diegodog2002 · 19 days
No more stories!
Well gang, it seems that Tumblr has put a limit on the number of characters that it allows in a single post. I believe the number is 4096 characters, and that includes spaces. Since my stories tend to be long, it is nearly impossible to slice them up and post them. If someone out there knows a way to get around this limitation, please let me know. I am currently looking for another(free) site to post my stories, and when I find one, I will let you all know where it is. Thanks for reading my stories.
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Charity Cruise
They all got onboard the Coast Guard rescue ship.  Some completely naked, others in stained and tattered remnants of their once fancy dress clothing, while others were totally naked.  One thing is for sure, none of them would ever forget their ordeal at sea.
The story actually began about six months earlier when Tom was sent an invitation for a black tie charity event that was to be held on a luxury yacht.  Tom was quite surprised to receive such an invitation, as he was not a wealthy patron of the organization sponsoring the event.  Tom was very curious and felt the invitation was surely a mistake.  He contacted the organizers of the event and gave them his contact information.  They informed him that he was definitely the person for whom the invitation was addressed to.  It was then revealed the invitation was forwarded to him from a friend of his who was connected with the charity.  It seems his friend was unable to attend the event and requested his invitation be forwarded on to Tom.  Tom thanked the charity representative and hung up the phone.  
Tom was so flabbergasted by the invitation that he had to call his friend and thank him for thinking of him.  He telephoned his friend, and to his surprise his friend Armand answered the phone. Tom asked Armand what made him think of him for the charity event.  Armand told Tom that since he was going to be out of town for the event, he did not want the invitation to go to waste, and surprisingly enough, Tom was the first name that came to his mind for giving the invitation to.  Tom thanked Armand for the invitation but told him that there was no way he could accept such an offer.  Armand stopped Tom, he knew Tom was hesitant in accepting the invitation, and Armand knew why.  Tom’s financial status.  Tom had some money, but not the kind of wealth and means that Armand had.   He then told Tom that there was nothing to be worried about.  No one was going to ask him for a monetary contribution.  Armand said he had already taken care of that.  He told Tom to go and enjoy the party.  Armand than asked Tom if he was aware that the charity event was a black tie affair.  Before Tom was able to answer, Armand told Tom to go to his (Armand’s) tailor.  He informed Tom that his tailor was aware that Tom would be there and to set him up with everything he needed for this black tie affair.  Tom protested and told Armand that he could not accept such a generous offer, it was just too much.  Armand responded by telling Tom that this was a gift to him for all the help and assistance Tom has given to him in his personal life.  Then Armand said he would not hear anymore argument about going. Tom knew when Armand made up his mind and was adamant, there was no changing his mind.  Tom graciously accepted Armand’s invitation and gifts.  
The following weeks were filled with trips to the tailor for Tom.  There were measurements to be taken, fittings to be done, and accessories to put together for the tuxedo.  By the time everything was finished, Tom had a complete tuxedo ensemble. He did not want anything flashy, so the tuxedo was classic black in style and cut, made from a combination of silk and wool.  His shirt was a simple pleated shirt with French cuffs and wing collar.  His tie and matching vest were black silk.  Sheer TNT socks, garters and suspenders were also included, along with a pair of slip on black evening slippers.  Tom chose a pair of black pearl shirt studs and matching cufflinks.  Tom was afraid of spending too much money.  He also knew he would probably never wear the tuxedo again.  He was not in the formal gala circle.  
A few weeks before the charity event Tom received his finished tuxedo.  He had it hanging in the doorway of his apartment.  He could not stop looking at it.  It was more than he could have ever hoped for. While he was admiring the garment, his telephone rang.  He answered the phone and was surprised to hear Armand on the other end. “I understand from my tailor that your tuxedo was delivered today.”  Armand said. “Yes, yes it was delivered today!  How did you know?”  Tom asked.   “My, I mean OUR tailor notified me that he had delivered it to you.”  Armand responded.   “It is absolutely beautiful!  I have never seen such a magnificent piece of clothing in my life!”  Tom exclaimed.   “Good, I am so happy you are pleased with how it turned out!”  Armand said. “I am just so concerned with how much I spent!” Tom said sheepishly.   “Oh please…  Truth be told, I am surprised you only spent as little as you did! Now I want you to have a wonderful time at the event, and you must tell me all about it when I return from my trip! That is the only requirement!” Armand said.   “I will, and once again, thank you for everything!”  Tom said. With that, they said their goodbyes and good lucks.  
The day of the event, Tom took a vacation day from work.  He did not want his work to possibly interfere with his evening. There was always the possibility of problems at his office, and having to work late to resolve the issues.  Tom went for a haircut, and a manicure.  He spent the rest of the day relaxing and generally taking care of himself.  
Tom took a very long luxurious shower.  He took time and pampered himself using the soaps, lotions, and oils he only used on special occasions.  Now out of the shower and dried off, Tom took a look at himself in the mirror.  He was pleased with what he saw reflected back.  Tom was in his late thirties, just over six foot tall.  He had light brown hair that was receding a bit.  His brown eyes still had a sparkle to them.  He was in very good shape for his age, and still had quite the bubble butt.  He always referred to it as one of his better assets, emphasis on ass.  As far as his endowment, he was satisfied at his size. He was not the biggest guy around, but he was far from the smallest one either.  
Tom took his time in putting on his tuxedo. He put his shirt on, and fastened the studs onto the front of his shirt, followed by his cufflinks.  He then made his first attempt to tie the black silk bowtie around his neck.  It did not turn out very well.  He tried a second time and unfortunately, his results were the same as the time before. He began to get frustrated.  Then he remembered what the tailor told him when he taught him how to tie the bowtie.  The tailor told him that he had to remain calm and relaxed when tying a bowtie, and do it very slowly.  Tom started over again with the bowtie.  This time remaining calm and tying it slowly.  He was amazed at the results.  It was as if the tailor had tied the bowtie for him.  It was perfect.  Next, Tom put on his sheer black TNT socks and garters, then his trousers and suspenders.  Tom could not wait to look in the mirror to see how everything looked.  Even partially dressed, he liked the reflection he saw in the mirror.   He put the black silk vest and his jacket on, followed by his evening slippers. Tom looked in the mirror once again, now that the package was complete.  He could not believe how good he looked all dressed up.  
Tom was ready to leave the house when his telephone rang.  It was Armand. “Hi Armand, I thought you were out of town!” Tom said.   “I am!  But I forgot to tell you, that I was sending a driver and a car to take you to the event tonight.”  Armand replied.   “That is not necessary, I can drive myself!” Tom exclaimed.   “It is too late, he should be at your place at any time now!  Please allow me to do this.  I want you to enjoy your evening.”  Armand explained. Just then, the doorbell rang to Tom’s apartment.   “I hear the doorbell.  That must be the driver!  Enjoy the evening!  I will talk to you later.”  Armand said excitedly.   Armand had hung up the phone before Tom could even say goodbye.  
Tom answered the door, and sure enough it was his driver.  He informed Tom that he would be waiting for him at the front of his apartment, and also told Tom not to rush, there was plenty of time.   Tom could not believe this.  He felt as though he were Cinderfella, and Armand was his fairy godfather.  He wanted to pinch himself to make sure it was not all a dream.  
Tom was driven to the private dock where the mega-yacht was docked.  He could not believe the size of this ship.  As soon as he exited the limousine he was handed a glass of champagne and escorted by one of the ship’s crew to the ship.  Tom could not help but stare at the ship’s crew.  They were all cute European looking gentlemen, who were beautiful specimens of the male body.  They were dressed in black fitted short military style jackets, white shirts with black ties, and the tightest fitting white slacks that accentuated their butts and crotches.  Tom could hardly keep his eyes off the crew.   Once on board the ship, Tom noticed that all the guests appeared to be gentlemen.  He scanned the deck he was standing on, and did not see one woman. This was obviously a men’s only affair. He was actually relieved!  He would not have to make small talk with women he had nothing in common with.  Tom looked around and saw that some of the men were obviously coupled. There was no attempt to hide their sexuality.  
Tom was then greeted by the ship’s captain.  With a slight Italian accent, he addressed himself as Captain Lorenzo.  Tom thought he was beautiful.  He had wavy black hair, and green eyes.  He also had broad shoulders that tapered down to a slim waist, and very nice bubble butt.  Tom was tongue tied.  The Captain was more gorgeous than the ship’s crew.  He also wore a short fitted military style jacket on, but he had four gold stripes around the cuffs, and a series of medals attached to the breast of the jacket.  His white slacks were also very tight and fitted.  The outline of his cock was visibly obvious in the front of his trousers. The Captain told Tom he hoped to see him after they left the dock.  Tom nodded in approval, but just thought the Captain was being nice to him.  Tom began to mingle with others on board, and estimated there were only about fifty guests on board.  All men.  As for the crew, there had to be at least twenty crew just serving drinks and offering hors d'oeuvres.  Plus the crew he did not see below deck.   As the ship left the dock, a group of guests congregated on the aft deck to watch the lights of the city come to life as the sun set.  Everyone chatted.  No one questioned Tom as to what he was doing there, or what he had contributed to the charity.  Tom was put to ease with the ongoing conversation and was comfortable joining in.
Once they were out of sight of the city, Tom felt someone tap his shoulder.  He turned to see who it was, and was very surprised to see it was Captain Lorenzo.  Captain Lorenzo asked Tom if he would be interested in a tour of the ship.  Never having been on a yacht before, Tom said he would love to see the ship.  The Captain motioned for Tom to join him.  Once Tom broke away from the group he was with, the Captain took Tom by the arm and escorted him away from the group.  Tom’s whole body suddenly tingled.  The Captain asked Tom if he would like to see the control room of the ship. Tom managed to stammer out that he would enjoy that.  As Tom and the Captain headed to the control room, the Captain was handed a sheet of paper by one of the crewmen showing the weather report for the evening.  The weather report indicated the water was going to be flat, with no wind and clear skies.  The Captain signed the report and handed it back to the crewman and instructed him to have the helm proceed on their designated course.  What the Captain and the crewman did not know was that there was an update to the weather forecast.  The updated forecast indicated there was a severe storm brewing on the exact course the ship was headed.  There was a warning in effect to avoid the area due to the severity of the storm in the area.  The reason no one had seen the updated weather report was because when it came off the printer, it fell out of the output paper tray and slipped out of sight. So without knowing, the yacht was heading directly into the storm.  
Captain Lorenzo was showing Tom all around the ship.  He showed him the engine room, the state of the art radar station, a private dining room, and even the fully equipped sickbay.  Tom was impressed with all the gadgets and technology that was onboard. Captain Lorenzo was getting friendlier with Tom also.  He began to stand closer to Tom than was absolutely necessary, and occasionally “accidently” brushed his hand across Tom’s crotch or butt as they were walking. Needless to say, Tom did not mind the attention he was getting.  He was getting quite aroused by the attention.  Tom decided to “accidently” brush his hand across Captain Lorenzo’s crotch. He was surprised to find that the Captain was also aroused by their situation.  The ship suddenly lurched.  Nothing severe, but not what one would expect in calm waters.  Captain Lorenzo grabbed Tom by the shoulders to steady him. Standing directly in front of the Captain, Tom got a chance to look down at the Captain’s crotch.  His cock was straining under the thin fabric of his white trousers.  His already engorged cock outline was clearly visible.  Tom liked what he was seeing.   The Captain reassured Tom that an occasional wave was not uncommon, even in smooth waters.  The Captain then asked Tom if he would like to see one of the staterooms on the yacht.  Tom knew what was coming next, and he said he would enjoy that.  The Captain led Tom to one of the staterooms.  He opened the door to let Tom in and turned on the subdued lights.  Tom was overwhelmed by the opulence and grandeur of the room.  It was not just a stateroom with a bed, there was a sitting area, a dining area, and what even looked like a reading area in the stateroom. The stateroom was quite large. Captain Lorenzo then opened the floor to ceiling draperies in the stateroom.  This gave them an unobstructed view of the bow of the ship. Captain Lorenzo opened the sliding glass doors.  The fresh scent of sea air rushed into the room.  No sooner had he looked back to call Tom to look at the view, the bow of the yacht took a deep dive.  Ocean water rushed over the bow of the yacht, and a huge wave of water rushed into the stateroom.  The gush of incoming water knocked Captain Lorenzo off his feet and pushed him back into the stateroom.  He was knocked out, on the floor drenched.  Tom ran forward and was able to close the sliding doors, stopping the sea water from further drenching the stateroom.  Captain Lorenzo regain consciousness and sat up.  The yacht continued to pitch forward as the waves began to swamp the yacht.  Tom wobbled over to Captain Lorenzo.  Captain Lorenzo said he was alright.  As he said that, Tom fell to the wet floor, and rolled into Captain Lorenzo.  Captain Lorenzo reached up to Tom and grabbed hold of him.  This prevented Tom from rolling over Captain Lorenzo and stopped him from falling across the room as the yacht continued to pitch up and down wildly.  Sadly though, Captain Lorenzo grabbed Tom by the arm, and even though he kept Tom from free falling across the room, he tore the sleeve off Tom’s tuxedo jacket.  Tom landed in Captain Lorenzo’s crotch.  Had the situation been different, Tom would have enjoyed being in that position.  Tom rolled off the Captain quickly.  He did take a brief moment to look at the Captain’s crotch.  His cock was clearly visible beneath his soaking wet, tight now transparent white trousers.   The yacht continued to bounce up and down in the large swells, knocking both Captain Lorenzo and Tom about the stateroom. The Captain finally made it to his feet. He told Tom they needed to get out of that stateroom and find out what was going on.  Tom asked the Captain if he should stay in the stateroom.  Captain Lorenzo told Tom to come with him, it was not safe in the stateroom.  Another good wave could smash the windows open in the stateroom and completely swamp it. Tom stood behind Captain Lorenzo when they were ready to leave the stateroom.  Once again, the yacht pitched wildly, knocking both men back into the stateroom and onto the floor.  Water started to gush into the room.  It seems the locking mechanism on the glass doors was not working, and one of the sliding doors had opened up.  As sea water gushed into the room, both Captain Lorenzo and Tom were once again soaked with water as was everything in the stateroom and knocked off their feet.  Captain Lorenzo was first to try to get to his feet. Tom watched as the Captain fought his way onto his feet.  He saw that Captain Lorenzo finely got this feet under himself from a sitting position. He raised himself up, but his tight wet trousers were unable to take the strain that was being put on them.  Tom watched as the Captain’s tight wet white trousers burst apart along the arse seam as he raised himself up.  His trousers ripped all the way up his backside, and through the waistband. Tom wanted to laugh, but it was not a situation to laugh about. Since the Captain’s trousers did not have a belt to hold them up, his wet pants fell to his knees, exposing his large bubble butt cheeks that were swallowing his white thong.  The Captain turned around to face Tom.  The Captain may as well have been naked.  The front of his white thong was completely transparent in the wetness. Captain Lorenzo tried to get over to Tom, but his walking was hindered by his trousers down around his knees and ankles and his other wet clothing constricting his movements.  Captain Lorenzo removed his jacket.  His toned and muscular torso clung to his wet white shirt.  He quickly removed his tie and his shirt, tossing them aside.  He looked down at his thong covered crotch and made a halfhearted effort to try and cover himself up.  He then took hold of what remained of his trousers and tore them off.  Tom looked at him with a very surprised expression on his face.   “Well, there is nothing I can do with them, to keep them up!  And we have to get the hell out of here!”  Captain Lorenzo said.   Tom wanted to freeze the moment; this beautiful specimen of a man standing in front of him.  There was nothing left to the imagination.  He may as well have been naked.  All that remained on the Captain were his white deck shoes, and his black nylon socks that were being held up by his sock garters, and of course, his tiny soaking wet transparent thong that was barely large enough to contain his manhood.  
Before Tom knew what was happening, Captain Lorenzo whisked by him and grabbed him by his arm.  They made it out of the stateroom and into a hall lined with other staterooms.  The floor was drenched with water.  Captain Lorenzo knew the situation was bad.   “We need to get down to the wheelhouse. I want you to stay with me!”   Tom nodded in agreement.   As they made their way down to the wheelhouse. The yacht was once again hit by a large wave.  They were both knocked off their feet and went sailing down the hallway.  Captain Lorenzo reached out to catch Tom as he slid by him on the drenched carpeted floor.  All Captain Lorenzo was able to grab was the pocket on Tom’s tuxedo trousers.  As he did, Tom continued to slide.  His tuxedo trousers were the next victim of the turbulent seas.  As if made of tissue paper, Tom’s tuxedo trousers ripped open along the front pocket seam.  Captain Lorenzo did not know what was happening, and held onto Tom’s trouser pocket with all his might.  Tom’s trousers continued to rip open down the whole side, and across the top, just under the waistband.  They then continued to rip down the other front side pocket seam and the inseams.  Tom finally realized what was happening and yelled for Captain Lorenzo to let go of him.  However, it was too late.  The front of Tom’s trousers were completely ripped away.  Captain Lorenzo got to his feet first and picked Tom off the floor. Whatever remnants were left of Tom’s trousers fell off him at that point.  Tom had forgotten what he was wearing beneath his tuxedo trousers.  He stood in front of Captain Lorenzo in a pair of pink lace panties, and a matching pink garter belt with long elastic straps to hold up his TNT socks.   Completely embarrassed, Tom tried to cover himself up with his wet torn tuxedo trousers.  Captain Lorenzo took the torn trousers from Tom’s hands and dropped the trousers to the floor.  He helped Tom out of his soaking wet torn tuxedo jacket and vest.  Tom stood there in just his pink lace panties, TNT socks, shoes and white shirt and tie, soaking wet.   Captain Lorenzo looked down at Tom and said “I approve!  Now, let’s get to the wheelhouse.” They tried the hatch door that led from the hall to the wheelhouse, but it was jammed and would not open.  Captain Lorenzo said they would have to go topside, and then down to the wheelhouse from the other side.    
Tom knew what this meant. They would have to go up to where all the guests were.  Everyone would see him in his pink lace panties and garter belt.  He asked Captain Lorenzo to leave him where he was, but the Captain insisted that Tom accompany him.  Just as they were ready to ascend the stairs to where the guests were, the yacht took a steep pitch once again. Captain Lorenzo was quick enough to grab hold of Tom as they both were sent off their feet and rolled back down the hallway.  Tom did not know how, but his shirt was now torn open when they came to rest in the corner of the hall.  The Captain’s free arm was tangled inside the fabric of the shirt.  Captain Lorenzo was pressed tightly against him.  They were face to face, chest to chest.  Tom felt the Captain’s chest heaving against his. Their cocks were pressed tightly against one another.  They both spent a few moments longer than was absolutely necessary together before getting to their feet.  Captain Lorenzo accidently ripped more of Tom’s white shirt.  It was now at the point where the shirt was not covering very much of Tom’s torso anymore.  Tom removed his soaking wet vest, and tossed it aside.  He then repeated what he saw Captain Lorenzo do earlier.  He took hold of the remaining fabric of his tuxedo shirt and just ripped it away.  Captain Lorenzo gave Tom a nod of approval at what he was looking at.   Tom no longer cared how he looked in his pink lace panties and matching garter belt.  He knew he had to stay with the Captain if he wanted to stay alive.  
Both Tom and the Captain knew the yacht was in trouble.  It was obvious to them that the yacht was being tossed around in the sudden storm that had come up.  They were being constantly knocked about by the waves and swells battering the yacht.   They made their way up to one of the large indoor salons where the guests and the crew who were doing the serving had gone to for safety.  It was an absolute spectacle in the salon.  Guests were tossed all about, and soaking wet, as was the crew.  It was obvious from the torn and ripped clothing that they all just grabbed onto whoever or whatever they could, hoping it would steady them.  Some of the guests had the further humiliation of having whatever food was being served tossed all over them.  If Tom did not know better, he would have guessed that they had a huge food fight.  One guest was covered head to toe in what looked like guacamole.  His black tuxedo was wet and green.  While another guest, whose pants had been completely torn off somehow was covered in some sort of bean dip.  It was especially funny to see him without any pants, and beans dripping down his once white boxers.  Another shirtless guest and a crewman were smeared with what appeared to be a combination of caviar and toast squares.  Most of the guests were now in some stage of undress.  Every one of them had torn trousers, torn jackets, or somehow managed to lose their clothing in their fight with the waves, fierce storm, and water.  It was obvious that the rocking the yacht was doing was much worse on the upper decks. Tom got a glance at some of the crew men.  Most of them had ripped their tight white trousers in the melee.  Tom did notice that they were all wearing the same style white thong as Captain Lorenzo.   Suddenly, the yacht rocked side to side very violently.  Everyone in the salon, including the Captain and Tom were thrown from side to side. Water began gushing in the open front glass doors of the salon.  This was not good.  Tom watched as some of the guests and crew who could not grab hold of anything were swept out of the yacht when the yacht lurched and the water that filled the salon emptied.  Tom wanted to help them out, but Captain Lorenzo took him by the arm and told him they had to get to the wheelhouse and try to save the yacht.  Captain Lorenzo instructed whatever crew was left to get life jackets on everyone including themselves and see what happened to those who were swept out of the salon.   After being banged and battered about a few more times, Captain Lorenzo and Tom made their way to the wheelhouse.  Most of the crew had been knocked out by the battering the yacht received.  He and Tom put life jackets on them.  Captain Lorenzo worked with the yacht’s stabilizers in an attempt to keep the yacht from capsizing.  Tom could tell it was doing some good, but the seas were too violent to completely stabilize the yacht.  Water was pouring into the wheelhouse.  The engines were dead, and power was going out.  Captain Lorenzo gave the order no captain wants to give.  He ordered his crew to assist the passengers and abandon ship. There were inflatable rafts for use in emergencies.  He told one of his men to take Tom with him and make sure he was on one of the rafts. Tom protested and said he was staying with Captain Lorenzo.  There was no way he was going to leave his side.  Captain Lorenzo argued back, but knew it was futile once Tom made up his mind. Captain Lorenzo looked at his charts, and from their last known position, determined there was an island approximately 10 nautical miles away.  He told the crew to head for the island with as many passengers as they could find. The crew all knew their jobs, and did as they were told without hesitation.   Captain Lorenzo knew time was of the essence. The yacht was taking on a lot of water now in these rough seas, and was listing severely.  He told Tom to stay at his side at all times.  They made a search of the yacht looking for anyone who may have been left behind.  They found no one.  Everyone was off the yacht.  Captain Lorenzo only hoped that everyone was in one of the lifeboats.   Captain Lorenzo sent one final SOS message before the power finally failed completely.  He was also able to send a message with their last known position.  
