hogwarts sortings head canon
Next on the list:
Animated movie
Rise of the guardians (El Origen de los guardianes)
Non cartoon series
All of us are dead (Estamos muertos)
The Untamed (Cheng Qing Ling)
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Fishlegs, Hiccup & Camicazi//// Patapez, Hipo & Camicazi~~ Hogwarts Au
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Anna/ Gryffindor! ~~ Hogwarts AU
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Elsa/ Ravenclaw ~~ Hogwarts AU
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MIRACULOUS HOGWARTS HOUSES!! House sortings: Honey Modoki~~ Serie/Movie/Books: MIRACULOUS LADYBUG - by Zag Heroes
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Slytherbesties <3
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Ruffnut and Tuffnut / HumanBarf HumanBelch!
HTTYD Hogwarts Sorting
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Fishlegs and HumanMeatlug!
Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff!
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HTTYD Hogwarts Sorting P.4
The way Hookfang not only steal a bite of his bread He just set fire it. That's THE friendship.
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The Hogwarts collection still growing!~
Next on the "To do list"
Hiccup and Toothless ✅
Heather and Windshear ✅
(Maybe) Dagur and Sleuther 🔲
HTTYD Sorting P.1 Astrid and Stormfly
HTTYD Sorting P.2 Ruff & Tuff / Barf & Belch
HTTYD Sorting P.3 Fishlegs and Meatlug
HTTYD Sorting P.4 Snotlout and Hookfang
HTTYD Sorting P.5 Heather and Windshear
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Heather & Windshear!!
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I have to say that Heather was an interesting character when she came up in Riders of Berk. And when she showed up in Race to the edge? I have my opinions about the backstory they give her for the last, 3-4 years? I never catch how much time passed between riders of Berk to Race to the Edge. I was expecting she showed up in the first season? Yes. It was pretty obvious that it will be her. I was expecting the "thing" between she and Fishlegs? No, I think nobody was expecting that, I didn't see that coming XD
But, I like the idea that they wanted to give her more character development, it convinced me? Not too much if I'm honest, but I appreciated her "mystery" relationship with Dagur at the end.
And her relation with Windshear, oh I like Windshear ~
And, finally in my own opinion I can said without doubts Heather is:
And for the sweet but fierce Windshear is:
And the other detail i like about Windshear, even though it was just in one chapter, but still.
Hogwarts Sorting P.5
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HTTYD Hogwarts sorting P.6
There are millions of reason to know what houses are these dorks and the funny thing is that always the best buddies are those who are so different to eachother, in this case: Toothless as Gryffindor and Hiccup as Ravenclaw, because no matter how much the movies or books made us believe the opposited are Gryffindor-Slytherin, in fact they're Gryffindor-Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff-Slytherin.
BTW, Toothless has seen that spell thousand of times but He still get so impress. And Hiccup, well He still forgetting his scarf.
And yes, Hiccup is reading one of the most basic book of spells.
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