dicksonhopost-blog · 7 years
Digital Book Report.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World 
By Gary Vaynerchuk
Nearly 325 million mobile subscriptions is the US. Devices are everywhere. Boomers, control 70% of US spending, increased their social usage 42% in one year.Consumer wants brand to pay attention to them, Let them voice their opinions and concerns before purchasing. The fastest growing marketing sector, getting peoples attention to social media. People want to be social whenever they consume their media as they are constantly on their mobile.
Content is king but context is god. You can have good content but if context is ignored, it will fail!! "Jabs" with native content, consumer feel appreciated as you are not selling "Hooks". You are sharing a moment together, something funny, ridiculous, clever, dramatic, informative or heartwarming. Anything except a sales pitch. Skillful, native storytelling increases people sharing your content with others in which may lead to sales instead. Communication is key, but context matters more than ever. Its not just about developing high quality content, its also about developing content thats perfectly adapted to specific social media platforms and mobile devices. Is like telling a story, the climax has no power without the exposition and action that comes before it. Story its best when its not intrusive, when it brings value to consumer, and when it fits in as a natural step along the customers path to making a purchase. “Jabs” are contents that benefits your customer whereas “Right Hooks” benefits your business. Social media requires constant experimentation and hours of observation and adjustments. This requires hustle, heart, sincerity, constant engagement, long term commitment. most importantly is artful and strategic storytelling.
We log on to connect, socialize and catch up on what people we know are doing also what they are reading, listening, wearing, eating, etc. Facebook wants user to see things that they find relevant, fun and useful so better to have your content same as well. With the amount of users. Delivering good content is nearly impossible. Facebook created an algorithm called "EdgeRank" to help what we saw was important and relevant to us always. It constantly reads and tracks what most interesting to people then filters that to the new stream accordingly. Brands future visibility depends on the engagement levels of current customer. Is the users responses to good content "Jab" matters most as Facebook weighs on likes, comments, shares. On Facebook, the definition of great content is not the one that gets the most likes, but content where people most want to share. By testing, we learn what they find entertaining. Content that entertain sees engagement. Content that sees engagement tells Facebook and rest of the world that customers cares about your brand. For any "Jab" or "Hook" to have an impact, it has to speak to the consumer and hit the emotional centre. So KNOW YOUR TARGET MARKET and DEMOGRAPHICS!!
If Facebook main is friends. Twitter is news and information. A place often use for brags, retweeting favourable things people said about them. You can reach anyone by search, no waiting nor pending status. It enhances customer service for companies. Content often has far less value than context. Mistake most marketers make is to use it as an extension of their blog, place to push a link to contents they have post everywhere. Only way to differentiate yourself is through your unique context. News or information has little value but marketers who can skillfully spin, interpret, and remix it in his or her own style can often tell a story that is more powerful and memorable than the actual news itself. Use trends to throw right "Hooks". Take advantage of current events, words or phrase that have gone viral as Twitter trend tracking is one of the most powerful and yet underused tools. Ability to custom your content to any situation or demographics.
Invented to help create online collections of things they love and inspire. Went viral for food lovers, fashion, home renovations, decor ideas as 68% of the users are woman. That accounts for 16% of U.S. internet user, 1% fewer than twitter. Survey shows users are 79% more likely to buy they spot on Pinterest than Facebook. Produces 4x the revenue per click of Twitter. Small business that experimented with pinterest early saw as much as 60% increase in revenue. 2011-2012, Pinterest's share of social media driven revenue for e-retailers soared from 1% to 17%.
More interactive experience than a print magazine, because users can like, comment and share. With its amount of new and active users currently, why not use similar content on Instagram for free!! That scale at low cost that makes up for Instagrams lack of social value. Rate of growth proves people are drawn to mobile, image based content. Native Instagram content is artistic, not commercial. Know your target user, next generation of social users are there. It was clear that pictures are gaining importance and its going to rule social media. Hashtag matters here as they are the key for people to discover you. Become explore worthy where the most creative post gets streamed into something called Explore Page, which exposes your content to all of Instagram.
Tumblr launched in 2007 in New York. 550M monthly active user as of 2015. Appealing to age in between 18-24. Provides freedom and space to photographers, musicians and graphic designers. Endless stream of beautiful imagery or animated GIF, complete artistic control. Around 380M blogs has been generated, average of 30M post daily.
LinkedIn launched in 2003, two new members every second. More than 2.8M Company Profile Page. Executives from all 2012 Fortune 500 companies are members. Students and new graduates are the fastest growing demographic. Its business oriented site, provides a natural platform for B2B marketers where everyone is trying to share their story.
Google+ launched in 2011, 500M users. Unlink Facebook, its steadily building their audience it requires register account to access their products for example Gmail and Youtube.
Vine launched in 2013 with 13M active users. Almost half of Twitters video were originated from Vine in the first week. Five Vine videos shared every six seconds on Twitter. This 6 seconds looping video app is bringing out our storytelling creativity.
Snapchat launched in 2011, 300M active users. Snapchat is not for profound content, nor anything to be treasured forever. Its where people will go for a quick laugh and move on. If a brand becomes the source of choice for those little moments that gets us through the day. It might get us a little more attention as they know it will disappear in seconds.
The holy trinity of platforms or business. Content is king, Context is god, then the Effort. What matters is the effort you put into your work it doesn't matter who your competitor is. If the quality of your communication and community building effort is better than others, you will win. People loves to be entertained and informed and the real connection happens when they believe you care about them both as a customer and an individual. Key to social marketing is micro content. Shorter the content and story, the better. And as companies and consumers are slowly adjusting to these platforms, we can and should adjust to them as well. It will take a ton of effort to figure out how to use any of the platforms to its full potential.
Final thoughts on this book is. Keep engaging, keep up with the "jabs". When you know is the right time to close the deal, finish it off with the "hook". Be patient!!
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dicksonhopost-blog · 7 years
first post.
Early October and somehow I wasn’t scheduled over that weekend. I knew I had to take my drone out before the cold comes. Glad it was still warm with great skies and beautiful clouds.     
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Anyway I’m still learning how to fly better as it’s relatively new to me I guess vs my camera. Challenging but interesting when editing the videos!! Everyday I’m learning!  
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Passionate about photography and videography, just thought I can share my perspectives to you all. Hope you like my first post and If you like, there’s more pictures on my Instagram.
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