Tom and Captain Lorenzo were the last two aboard the yacht.  He told Tom that he was going to remain on board with the sinking yacht. Tom said he was staying also.  Tom remained adamant in what he was doing. He knew it was silly for Captain Lorenzo to remain on board when the yacht sank, and he told him so.  Captain Lorenzo insisted that the Captain must go down with the ship.  Tom then reminded him that he had a crew and passengers who were out there someplace that he was responsible for, and that if he stayed on board the yacht, he would not know what is happening to them or his crew.  Tom also reminded him that the yacht was replaceable, but human lives were not.  Captain Lorenzo finally acquiesced.  It was nearly too late for them.  The yacht was sinking quickly now.  They went to the deck that was even with the water.  Captain Lorenzo tightly fastened Tom into a life jacket and told him to swim as far from the yacht as possible.  He told Tom that when the yacht sinks, it could cause him to be sucked down into the water if he were too close.  Tom was hesitant to jump in first, because he feared Captain Lorenzo would stay onboard the yacht.  Captain Lorenzo assured him that he would jump in as soon as he saw that Tom was a safe distance from the yacht.   Tom jumped into the water.  He swam as hard as he could to get away from the sinking yacht.  When he finally looked back, he saw that Captain Lorenzo was still onboard the yacht. Captain Lorenzo saw Tom bobbing up and down in the swells, and he too finally jumped into the water.  Tom stopped swimming. He waited for Captain Lorenzo would catch up to him.  They were both bobbing up and down in the sea swells.  Not being a swimmer, Tom was exhausted.  Captain Lorenzo took hold of Tom by his life jacket and led him away from the now sunken yacht.  Debris from the yacht started floating around them.  Captain Lorenzo told Tom that there was one of the life rafts not far from where they were.  He knew Tom was exhausted, but he knew that if he told Tom about the raft, it would give him the incentive to swim.  They yelled as the got closer to the raft, and those onboard the raft heard them and paddled back toward their voices. The seas were calming down some.  The waves were not as high as they were before. When they approached the raft, a couple of the crewmen grabbed hold of Tom and hoisted him onboard.  That only left Captain Lorenzo in the water.  Now he was exhausted after pulling Tom along and swimming for both of them.  He tried to hoist himself onto the raft, but he fell back into the water.  He tried again and managed to get his arms over the edge of the inflatable.  He started slipping once again.  His crew grabbed him from wherever they could.  Unfortunately, one of the crew grabbed the Captain by the waist of his thong, thinking it was one of the tie ropes of his lifejacket.  The crew pulled the Captain up, but his thong snapped and ripped off him.  It fell back into the water.  Once on the raft, the Captain asked for a status.  He was told that every one of the passengers had been accounted for with the exception of Tom and all the crew was also accounted for.  The rafts were in communication with radios.  The Captain told them to head for the island and they would regroup there.  
With everyone accounted for and business taken care of for the moment.  Captain Lorenzo found Tom.  He stood hovering over Tom.  Tom started to laugh. “What is so funny?”  Captain Lorenzo asked.   “You, standing over me like that!  I think you lost something.”  Tom said pointing to the Captain’s midsection. It was only at that moment, Captain Lorenzo looked down and realized he was naked.   “Well, what do you think?”  He asked Tom.   “Hmmm, I must admit, I do like what I am seeing, and would really like to get to know you much better.  But I don’t think this is the time or the place for that.” Tom replied.   One of the crewmen handed Tom and the Captain each a blanket.  The Captain covered Tom with his blanket, and huddled next to Tom and wrapped himself in his blanket.   “I would like to get to know you better when this ordeal is over.”  The Captain said.   Tom looked at him and said, “I would like that very much!”   The Captain took his blanket off, and wrapped Tom in it.  He remained naked while on the lifeboat.  
A few hours later it was nearly sunrise, and the island they were headed for was in sight.  It did not take long to get close to the island. But since the shoreline was rocky, the crew was afraid the rocks might puncture the lifeboats.  It was decided to anchor the lifeboats as close to the shore as possible, and have everyone swim to the shore.  By the time all the boats were emptied and the crew and guests swam to the shore it was mid-morning.  Then and only then was Tom able to see the assemblage of castaways. There was not one of the guests whose tuxedo was intact.  Most of their tuxedos were ripped to shreds, if not from the ordeal onboard the yacht, but also from swimming to the shore of the island.  The rocky shore destroyed what remained of their tuxedos.  Some of the gentlemen were missing their jackets, some were missing their trousers, while others, what remained of their tuxedo was shredded to pieces.  A number of the guests were in their various styles of underwear.  A few had some boxers on.  Most of the boxers were solid white cotton, but there were a few with embarrassing boxers. You could tell those who were wearing the embarrassing boxers because they kept trying to cover themselves up. Others wore boxer briefs, and still more were wearing briefs.  Some of their briefs were white, some colored, and few of the gents even had cartoon briefs on.  They probably thought no one was going to see what they were wearing under their elegant tuxedos.  Tom was surprised to see a few of them even wore jockstraps under their tuxedos.  And Tom was happy to see he was not the only one wearing lace panties.  There were a couple other gentlemen wearing them in various colors.  The crew was very easy to identify.  None of them had trousers.  It was apparent that their tight white trousers ripped and tore away sometime during the ordeal.  However, they all had their white thongs still intact.  Some of the crew still had their shirts, or remnants of their shirts. Tom thought it would be tough to even put together one complete outfit from what everyone was wearing.   Captain Lorenzo however was quite un-phased by the fact he was now totally naked.  He lost his deck shoes and socks somewhere along the way.  
Captain Lorenzo suggested the guests pair up with a partner, and look for fresh water to drink, and food to eat.  He said he hoped his emergency messages were sent giving their position, and if so, they would not be on the island too long.  But just in case they needed to find food and water.  He had the crew start to build some lean-tos for protection from the sun and shelter in the evenings.  The Captain asked everyone who was still in passion of anything made with elastic to give it to the crew to use to hold the lean-tos together.   Tom removed his garter belt and TNT socks. He was now barefoot, having lost his formal slippers while swimming away from the yacht.  He gave them to Captain Lorenzo and said he hoped they would help. Captain Lorenzo thanked Tom and told him to follow him.  They were going to help look for some food.  
Tom and the Captain went in the direction not being covered by the others.  They looked around, but only found some grasses that might be edible. Tom was getting very discouraged. Captain Lorenzo stepped up behind Tom and began to kiss him on the back of the neck.  Tom could think of nothing else now other than being with the Captain. Tom felt the Captain’s cock stiffen up and begin to press against his arse.  The Captain continued kissing Tom and rubbing his hands up and down Tom’s body. At one point, he slid his fingers under the waistband of Tom’s lace panties and slid them down.  Tom’s cock immediately sprung to attention.  Captain Lorenzo slowly and carefully parted Tom’s butt cheeks before inserting his hard engorged cock into his arse.  Tom stiffened, but quickly relaxed so that the Captain’s cock could slide in.  Tom was in ecstasy.  He thought the Captain was going to split him in two with his huge engorged cock.  But the Captain was gentle.  Tom wanted to scream out in sheer delight, but he knew he had better not for fear that someone would come running thinking something had happened to one of the teams.  Captain Lorenzo thrust his cock deep into Tom, and Tom was loving every moment.  It was not long before Captain Lorenzo could not contain himself.  He stiffened up and filled Tom with ribbons of hot cum.  Tom did not know what to do after the Captain pulled out of him.  Tom stood there with his back still to the Captain. The Captain gently turned Tom around and just looked at him.  He motioned for Tom to lie down.  Tom did so obediently.  Captain Lorenzo knelt down in front of where Tom was lying.  He took Tom’s still hard throbbing cock in his hand.  He then lowered his head onto Tom’s cock.  He sucked Tom’s cock like no one had sucked it before.  The Captain seemed to know all the tricks to make Tom’s cock bigger and harder than it had ever been.  Tom could not take any more.  His cock erupted in Captain Lorenzo’s mouth.  The Captain drank in all of Tom’s nectar, relishing every drop of it.  Once he had completed draining Tom, he got down on the ground and laid on top of Tom.  He said he hoped he was not too forward with him, but felt that he and Tom were meant to be together.  They rested there for a few minutes.  Then Captain Lorenzo got up. He reached down to help Tom get up.  Tom took his arm and got off the ground.  Tom pulled his panties back up, and he and the Captain continued their search.  A while later, they came across a waterfalls.  They looked at one another and without saying a word, they both ran under the waterfalls.  The water was cool to the touch, but not cold.  They cleaned themselves off under the waterfalls, before frolicking in the water. They started to get frisky with one another once again.  Their playtime was interrupted when from a distance they heard the sound of what sounded like Coast Guard ship.  Once they heard the sound of the horn, they both ran out from the waterfalls pool and ran over to where the sound was coming from.  
Captain Lorenzo and his crew started using whatever pieces of clothing they had left in order to get the Coast Guards attention.  Now all the crew was either naked or only had their white thongs on.  Even some of the guests removed their remaining clothing to assist in flagging down the Coast Guard.  It was impossible for the Coast Guard to land their vessels on the shore because of the rocky shore.  However, within minutes helicopters were in the air making their way to the island.   As the helicopters landed, they were loaded up with the guests first, followed by the crew, and finally Captain Lorenzo.  Once he was onboard the Coast Guard ship, the Captain made a full report as to the events of the prior evening.  Tom was hoping to talk to the Captain, but the Captain was so busy, he had no time for social obligations.  When the Coast Guard ship made it ashore back in the city, everyone had been given a military style jumpsuit to wear.  Once again, Tom looked for Captain Lorenzo, but he was nowhere to be found.  
A few weeks past, and the uproar about the doomed cruise had died down in the press.  Tom had returned to work, and even his good friend Armand telephoned him to see how he was.  Armand promised to make up for the misadventure Tom had had.  Tom laughed it off and told Armand that it would be a long time before he would be going near the water again.  Armand and he had a bit more small talk.  Then Armand said he would try to stop by and see Tom in the next few evenings.  Tom told Armand that he would like that.  They said their goodbyes and hung up.  Tom did not mention his fling with Captain Lorenzo to Armand.  He was still confused as to what happened between them.  Tom also realized that there was no way for Captain Lorenzo to find him.  All the Captain knew was that his name was Tom, and there must have been a number of guests with the name of Tom on that cruise.  
Late one evening Tom was reading a book he had started a while ago.  It was a very hot and humid evening.  Tom was wearing very little, as was his custom on these hot and humid nights. No one could see into his apartment, so he did not mind wearing a pair of skimpy briefs or if it was too warm, nothing at all.  Tonight was no different.  Tom had on a pair of see through red nylon bikini briefs.   For some reason he could not keep his mind on the book he was reading.  He found himself reading the same page at least four times before he put the book down. He decided to make himself a cocktail. He thought it might help to relax him a bit more, so he could get to sleep.  While he was sipping on the drink, his doorbell rang.  He was not expecting anybody.  His immediate thought was that it must be Armand stopping by to see him. Since he knew it was Armand, and Armand had seen him many times in just his undies, Tom did not bother to put any more clothing on.   The doorbell rang again, and Tom said, “Just a second Armand, I will be right there!” Tom opened the door.   “I am sorry it is not Armand.  I hope I haven’t disappointed you!”  The person at the door said. “Captain Lorenzo!  How… how did you find me?”  Tom asked.   “Are you going to ask me in, or am I just going to have to stand here in the doorway?”  Captain Lorenzo responded.   “Yes!  Please, come in!”  Tom replied with excitement in his voice.   Tom led Captain Lorenzo into his apartment. “I am sorry for the heat in here, but I do not have A/C in the apartment.”  Tom said apologetically. “Ah, that explains your state of undress!” Captain Lorenzo said jokingly.   Tom suddenly realized what he was wearing, and began to turn and run to put on more clothing.  Captain Lorenzo grabbed him by the arm.   “Don’t run away!  Please, don’t put anything else on, I like seeing you just as you are.”  Captain Lorenzo said.   As he was saying this, he held out his hand that he was holding behind his back.  He was holding a bouquet of flowers.  Tom graciously took the flowers and set them down on the end table next to where they were standing.   “I have been looking for you ever since we got back on land.  I had no idea of your full name.  So, I got a copy of the guest manifest, and I have been searching out every Tom on the list. I am so glad I finally found you!” Captain Lorenzo explained.   “But how about you?  Did you get into any trouble because of what happened, and because you were with me?”  Tom asked. “Do not worry, being with you was not an issue! The Coast Guard pieced the events together, and came to the conclusion we did not receive the second weather report warning us about the imminent storm.  The case has been closed, and everyone has been exonerated.”  Captain Lorenzo happily said.  
Tom was so excited!  He wanted to give Captain Lorenzo a hug and a kiss, but he was still not sure that everything was how he hoped it would be. That was until Captain Lorenzo grabbed him and gave him a long loving kiss on the lips.  Tom nearly melted.  His knees went weak.  The Captain held him up and led him to the sofa and set him down.   “Are you alright?”  Captain Lorenzo asked.   Tom not wanting to admit he was smitten, said, “I’m OK, I just lost his balance”.     Tom finally got to look at Captain Lorenzo standing directly in front of him.  Once again he was wearing his very tight white trousers with a crisp white shirt and black tie.  Over which he had on his black waist coat with the gold braid around the cuffs.   “Get dressed!  I am taking you out tonight.  I want to finish the date we started onboard the ship.”  Captain Lorenzo exclaimed.   Tom wanted to go, but was not feeling right about it.   “No, no.  It’s too late, and I am not really feeling up to going out tonight.” Tom said.   “Am I reading the situation wrong?  Have I gotten the wrong signals?”  Captain Lorenzo asked.   “Oh no no no!  It’s just me.  If it had been any other night, I would have been more than happy to go out with you.” Tom explained.   “Fine, then how about I stay here with you then?”  Captain Lorenzo asked awkwardly.   Tom stood up from the sofa, and walked behind Captain Lorenzo.  He removed Captain Lorenzo’s jacket and placed it on a chair.   “Please.”  Tom said. “Make yourself comfortable!”   Captain Lorenzo smiled.  He slipped off his shoes, followed by his tie, shirt, and white trousers.  He was now dressed in only his white thong.   With that, they headed to Tom’s bedroom.
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Stopwatch Adventure Part III
This story is one of pure fantasy.  The reader must suspend reality in order to enjoy reading this story.
As soon as Craig began time once again, there was a lot of commotion from the people on the exchange floor.  Everyone started laughing and pointing at Charles standing there wearing a pair of yellow ‘Flash’ briefs and a pair of purple briefs over his head.  As soon as Charles realized what had happened, he took the purple briefs off his head and threw them on the floor.   “It was Craig!  Charles exclaimed.  “He has a pocket watch that allows him to stop time!  He did this to me!   Hearing this, Craig put his hands up as if to say I have no idea what he is talking about.  But Craig did.  He decided the best course of action was to tell everyone he was going to check on Winston and make sure he was alright.   As he left the area, he could hear Charles telling everyone details about what had happened.  But all Charles got in return from the others standing there were laughs, strange faces, and others looking at him like he was crazy.   No one was believing his story.  Now completely humiliated, Charles left the exchange floor and headed to his office to hide.   Chants were echoed from the others.  “Hey where did the Flash go?  One second he was here, and the next second he was still here!  Ha ha ha ha.” It finally became obvious to Charles that he was being made to look like a fool.  
“Winston wait a second!  I want to help you!”  Craig yelled.   Winston was tripping over his pants as he ran down the hallway.  He turned to see who was yelling to him.  When he realized it was Craig, he stopped.   “I don’t know what is going on!”  Winston said, nearly in tears. With his best liar’s poker face, Craig said, “I don’t know either, but I am here to help you!” Winston was about to run again, but Craig put his hand on Winston’s shoulder to prevent him from running.   “This is the second time I have had something happen to me where I have been exposed in my underwear!”  Winston said.   “Really!”  Craig said with a tone of questioning innocence in his voice.   “Yeah, the last time, I found my pants were unzipped and unfastened.  They were folded back so that everyone got to see my underwear!  The funny thing is, I just happen to be wearing the same briefs today as I was wearing last time.  Everyone who saw me both times must think all my briefs look like ‘Lucky Charms cereal!   I don’t want to be known around here as the Lucky Charms Leprechaun.”  Winston stated.   “Don’t worry, I will not allow that to happen!” Craig responded.   Craig knelt down to see if there was anything he could do to help Winston put his pants back on.  But Charles had done a good job when he ripped them.  There was no way to keep the pants together anymore. Craig told Winston to come to his office. It was closer than his was, and there would be less chance of him being seen in his present state of undress.  Craig pulled up Winston’s pants the best he could, and told Winston to just hold them up.  It was really a fruitless effort, because even though Winston was holding his pants up to the side of his waist, the other side of his pants were just hanging down and exposing his leg, half of his butt, and most of his crotch to everyone.   The few people who saw Winston in his predicament with Craig were told that if they valued their jobs, they would forget what they have seen and never speak about it to anyone.   Once they got inside Craig’s office, Craig locked the door so that no one would barge in on them.  Winston was emotionally exhausted.  All he could think about was that he had been seen in his underwear, and how was he going to get home.  In an effort to calm him down and relax him a bit, Craig poured both of them a drink from his private office stash.  In some respects, Craig needed the drink just as much as Winston.  Craig knew that Charles would be hunting for his medallion.  While sipping his drink, Winston removed the remaining vestiges of his pants.  Since Craig had already seen him in his briefs, he was not too concerned about wearing them in front of him.   “How am I going to get home?”  Winston asked. Craig recalled his extra pants, but immediately remembered he was already wearing them.   “Do you have any extra clothing in your office?”  Craig asked. “Extra clothes in my office?”  Winston asked, as if Craig were speaking a foreign language.  “No!  Why would I have any extra clothes in my office?” “UM, ERRR, just asking.”  Craig said.  He did not want to let on about his clothes.   Winston stood up.  Craig got a nice view of Winston standing in front of him without his pants.  Winston was wearing sock garters to hold up his black OTC socks.  Craig liked what he was seeing.  He stared at Winston.  He really would have rather had Winston just stand there in just his underwear.  He liked what he was seeing, and wanted to get to know more about him.  Craig suddenly took his stare off Winston, and returned to Winston’s immediate needs.   “Ummm, tell me, what is your pants size?” Craig asked.   Winston told Craig what his sizes were.   “Perfect!”  Craig said.  “You take my pants and put them on!  I will get myself another pair of pants to wear!  Craig exclaimed.  “Besides, our pants are the same color!  Everyone will see you in the same clothes you had on before!  It is simply plausible deniability!”     Before Winston could protest, Craig was already empting his pants pockets and taking his pants off.  Craig was a bit concerned if Winston saw him in a pair of ‘Fruit of the Loom’ briefs. He might get the wrong impression and think Craig was a total nerd boy.  But he was out of options.  This was the best plan to get Winston out of there.     “That might work!  But how are you going to get another pair of pants?”  Winston asked.   “Just let me worry about that!”  Craig said.   Craig had his pants off and was tossing them to Winston in a matter of seconds.  Craig tried to hide his slight erection.  Winston noticed, but chose to ignore it and quickly put the pants on.   “Hey, they look identical to mine!  This may just work!”  Winston exclaimed.   “Good, now you go back out there and act as if nothing has happened, and if anyone questions you, you just tell them you don’t know what they are talking about.”  Craig said.   “What should I do with my torn pants?” Winston asked.   “Just leave them here, I will dispose of them for you.”  Craig responded. Craig saw Winston to the door and let him out. When he closed the door, Craig locked the door once again.   Craig sat down at his desk.  He picked up Charles’s medallion to examine it. There appeared to be some writing on it, but he was not sure, since it was not in any language he was familiar with.  But he knew he had seen a similar looking inscription on the pocket watch.   Craig set down the medallion so that the inscription was facing him.  He picked up the pocket watch, and turned it over to onto its back.  He looked at the inscription and compared it to the medallion.  He was surprised when he saw that both inscriptions appeared to be written with the same language, but the inscriptions were obviously different. He had to find out what the inscriptions said, without arousing any suspicion of what he had.  However, the inscriptions could wait.  Craig was in need of a pair of pants at the moment.  
