diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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Overwatch: Comic of Lucio’s new heal radius! Digital Art; Clip Paint Studio • Time Taken approx two hours
Salty Lucio main is extra salty thanks to this new buff! I honestly love this new visible radius, which was obviously added thanks to Lucio in Heroes of the Storm. ♥
Now those lovely DPSers that like to spam “I NEED HEALING” while nowhere near me have *no* excuse… Heh. I ain’t leaving the safety of the tanks to heal yo’ dumb arse if you want to run behind enemy lines…
[Thank you muchly to Jane o’ the Pigeon Gazette @thepigeongazette for inspiring me w/ your recent Mercy comic… hehe~]
More: Overwatch | Gaming | Comic
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
A man who hits a woman is no man
It only shows that he’s weak. Reblog if you agree.
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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thanks for the push-up emote blizzard
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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attention @ everyone who cares about animals!!!!!!!!!!
tl;dr: do NOT buy this brand of flea medicine. always do research before buying any kind of medication for your animals.
my boyfriend bought this at petsmart for our cat and when we put it on her, she started licking it bc i guess i accidentally placed it too low and he got worried so we’ve been on google to find out if it’ll harm her. we found some scary stuff.
it doesn’t happen to every cat that this product is used on, but there are reports of this product seriously hurting cats. it burns their skin and can be very painful. the screenshots above are reviews from amazon for the one in the blue box. the one we used is the one in the purple box.
some cats had reactions right away while others took a few hours. we put this on our cat about an hour ago (washed it off of her soon after) and she seems fine but we’re so worried about what could happen. even if nothing happens, this is a chance we never would had taken if we’d known.
ALWAYS RESEARCH BEFOREHAND. i can’t believe petsmart has this on their shelves after everything people have said about it. please spread the word by sharing this post! protect ur pets. a simple google search could have stopped all these cats from getting hurt.
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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Overwatch Insurrection Sprays (from the leaked teaser)
+One Blurry Morrison™
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
*heavy breathing*
Help me.
I’m. I’m broken.
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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the person who posted this was a racist bastard im posting this pic of the event leak
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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Can we take the time to appreciate, Rick Laughing. 
He’s so Precious.
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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“We’ll get him next time!”
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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Since easter is coming up Asriel wants to give everyone a little reminder:               “Bunnies may be cute but we are a lot of work. Please don’t give my relatives to small children this Easter, a toy bunny will be a much better option. Little kids are too rough for us and they may grow tired of taking care of a bunny.” 
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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I love playing with my overdramatic friend. Having a pocket lucio is not the same as a mercy or an ana…
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
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request// This user fired, but they missed, then they fired, fired again, missed both times. This went on for several matches.
(This is another one of the animated prizes for the Mystery Picture Game! <3)
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diegocdarts-blog · 8 years
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Leave them be. 
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diegocdarts-blog · 8 years
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This user ain’t bad, ain’t good, but they sure as hell ain’t ugly.
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diegocdarts-blog · 8 years
List of some of my characters (Villians)
(male) Magimask: a mysterious magic man that uses black magic for evil reasons and his weapon is a magic shotgun. (male) Pepo: an evil (short) robotic miner that has one objectiv, take over the world from underground. (female) Talka: a evil robotic princes and the only thing that she wants is to be queen of the world. (female) Jazz: she is an evil spy that works for a crazy man called Striker. (male) Striker: he is crazy man that has been murdering and torturing people all over the world but he doesn't do it alone, he has a spy called Jazz that helps him with his work and he has hundreds of agents in his clan called "The S Clan". (male) Racka: he is a fire skeleton that comes from another dimencion called "The Dimencion of Los Muertos" (male) Dr. Tatles: he is an evil and crazy scientist head in a fish tank and the only way he can make his evil inventions is with his robot body thats conected to the fish tank were his head is and he can only control his robot body with his mind. (????) Zuk: he or she is a mysterious person with dark powers, he or she apears not so often but when he or she apears the only thing that he or she creats is mayhem.... (male) Tocla and Horto: "twin" brothers that come from "The Dimencion of Los Muertos". (male) Captain R.O.D: the worst villian of them all... he is like robot pirate but worst... he is even worst than Racka... Captain R.O.D is the master of total mayhem and chaos....
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