Craig’s thought was to use the stop watch and go to the local department store.  He would find a pair of pants he liked, and take them. Since he did not want to be considered a thief, he would leave money and a note along with the tag for the pants in an envelope at the cash register.   Craig had everything ready.  He pressed the stopwatch feature of the pocket watch, and then stuffed the pocket watch and the envelope with the cash into his ‘FTL’ underwear.  As he was leaving his office, he found Dolph snooping and eavesdropping at his office door. Craig always knew Dolph was a bit of a sneak and a spy.  Dolph had a reputation for doing things that seemed a little underhanded and questionable. Craig knew he had to deal with Dolph now and not wait for Dolph to find out about his pocket watch, especially if Charles decided to talk to him.   Craig quickly left the office building, and made his way to the nearest department store.  He found a pair of ready wear pants in his size that were the same color as his.  He followed through with his plan and put the money, tags and the note into the envelope, and then put the envelope next to the cash register.   Craig returned to his office building. Everyone was still frozen in time. He stepped over to Dolph.  Craig felt he had to completely humiliate and embarrass Dolph.  The best way to do that would be to have Dolph discovered eavesdropping.   Dolph was a good looking guy with sandy blond hair.  His hair was cut short, but always very stylish.  He had blue eyes, and a square jaw.  He was a very muscular guy.  Not the kind of guy you wanted to mess with, unless you wanted to be flattened by him. He was broad shouldered and had a muscular chest that went into a ‘V’ down to his waist.  His waist was small, but he had a large bubble butt.  His butt was not out of proportion for his body, but it was larger than you would expect on a guy of his build.   Craig wanted to move Dolph into the lobby of the office building in order to embarrass him, but he knew there was no way for him to move Dolph by himself.  So Craig decided on the next best thing.  He went into his office and retrieved a pair of scissors from his desk. With scissors in hand, Craig began to slice Dolph’s pants into ribbons.  He started at the cuff of one leg and sliced Dolph’s pants up to the waist. He did this a number of times until he noticed something very interesting about Dolph.  Something was odd about Dolph’s underwear.  Craig snipped more and more of Dolph’s pants off him, until it was revealed Dolph was wearing a pair of lacy pink panties. This was not the kind of underwear one would have expected to see on someone of Dolph’s stature.  Craig then noticed Dolph was wearing a red garter belt. “This is all just too good not to expose!” Craig said to himself.   He decided that instead of cutting Dolph’s pants to ribbons, he was going to just finish them off by tearing them off him. There was not very much resistance left to them at this point, so he just pulled on them and low and behold, RRRIIIP, Dolph’s pants simply tore away.  Craig got a full view of Dolph’s pink lacy nylon panties and red garter belt. The garter belt was attached to a pair of matching red nylon stockings.  Craig was going to leave Dolph like that, but unfortunately, his shirt kept covering up his panties.  There was only one thing for Craig to do.  He took Dolph’s tie off him and tossed it with the torn pants.  Craig was about to pull the front of Dolph’s shirt apart. He quickly thought better of that idea, because if he did, he would have to find all the buttons that would have scattered on the floor.  Craig unbuttoned Dolph’s shirt and took it off him.  He tossed the shirt onto the pile with his other clothes.  Craig was greeted with another surprise.  Dolph was wearing a small tight tee shirt that was so short, his bare midriff showed, and the tee shirt was the same shade of pink, as his panties.  No one would have ever known this, because the shirt Dolph was wearing was wearing was a heavy oxford cloth button down dress shirt.   Craig quickly scooped up the remains of Dolph’s clothing.  He deposited them into a trash bin a maintenance worker was hauling out of the building.   Craig stepped back into his office.  He stood at the door and pressed the stopwatch on his pocket watch.  Not even a second had passed when Craig heard the commotion from the hall.  He threw open his office door to find Dolph standing there in his lacy panties, tee shirt and nylon stockings.  Dolph was unaware of what had happened until he heard the deafening laughter and wolf whistles all around him.  Once he looked down at himself, he realized his clothes were gone and he was exposed in his pink panties.  He was now being watched by the majority of the office staff.  This also included Dolph’s staff who were there to help him with his eavesdropping.  Everyone had pulled out their phones to take pictures of him. Even Winston was there to see Dolph exposed.  Winston tried not to laugh, but he was unable to restrain himself and joined in the Choir of laughter.   Dolph turned beet red, first at being caught eavesdropping on Craig, and second being seen by a large group of employees, including some of his own staff  who had now seen him wearing frilly pink nylon panties, a cropped pink tee shirt, a red garter belt and red nylon stockings. Dolph did the only thing he could think of doing. He ran as fast as he could out of the area, and down to his office.
Winston saw Craig standing in his doorway.  He approached Craig.   “How did you get a pair of pants so quickly?” Winston asked.   Craig could not think of a logical answer, so he quickly changed the subject.   “Let’s get all these people out of here and back to work!”  Craig said. “Oh yeah, right.  We need to get everyone back to work.  I will take care of it.”  Winston responded.   With that said, Craig was able to change the subject and have the spotlight taken off him.  
Craig watched Winston take charge of the chaos in the aftermath of Dolph.  He was impressed with how well Winston got everything back in order in a short period of time.  This made Craig really want to get to know Winston on a personal level.   Once Winston had everyone back to where the belonged, Craig called him into his office.   “That was great, the way you got everyone back to their work stations.”  Craig said. “Thanks, as you said, we needed to get everyone back to work.”  Winston replied.   “Hey, are you busy after work?  How about meeting for a few drinks.”  Craig asked.   “I would like that, but I am meeting with a friend this evening.  Why don’t you join us?”  Winston asked.   “No, I don’t want to intrude.”  Craig said.   “No, it’s nothing like that, I am meeting a friend I have known for years.”  Winston responded.   Craig noticed something in his voice was off. Hesitantly, Craig agreed to join them for drinks.  Winston told Craig where they were going, and what time they would be there.  
After work, Craig went home to change his clothes before meeting Winston.  His main reason for changing his clothes was in case Winston felt the same for him as he did for Winston, he did not want Winston to see him again wearing his ‘FTL’ briefs.  Craig put on some casual clothes, a pair of tight well-worn faded jeans topped off with dark blue ‘polo’ shirt.  He looked himself in the mirror and thought the combination looked good.    
Craig saw Winston and his friend sitting at a table at a cocktail lounge.  He waived to Winston, and Winston waived him over to join them. Winston introduced his friend to Craig as Sam.  Sam did not get out of his chair to shake hands with Craig.  He did it sitting down.  Craig thought that was a bit rude, but let it go.  Craig sat politely and listened to their conversation for a few moments before he spoke up to add his opinion.  The moment he began speaking, Sam cut him off and started speaking again. Craig thought nothing of it, especially since he did not know Sam.  Craig waited for an opening in the conversation before he spoke again.  As soon as he did, Sam cut him off again. This happened a number of times, before Craig got the picture.  Sam did not want him there.  Craig decided he would make a polite exit and let the two of them have their evening together.  However, when Craig got up to leave, Winston insisted he stay.  Craig looked at Winston.  Winston had a sad look on his face.  Then he looked at Sam, and Sam just glared at him.  Craig decided to stay for Winston’s sake.  However, he remained silent and put his chair closer to Winston.  Sam was glaring at Craig, but Craig did not really care, since Winston was his friend also. Sam started to belittle, criticize, and insult Winston.  Winston sat in his chair and began to shut down.  It was obvious to Craig that this was a normal occurrence.  Sam enjoyed making Winston feel inferior.  He was now speaking very loudly, and people were beginning to turn and look in the direction of the loud voice.   “Please, lower your voice, you are causing a scene, and everyone is staring.”  Winston quietly said to Sam. “I will talk as loud as I please!  I don’t care about the jerks here!  And don’t tell me to lower my voice!”  Sam shouted.   Craig had had enough.  He started to speak up, but he too was shut down by Sam.   As luck would have it, a server came around to refill their water glasses.  This gave Craig an idea.  The server was leaning in to fill Sam’s water glass.  Craig reached into his pocket and took out his pocket watch to look at it. “If you have someplace to go, don’t let us keep you here!”  Sam said sarcastically.   “Um, no, I was just looking at the time.” Craig said.   The words had no sooner left his lips, and he pressed the stopwatch button on his pocket watch.  The timing was perfect.  The server was pouring the water into Sam’s glass.  The water pitcher was a very large container and made of plastic and it looked like it was just filled.  Craig looked around the lounge for something to hit the pitcher with in order to break it.  He glanced over at the bar, and one of the barmen was breaking up a large bag of ice with a hammer.  This was perfect.  Craig took the hammer from the barman’s hand and returned to the table.  Craig gave the side and bottom of the pitcher with three very hard whacks.  Nothing happened to the pitcher, but that did not worry Craig at all.  He returned the hammer to the barman and then returned to his seat and took his same position.  Then he pressed the stop watch once again.   Whoosh!  All the water spilled out of the water pitcher and soaked Sam’s chest and pants. Sam was not quick enough.  He was soaking wet.  He jumped out of his chair, knocking it over, and started yelling at the server.   “Give the server a break!”  Winston exclaimed.  “He did not do it on purpose!” “Shut the fuck up you little dweeb!”  Sam shouted to Winston.   Sam was so incensed, he did not even look down to see that his white pants were drenched and transparent.  He just kept spewing obscenities at everyone. Everyone in the lounge turned to see what the commotion was.  They all felt sorry for the server having to listen to him rant.  As soon as they looked at Sam, they erupted with laughter. Sam’s underwear were on full display beneath his now transparent pants.  Those in front of him got a great view of his ‘Sesame Street’ briefs, with images of Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Grover on a bright yellow background on the front of his briefs.  Those standing behind Sam got a clear view of Burt and Ernie holding what appeared to be a sign that said ‘Friday’ across the rear of his briefs also on a bright yellow background.   Everyone behind him started laughing and yelling, “At least you got the day right!” Sam looked around not knowing what they were laughing about.  Then he looked down at his crotch.  He saw that his pants were transparent.  He then put his hand on his butt, and realized they were soaking wet also. Everyone in the lounge only laughed harder when they saw that he finally realized what they were laughing at.  Even Winston and Craig were laughing.  Without saying another word, Sam ran out of the lounge, nearly knocking down the server and the manager who were coming over to assist.
The manager apologized for the incident, saying he had no idea what caused the water pitcher to burst apart like it did.   Winston chimed up.  “It is not a problem, I am almost glad it happened!”  He said.   Craig could see that Winston was smiling once again.   The manager then showed Craig and Winston to another table.  
This was the first time Craig and Winston had talked to one another outside work.  They chatted for a couple of hours.  They talked about everything and nothing.  It was getting late, and Winston said he had to leave.   “I have a big day planned with my family tomorrow.”  Winston said. Craig’s heart sank.   “Oh yeah, sure, I understand.”  Craig said regretfully.   Figuring that Winston obviously meant his wife and children.   “I get together with my family once a month for a picnic or a party at one of my brother’s houses.”  Winston said.   “Oh, that is nice.  Do they ever come to your place for the parties?”  Craig asked.   “No, my apartment is too small for family get-togethers, and besides I can’t cook for all those people by myself!  My responsibility is always the beer and sodas.” Winston exclaimed.   Craig perked up a bit.  “Oh!  Your wife doesn’t help with the cooking for the parties?”  Craig asked, hoping he would hear the right answer from Winston. “Oh no no no!  I’m not married.  I am VERY single.  And after tonight’s incident with Sam, I hope I never see Sam again!”  Winston said quite cheerfully.   Craig got the meaning of what Winston said without him having to say it.
Winston got up from the table and began fumbling with his keys.  Craig was not sure if he should make a move and ask to see him again. Before Craig could ask Winston the question, Winston dropped his keys on the floor.  Winston bent down to pick up his keys.  RRRIIIP!  Winston completely tore open the back of his pants.  These were the same pants Craig had given to him earlier in the day. Craig pulled out his pocket watch and pressed the stopwatch.  Craig knew this was the last thing he needed to have happen tonight.  Winston had already lost his pants earlier in the day. Craig thought if his pants ripped open tonight, even though it was not his fault, Winston would be mortified, especially in front of all these strangers.   Craig did not really know what to do.  It was too late to go get another pair of pants for Winston.  All the stores were closed.  He did not know where to even find a needle and thread to sew the pants back up, if they were even salvageable.  Craig looked around the lounge, there were still a lot of people there.  None of the patrons in the lounge had pants even similar to what Winston was wearing.  Craig checked out the lounge servers, and they were all in the same uniform of a pair of black pants, a white shirt, and a red vest.  None of them would work.  Craig then remembered the manager.  He was not wearing one of the uniforms.  Craig went searching for the manager.  He was afraid the manager may have left for the night.  He continued his search, and went to the manager’s office. He found the manager.  He was standing in the middle of his office. His pants and plaid boxers were down around his ankles.  He was receiving a ‘BJ’ from one of the cute little male servers.  Craig almost closed the door before he realized they were frozen in time.  He stepped over to the manager, and knelt down.  Craig never heard the sound of his jeans ripping at the rear pockets as he examined the manager’s pants.  To his surprise, they were close enough if not the same color as Winston’s pants, and the same size also.  Craig moved around to get the managers pants off him, without knocking him over, or allowing the scene between the manager and the server to be interrupted. Unfortunately, every time Craig moved around the floor to get the manager’s pants off him, his tight jeans ripped a little more.  Once he had the manager’s pants were off him, Craig went back to Winston.  Winston was going to be a bit trickier to deal with because he was bending over to pick up his keys.  When taking Winston’s pants off him, he noticed that Winston still had on his ‘Lucky Charms briefs.   Craig chuckled as he looked at Winston.   “These briefs are NOT lucky!  You have no idea how unlucky they really are!”  He said.   Craig managed to remove Winston’s pants and replace them with the untorn pair.  Regrettably, Craig’s jeans continued to tear.  He was so involved in what he was doing, he never knew his jeans were ripping.    Craig got Winston’s torn pants onto the manager, and puddled them around his ankles.  This also hid the rip to the rear of the pants.   Craig returned to where Winston was.  He positioned himself almost where he was, but made sure he was closer to Winston than he was before.  He then pressed the button on the stopwatch.  Winston stood straight up with a look of horror on his face. “What’s the matter?  Craig innocently asked.   “I, I think I just ripped the back of my pants!”  Winston said very quietly.   “Turn around, let me see.”  Craig said, even though he knew they were not torn.   Winston turned around.   “They’re not torn!”  Craig exclaimed.   Winston put his hands on his butt searching for the rip in his pants.  Naturally he found nothing.   Winston turned back around and faced Craig. “Oh my keys!”  Winston said.   But Craig was faster.   “I’ll get them!”  Craig said.   Craig bent over and picked up Winston’s keys. That was the last stress his tight worn jeans could were able to take.  RRRIIIP!  The back of his jeans finally gave out, and tore apart.  They instantly fell to the floor.   “Oh my gosh!  Oh my gosh!  It was your pants that tore!  Winston exclaimed.   Craig looked down and saw his torn jeans down on the floor.  He was standing in front of Craig wearing a pair of red ‘I luv you’ briefs.  The kind that have large red hearts all over them. This pair was made of nylon, and was styled like a pair of ‘Jockey’ brand briefs.  Now it was Craig’s turn to be embarrassed.  He quickly bent down and pulled up his briefs.  He could not hold them up in the back, because they had ripped in too many places, and the thin thread bare denim had shredded in other places. His only recourse was to hold them up in the front, and let his backside be exposed.   Winston told Craig to walk in front of him, and he would walk very close to him so that no one could see the back of his torn pants.  Craig thought that was a good idea.  Before they left the lounge, Craig made sure the pocket watch was still in his jeans pocket, as were his wallet and keys.   Once outside the lounge and around the corner away from any people, Craig leaned up against the building.  Now it was Winston’s turn to laugh.   “Those are some fancy looking undies you have there!”  Winston said. “I, err, never expected anyone to see me in them, especially not you!”  Craig said. “Why not?  You saw me twice in some rather embarrassing fundies.”   Winston said.   “Your ‘Lucky Charms!”  Craig chuckled.  “Fundies, I like that!” “Yeah.  And besides, what I saw of your nylon Jockeys, looked good to me!”  Winston replied.   Craig had to find out now where he stood. He took a chance, he reached up and took hold of Winston’s face, and gave him a passionate kiss.  Craig was very happy, Winston did not recoil.  He kissed Craig back.  When they finally disengaged from their kiss, Craig’s jeans were on the ground around his ankles.  Winston giggled and pressed his body against Craig’s.   “Come home with me tonight!”  Winston said.  I need to be with someone tonight.  If nothing else, to just cuddle together.”       “Well, I probably shouldn’t, but seeing as I would have to take the train home tonight, it might be better if I went home with you!  I would hate to think what the other passengers would think if they saw me like this!”  Craig exclaimed.  “You do have your car!” “Yeah.”  Winston said with a smile.  “It is parked down the street a little ways.” Craig picked up his pants.  He held them up in front of him.  The back of his Jockey ‘I Luv You’ briefs were fully exposed. Winston kept close to Craig’s side, all the while he cupped Craig’s butt with one of his hands.   When they got to Winston’s apartment, Craig was pleasantly surprised.   “I thought you said you lived in a small apartment!”  Craig exclaimed.   The apartment was a good sized apartment, and was on the penthouse floor of the building.   “Well, this place is small place when compared to the places the rest of my family has!  Besides, I am from a large family, and we need space when we all get together!”  Winston said. “Well, perhaps you can rent the Colosseum!” Craig said laughing.   “Not a bad idea!”  Winston said back laughing.   “How about a nightcap?”  Winston asked.   “Sure, anything will do!”  Craig replied.   “Why don’t you just take those pants off now? You look like you are holding on to them for dear life!”  Winston said. “OK.  I will take mine off, if you take yours off!”  Craig said.   “Fine!  Shirts too then!”  Winston said. They both stripped out of their pants and shirts.  Winston held up the pants he was wearing.   “Perhaps you can wear these home tomorrow!” Winston said.   “Yeah, that is a good idea.”  Craig responded.   Winston then saw a large stain on the front of his pants.   “How did these pants get stained?” Winston asked.   “You did not know they were stained?  Craig asked. No, I don’t remember spilling anything on them! Winston exclaimed. “Not to worry, I have them cleaned them.” Craig said.   Craig knew what the stain was.  It was obviously a cum stain from the lounger manager. He must have been orgasming when time stopped, and the stain was the excess cum the cute server boy could not take in.  
Winston suggested they finish their drinks on the terrace.  Craig asked him if anyone will see them.  Winston said perhaps, but he did not care.  He was with someone who also enjoyed wearing fundies.  Off they went to the terrace to enjoy the view of one another, and the city skyline.   “I am so glad you were not wearing a pair of ‘Fruit of the Loom’ underwear tonight!  Winston said with a smile.   “Yeah, so am I!”  Craig responded.  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Stopwatch Adventure Part II
This story is one of pure fantasy.  The reader must suspend reality in order to enjoy reading this story.
A couple of months passed since the Charles episode, and everything seemed to be normal. Craig was very careful with the stopwatch, and did not use it at work.  He did use it a couple of times outside of work on Charles.  A few harmless pranks, but it was always fun for Craig to see Charles’s reaction to situations he was unable to explain.   Craig really only used the stopwatch for his enjoyment in places where he was able to embarrass some poor unsuspecting schlub. It would usually be some guy who was overbearing or obnoxious to a person he was with.  Once Craig got the idea of what the schlub was doing, he would stop time and usually either pull the guy’s pants down, or if he was wearing tight pants, he would partially slice the rear seam open.  Then he would blend back in with the crowd and restart time.  The times he pulled down the schlub’s pants, the schlub usually wore boxer briefs.  Nothing interesting to see, but occasionally the schlub had on a pair of bikini briefs, or cartoon briefs.  The schlub was really quick in trying to pull his pants back up, not even wondering how his pants had ended up around his ankles.   Craig really looked forward to the times he was able to slice open the backside of a schlub’s pants.  He would stop time, and unfasten the schlub’s pants.  He would then use his pocket knife and slice a few of the stitches of the rear seam of the schlub’s pants.  He would do just enough to completely weaken the seam integrity, but not enough that the pants would look ripped.  He then pulled the schlub’s pants back up and refastened them before he would slice the back of his belt in half if he was wearing one. He was not good with getting the pants to appear as though they had not been pulled down, but it did not matter. The schlub was usually too pre-occupied with the aftermath.  Before restarting time, Craig would drop a five dollar bill on the ground right in front of the schlub.  Then he would stand behind the schlub and restart time.  The schlub usually immediately saw the bill on the ground and would drop down to pick it up.  No matter how careful he tried to be in his tight pants, the seat of his pants would rip open.  His pants would then fall to the ground, exposing his underwear.  The guys in tight pants were usually the more creative when it came to their underwear.  They seemed to love to wear colorful and playful briefs, bikini briefs, and oft times scant or sexy briefs.  They obviously were hoping to get lucky that evening.  However, once their pants burst open, they were quick to stand up and hightail it out of the area, usually leaving the five dollar bill on the ground.  Craig would then swoop in and pick it up.  He would replay the image of the schlub’s pants ripping apart in his mind. It was a quick way for Craig to cum in his pants, which he totally enjoyed.  
One weekend, Charles was with some friends.  They wanted to go to a local community that showcased psychics, fortunetellers and spiritualists.  He really was not interested in going, because he did not believe in mysticism. However, his friends convinced him to go.  At some point in the day, he got separated from his friends and found himself alone in a back corner of the community.  He had had enough of this rot and was ready to find his friends and go home.  Just as he was ready to leave the area, he heard someone call his name.  At first he thought it was one of his friends, but he looked around and none of them were nearby.  His name was called out once again, and he realized it was coming from inside of one of the shacks.  Charles entered the shack and looked around.  At first he saw no one inside the darkened shack.  Once his eyes began adjusting to the dim light, he saw there was a very good looking man standing near the corner of the of the room with his arms folded in front of him. As soon as he moved and approached, Charles noticed that the good looking man was most likely of Arab or Middle Eastern descent. He appeared to be a bit older, since he had some white streaks in his thick wavy black hair.  He had very broad shoulders, and a small waist.  Although, he did have a little bit of a stomach on him. It did not really matter to Charles, the complete package of man was well worth looking at.  
Charles was a bit surprised when he saw what the guy was wearing.  He was wearing what appeared to be a man’s harem outfit.  The harem pants looked to be translucent green in color and trimmed with gold braiding.  The harem pants seemed to be a little see through.  Charles was not sure though, since his eyes had not completely adjusted to the dimly lit room.  The man’s chest was bare and shaved smooth, as was his face.  He was wearing a small red velvet vest, also trimmed in gold braiding. The vest was open, exposing his chest and midriff.   Charles looked him over from head to toe.  He also noticed that the man was barefooted. Charles thought the guy looked like Aladdin had come to life.   He told Charles to sit down.  The man told Charles he was a fortuneteller and he would read his fortune.  Being skeptical, Charles told him he was not interested and turned to leave the shack. “CHARLES!  Sit down now!”  The fortuneteller commanded in a booming voice.   Surprised and stunned, Charles obeyed him. Charles never questioned that the fortuneteller knew his name.   The fortuneteller looked into his crystal ball. At the same time he took Charles’s hand. He rattled off some basic facts that would have been appropriate for just about anyone.  Charles was getting annoyed by the fortuneteller’s vagueness, and generalities.  Then the fortuneteller grabbed Charles’s other hand and looked intently at the crystal ball while holding both of Charles’s hands. “I see you have been having some trouble with one of the executives where you work.”  The fortuneteller said.  “He has embarrassed you in front of your co-workers and made you feel very insecure and insignificant.” “Yes, that is true.  But how did you know?”  Charles asked.   “I see it all here.”  The fortuneteller said.  “Yes, I can also see he is not playing fairly!” “What do you mean?”  Charles hesitantly asked.   “That is all I see, the crystal ball has told me everything I need to know.”  The fortuneteller said.   With that, the fortuneteller let go of Charles’s hands and got up from the table.  He turned around and headed for a door in the back of the room.  Even though the room was dimly lit, Charles was now able to see that the fortuneteller’s sheer green translucent harem pants were see through.  It was quite evident he was wearing a green bikini brief of some sort under his harem pants.  Charles could do nothing but stare at the fortuneteller’s round plump bubble butt. He resisted every urge he had to get up and grab the fortuneteller’s arse to see if it was firm as well as plump. The fortuneteller disappeared into a back room for a few moments.  When he returned to the room Charles was in, he turned the lights up a little more. The lights were still not bright but Charles was able to see the fortuneteller more clearly.  The light in the room made the fortuneteller’s harem pants become even more transparent.  Charles looked at the fortuneteller’s crotch.  There was a good size bulge beneath the harem pants.  His bulge was pushing against his bikini briefs, which were pushing against his harem pants.  The outline of the fortuneteller’s green bikini briefs were visible, as were his leg strap lines.  The fortuneteller strolled around the room for a few minutes, allowing Charles to take in the scenery.   The fortuneteller then went to the middle of the room and sat on the floor with his legs folded beneath him.  He beckoned for Charles to join him on the floor and sit down facing him.  As Charles sat down on the floor, he did not realize his pants were as tight as they were. He heard the unmistakable sound of his pants ripping.  By the time Charles was fully seated on the floor with his legs folded beneath him just like the fortuneteller, Charles pants had torn open in his crotch and ripped open the zipper seam.  Charles looked down at his crotch and saw that his underwear was on full display.  He was wearing a pair of white briefs with small bright red polka dots all over them.  Charles was completely embarrassed.  He grabbed the material in an effort to pull the two pieces of torn fabric together, but it did not work.  The fortuneteller grasped Charles’s hands and held them in his hands. He told Charles to close his eyes and clear his mind of everything.  This actually just allowed the fortuneteller to get a glimpse of Charles’s bulge and underwear through the ripped crotch of his pants.  He looked just long enough to smile at Charles.  The fortuneteller then told Charles he had what Charles needed to resist what the executive was doing to him.  He pressed what looked like a cheap tin medallion into Charles’s hand. “What is this going to do for me?” Charles asked.   “It will help you to overcome the problem you are having with the executive at your workplace.”  The fortuneteller said.   “This?  A cheap tin medallion that looks like it was pressed at a sideshow carnival, is going to help me?”  Charles said sarcastically.   “Yes it will!”  The fortuneteller replied.  “Just put it in your wallet, so that it is always near you.” “How much will this magical medallion cost me?” Charles asked arrogantly. “Since you are such a non-believer, I want you to just take it!  My only request is that you return to me and tell me if and when it works.”   “How will I know when it works?”  Charles asked.   “You will know, trust me, you WILL know.” Was the fortuneteller’s reply.   With that said, the fortuneteller quickly got up from the floor.  Charles immediately followed.  However, he forgot he had already ripped his pants.  As he got his legs out from under himself to get up, he heard his pants rip once again.  This time the rest of his crotch ripped open, and tore open the back side of his pants. The back of his pants had torn open to up to the waistband.  As he awkwardly got off the floor, his red polka dot underwear covered butt was exposed. The fortuneteller pointed to the floor. Charles had left the medallion on the floor.  Charles bent over to pick up the medallion.  When he did, the torn fabric parted, giving the fortuneteller a full view of Charles’s polka dot covered arse.  The fortuneteller quietly chuckled.  Charles heard him.  He quickly stood back up.  Charles looked at the fortuneteller, and noticed the bulge under his see through shinny harem pants had become obviously larger.   The fortuneteller approached Charles.  He took hold of Charles’s hand that was holding the medallion and again told him to put the medallion in his wallet. Reluctantly, Charles did as he was told and put the medallion in his wallet.   “Now.  Take your pants off!”  The fortuneteller said.   “What?” Charles asked nervously.   “Take your pants off!”  The fortuneteller repeated.   “I beg your pardon?”  Charles said indignantly.   “Do you want your pants repaired or not? I am also a very skilled tailor, and I can mend those pants for you.”  The fortuneteller responded with confidence.   Charles thought about it for less than a second and realized he could not go out in public with his pants torn open.     “What have I got to lose?”  Charles replied. With that Charles slipped off his shoes and took his torn pants off.  He handed them to the fortuneteller.  The fortuneteller picked up some thread and a needle from a shelf in the room.  He then sat back down on the floor.  He motioned for Charles to join him on the floor.  He sat down on the floor facing the fortuneteller once again. Charles watched the fortuneteller sew up his pants.  Charles was amazed at how neatly he was mending the tears.  It only took him a few minutes to sew up the pants.  Once he was done mending them, he handed them to Charles.  As Charles took his pants from the fortuneteller and started to get up, he heard an unmistakable sound.  RRRIIIP!  It seems that the fortuneteller had accidently sewn Charles’s pants to the front of his harem pants.  The sheer transparent harem pants fabric was no match for the excellent stitching he had done on Charles’s pants.  Charles inadvertently ripped the front of the harem pants completely off the fortuneteller. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!”  Charles said apologetically.   “Not to worry!”  The fortuneteller chuckled.  “I can repair them also!”   The fortuneteller got up off the floor.  He removed the remains of his torn harem pants. Charles got a good look at him standing there in just his red velvet vest and green bikini briefs.  Charles now saw that his green bikini briefs tied at the sides. They were a pair of string bikini briefs.  He took Charles’s pants and his torn pants from Charles’s hands.  Then he continued to strut around the room, knowing that Charles was watching him.  The string ties dangled and swayed back and forth as the fortuneteller sashayed.  The fortuneteller picked up a pair of scissors from the shelf where he had gotten the needle and thread, and carefully cut his shredded harem pants away from Charles’s pants.  He let his harem pants drop to the floor as he handed Charles his pants. The fortuneteller then bent over to pick up his torn up harem pants. When he bent over, he gave Charles a fantastic view of his string bikini clad well shaped bubble butt.  Charles got an instant hard on.  He did not want the fortuneteller to see that he was turned on. In his excitement, Charles forgot to take his shoes off, and stumbled while trying to put his pants on and fell over. The fortuneteller stepped over to Charles and stood directly in front of him.  He put his arms out to help Charles up.  His crotch was in direct line with Charles’s head.  Charles could not help himself anymore.  He was too turned on to care.  He reached up and untied one of the strings on the fortuneteller’s string bikini briefs.  The strings separated, but still covered the fortunetellers cock and balls.  The fortuneteller just stood there with his hands on his hips.  Charles slowly pulled the string on the other side of the bikini briefs.  As the second string was giving way, the fortuneteller’s ample cock started to emerge over the top waistband of his briefs.  Charles carefully slipped the green string bikini briefs off the fortuneteller from between his legs.  The fortunetellers face and chest were not the only areas clean shaven.  The fortuneteller’s ample cock slapped Charles in the face.  It was obvious to Charles that this was what the fortuneteller also wanted, considering he had an erection also.  Charles took the fortuneteller’s cock into his mouth.  The fortuneteller’s engorged cock seemed huge in Charles’s mouth.  However, he really enjoyed taking the whole length of it into his throat.  While he was enjoying the fortuneteller’s cock, Charles, without realizing it was jerking himself off through his polka dot briefs.  This was not the first time Charles had done such a thing, as a matter of fact, it was a common occurrence for him.  Charles felt the fortuneteller tense up and moan, before he shot is load down Charles’s throat.  As the fortuneteller came, Charles could not hold back either.  He wanted to pull his cock out and just let his cum explode, but he was too aroused and over stimulated.  All he did was touch his briefs covered cock once again and he shot hot streams of cum into his red polka dot briefs. The fortuneteller looked down at Charles and smiled.  He helped Charles to get back on his feet.  Just as he got Charles stabilized, the fortuneteller knelt down in front of Charles.  He licked the front of Charles’s crotch where it was wet with cum.  Once he had licked the outside of his briefs, he slowly and carefully lowered the front of Charles’s briefs, and licked his cock clean. Once clean, he put Charles’s cock back into his briefs.   The fortuneteller then removed Charles’s shoes, so that he could pull his pants back up.  The fortuneteller helped Charles with pulling up his pants.  After Charles fastened up his pants, he slipped his shoes back on.  Charles saw that the fortuneteller was putting his green string bikini briefs back on. Once he had his bikini briefs on, he adjusted himself, and pulled the back of his briefs out of his butt crack. The fortuneteller stepped over to the shelf once again.  He pulled a folded piece of fabric off the shelf and shook it out.  It was a kaftan.  It was made in the same fabric as his harem pants.  The fortuneteller removed his vest and pulled the kaftan over his head.  The shiny translucent green sheer fabric seemed to float over his body and down to his ankles.  The fortuneteller put his vest on over the kaftan.  With that, the fortuneteller showed Charles to the door and bid him a good afternoon.  
Charles exited the shop not quite knowing what had just happened.  He left the area to look for his friends.  After a few minutes of searching, he found them.  He began to tell them about his experience with the fortuneteller.  However, he was quick to leave out the erotic parts.  Charles wanted to take them to the fortuneteller’s shop, so they could get their fortunes told by him.  Charles led them back in the direction he had come from, but he was unable to find the fortunetellers shop.  He insisted to his friends that the shop existed, but now he could not find it. They all laughed and thought Charles probably had one too many beers.  
As the weeks went by, Charles had totally forgotten about the medallion the fortuneteller had given him.  It was safely tucked away in his wallet.  However, he would never forget about his experience with the fortuneteller.   Once again, Charles was leading a tour of potential investors.  Both Craig and Winston are part of the tour group.  The tour ended up on the floor of their investment department.  The investment department looked like a miniature version of the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.  There were plenty of people walking about, shouting buy and sell orders, and watching various stock symbols on the electronic ticker tape. This was when Charles started again.  He became very antagonistic and started belittling Craig.  Craig ignored most of his comments.  That was until Charles began to make some snide comments about how Craig didn’t really work, and he had everyone do his work for him.  Even though he was joking around, Craig failed to see the humor in it, because none of this was true.  Craig worked very hard to get to the executive position he held with the company.  Craig pulled his pocket watch out of his pants pocket, and pressed it.  Everything and everyone stopped.  Or so he thought.  He moved toward Charles in an attempt to humiliate him for his arrogance. Suddenly, Charles moved.   “What the fuck!”  Charles exclaimed.   “You can move!”  A very surprised Craig said.   “What is that?  That pocket watch, everyone else is frozen!  How did you do that?”  Charles asked.   “None of your fucking business!  How is it that you can move now?”  Craig asked.   Charles thought about that for a few moments, then he remembered the medallion the fortuneteller gave him.  Without thinking, he took the medallion out of his wallet and shook it at Craig.   “This is how I can move!  This medallion protects me from your antics!  I am going to expose you to EVERYONE!  I will tell them all about your tricks, I swear I will!” Charles proclaimed.   He quickly put the medallion back into his wallet and put his wallet into the back pocket of his pants.   With that, Charles charged into Craig knocking him to the ground.  Craig was not expecting that from Charles.  Charles landed on top of Craig, and started punching him in the chest hand shoulders.  At first Craig was laughing, but after a few minutes of Charles pounding on his chest and shoulders, the attack began to hurt.  Craig twisted his body and turned onto his side.  This caused Charles to lose his balance and fell off Craig. Craig quickly got up and lunged at Charles before Charles could get off the floor.  When he landed on Charles, Craig’s hand accidently slid between the buttons of Charles’s shirt.  Charles moved just enough, causing his shirt to rip open and pop all the buttons on his button down shirt.  Charles was mad that Craig had torn his shirt.  Charles reached up and took hold of Craig’s shirt pocket.  He pulled on the pocket as hard as he could.  He ripped the pocket off Craig’s shirt.  In doing so, Craig’s shirt ripped open where the pocket was.  Charles tore Craig’s shirt from where the pocket was, all the way down to the waistband of his pants.  Craig immediately stood up.  He took hold of Charles’s shirt before Charles could get to his feet.  With one hard pull, he tore the front of Charles’s shirt off him.  The only thing remaining on his chest, was his stripped tie.   Craig turned around to try to escape from Charles and end the lunacy.  However Charles was mad.  He caught up with Craig and grabbed him by the back of the collar of his shirt.  He pulled down on the collar and tore Craig’s shirt completely off him.  Now Craig only had his patterned tie covering his chest.  Craig quickly spun around and pushed Charles away from him.  Charles was knocked off balance and began to fall. Charles fell backward.  As he was falling, he was waving his arms to try and regain his balance.  However, he bumped into Winston.  Charles’s flailing arm caught Winston’s front pants pocket.  Charles fell to the floor.  RRRIIIP!  Unfortunately, Charles tore Winston’s pants right off him!  It seems his hand landed deep into Winston’s pants pocket, and the momentum of him falling caused Winston’s pants to rip down the side and across the front under his belt.  The front of Winston’s pants fell to the floor.  What was surprising to both Charles and Craig was that Winston was still standing.  Charles and Craig looked at Winston standing there like a statue and began to laugh. It seems Winston was wearing his ‘Lucky Charms’ briefs again.  The briefs looked like they were designed for a child’s fantasy, but Winston’s briefs were an adult size.  There were images of the ‘Lucky Charms’ leprechaun frolicking, and the various shapes of the ‘Lucky Charm’s cereal scattered over the briefs.  Not to mention pots of gold, and rainbows.  Craig was going to mention to Charles that he was wearing the same briefs when Craig used the stopwatch to check everyone out, but he thought better of it because Charles was so mad.
Figuring the situation between them had now been defused after their good laugh at Winston’s expense, Craig began to walk away from Charles.  Charles was still steaming mad.  He ran after Craig and knocked him down.  Craig hit the floor.  He immediately flipped over onto his back.   “Are you insane?”  Craig shouted.   “You are not getting away that easily!” Charles shouted back. Charles straddled Craig and grabbed one of the front pockets of his pants.  RRRIIIP! Charles peeled back the leg of Craig’s pants.   “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Craig said, demanding an answer.   “I want some retribution!  You have embarrassed and humiliated me too many times now!  It is payback time!”  Charles shouted.   Not wanting to fight Charles, Craig slipped out from between Charles’s legs, got up and began walking away once again. Charles was quick.  He took hold of the back pockets on Craig’s pants. RRRIIIP!  He tore the back of Craig’s pants all the way down to the back of his knees.   Craig finally reached his boiling point. He had had enough of Charles, his insults and innuendos. Craig spun around and sucker punched Charles in the stomach.  Charles went down like a sack of potatoes.  As Charles was falling to the floor, Craig tore the rest of Craig’s shirt off him. Now both men were shirtless, but wearing their neckties.  Craig wanted to put Charles in his place.  He was so mad, he took hold of both front pockets of Charles’s pants, and pulled up on them as hard as he could.  RRRIIIP!  Craig ripped the front of Charles’s pants right off him.  He wanted to make sure there was no way for Charles to put them on and try to cover himself up.  He completely shredded the torn pants into pieces.  Then Craig looked down at Charles.  Craig got a good laugh once again.  Charles was wearing a pair of yellow ‘The Flash’ briefs.  The red elastic waistband had ‘Flash’ printed on it.  The yellow background of the briefs had white circles all over them, and in the white circles was a yellow lightning bolt. There was also ‘Flash’ in red print between the circled lightning bolts. To complete the embarrassing look, the leg straps and the fly opening seams were piped in red material.   Craig looked down and laughed.   “Good god, you really are a nerd, Charles!” Craig said while standing over Charles. As the words were leaving Craig’s lips, Charles regained wits.  He reached up, and grabbed hold of Craig’s torn pants.  With one hard tug, RRRIIIP!  Charles managed to tear Craig’s pants completely off him.  Charles looked up at Craig from his position on the floor. “Talk about me being a nerd!  What about you?  Wearing purple briefs with white piping on them!  How gay can you get?”  Charles said.   Charles then looked closely at Craig’s briefs. “Hey wait a minute!  Those are my briefs!  They disappeared a few weeks ago.  I thought I had misplaced them.”  Charles proclaimed.   “They are ‘American Apparel’ briefs!  YOU STOLE MY UNDERWEAR!”  Charles shouted.   “You’re crazy!  Yeah they are ‘American Apparel’ underwear, but these are mine. NOT YOURS!”  Craig exclaimed.  “Besides, why would I want your underwear?” Charles slowly got up from the floor.  He still had Craig’s torn up pants crumpled up in his hand.  When he got to his feet, he flung the torn pants across the room.  The pocket watch fell out of the pants pocket and sailed across the floor.  Craig and Charles both made a mad scramble for the watch, wearing their ties around their necks, shoes and socks, and their equally nerdy briefs.   Craig was just slightly quicker than Charles. He dove for the watch first. Charles was right behind him. Craig had the pocket watch in his hand, and Charles kept trying to pry it out of his hand.  Somehow in all this grappling, one of the two of them hit the stopwatch button on the pocket watch.  Time started once again.  Everyone in the room looked at Craig and Charles rolling around on the floor in their underwear, not knowing how they got into that situation. The bystanders in the room began to laugh at Craig and Charles.   That was until from somewhere else in the room; “Hey look everyone!  Look at the guy over there wearing ‘Lucky Charms’ undies!’   Everyone turned and began staring and laughing at Winston.  He was mortified.  His only thought was to run out of the room with his torn pants dragging on the heels of his shoes.  Everyone got a good look at Winston.   Still in control of the pocket watch, Craig hit the stopwatch once again.  Time froze. “We can still get out of here!”  Craig said.  I don’t think anyone got a good look at our faces, they would be hard pressed to identify us.  They were too interested in looking at Winston!” “Not on your life!  I want my revenge!”  Charles demanded. As he said that, he spun around to try and hit Craig.  However as he was doing so, the remains of the back of his pants swirled up and were going to hit Craig.  Craig raised his arms to block the torn pants from striking him.  He took hold of the torn pants as they breezed by him, and tore the remains of Charles’s pants off him.  Craig braced himself for the impact of Charles’s hand to strike him.  It never came.  Charles was frozen in time just like everyone else in the room.   Craig was bewildered for a moment, until he realized he had the remains of the back of Charles’s pants in his hands.  In Charles’s pants pocket was his wallet, and in the wallet was the medallion Charles had.   “Could it be this simple?”  Craig mumbled to himself.   Craig moved out of striking range of Charles. He ripped Charles’s wallet out of the back pocket. Wanting to know how the medallion worked, he stepped behind Charles.  He touched the wallet to Charles’s shoulder.  Charles finished the swing to hit Craig, but Craig was not there. Craig took the wallet away from Charles’s shoulder and Charles was once again frozen in time.    
With Charles taken care of once again, Craig was able to make a clean break of it.  He took Charles’s medallion out of his wallet and tossed the wallet on the floor.  He then picked up all of his and Charles’s torn up clothing.  Once the area was cleaned up of all the clothing evidence, Craig went up to his office.  The first thing he did was take off his purple ‘American Apparel’ briefs.  It seems when he and Charles were rolling around on the floor, he was getting quite aroused.  They were now soiled with some pre-cum stains.  Craig looked in his desk drawers hoping to find a clean pair of underwear. He always made sure to keep at least one clean pair of clean underwear in his desk drawers for emergency purposes. He found them, a pair of ‘Fruit of the Loom’ classic white briefs.   “These will have to do for the moment.” He said.   Once he had them on, his heart sank.  Had he replaced the spare pants he always kept in his office?  He suddenly remembered putting them on Charles down in the lobby to embarrass him, but he could not remember if he replaced them.  Craig looked around his office trying to think of where he might have put them.  Then he remembered.  He had them nicely folded in the back of one of his file cabinets along with a shirt just in case he needed them once again.  Relieved, Craig began to get dressed.  He bagged up the torn pieces of clothing.  He would toss them into a dumpster elsewhere.  He wanted no evidence of any clothing that belonged to Charles or him.
Craig was ready to resume his position with the group.  In all the commotion, he felt no one was going to realize he had completely changed his clothing.  When he got to the area where he and Charles had their fight, Craig looked around for Winston.  Winston was still there in midstride running out of the area.  He felt sorry for Winston’s humiliation, but he needed the diversion.  Just as Craig was about to hit the button on the stop watch, he had a great idea.  He reached into the bag of ripped up clothing and pulled out the purple ‘American Apparel’ briefs.  He walked over to Charles and put the underwear over Charles’s head.  Craig assumed a position away from Charles and hit the button to begin time once again.  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Stopwatch Adventure Part I
This story is one of pure fantasy.  The reader must suspend reality in order to enjoy reading this story.
Craig was an avid watch collector.  He spent this Saturday afternoon in on one of his favorite pastimes.  He went antique shopping, looking for a vintage wrist watch or two to add to his collection.  He stopped into a number of shops without much success of finding a watch to purchase.  As he was walking back to his car, Craig was unable to find his car, and got lost.  He found himself in an unfamiliar area of the city.  In his search for his car, he came across a small pawn shop.  He never really had much luck in pawn shops but he thought he might give this one a try, since he did not remember ever seeing it before.  Upon entering the shop, Craig knew he was not going to be successful.  The pawn shop was filled with mostly junk.  He was ready to turn and walk out when the elderly proprietor asked him what he was looking for.  Not wanting to be rude, Craig told him he was looking for antique or vintage wrist watches. The proprietor motioned for Craig to come to the counter where he was standing and pulled out a tray containing wrist watches for Craig to look at.  Unfortunately Craig noticed that the wrist watches were all cheap watches of poor quality.  Craig thanked the man and turned to walk out.  The proprietor asked Craig to look at a different watch he had in the case. The proprietor pulled out a pocket watch.  Craig told him he did not collect pocket watches.  The proprietor asked Craig to take a look at the watch.  Reluctantly, Craig looked at the pocket watch and saw that there was nothing of interest to it.  It was an ordinary stainless steel cased railroad type pocket watch.  As he handed the pocket watch to the proprietor, the proprietor told Craig to make him an offer on it, telling him the pocket watch had been there for a number of years and no one had bought it.  Craig tried explaining that he was only interested in vintage wrist watches, but the proprietor kept asking Craig to make him an offer.  Craig wound up the watch a little bit.  It started ticking and keeping time.   Finally, Craig said to the proprietor, “I will give you ten bucks for the pocket watch.” “Sold!”  The proprietor exclaimed.   So Craig purchased the pocket watch, even though he did not want it.  He thought he might be able to sell it on an online auction and hopefully break even on the cost.  Craig stuffed the watch into his pants pocket and left the shop.  He began the search for his car once again.  He rounded the corner from the pawn shop, and there was his car.  Parked exactly where he had left it.  
When Craig got home, he pulled the pocket watch out of his pocket, and to his amazement, it was still running.  He wound the pocket watch up fully, and set the time.  He decided to see how long the watch would actually run.  He checked the watch daily.  The pocket watch was keeping perfect time.  It ran for a full week before finally winding down and stopping. Craig thought he might have actually purchased a pocket watch that he could sell and make a few dollars from.   For the first time, Craig finally gave the pocket watch a thorough inspection.  He noticed that the winding button could be pushed down, and the pocket watch turned into a stopwatch.  This was an added bonus.  It made the watch more valuable.  He played with the stopwatch feature a few times to learn how to start it, stop it, and then reset it.   While fiddling with the pocket watch Craig noticed a fly was buzzing back and forth in the room.  He was curious as to how long it took the fly to get from one end of the room to another.  This would also be a good test for the stopwatch feature of the pocket watch to check its accuracy.  Craig waited for the fly to land and waited for the fly to take off once again.  As soon as the fly took off, Craig pressed the button to begin the stopwatch.  As soon as Craig started the stopwatch, the fly froze in midair flight.  Craig could not believe what he was seeing.  What had happened?  Craig pressed the button once again to stop the stopwatch.  As soon as he did, the fly began flying again. Craig waited for the fly to land again and take flight again.  When it did, Craig waited a moment before starting the stopwatch.  Once he was absolutely sure the fly was in flight, he started the stopwatch.  Once again the fly froze in midflight.  Craig looked up at a ceiling fan in the room.  He saw that the fan had stopped.  He then realized the room was very quiet.  Craig then looked at his grandfather clock and saw it had stopped in mid tick.  It was eerily quiet.  Craig walked over to the window to look outside.  When he did, he saw his neighbor was washing his automobile.  He was using a hose to pour water on the auto, but the water flow and the neighbor were frozen.  Craig called out to him, but there was no answer.  Craig was a bit startled when he saw this.  From his vantage point, Craig looked around, and there was nothing moving.  Everything was frozen.  Still looking out the window, Craig pressed the button again to stop the stopwatch. As soon as he pressed the button, everything went back in motion.  His neighbor’s hose resumed spraying water, and he continued washing his car.  It was as if nothing had happened.  Craig called out to his neighbor and his neighbor waved back.  Craig stepped back away from the window.  Both the grandfather clock and the ceiling fan were running once again.    
Craig sat down and just stared at the pocket watch for a very long time.  He tried to grasp in his own mind what the pocket watch was capable of doing.  He could stop time with it, and he was still free to move around.  He knew he had to find out if there were any limitations to what the stop watch could do.  Craig placed the pocket watch in a locked drawer for safe keeping until he could figure out how to use it to his advantage.  
A few days had past, and Craig had his first test ready for the pocket watch.  
Craig was an executive at a large financial institution in the city.  This gave him authority to be in all places at the institution.   Today’s test would be at the expense of the security guard in the lobby.  The security guards name was Delbert.  Delbert was a bit of a geek who did not know he was a nerd.  He loved telling everyone his latest adventures on his online computer games.  He thought he was impressing everyone with his computer games.  In reality, everyone tried to avoid him.  Physically, he was a bit overweight and definitely out of shape.  He appeared to be clean, but his hair was always a mess.  It did not help that Delbert’s uniforms were too tight on him, and his pants were too short.  He always wore thick athletic white socks which were always showing because of his too short pants.  It was also evident that he wore briefs under his uniform.  He always had brief lines showing on his arse.     The moment Craig walked into the lobby of the building, he pressed the button on the pocket watch to activate the stopwatch. As soon as he did, everything in lobby came to a halt.  Craig looked around and saw the elevators had stopped in their ascent and descent.  He looked out the doors of the building to see that everyone on the sidewalk was frozen, as was the traffic on the street. Craig looked around to find Delbert.  He was standing in the middle of the lobby and it appeared he was trying to regale someone with his latest online computer game triumph.  The look on the face of his victim was quite telling.  They were obviously bored and trying to figure out a way of getting out of there.  Craig approached Delbert from behind.  Just as a test, he tapped Delbert on the shoulder, just to see if anything would happen. Nothing happened.  Satisfied Delbert was frozen in time, Craig took a pocket knife out of his pocket.  While standing behind Delbert, Craig sliced open the rear seam of Delbert’s uniform pants. He had planned to stop there, but what Craig saw was too good to be believed.  Delbert was wearing briefs as usual, but Craig noticed there were red hearts all over the white briefs.  Craig immediately decided to slice open the back of Delbert’s pants.  He started just under the waist seam and cut from side seam to side seam.  Then he sliced open Delbert’s pants just below his leg straps.  The slices and cuts in his pants allowed Delbert’s brief covered arse to be completely exposed.  Craig carefully folded the excess fabric back inside Delbert’s pants so that it appeared the cut material had been removed from his pants.  His work was done.  
Craig took a position at the side of the lobby where he was able to fully see what was about to happen.  He then pressed the button on the stopwatch again.  Everyone began to move about again.  Suddenly, there was a woman’s shriek from somewhere in the lobby. Delbert stopped his chat and turned around to see where the shriek came from.  He saw a woman standing with her hands to her face.  Delbert waddled over to her.  As he approached her, he realized she was now laughing, and asked her what happened.  Through her laughing, she managed to tell Delbert to feel the back of his pants. Laughing was now heard throughout lobby. A bit befuddled, Delbert put his hands on his arse, and quickly realized a large section of his pants were gone and he knew his red heart briefs were on display for all to see.  He tried using his hands to cover his backside.  However the missing section of his pants was way too big for his hands to completely cover.  Delbert’s face turned bright red.  All he could do was to run out of the lobby and into the guard’s office. He did not make it to the office without everyone in the lobby seeing his heart print briefs.  
Once the ruckus in the lobby had calmed down, Craig went down to the main security office. He wanted to see what the lobby security camera had captured.  He asked Dolph, the head of security to give him the security tape from the lobby. Craig used the excuse he did not want any more embarrassment to befall Delbert.  Dolph asked Craig what he meant.  Craig told him that he was concerned that somehow Delbert’s misfortunate underpants exposure may somehow end up on the internet.  Craig said he did not want that to happen.  In reality Craig was curious if the camera recorded his actions in the lobby.  Craig told Dolph that if anyone has any questions about this particular security tape, the security office was to talk to him directly.  Dolph handed Craig the security CD.   Craig went back up to the lobby.  Everything appeared to be back to normal.  Delbert was nowhere in sight.  Craig took the elevator up to the executive suite.  What had happened to Delbert was now the buzz. He was asked if he saw what happened. Craig said he did, but would not participate in the office gossip, and then went into his office.  He closed his office door.  He put the CD on his desk and then put it into his computer.  He queued up the recording to the point just before he entered the building.  The recording stopped and then started.  Craig noticed that when the recording stopped, he was standing at the front entrance of the building.  Then when it started up again, he was not standing in the same place.  He was now to the side of the lobby.   “This could cause a problem!”  Craig said quietly.  “I must remember to stand in the exact spot for both the start and stop of the stopwatch.”   Craig was not too concerned about his change of position on the security recording.  Someone would have to be looking for him on the recording to notice any difference. After a few days, talk about what happened to Delbert had not subsided.  Craig did not expect this much ruckus over the incident.  He asked the head of the security office Dolph to discuss the incident with him in his office.  Dolph said he would be right up to see him.  Craig told Dolph that he was concerned about the continued noise of Delbert’s unfortunate pants escapade.  He asked Dolph to look at the security recording with him and see if there was anything on there that he sees.  Craig cued up the recording to just before he entered the building. Dolph watched the recording intently. Once the recording had played to the point where Delbert ran into the guard’s office, Craig stopped the recording. “I don’t see anything in the recording that indicates what happened.”  Dolph said. “I agree.  That is why I would like you as the head of security to put out a memo stating you have reviewed the video and see nothing out of the ordinary.  We need to put this incident away.”  Craig responded.   “I will take care of it.”  Dolph replied. Craig was pleased with Dolph’s quick reaction to taking care of the problem.  
Once Dolph left his office, Craig checked his calendar to see if he had anything scheduled for today. He noticed there was a tour scheduled for today, and it was being given by Charles.  Charles was the unofficial tour guide of the company.  He worked as an auditor for the company, but thought he was better and more important than anyone else in the company.  Needless to say, he was quite arrogant.  Today’s tour was for one of the newly hired vice presidents. Craig looked at his watch and realized he better get down to where the tour was going to be conducted so that he could keep an eye on Charles and make sure he kept his ego in check.  
Craig joined the tour with Charles and the new VP.  Craig politely waited for Charles to introduce him to the VP.  Charles totally ignored Craig.  The new VP looked over to Craig a few times in hope that Charles would introduce them.  When it was obvious that Charles was not going to introduce them, Craig jumped in and made his introduction.  He extended his hand.     “Hi, my name is Craig.  I am the VP in charge of New Technology.”  Craig stated.   “I am very pleased to meet you.  My name is Winston, and I am the new VP in charge of Marketing and Sales.  I have been so looking forward to meeting you!”  Winston warmly stated.   It was obvious that Craig and Winston were going to be good friends at the company.  However, this new friendship thoroughly annoyed Charles.  Charles gave Craig a disapproving look.  Craig noticed, but did not really care.  It was more important for Craig to introduce himself to the new VP, since they were most likely going to be working together.
As the tour went on, Craig very politely and discreetly corrected Charles for some errors he was making on his facts, figures, and statistics of the company.  Charles hated to be corrected.  He felt he knew it all.  Charles decided he was going to embarrass Craig.  He asked Craig a number of irrelevant questions pertaining to the company that no one would have any idea about.  Of course Charles knew the answers and was now showing off that he knew more than an executive of the company.  Craig let it go for a few times, but after about the fifth time, Craig had had enough.  He knew revenge was a petty thing to do, but he could take just so much.  While they were standing in the crowded lobby of the building, Craig took his pocket watch out, and pressed the stopwatch feature.  As was usual, everything stopped and stood still.
Craig walked over to Charles, and faced him.  Charles was wearing a very tight navy suit.  It looked as if his pants could have been painted on.  Craig unbuckled Charles’ belt and yanked down his pants.  Craig was surprised to see that Charles was wearing a pair of white cotton Jockey briefs.   “Hmmm… Tighty whites!  I wouldn’t expect them from Charles and his fancy suits. Ha!” Craig exclaimed.   Craig assumed his former position, and hit the stopwatch feature.  Charles kept on talking as if nothing happened. Winston spoke up meekly.  “Charles, your pants are down.”   Charles looked down to see his pants were pooled around his ankles.   As it happened, another auditor named Justin entered the lobby.  Charles and he were always in completion with one another.   “Nice tighty whites, Charles.”  Justin said laughing and pointing at Charles.   Justin had already gone out the lobby doors before Charles had the chance to look around and see where the voice had come from.  Charles struggled as he pulled his tight pants up over his calves. “It’s laundry day!” Charles awkwardly shouted to no one as his face turned red.
Once Charles had his slacks back on his waist, Craig pressed the stopwatch mechanism again. He stripped Charles of his jacket, shirt, and tie. With time still stopped, Craig went to his office with Charles’ clothing in hand and hid them under his desk. Craig always kept an extra suit in his office not to mention a number of various colored Sharpie pens. Charles was very slim with a thirty two inch waist, but Craig was a bit taller and chunkier with a waist size of thirty six. Craig grabbed his extra suit pants and one of the Sharpie pens, then walked back to the scene of the crime.  
Once back in the lobby, Craig got on his knees to remove Charles’ tight, navy pants.  He pulled down his pants and lifted the shoes as he slid the pants off of Charles. He then grabbed Charles’ butt to steady myself. “I never realized how plump your ass was, Charles   Craig said. He saw that Charles’ butt cheeks were spilling out of his Jockey briefs.  Craig exchanged Charles’ pants with his own.  Just to make sure Charles would be unable to wear his old suit pants again, Craig grabbed them by the crotch.  RRRRIIIIP! He tore the pants in half, along the crotch seam and the rear seam, breaking the zipper and the pants clasp. He discarded Charles’ tight dress slacks into a nearby waste receptacle.  Craig slipped his pants onto Charles, but left them puddled around his ankles. Craig then wrote CHARLES on the waistband of his Jockey briefs with his Sharpie.
Craig pressed the stopwatch again to resume time.  Charles found himself with his pants down, and no more jacket, collared shirt or tie. He was wearing his white cotton t-shirt tucked into his briefs.
Justin then reentered the building.   “Did you get those undies at summer camp?   I see have your name written on the label.”  Justin shouted.   Charles ignored what Justin was saying. However, before pulling up his pants, Charles looked over his shoulder to examine his Jockey waistband. He didn’t seem to care that his pants were down or that some of his clothes disappeared. All he saw was ‘CHARLES’ written in sharpie alongside the JOCKEY lettering and logo. “Charles!” Craig yelled. “Stop embarrassing yourself and pull up your pants!”   Charles pulled up his pants.  They instantly fell down revealing his tighty whities once again.  Charles pulled up the too-big pants again, and naturally, they fell down.   “Hey, these aren’t my pants! What’s going on?” Charles squealed.   Charles pulled up his pants again and again they began to fall.
Craig made time stop. He wanted some entertainment. He started and stopped time every nanosecond, so he could relish every minuscule moment. The moment the waistband adorned with ‘CHARLES’ was fully revealed, Craig begin to get hard.  The precise moment when Charles’ leg straps were fully visible, Craig quivered and let out a slight moan.  He paused time there longer.  The view is amazing.  He had to capture this moment in time.  He used his phone to capture this beautiful sight from all sorts of angles like a professional photographer.  Craig was growing harder with each camera snap.  He edged himself to the brink, but didn’t complete.  After all, he thought, my fun isn’t over.  He watched the rest of the show in stop-motion.
With time stopped, Craig picked up the sharpie again.  The plan was to write ‘WEDGIE ME’ on Charles’ ample ass.  He felt Charles’ left cheek as he wrote the letters.  After the job is done, Craig felt something stirring within him.  He nibbled on Charles’ cheeks.  He kneaded his ass like dough.  The smell of his hole is delicious.  Craig put his nose in between Charles’ cheeks, and started to rim him while he’s still wearing his Jockeys. “Oh God! I’m getting harder and harder!” Craig said in his ecstasy.   He then pulled the leg holes to the side and let his tongue really go to town. Craig was close to finishing when he heard moans of pleasure and a gasp. “I must have pressed the mechanism accidentally!  Think fast.” Craig said to himself.   He grabbed Charles’ pants and pulled them up high.   “I had to yank up his slacks. You are making a mockery out of this company.  This is something we do not tolerate especially on the first day of a new Vice President!”  Craig said, chastising Charles.   Charles was beet red from the berating and the whimper he released was that one usually only hears in the bedroom. Craig didn’t think anyone cared that he shifted positions, because the now the CEO was walking into the lobby.   “Better hold onto your pants Charles!  Here comes the CEO.”  Justin said warning Charles.   When he walked into the lobby, the CEO commanded and pointed to Charles.   “Charles, there are files on the reception desk that were just delivered.  Bring them to my office.”  The CEO said. “Couldn’t you bring them to your office yourself?”  Charles whimpered hesitantly.   Charles saw the CEO’s glare and realized the question was a foolish one.  Charles awkwardly walked to the reception desk with his hands around his pants and with a very tight grip.  He grabbed the files with his right hand and his pants with his left. The pants drooped so far down on the right side, you could see the leg strap of the white briefs.   Justin chuckled, “Charles, your tighty whites are showing!”   Justin said it loud enough that everyone in the lobby heard and looked toward Charles.  Everyone in the lobby began to laugh.  Charles turned red again.  He tried to grab the waistband of his pants while holding the folders. This proved to be a foolish mistake.  Charles dropped the files everywhere.   “You maladroit clod,” the CEO yelled.   On instinct, Charles bent down to gather his papers.  Of course, his pants fell down to his ankles revealing his Jockey briefs with his name on the waistband.  In addition, everyone saw something more.  ‘WEDGIE ME’ was written across the butt of his Jockey briefs.  Charles frantically picked up the papers.   Charles slyly whispered.  “Well, Winston, you’re the new VP. Why don’t you do the honors?” Winston shyly went up to Charles.  He did not know if this was a test.  He looked at the CEO, and the CEO nodded.  Winston grabbed Charles’ waistband and yanked it about one foot higher.  Or at least until Charles started to moan again.  Charles’ cheeks were completely visible as the briefs climbed up his crack.  Everyone was laughing except Craig.  He was overstimulated, and quite hard.   The CEO laughed, “Charles, you will have your wish!  I will carry the files, but you have to walk with me with your pants down.” Charles hung his head in shame. He started to use his index finger to pick out his wedgie.   “No, you don’t!”  The CEO commanded.  
As Charles stumbled away with the CEO, Craig paused time again. He was power hungry and couldn’t help myself.  He needed to see what Justin and Winston were wearing beneath their trousers.  He unzipped Winston’s fly.  Winston was wearing ‘Lucky Charms’ briefs.  Craig positioned the fly so the most amount of underwear was exposed. He then pantsed Justin and gasped when I saw his underwear.  He was wearing white bikini briefs decorated with red hearts.  Just like Delbert.   Craig wondered if they were partners or if this was just some coincidence.  Craig liked Justin, so he didn’t want to embarrass him.  However, his hornless took over.  He used his pocket knife like he did on Delbert, and made a slight tear in his pants.  Nothing that would grow into a Charles situation.  Once the slit was made, he pulled Justin’s pants back up and fastened them.  Craig took his place and started time.  Craig accidentally on purpose dropped his Sharpie pen. It rolled close to Justin.   “Oops!  Justin, can you pick up that sharpie?”  Craig asked.   “Sure.”  Justin replied.   Craig watched Justin bend down.  Seeing that slight tear and ample bubble ass made him quiver.  Justin handed Craig the Sharpie.  Craig noticed Charles was looking over his shoulder with an inquisitive look.   “Does he suspect anything?”  Craig thought to himself.   Craig grew worried.  He was so anxious that he forgot to tell Winston XYZ. (eXamine  Your Zipper).  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Joshua’s Subway Incident
It was almost three AM by the time Joshua finished up for the night at the office. Thanks to a computer problem with the west coast branch, the figures he needed for his sales report didn't arrive until well after midnight. With a sigh of relief upon completion, he picked up his suit coat, turned off the lights, and left the office.  All he kept thinking about was getting home and sleeping in late.  It was already early Saturday morning.  No sooner than he had pushed the elevator button, than he realized his wallet and keys were left on his desk.  The door to the office locked automatically behind him.  There was no way to re-enter without a key. To make matters worse, his car keys were on the same key chain.  No money, and no car.   "How could I be so dumb?"  He muttered under his breath.   He searched through the pockets of his suit coat, hoping to find some loose cash, spare key, anything. Sure enough, tucked away on the inside pocket of his jacket, was one neatly folded twenty dollar bill. He thought to himself, "It might just be enough, if I took the subway to the end of the line, and then a cab the rest of the way home."   It was certainly worth trying.  Hanging around the city in the hopes someone might show up at the office on Saturday morning didn't seem such a good idea.  Off he went, disappearing into one of the street entrances to the underground to catch an uptown train.  It could have been a long wait.  Trains ran very infrequently in the late hours, and the station was completely empty, outside of the single token booth attendant.  He purchased one token, pocketing his change and passed through the turnstiles to the platform.  Not a soul in sight.  He looked down the track, expecting to see nothing but darkness, however he caught his first break of the night.  He could see a light in the distance, and the sound of metal reverberating off the tracks told him a train was fast approaching.   His place on the platform put him in the last car, which was empty. He took a seat, leaned back and closed his eyes for the long forty mile ride uptown.  The sound of the tracks made him a little sleepy. The train moved rapidly.  It stopped at the next station.  The doors opened and closed.  No one entered the car.  Then the train moved to the next station and repeated the same thing. This went on for several stops, and Joshua was almost asleep when he heard loud music, and even louder voices.  He opened his eyes and looked to the end of the car.  Three guys had entered, who by all appearances had been having some night. They were jumping around, yelling, pushing each other, and kicking the doors as they closed behind them.  The one with the radio dropped it on a seat, and turned the volume up even higher.  All three of them had beer bottles in their hands, and by the sound of them, they had already put a few away.  Their dress and demeanor appeared to be your average street punks, sporting short-cropped hair, jeans and black leather jackets.  Joshua closed his eyes and began to doze off again, expecting nothing of trouble, until he felt a hand banging on his shoulder. Awakened once more, he looked up, and one of the guys was standing there, a tall thin reddish blond haired character.  His stare blank.   "Hey, you got any money?"  He asked Joshua coldly.   He stood there silently as Joshua reached into his pocket, pulled out one of the dollars from his change. He didn’t want any trouble.  He figured this guy would take it and leave, and that would be the end of it.  But when he handed it to the guy, the guy’s face turned angry.   "What's this?"  He barked.  "ONE dollar?  Give me a break, I mean gimme some REAL money!"   His two buddies heard his voice, and they began to move down the car towards them.  Joshua now realized he was in a little more trouble, and the seven dollars or so he had left, wasn't worth getting into a fight over.  Even if it meant he had to walk the rest of the distance past the subway to his house.  
So he pulled out the remaining bills, handed them to the guy leaning over him, saying "There, you happy now, you cleaned me out".   The guy stood up, counted the bills, and with a sneer-like smile, said back to him "I don’t think so, you don't look like somebody who only carries seven bucks on him.  What’s in your wallet?"   Joshua replied to him "I don't have my wallet with me, I left it at work.  What you have there is the extent of what I have!”   The guy looked back at the money, then back at Joshua "I don’t believe you", he said to him.   He then turned to his friends and said to them, "stand him up.”   His buddies took hold of each of Joshua’s arms to pull him up.  Joshua shook them off, standing on his own.  Joshua was face to face with the one blond, who must have been the leader of this rag-tag group.  As tough as the blond tried to look, he had to feel the contempt in Joshua’s expression, staring him back down.   Joshua knew the odds were not in his favor, it was best to remain cool.  The blond moved his hand inside Joshua’s jacket, looking for signs of a wallet, then patted his side pockets down.  He found nothing.  His eyes never left Joshua’s, as he reached around him.  He felt the back slacks pockets as well.  Joshua said nothing the whole time, he just stood still, thinking that if he remained cool, eventually someone would get on at a stop, and these three would back down or take off.  However at every station they entered it was the same story, nobody around. By now the blond was clearly becoming agitated, frustrated at not finding any money, and also by Joshua's calm, unafraid attitude towards him.   "I can't believe this is it!" The blond said, flashing his fist with the bills in it in Joshua’s face.  "You dress like you have a lot more than that.”   It was true, Joshua was dressed well. In the years since he had graduated from college, he had worked very hard, and was finally beginning to enjoy a little bit of financial success, which allowed him to purchase suits from some of the better men’s clothing designers.  The suit he was wearing tonight was a personal favorite of his.  It was an Italian designed tropical wool single breasted suit.  It was extremely soft fabric and expertly tailored.  The color, a soft hue of something between a putty, and fresh creamed butter.  The suit was matched up with a crisp white shirt and a navy patterned silk Armani tie. He wore his Italian black loafers. Joshua did cut a striking image. It helped that he was good looking also. He had brown hair, with a blond streak in it.  His features were well-portioned for an athletic body.  He was your typical all-American up-and-coming junior executive. Tonight though, he was as out of place as he could be.  Standing there in that suit, on a train racing northward, in the company of three young men out looking for trouble.   The tall blond stepped closer to Joshua. His face directly in Joshua’s face, staring hard into Joshua's eyes. Joshua showed no emotion, and the silence for the first time in the car, was almost deafening.  Finally the blond looked away.  He looked to one of his other buddies, who was standing with the third at Joshua’s sides. "I don't like this guy.  I don't like his attitude, and I certainly don't like his suit!’  The blond sneered.   He looked back at Joshua.  His eyes were running down Joshua’s chest.  The blond reached up and felt the fabric along the lapel. "What is this made of, paper?" The blond asked.   He started laughing, his friends joining him. He gripped the lapel tighter, and pulled it downward.  The fabric tightening to its limits.   "It doesn't look very strong! Something like this could rip very easily I bet, what do you think?" The blond said sarcastically while looking at his buddies.   He turned his head to the side and flashed Joshua a cocky smile, waiting for an answer, but none came. His smile turned to a scowl, and his hand pulled down harder. The material strained.  The fibers began to fail, and finally losing the battle the unmistakable sound of ripping fabric filled the air.  Joshua refused to look down, but he knew his jacket had been torn.  He stood frozen not giving any satisfaction to the guy. The blond stepped back, snickered, looking at his handiwork.  "I think it’s an improvement!”  He laughed and fell back into the seat.   He sat back, staring coolly at Joshua, and then to his friends. "Finish the job guys!"  He ordered them.   He crossed his feet and locked his hands behind his head, watching very closely the events about to happen.  His two friends quickly grabbed Joshua by his arms, locking them down to his sides, where he was held by one of them from behind. The other quickly went to work, wasting no time, grabbing the sleeves of his jacket and ripping them down.  The sleeves were laid to waste, gathered up low on his arms.  He then began to rip at the jacket.  The pockets were torn free and then the rest of the collar was ripped downwards.  Piece after piece of Joshua’s Italian suit jacket was torn away, and tossed aside, or it was left hanging in shreds.  Joshua didn’t budge.  He kept his eyes on the one sitting on the seat who was watching the whole time. Joshua stared hard at him. The one holding Joshua from the back joined in, seeing that Joshua was not resisting. He used one of his hands to begin tearing Joshua’s slacks from the back.  He ripped each back pocket of Joshua’s trousers, tearing the fabric down to his shoes in long shreds. The other guy was now on Joshua’s shirt.  He tore a sleeve free.  He then ripped the front of Joshua’s shirt open, exposing his white t-shirt. The buttons from his shirt exploded off.  They bounced and rolled down the car length.  His shirt collar was ripped and pulled free from his necktie which was still around his neck.  His shirt was pulled down his back.  This locked Joshua’s arms behind him.  The guy dropped down, and quickly tore at the front of his slacks in a similar fashion to his friend in the back, in long narrow shreds, exposing Joshua’s legs. His legs were covered in downy light brown hair.  His pants were ripped in the crotch, tearing the seam running between his legs.  A good deal of the fabric from the back of his slacks hung forward now, and hung between Joshua’s legs.  The guy grabbed hold of the zippered area, and yanked hard, breaking it free in one piece, exposing the bulge in the front of Joshua’s bright white cotton briefs.  There was very little left of his slacks by now, a few inches here and there, were still attached to the loops that was holding tight to his black leather belt. The rest of his slacks were down around his ankles.  His OTC socks still untouched, as were his white t-shirt and white briefs.   They paused, looking to their bud who was sitting the whole time, watching with great interest. He gave Joshua a good looking over.  Joshua still refused to budge, he hadn’t moved an inch, or made any sound of protest. The blond scratched his chin for a second, squinting as if to be studying Joshua and the situation. "Well guys!"  He finally let out in a slow drawl.  “That’s an improvement.  But you can do better yet."   Immediately they went back to work.  They finished ripping off the remains of Joshua’s torn suit.  Joshua just stood there, wearing his white tee shirt, white briefs and black OTC socks and shoes.  Now taking hold of Joshua’s t-shirt, they split it down the middle from collar to waist. Each took hold of a side and pulled hard.  Finally they ripped each half free from Joshua.  They unbuckled Joshua’s belt.  What was left of his slacks quickly slid down his legs.  One of them grabbed a sock top, stretching it to the ripping point.  He pulled at the sock until he was able to tear it.  He ripped Joshua’s sock down.  The stretched and torn sock lay limp over Joshua’s shoe.  His buddy went after Joshua’s briefs.  He used both hands and grabbed hold of the front fly opening of his briefs.  He pulled them in opposite directions.  Joshua’s briefs were unable to withstand the assault.  His briefs tore open where the fly front had once been.  Joshua’s ample cock and balls dropped free, swinging below a patch of neatly trimmed brown pubes.  He continued tearing the material all the way around Joshua’s torso, until the elastic waistband snapped free against Joshua’s skin.  He then took hold of the waistband as well.  He looked closely at the waistband as though he had never seen ‘Fruit of the Loom’ briefs.  He then slid the waistband down his legs.  Both assailants stood up, and held him, like it was an inspection.  In a way it was.  The blond leader of their pack was now on his feet.  He stepped forward to get a closer view.  This man, who moments ago was dressed for success, was now totally nude, except for a silk tie still knotted around his neck, and one dark sock still hanging on his leg.  The blond moved very close now, and Joshua could feel the guy’s breath along his neck, and the sensation of the guy’s hand, brushing against his cock.   "I like you like this!"  He whispered hoarsely into Joshua’s ear.
Joshua was not amused, he had had all he could take of these three, and was now quickly losing control. It’s hard to tell, what would have happened, had Joshua remained alone to deal with them.  But change was in the air, and after the sounds of many subway stops going unanswered, the sound of a new voice was heard.  This one was loud, deep and angry.  Before Joshua even had a chance to see who it was, he felt a rush of air next to his head.  The stranger had punched the blond.  Then the stranger had an arm around the neck of the blond.  The blonde’s eyes popped like saucers, before he was thrown to the subway floor.  The blond was out cold.  The stranger then rushed down the aisle after the other two.  He grabbed one of them, and with one punch the thug was on the floor. He quickly caught the other thug and did the same to him.  Both thugs were on the floor.  The stranger dragged both of them by their collar back to where the blond and Joshua were and dropped them both on top of the blond.   “Are you alright?”  The stranger asked Joshua.   “Thanks, I am now!”  Joshua responded.  “I am not sure how I will get home looking like this!”   “We will fix that!”  The stranger said.  “One of these guys should be about your size!”   Before Joshua could even respond, the stranger was on top of one of the thugs.  He flipped him over, and undid his jeans.  Then within a blink of the eye, he yanked the guy’s jeans off him and tossed them to Joshua.   “Try these!”  The stranger said.   Joshua tried them on.   “They are too small for me.”  Joshua sheepishly said to the stranger.   “No problem!”  The stranger replied.   The stranger pushed the guy without pants aside.  Joshua got a good look at him.  Under his jeans, he was wearing a pair of tattered dingy grey white briefs.  It was obvious that when the stranger pulled the jeans off the guy, he tore the back of his briefs just below the waistband, exposing his arse.     The stranger then went to the second guy. Again he flipped him over onto his back and unfastened his jeans.  As quickly as he did with the first guy, he had his jeans off him and tossed them to Joshua.  Joshua put them on, and they were really too big for him, but he told the stranger they would be just fine.  He would use the belt from his suit slacks to hold them up.  The stranger looked Joshua’s way and said no way could he be seen in those baggy big jeans.  Joshua then got to look at the second guy.  He was commando.  His bubble butt was there for all to see.  Joshua did not find any underwear inside the jeans, so he knew he had to be commando.  This also explained why he was examining the waistband of Joshua’s Fruit of the Loom briefs. Perhaps he had never seen a pair of them before.   “Stop, stop!”  Joshua exclaimed.  “You can’t take their clothing off them and just leave them!”   “Why not?  They were going to leave you naked, if not worse.”  The stranger proclaimed.   Before Joshua had a chance to protest, he had the blond leader of the group laying on his back.  He was not wearing jeans, but a pair of black leather trousers, that were a match to his black leather jacket.  The stranger noticed that there were laces holding his leather trousers up instead of a waist clasp and zipper.  He loosened up the laces on the trousers and started to slide them off the blond.  They were nearly skin tight on the blond, so they were a bit more difficult for the stranger to get off him.  However, he did manage.  Once the leather trousers were off the blond, the stranger chuckled.   “Isn’t this sweet, he is wearing a matching pair of leather briefs under his leather trousers!”  The stranger said.   With that, along with his leather pants, the stranger removed the blonde’s leather briefs and tossed both items Joshua’s way.   Embarrassed, but a bit aroused, Joshua but the leather briefs on.  He had never worn underwear that was so provocative.  All he ever wore were tighty whites.  Once he put them on, he kind of liked the erotic feel of the leather against his skin.  He then pulled the leather trousers up.  They fit him quite well.  He laced them up and was surprised at how they felt on him.  
The stranger looked at Jason and said, “Good, those look perfect on you!  You just need one more thing.”  The stranger yanked the blonde’s leather jacket off him and handed it to Joshua.   “Hopefully this outfit will allow you to get home without complete embarrassment.”   “Thank you!”  Was all Joshua could manage to get out of his mouth.  
Just then the train began to slow down and stop.  As soon as the doors opened, the stranger picked up the three hoodlums one at a time and tossed them out of the train.  Joshua ran over to the other side of the train in time to see all three hoodlums sprawled out on the ground.  One of them wearing his leather jacket and tattered torn briefs.  The other wearing his leather jacket and naked from the waist down.  Then there was the blond leader of the group, he was totally naked.  As the train left the station, Joshua saw uniformed law enforcement nearing the trio.  Joshua looked away from the trio.  He wanted to once again thank the stranger for his assistance.  However when Joshua looked around the empty train car, there was no one there.  Joshua thought the stranger must have gone into the next car, so he decided to go to the next car and talk to him.  When Joshua tried the latch on the door to the car, he could not open it.  It was locked.  Joshua was able to see into the next car through the door window.  He looked the best he could, but the next car seemed to be empty.   “Where did he go?”  Joshua said as if expecting an answer.   Of course, no answer came.  
Finally, Joshua’s stop was coming up.  As soon as the subway train stopped, Joshua exited the train.  He looked around hoping to see the helpful stranger, but he was the only person to exit the train.  Now it was time for Joshua to make the trek home from the subway station. It would be about a five mile hike for him to get home.  It was nearly dawn by now, and was a bit chilly outside.  Joshua stuffed his hands into the pockets of the leather jacket. He felt something in the pockets. He pulled his hands out, grabbing hold of the contents he felt in the pockets.  To his surprise, he pulled out two huge wads of cash.  He did not count it, but he realized there had to be well over two grand in cash.  This now made all the difference to him, he saw a taxi cab nearby, and hailed the driver. Once in the cab, Joshua asked the driver if he could use his cell phone in order to call a locksmith so he could get into his house.  Joshua called a twenty four locksmith who said he would meet Joshua at his house.  
Once Joshua was safely in his house, he pulled the cash from the pockets of his leather jacket before taking it off and dropping the jacket onto the floor.  He could not believe his luck there was nearly four thousand dollars stuffed into the pockets of the jacket.  Joshua smiled to himself.   “What luck!”  He thought.  “I can replace my suit and still have money left over!”  
Joshua walked around his house trying to completely calm down and relax.  He poured himself a stiff drink.  While he was pacing the house and sipping his drink, Joshua realized he had an erection.  He was thinking about seeing the three hoodlums nearly naked and then he himself wearing leather trousers and briefs that were rubbing against his cock and thighs was making him horny.  Joshua rubbed his cock through the leather trousers.  He was really getting aroused.  He unlaced his leather trousers and slid them off.  He tossed them on the floor on top of the leather jacket.  His cock was nearly spilling out of his leather briefs.  Without the leather trousers, he realized he was even more aroused than he was wearing the leather pants.  He was so turned on now, that he could no longer stand the strain.  He pulled down the front of his leather briefs and just barely touched his cock.  He could not contain himself anymore.  He shot his load all over the leathers.  The harder he pulled his cock, the more intensely he came.  Without even realizing it, he was shouting obscenities at the pile of leathers on the floor while shooting is cum all over them.  Now completely spent and exhausted, Joshua pulled up his leather briefs before he collapsed in a chair and fell asleep.  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Picture Frame Incident
It was around half past one in the afternoon and Mark was late.  Not unusual for him, busy as he always kept himself in the real estate business.  I don't think I've even stopped by his office, when he wasn't on the telephone talking with someone, while others waited on-hold, lined up like aircraft in a holding pattern waiting to land.  It wouldn't have surprised me to get a call from him, apologizing up and down, wanting to re-schedule for lunch, as he has so many times in the past.  He knows me well enough to know that I never mind it, that’s the hazards of being successful.  This time he called and said he would be late.  I figured I could put the time to good use while I waited, and pulled a painting down off the wall that I had been meaning to work on for a while. The frame needed a good cleaning, and after removing the artwork from it, I polished the frame edges.  I heard a knock at the door.  I stood up and looked out the window.  I could see it was Marks car in the driveway.
I yelled out, "Its open!"
He quickly entered, looking a little flustered but sharp as ever.  The guy knew how to dress.  His taste in suits, choice of ties always impressed me.  Today was no different, one of his nicer summer suits, a navy single-breasted suit, impeccably tailored, a tightly knotted red silk tie with gold fleck design, over his trademark crisp white cotton shirt. The shirt contrasted so nicely with his deep tan.  One thing about Mark, it could be 90 degrees outside but he always looked like he just stepped outside of an air-conditioned showroom.  Except for that flush look on his face today.    
"What’s the matter, you look a little frazzled today."  I jokingly asked him.  
He hurried past me into the den, dropping his briefcase on the desk with a thud.
"Oh, this cell-phone is acting up again!"  He shot off.  "I need to use your phone, fast.  I was in the middle of closing a deal and was cut off in mid-sentence!"  
Before I had even finished saying the words of course, Mark had eyed the phone on my desk, and made a leap for it.  What he didn't notice in his haste, was the picture frame I had been working on, laying on the desktop.  One nail that hadn't been properly secured to the frame.  It caught the leg of his slacks when he was leaning over it.  I yelled out, but it was too late.  Mark reeled back and looked down at his pants.
"Oh great, look at this!"  He barked. "I just tore a hole in my pants! This day is going downhill fast!"     Sure enough, halfway up his thigh, there was a clean cut in the material, running for about 3 inches. I was quite upset, my first concern was that the nail cut him.
"Are you ok? Did you get cut?"  I asked, looking alarmingly at the tear.
He used his thumb to press against the rip, opening it up slightly, exposing his leg.
"No, I'm not cut."  He stated without much concern.  “Whatever that was didn't touch me, just my pants."
He shrugged and went about his business like it was nothing, opening his briefcase up to retrieve his phonebook.  He took a seat in the chair to the side of desk.  I moved quickly to get rid of the frame, picking it up out of his way and off the desktop.
"I am so sorry Mark, it’s my fault.  I should have moved that frame somewhere else", I said.  
As I dropped the frame down against the wall. I made an offer to have them replaced.
"Don't be silly!"  He laughed while dialing.  "It’s only a pair of slacks, look."
With that, he slipped his fingers inside the tear, ripped the material back even further, another inch.
"See?" He stated with a devilish smile.  “It's not like a rip is the worst thing that can happen to a guy’s suit.”        My feelings immediately changed from one of concern, to an excited interest.  He sat back in the chair, moving his legs slightly forward.  I looked at the rip in his slacks.  The opening exposed the skin on his leg.  I could see how tanned his legs were, and his patterned dark hair on them. It made me want to see more.  
His hesitation in dialing gave me the courage to say to him, "In that case, hang up the phone. Let's see where that rip leads."  
He gave me the biggest grin, and hung up the receiver.  I moved to his side, leaned down and placed my hand against his leg, rubbing along his inner thigh until my hand was just over the tear.  I slipped my fingers inside of it, brushing the backs of them against his leg.
"Your leg feels nice."  I half-whispered to him.  “But I don't think this rip is big enough, what do you think?"  I looked into his cool-blue eyes, waiting for his response.
"I don't think so either, but a word of warning", he said.  
A hint of a smile was on his face while he eyed my white button down shirt, his gaze running down the legs of my tan slacks and back up again,
"I give as good as I take!”  He said.
 With the knowledge that all was fair game at this point, I decided to hold off on his slacks for the moment.  I walked behind the chair that Mark was sitting in.  I looked down at him, with his perfectly groomed jet black hair, and the spread of his shoulders. I laid my hands on his shoulders, offering a short massage.  The movement gained strength gradually, pushing the collar of his jacket back, stretching it tighter and tighter.  Then sliding my hands over to the seams in the shoulders.  His jacket was finely stitched, it would take a little work from this angle, unless I had a little help.
"Mark!" I said. "Open the top drawer of the desk, and hand me the scissors."  
He took hold of the pair, passing them back to me.  I made two very small cuts in the fabric, just along the shoulder seams.  I leaned over, and laid the scissors on the desk. I stood back up, now able to slip the tips of my fingers under the openings I had just created, rolling the fabric over them in small circles, until they started to give way.  I was listening to the sound of shredding cotton fiber.  Once I had all my fingers inside, rubbing against the lining, I pulled downward towards on Mark’s arms.  The sleeves of his jacket broke free.  I pushed the loosened sleeves down to his elbows.  A few dark threads scattered along his white shirt. He turned and looked at each arm as if he approved of the changes.  He flexed his arms watching the torn fabric gather. He spun the chair around and faced me.  He leaning forward just far enough to get one of his hands around the back of my leg. I stood perfectly still, while he slid his hand up and down my pant leg, finally stopping over the top of one back pocket.  I could feel his grip.  With one sharp tug, my back pocket ripped.  He pulled down on it, past the pocket depth, he continued ripping my pants halfway down the back of my leg.  While I couldn't see it, I could feel the air against my skin, followed by his warm hand, rubbing where once the pants had been rubbing against me.  I was hot now, so hot I had to pull him to his feet in front of me.  We stepped very close, and I ran my hands over one of the lapels, then over to the pocket top on his jacket.  With one swift motion, I returned the job he did to the pocket on the back of my slacks. I ripped the pocket down, pulling the white lining with it, and letting it hang there.  Mark had started on my shirt, ripping one sleeve off, and tearing it down to the cuff.  He took hold of the front of my shirt with both hands, splitting it halfway down. The buttons on it breaking free, one of them bouncing off the desktop before landing on the carpet.  I tore more into his jacket, the lapels, the side vents, anything and everything I could rip, until there wasn't enough left to stay on his frame.  It just fell away.  
My shirt was now in shreds.  I could feel the collar still trying to hang on, and the cuffs were intact, but the rest was in several pieces hanging down over my pants.  The tail of my shirt was the only thing keeping that much on.  His shirt came off easily.  I reached around the back collar and ripped it downwards, pulling it forwards into two equal pieces on each side of him.  It was caught at the wrists.  The cuffs had finally broken free.  One half of his shirt I tore off, and the other I left hanging, dangling from his wrist.
I could see his nipples under his t-shirt, on two perfectly proportioned pecs. I ran my hands down the center of them, down over his tight stomach, looking down at his slacks. I dropped to one knee.  He laid his hands on my shoulders, looking down, watching.  I found the original rip, and after slipping my fingers inside, tore the material down to the cuff, then ripped the opposite direction high enough to make shorts out of one leg of them.  The pocket lining was now showing.  Mark had on a pair of white cotton boxers with a light blue pinstripe.  The dark hair on his upper leg showed.  It seemed to have a pattern before disappearing up the leg vent on his boxers.  I moved around him and ripped the seat out of his slacks.  I came back around the front, and shredded the reaming pant leg into several long strands, so when he moved his leg, they would slide around it. Mark pulled me up, and I leaned back against the desk.  He tore into my slacks, ripping them to shreds in no time.  All that was left was just the belted material under the waistband, and a thin line of material on each side of the zipper, that run under me and up the back of my pants that was still intact.  I could feel the bulge in my white Y-fronts pressing against that zipper. His hands tore away the last of my shirt.  He even ripped my socks down to my shoes.  I grabbed the front of his t-shirt and split it.  His hairy chest exposed was to me.  The material falling over what was left of his shirt. I ran my hand down his chest, over the front of his slacks which were somewhat still intact. I grabbed hold of the side of them along the rip and pulled with such force, the belt loops gave way, sending what was left of his pants sliding down his legs to his knees.  He fell back against the chair, all that was left intact were his boxers, and silk tie.  Everything else was in many pieces.  Some was laying on the carpet, while others pieces were still trying to hang on to him. I slowly loosened up his tie, before sliding it off him.  
I moved my hand over the front of his boxers.  I could feel the heat and the size and hardness of what was under them.  I slid my fingers inside the loose fly.  I brushed my fingers through his thick pubes, along the side of his hard shaft.  Then I tugged, one last time. I was looking into his eyes, but I could feel his boxers in my hand.  They ripped off on one piece, tearing down the inseams, and ripping the waistband. When I looked down, sure enough they were gone.  His long thick cock was rising upwards towards me, pulsing and throbbing.   How he made it this far without touching himself, I'll never know.  I know how hard it was for me, but it was his touch I was waiting for.  I longed for his hands to rip the back of my briefs open.  To tear the front half of the fly, letting the material hang free. Then ripping the sides forward, until there nothing but the ‘Jockey’ waistband left.  I felt Mark slip his hands under the band, stretching the elastic outwards.  He took hold of my cock, slid it up under it, so it was held tightly upwards against me. He picked up a piece of his shirt, and put it under my nose.  I could smell his scent on it.  It was mix of clean and musty.  It was his scent.  He moved the dangling material down over my hard cock, lightly grinding his palm over it. I remember his lips were close to mine, but not much else.  I was too hot and turned on.  When I regained my senses, I knew my load had already exploded, in his palm and upwards against my chest.  It seemed to be everywhere.  He fell back into the chair, throwing one leg over the arm, studying my body, slowly stroking his cock.  I moved in close to him, leaning down and completing the job for him.  One hand tightly under his balls, rubbing, the other cranking his cock until he spewed straight up to his neck. Exhausted, we took stock of each other.  Shredded fabric was everywhere.  We laughed. I got up and went to retrieve a couple pair of briefs for us.  When I returned, there was Mark, on the phone already, looking better than ever.
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
The Wrestling Match Prequel
Mitch and Dave had not seen one another in years.  They were on the same wrestling team in both high school and at the same local university. As a matter of fact, they both received college scholarships to the same university.  They were pretty much matched in their skills, so the coach often paired them together in practice sessions.   They finally met once again at their ten year college reunion.  The reunion was being held in one of the large major hotel complexes in the area. To each of their amazement, they were both still single.  Neither one had wanted to go to the reunion, but it was expected that the college jocks all be there.  Mitch had stayed in their hometown, while Dave had moved away shortly after graduation. They stayed in contact for about a year after Dave moved, but eventually lost touch with each other.  They each hoped they would be reunited at the reunion. When they saw one another, it was as if no time had passed.  They quickly caught up on what had happened to them in the past ten years.  Then it was time to get down to business.  They could finally discuss some of the wrestling matches they had in school and find out what really happened.  
They decided the reunion was not the place to discuss what happened.  Neither of them was really enjoying themselves so they left the reunion and headed off to one of the hotel bars. Once their drinks were ordered, Dave began by asking Mitch about a particular match that Mitch had won, because his opponent had abruptly walked out of the match. Mitch chuckled and said, “Let me tell you what really happened in that match!”
Mitch began telling Dave about the match.  He said his opponents name was Doug and Doug was an arrogant bastard!  He always remembered his name.  Doug would always strut around like a peacock before, during, and after the wrestling matches.  This was the first time Mitch and Doug had been matched up for a wrestling match.  The match was going very well for both Mitch and Doug.  They were both pretty well paired.  Each one of them was able to get his points.  It was a back and forth match.  Doug won the first of the three rounds, then Mitch won the second round. It was coming down to the third round and Doug began to play dirty.  He got some illegal holds on Mitch without the referee seeing what was happening. He grabbed hold of Mitch’s cock and balls through his singlet and jockstrap, and squeezed them as hard as possible.  Mitch could not believe the referee had not noticed.  This happened a few more times, before Mitch had had enough.  Accidently, Mitch brushed his hand across Doug’s cock. It seemed Doug had an erection. He thought he must have imagined what he felt.  He thought there was no way a wrestler in the midst of a match would get an erection. As the match went on, Mitch’s hand grazed Doug’s cock again.  Being conscious of where his hands were this time, he realized Doug had a raging hard on. With this happening, Mitch came to the realization that Doug was commando under his white singlet.  Not the norm for high school or college competition.  Wrestlers usually wore either a jockstrap or briefs under their singlet for support.   The referee had them break their hold at one point.  They were tied in points.  Mitch got a good look at Doug.  Doug was pulling his singlet away from his erection, trying to hide it, hoping no one would see.  But Mitch noticed.  Once they made contact with one another, Mitch tried to take Doug to the floor. However Doug was able to once again grab Mitch’s balls and squeeze them again.  Mitch went down.  Doug was on top of him.  Mitch was tired and fed up with Doug’s illegal holds and grips.  Mitch hooked his legs around Doug’s legs and pulled him down tight on top of him.  Mitch was able to get his hand between his body and Doug’s body.  Mitch felt Doug’s hard cock pressing against his hand and groin. Mitch grabbed hold of Doug’s cock and started to jerk him off.  It was only a matter of a few seconds before Doug started to cum.  Mitch continued pumping him more and more.  Doug just kept ejaculating into his singlet.  Mitch felt Doug’s hot cum seeping through his singlet and oozing onto his hand.  The referee finally called for a break, thinking the two of them were in an unwinnable situation.  Mitch released his grip on Doug so that Doug could get up off him.  However Doug would not get up.  He stayed on top of Mitch.  The referee tapped Doug on the shoulder and told him to ‘Break’.  Doug would still not get up.  Finally the referee took hold of Doug by the shoulder and arm, and pulled him off Mitch.  That was when everyone saw the huge wet cum spot on Doug’s groin area. The wet spot made his white singlet see through.  Since he was not wearing a jockstrap, everyone in the audience saw Doug’s still semi erect cock.  Doug looked down and realized that he had just cum in his singlet.  Embarrassed and mortified, Doug put his hands over his wet groin area and ran out of the gym.  By doing this Doug immediately forfeited the match and Mitch was declared the winner.  Fortunately for Mitch, he was wearing a dark blue singlet.  He knew he had Doug’s cum on the front of it, but because it was dark in color it did not show through.  Once Mitch was declared the winner, he immediately went back to the team locker room to get out of his cum soiled singlet.  He always brought two singlets that were identical to every match, just in case something happened to one of them.  Sometimes the referees or judges would deduct points if the singlet had been changed before the scores were all tallied and the awards were given out. In this case no one had noticed. Mitch was declared the overall winner of the event.  It seems that Doug had either dropped out or transferred to another school shortly after this incident.  
“Wow!  I can’t believe that actually happened.”  Dave exclaimed.   “It happened just as I told you.  It could have gone terribly wrong if one of the referees or judges had noticed I had jerked him off!”    Mitch said.  
“Now, I want the truth about one of your matches!”  Mitch said.   “Oh I think I know the one you are talking about!  You want to know about the guy everyone calls Sponge Bob.”  Dave said.   “Yeah, that’s him!”  Mitch squealed. “I can’t recall his real name, but I will call him Bob.”  Dave replied
Dave began his story. It was one of those real grudge matches. For every pin Dave got on Bob, he got one on Dave.  This happened in every round of the match.  Into the final round the score was tied.  It looked like it was going to be a stalemate.  At one point of the final round they were both on the floor rolling over one another.  Dave knew it was totally accidental, but Bob got his hand tangled into the side of Dave’s singlet and tore it open.  The side of Dave’s Fruit of the Loom tighty whites were exposed to everyone.  His singlet was ripped from his waist down to nearly the leg hem.  The whole side of his tighty whites were on display, from the waist band to the leg strap. Dave was given the option to go and change his singlet.  If he did, he knew it would cost him penalty points for delaying the match.  He decided to continue to wrestle in his torn singlet.  The round was almost done and it would have meant a tie.  That would have led to another three rounds to try and break the tie. Both Dave and Bob pretty much knew they were equally matched.  So each one tried his best to beat the other with a pin or force his opponent out of the circle.  Dave decided he was going to flip Bob.  This was a difficult but legal wrestling maneuver.  It entailed picking up your opponent by his crotch and shoulders. One hand was placed between the opponent’s legs and the other hand on his shoulders for counterbalance.  Once the hands were in place it was just a matter of flipping him over your knee and dropping him to the floor.  When done properly it was a maneuver that was worth a lot of points.  Even if the flip was done incorrectly or poorly executed the wrestler who executed the maneuver was usually awarded points.  Dave knew it was going to be tricky to do this.  Bob was Dave’s equal, and they both pretty much knew what and when the other was going to do.  Dave felt that since Bob had not tried this move on him, Bob was probably not going to attempt it.  Dave waited for the last few seconds of the match before beginning.  Dave got into the stance he needed to do this.  He scooped Bob up from his crotch.  What Dave did not realize at that moment was that his hands had slipped between Bob’s singlet and his briefs.  So instead of having a grasp on Bob’s singlet, he was grabbing at Bob’s underwear clad crotch.  Once Dave realized where his hand was, it was too late to not follow through. He lost his concentration because he knew where his hand was.  Without thinking Dave fumbled for Bob’s shoulder.  This time though his other hand slipped under the shoulder straps of Bob’s singlet.  There was nothing Dave could do but to complete the maneuver.  If he stopped in mid-action, he probably would have dropped Bob onto his back, or Bob could have fallen on Dave’s leg or knee and perhaps even breaking it.  Dave followed through with the maneuver not knowing how it would turn out. Everything seemed to be working in Dave’s favor until Dave tried to release his hand from Bob’s crotch and he could not.  He pulled his hand in an effort to free it and end the maneuver.  All Bob heard was a loud long RRRIIIP!  He tore the crotch apart on Bob’s singlet. Now with his hand free Dave completed the actual flip.  But his other hand was under the shoulder straps of Bob’s singlet.  Upon completion of the flip Bob’s stretched torn open crotch on his singlet snapped back and rolled up over his midsection and chest.  Dave tried to release Bob’s shoulders but he just managed to pull the remains of Bob’s singlet over his head and completely yank it off his body.  Bob lay on the floor with his back and arse to everyone.  In that very second the buzzer went off and the match was over.  That was when the audience burst out in laughter.  Bob was wearing a pair of bright yellow Sponge Bob Square Pants briefs that had the full size image of Sponge Bob imprinted across the arse of the briefs. If that was not bad enough, the leg straps of his briefs were in bright red, so everyone knew he was not wearing plain tighty whites if there was any doubt.  The referee stood both Bob and Dave up waiting for the judges results. He stood between them holding their arms waiting for the judges to call the event.  Bob wanted to run away but he could not.  He knew if he left, he would be disqualified.  Bob just kept looking down at the front of his briefs and seeing an oversized image of Sponge Bob’s face imprinted on the front side of his briefs. It seemed like an eternity for Bob before the results of the match were complete.  In the end Dave won the match by two full points.  His attempt at the flip put him over Bob’s score.  Even though it was not a totally successful flip. As soon as the referee raised Dave’s arm Bob ran off the floor to the locker room.  
“That was a great match!”  Mitch said. “I could not believe what I saw.  He was just standing there in his Sponge Bob underwear like a total nerd!  Did you know what he had on under his singlet?”  Dave asked.   “Honestly, NO!  I had no idea what he was wearing.  I was a bit pissed that he tore my singlet, but believe me when I tell you, it was not revenge!”  Mitch responded.  
It was now late into the evening.  Dave and Mitch had more than enough to drink.  Neither one was truly sober anymore.  Dave suggested that Mitch plan on staying the night with him in his hotel room.  He had taken a room in the hotel where the reunion was being held.  Mitch had no plans to stay overnight, he really thought he would drive home once the reunion party was over.  But quickly he realized he was not sober enough to drive home.   “Good, I am glad that is settled!”  Dave said.  “I really don’t want you to leave!” Mitch as a little surprised by Dave’s statement but was happy he did not have to drive home. “Let’s have another round of drinks up in my room.”  Dave said suggesting to Mitch.
On the way up to Dave’s room they teased one another.  Dave pretended that he was going to grab Mitch and take him to the floor. Then Mitch would grab Dave’s arm and put it behind his back.  He did not use force, but playfully put the hold on Dave.  This went on back and forth on the elevator ride up to Dave’s floor.   Once they reached Dave’s floor, Dave exited the elevator first and led the way to his room.  Once they reached Dave’s room. Mitch started to giggle.  As Dave unlocked the door to his room Mitch stood behind him and pulled Dave’s pants down to his ankles.  Unfazed, Dave continued to unlock the door and enter the room.  Mitch burst into laughter when he noticed the underwear Dave was wearing.  Dave was wearing a pair of skimpy, white satin bikini briefs.  All Mitch really noticed was that the white bikini briefs had ‘Wrestle Mania’ imprinted in bright red bold letters across the butt.    Undeterred, Dave stepped into his room and turned the lights on. Mitch followed and closed the door. Dave kicked his slip on shoes off before he took his pants off and tossed them onto a chair in the room.   “Your turn.”  Dave said.   “What do you mean my turn?”  Mitch asked.   “It is your turn to take your pants off.” Dave calmly stated.   “No way!  Why should I take my pants off?  Mitch asked in disbelief.   “Take your pants off, or I will take them off you one way or another!”  Dave exclaimed.   “You and what army!  I dare you to try!”  Mitch said in a mocking voice. Dave quickly turned to Mitch and before Mitch knew what was happening Dave took hold of Mitch.  Using the same over the shoulder crotch hold Dave used in college, he flipped Mitch to the floor.  However, Dave did not let go of the crotch of Mitch’s pants. As Mitch was being flipped his pants ripped.  RRRIIIP! Dave tore Mitch’s pants apart and did not let go of Mitch until he had completely torn Mitch’s pants off him. Mitch was face down on the floor. It was now Dave’s turn to laugh when he looked down and saw that Mitch was wearing a pair of very sheer see through red nylon briefs and a matching red garter belt with long straps holding up his red sheer men’s knee socks.  Mitch was so embarrassed.  He turned himself over and sat up on the floor.  His face turned nearly as red as his briefs.  He snatched his torn pants out of Dave’s hands and tried to cover himself up with them.   Dave stopped laughing and told Mitch to stop hiding behind his torn pants.   “I want to see what you look like!  From the quick glance I got, you looked hot. Let me see you.”  Dave sweetly asked.   Slowly, Mitch removed his torn pants from around his waist and tossed them onto the same chair that had Dave’s pants.  Dave stretched his arm out to Mitch and helped Mitch to stand back up.  Dave then suggested to Mitch that he should take off his jacket and shirt.  Dave said he would be more comfortable without them. Mitch suddenly noticed there was only one bed in the room.  He got very nervous.   “I, I’m going home.”  Mitch said.   “How are you going to go home without your pants?  You will look silly to others walking through the hallways of the hotel dressed or should I say, undressed the way you are.  Now take your jacket and shirt off and get on the bed and enjoy this drink I am making for you!”  Dave said in an authoritative voice.   Without another word of protest, Mitch took off his jacket and shirt.  He carefully placed them on the floor beside the bed.  He sat on the edge of the bed and untied his lace up shoes and carefully placed them under the bed.  He propped up the pillows on one side of the bed and got on the bed.   Not more than a few moments later, Dave approached the bed with their drinks in his hands.  Mitch noticed that Dave had also taken off his jacket and shirt, along with his socks.  Mitch was impressed that Dave was in such good shape.  He still had an athletic build.  He noticed that Dave was still broad shouldered and had his slim waist. His muscled arms had a lot of definition. Mitch felt a tingling in his briefs.  He knew he was getting turned on by what he saw in Dave.  He crossed his legs on the bed so that Dave would not see he was getting aroused.   Dave also noticed Mitch on the bed.  He was watching when Mitch took off his jacket and shirt.  He noticed that Mitch was still in good shape also.  He had gotten a little thicker with age, but he was still in very good shape. It was obvious that Mitch was still taking care of his body.   Dave handed Mitch his drink and walked around to the other side of the bed.  He also propped up his pillows and got on the bed.  They began talking about the other guys on their wrestling team.  Who were the good looking guys, who were the jock jerks, and of course the team nerds.  They both had the same scorecard as to who fell into what categories.  By the time they had finished, they had both had two more drinks each.   Dave glanced over to Mitch and noticed that Mitch had an erection.  All the talk about the old team had obviously gotten Mitch horny.  Seeing Mitch with an erection excited Dave and caused him to have an erection also, not to mention the horned up team talk.  Casually, Dave reached over Mitch to get his empty glass from the nightstand next to him.  As he did, he brushed his arm across Mitch’s erection.  This startled Mitch until he noticed that Dave also had an erection.  Seeing Dave’s erection, Mitch gently touched Dave’s soft slightly furry chest.  He was barely touching Dave’s chest.  He noticed Dave started breathing much deeper and his nipples were becoming erect. Dave reciprocated by running his hand over Mitch’s smooth chest.  He noticed Mitch had no hair on his upper body, not even his arms.  He really wanted to know how much of Mitch’s body was smooth.  Dave was the first to make any movements.  He sat up on the bed and crawled down to the end of the bed and placed himself in front of Mitch’s feet.  Mitch enjoyed watching Dave crawl to the end of the bed.  It gave him a great view of Dave’s white satin bikini clad butt.   He watched as ‘Wrestle Mania’ giggled from one side to the other.  When Dave sat down on at the end of the bed, it was difficult for Mitch not to notice the obvious bulge in the front of Dave’s bikini briefs which were straining to keep his stiffened cock confined.  Mitch was definitely enjoying the view.   While on the end of the bed straddling Mitch’s legs, Dave reached up and rubbed Mitch’s sock covered legs, before he unfastened the clasps holding Mitch’s red socks to his garter belt.  He carefully rolled Mitch’s socks down his legs before pulling them off.  He saw that Mitch’s legs were as smooth as his chest, and could not resist running his hands up and down the silky smoothness of his legs.  This sent a tingle of pleasure up and down Mitch’s spine. He let out a moan of absolute pleasure at what Dave was doing.  Dave looked up and gazed at Mitch’s face.  His eyes were closed and he had a big grin on his face.  Dave was also able to see Mitch’s hard cock through his sheer red nylon briefs.  His briefs left nothing to the imagination.  Mitch may as well have been naked.  Dave too liked what he was seeing.  After a few minutes of rubbing Mitch’s legs and thighs, Dave slid up Mitch’s body and placed his hands behind Mitch’s back.  He fumbled around for a few seconds, until he found the clasp of Mitch’s garter belt.  He unhooked the clasp and slipped the belt off Mitch.  Very carefully, Dave pressed his body against Mitch.  Slowly, he got his face closer and closer to Mitch’s face. Before he was able to kiss Mitch, Mitch leaned forward and kissed him.  They embraced in their kiss for a long time.  This was something that each one had wanted for years, but was afraid to let the other know how he felt.   Mitch made the next move.  He gently moved Dave off him, and had him lying on his back. Slowly Mitch moved to the end of the bed and straddled Dave.   He saw that Dave’s white satin bikini briefs were no match for his engorged cock.  The top third of his cock was sticking out the waistband of his briefs, and there was an obvious wet spot on the front of his briefs.  Upon seeing this, Mitch carefully put his fingers under the leg straps and waistband of Mitch’s briefs and slowly slid them down and removed them altogether.  Dave’s cock was as stiff and as straight as a flagpole.  Mitch went down on Dave’s cock.  He was totally enjoying what he was doing, as was Dave enjoying having his cock sucked by someone he had always hoped would suck his cock.  Dave was on the verge of cumming.   He took Mitch’s head in his hands and whispered, “Not yet!” Mitch knew exactly what to do.  He rolled off Dave and now he was also lying on his back. Dave got up and now he straddled Mitch’s legs.  Dave began to lick and kiss Mitch’s brief clad cock.  The more he licked Mitch’s cock, the more transparent Mitch’s sheer nylon briefs became.  Dave could not wait any more.  He slipped Mitch’s briefs off him, and as he suspected, Mitch’s body was completely clean shaven, with the exception of a small patch of hair around the base of his cock.  Like an expert, Dave went down on Mitch.  He knew his way around a cock and knew what another man wanted when it came to a blowjob. Now it was Mitch’s turn to stop Dave from making him cum.   Once Mitch had Dave stop what he was doing, Mitch repositioned himself so that they were both head to cock and cock to head. They went to work on the other. Each one taking in the full length of the others stiff cock deep into their throats.  They were both already so aroused and ready, it was only a matter of minutes before they both erupted with ecstasy.  They shot their hot loads into one another’s throats, milking one another dry, until they were both exhausted.  
Once they had gotten comfortable in the bed once again, Dave was the first to say anything. “You know, I have wanted to be with you ever since high school!”  Dave said very quietly.   “I felt the same way.”  Mitch responded.   “Why did you never say anything about your feelings?”  Dave asked. “I was afraid of the rejection, and the possible loss of our friendship if you did not feel the same about me.”  Mitch said.  “Now that we are both adults and single, this was my last opportunity to see how you really felt about me.”   “I hope you want me in your life as much as I want you in my life!”  Dave admitted.   With that, they both cuddled in one another’s arms and fell fast asleep.  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Edward Scissorhands
This week did not start out very will for me, my boyfriend (let’s call him Edward), of many years decided it was time for him to go find himself.  I told him if he does find himself he should fuck himself also. Needless to say, he become quite angry and he must have thought it would be a good idea to take his aggressions out on my belongings.  Before he left (for good), he decided to take his revenge.  I usually worked from home, and Edward knew my daily schedule.  He knew when I would be going out, and how long I would be gone.  When I got home from food shopping, I knew something was wrong.  Things were missing, broken, and askew.  I thought it best to look and see what was missing, broken, or anything else before I called the police to report it.  I realized it had to have been Edward because the things that were missing were of a sentimental value or an item we had bought together. Nothing of great value was missing. As I completed my inventory, I went into the bedroom closet.  It looked as though Edward Scissorhands had been in the closet.  Everything was shredded!  The only thing left was a very old suit, which was tossed in a heap on the floor in the back corner of the closet, and one lonely white shirt still hanging up. The only reason I saw the suit, was because his clothes were all gone, and there was FINALLY room for my clothes, if I had any left!  Any way I digress.  I gathered the remnants of my suits, shirts, jeans, and everything else that had been shredded and tossed them out.  It was early enough in the day, so I took my old rumpled suit to the cleaners to be pressed. I went through the jacket pockets, and much to my surprise, I found a tie in one of them!  Great, I am all set for work in the morning.  I had to go into the office in the morning to close a very lucrative deal, and needed to look professional.  I got my suit and tie back in a couple of hours from the cleaners, and they looked pretty good.
The next morning I got up and did the 3 s’es, and then ate a light breakfast.  Now it was time to get dressed.  I went into my dresser drawer, and discovered all my underwear and tee shirts had been shredded by Edward Scissorhands!  There was no way I could wear any of them.  The tee shirts were all cut in quarters once from the bottom hem up and through the collar, and then cut in half across the mid section of the tee shirt.  My briefs were also cut in quarters, once from the crotch up and through the waist band, and then again across the middle, making sure the leg openings had been cut. Edward must have had plenty of time when he did this, because everything had been re-folded in a way that I would never have noticed anything was wrong with them until I picked them up, and found I only had a portion of them in my hand.  I discovered one pair of boxer shorts I bought for Edward many years ago as a gag gift was still intact.  They were black silk boxers with big yellow smiley faces all over them.  They really were quite ugly, and stupid looking.  There was a note attached to them that read ‘Now I am’. I took this to mean now he was smiling.  As far as sizes go, I was a bigger than he was, but I decided to wear them anyway.  I needed a clean pair of underwear.  No one was going to see them, and I knew I would have to get some new clothes immediately after work.  They were a lot snugger, actually I should say tighter than I expected.  Thank goodness there was a button on the fly to keep them closed in the front!  The poor button was straining to keep me corralled in the boxers.   I would have to forgo wearing a tee shirt today, because there were none left! Into the next drawer I went to retrieve a pair of socks.  Well guess what, Edward Scissorhands had been there also!  Every pair of socks had been sliced open from the top down through the toe. It was getting late, and there was no time to rinse out my socks and underwear from yesterday.  I needed a belt; there were no belts to be found anywhere either in the closet or in my dresser drawers.  I could not wear the one I had on yesterday, because it was too wide, and would not fit the belt loops of my suit slacks.  Shoes, a miracle occurred; Edward Scissorhands did not attack them!  I got dressed the best I could, for a very important and lucrative meeting under the least ideal circumstances; an old suit, underwear too tight, no tee shirt, no socks, and no belt for my slacks.    
I got to the office early and had time to walk around the neighborhood to collect my thoughts for the meeting.  While walking, a football sailed by me, and came to rest in the gutter of the street. Then I heard some teenagers yell from the other side of the park fence asking me to throw the ball back to them. No problem I said.  I went to the gutter, and crouched down carefully (remembering that my suit was old, and the stitching or the fabric was probably not in the best of condition).  As careful as I was, I heard that unmistakable sound, and felt that unmistakable feeling.  RRRIIIIIPPPP! I scooped up the football as fast as possible, and tossed it over the fence to the teens.  Then I started to investigate the rip.  I ran my hands up and down the back seam and ass of my slacks, and felt nothing!  No rip there! I looked at the inseams and crotch of my slacks, nothing wrong there; checked the zipper, everything was still intact.  It dawned on me; my tight silk boxer shorts must have ripped.  Just how much they ripped, I had no idea.  OK I thought this is not a big deal.  No one is going to know that I am wearing ripped and torn boxers and if they get too uncomfortable while walking to the office, I can always go into the men’s room and take them off before my meeting.  When I got to my office, it was time for my meeting.  No time for the men’s room.  My secretary informed me that the clients were early and waiting for me in the conference room.  She said they were getting impatient and were wondering where I was. She also informed me there were four of them.  I was only expecting the meeting to be with two customers.  Great!  They were early impatient, and waiting for me.    Not the best way first impression to make with clients in our first face to face encounter.  Then to top everything off, the air conditioning in the building was not working. I wondered if Edward Scissorhands had something to do with this!  It felt like the offices were about 90 degrees, and 90% humidity.  I knew it was not that warm, but it sure felt like it! I quickly grabbed my business proposal and posters, and ran down the hall to get to the conference room.  I asked the secretary to bring us some cold bottled water.    
When I got to the conference room, my clients were visibly annoyed that I had not been there to greet them.  It was warm in the room so they were all fanning themselves with copies of my business proposal.  They politely stood up and I shook their hands.  I could see these were four big guys.  They were not fat; they were muscular, and well proportioned.  I apologized to them, and suggested we postpone or move the meeting to another location because of the heat.  They all said no and to wanted to get the meeting underway.  The secretary came into the room with the bottled water, and I handed it out to everyone in the room.  There were also a large pile of napkins, which I put in the middle of the conference table.  
My verbalization of the proposal was not going well, I found myself stumbling over the simplest of details, so I decided to show the posters that outlined the proposal, and emphasize how lucrative this deal would be for them.  After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.  I used a laser pointer to show the details and bottom line of the proposal. I could feel the sweat pouring down my back and down my underarms.  My slacks were sticking to my ass and legs.  I took my jacket off and told the others in the room to make themselves comfortable, considering the heat and the inability to open any windows.  Once my jacket was off, I could see just how wet my shirt was.  This is one of the reasons I always wear a tee shirt when dressing.  The tee shirt would have absorbed the wetness, perhaps not all, but some of it considering the situation.  As I continued with my presentation, I began smelling the odor of bleach, but I had no idea where it is coming from. When my presentation was complete, I could see the looks of disapproval on my customer’s faces, and all four of them sat with their arms folded.  I did not need a body language expert to tell me what I had already known. They were not happy!  I asked if they had any questions.  As I asked this, I closed the laser pointer and put it in my shirt pocket.  In doing so, I heard the RRRRIIIIPPPP!  My shirt pocket ripped off my shirt.  Not only did the pocket rip off, but I had two long rips in the shirt, where once there was a pocket!  I made a joke and laughed nervously about how poorly made shirts were these days.  As I was saying this, I was gesturing with my hands, and in doing so; I knocked over two open full bottles of water that were in front of me.  Of course the bottles spilled all over the conference table.  The bottles rolled around table for a second, and then fell to the floor. As quickly as I could, I stretched across the conference table to get some of the napkins to soak up the spilled water.  In doing so, I heard that sound again.  RRRIIIIPPPP! I could tell my shirt had completely ripped down the center of my back.  I could feel the warm air against my back where once there was a wet shirt. All I could do was to ignore this and continue to soak up the spilled water.  While I was doing this, I watched my shirt (as if in slow motion) fall apart in front of my eyes.  The elbows ripped, the collar and shoulders came apart as though they had been glued together and the glue lost it adhesiveness.  Then the buttons started dropping off.  I realized the bleach smell was emanating from my shirt.  It was as if it had been soaked in bleach, dried, and then ironed.  My sweat reactivated the bleach, and caused the demise of my shirt.  I now understood why it was the only shirt that was not ripped up by Edward Scissorhands.  I looked down at my chest, and could see pieces of fabric falling away from the shirt, until nothing was left of it except the collar and cuffs.  Then, even the cuffs gave up the fight, and fell off. The thread that was holding the buttons on disintegrated.  The only reason the collar stayed around my neck was because my tie was holding it in place!  I still had to quickly dry the floor where the water spilled.  The offices were on a raised floor and all the electrical ran underneath it. I did not need any more sparks flying!  The stares I was getting from my customers were enough!  I reached to the center of the table and grabbed more napkins to absorb the water and dry the floor.  Without thinking, and just reacting to the situation, I dropped to a crouching position.  I heard the unmistakable sound.  RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP!  My slacks completely tore open from the zipper all the way around up and through the back waistband of my slacks, and to make matters worse, my smiley face silk boxers were also torn completely open.  Without thinking, I stood up!  My slacks immediately fell to the floor.  My cock and balls were dangling out the torn boxers.  I was on display to my customers.  I could not think even if I wanted to.  Instinct kicked in and I just started running to the door.  I did not get very far.  I tripped on my slacks that were bunched up around my ankles.  I fell, face first onto the floor exposing my ass to everyone in the room, because my boxers had ripped so badly, there was no coverage on my ass anymore.  My customers went into hysterics.  They were laughing so hard they could barely keep from falling over. Once they stopped laughing, they realized the water that spilled on the floor was still there, and needed to be picked up before it got to the electrical systems under the floor. All four of my customers grabbed the pile of napkins from the table, and immediately squatted down to dry the floor.  A thunderous sound was heard.  RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP!  All four men had completely split their slacks open.  They had sweated so much that their clothing completely clung to their bodies!   I just lay there on the floor, and watched the show.  I saw Customer One had on a pair of tight white boxer shorts, with red reindeer on them, and it was not even Christmas time!    They were very wet and transparent from his sweat.  Customer Two had on a pair of blue polka dot bikini briefs that were way too small for him.  His ass cheeks were spilling out the sides of the briefs, and made it look as though he was wearing a thong.  Now, customer Three was the beefiest of all of them and was facing me, so it was difficult to see how large the rip was in his slacks, but his big thick cock and balls were hanging out the front of his torn slacks!  It was quite evident that he was blessed in the size department.  I was not sure if he was commando or if his underwear had torn open, but I knew I wanted to find out, and see more of him. I had to keep my composure while looking at him, and appear not to be staring.  I could see he was wearing a shinny metal cock ring.  He was looking right at me!  I pretended not to look at him, but then our eyes met, and he gave me a wink and a smile.  Customer Four was the only one of the clients I knew personally.  His name was Bill.  He was a younger guy, and quite good-looking.  He was the smallest of the group of four.  He was no runt, just not as big as the other three.  I think he was from Virginia, and had a cute southern accent.  He moved very quickly like the other three, without thought of the consequences, because when he squatted down a long continuous RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP was heard.  It looked as though his slacks exploded.  Not only did they rip from the top of the zipper all the way around his crotch up to his belt in the back, but both side seams tore!  The side seams ripped from the bottom of his front pockets down to below his knees!  I had never seen a pair of slacks have such monumental failure at the same time! There was nothing he could do to cover himself.  His slacks were totally trashed.  He looked down at himself and realized he was wearing a pair of bright yellow satin boxers with a leopard print on them, and dancing leopards.  His face turned beet red!  He was really embarrassed.  Even though I was the one who should have been embarrassed, being on the floor with my ass exposed, I could do nothing but laugh and point at him. What he did next completely took me by surprise.  Bill grabbed the fly of his boxers which were NOT even ripped, and tore them off! He tore his boxers in half!  He quickly wadded them up, and threw them in the corner of the room.  I don’t think Bill wanted anyone to see the embarrassing underwear he was wearing!  It seemed he would rather be naked from the waist down than to be seen by anyone wearing bright yellow satin boxers with a leopard print and dancing leopards.   To be honest, I am not sure if anyone else saw him do this but me.  My gaze was immediately affixed to Bill’s lovely cock and balls!  Bill’s cock had a nice mushroom head to it.  Not huge, but a good size.  His balls hung low in proportion to his cock.  I looked at him, and completely forgot about my embarrassing situation.  
I turned back to see that customer Three was still crouched down and was pleasuring himself.  Wow I thought this day might turn out well after all.  I got up, ripped what remained of my slacks and torn boxers off, and walked over to customer Three.  He did not move, but just looked me in the eyes.  I took him by the arm to have him stand up.  Once he was standing in front of me, I took the opportunity to finish ripping off his slacks off.  I grabbed them from the tear that was already there below his zipper.  His cock and balls were already exposed.  With one good tug, I ripped the rest of the front of his slacks open.  RRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPP!  His slacks were like tissue paper in my hands.  They completely ripped open down the inseams to well below his knees.  I then took hold of the fabric that so delicately covered his ample ass, and pulled it apart, until his slacks fell into a torn heap of cloth on the floor.  Much to my surprise, and pleasure it appeared he was wearing a leather harness under his slacks along with the metal cock ring. I could not resist massaging his round bulbous hairy ass, and playing with the straps of his harness.  I undid the tie he was wearing, and tied his wrists behind his back with it.  I could see his large thick cock was throbbing!  I grabbed the pocket of his shirt, and ripped it off.  Just like my shirt had done, his shirt ripped open from where the pocket once was.  With this done, just tore into his shirt, and completely ripped it off him.  By the time I finished with it, there was nothing recognizable that it had once been a shirt.  I could now see he definitely was wearing a leather harness!  His defined abs fit nicely into the harness, and his ass cheeks filled out the leg straps completely.  I pulled his nipples until they were hard and erect.  He moaned with pleasure.  I moved behind customer Three, I knew I wanted to fuck his sweet ass.  My cock was as hard as a rock with the anticipation of this.  I leaned him over the table, and put my hard cock in his ass.  I wanted to ride him hard and rough. His ass was tight.  He moaned with pleasure having my hard cock shoved deep up his ass.  While I fucked him, I loosened the straps of his harness and slipped it off him.  I glanced over at Bill, and saw that he was stroking his own hard cock.  I motioned to Bill to join us.  Bill sat himself on the table directly in front of customer Three, spread eagle with his legs dangling over the side of the table.  Bill’s cock was hard as a rock and straight as an arrow.  Bill grabbed customer Three’s head and pulled it down on his cock.  Customer Three could do nothing but suck Bill’s swollen cock.  Customer Three continued to moan as he was being fucked and giving head at the same time.  After a few minutes of this, he was unable to control himself anymore.  He grabbed his own hard cock and started pumping it until he was shaking.  I saw his load shoot from his cock in one long thick stream.   Immediately after Customer Three blew his wad, Bill and I both came in unison.  I filled Customer Three’s ass with so much hot cum that it was running out of his ass and down his legs.  Bill shot his load into Customer Three’s mouth.  He swallowed every drop of Bill’s hot cum and looked as though he wanted more.
What we did not notice was that customers One and Two had walked out and left the conference room sometime during our ecstasy.  As soon as I was able to regain my stability and clear my head, I noticed they were gone.  Bill and Customer Three looked at each other and then looked at me.  Bill said not to worry about the other two.  They were not the money in this deal, they were just there to try to intimidate.  Four against one!  
Bill said he knew I would do anything to get this sale, and he was right.  The deal had been consummated.  I did not tell them I had Edward Scissorhands to thank for putting all this into motion and Edward will never know what he did for or to me!  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Kevin the divorce lawyer
Kevin was a junior partner at a prestigious law firm in a large city.  He was and still is a very good looking late thirty year old guy, with striking green eyes, and short blond hair, that was always neat and trimmed. He always looked like he just stepped out of a men’s fashion magazine.  It did not hurt that he had a naturally athletic build.  Kevin was not a tall man, but he was not short either. What he lacked in stature, he made up for in the equipment he had between his legs.  His trousers always had a large visible bulge in them, and he never tried to hide it.     
He specialized in divorce law cases.  The divorces his law firm handled were usually high profile cases, and the couples involved did not want their divorces or their reputations ruined and smeared in the tabloids.  The clients could always count upon lawyer client confidentially.  A recent case of his involved the divorce of a very wealthy and influential couple.  Kevin represented the wife in this case.  It was an easy case for any lawyer.  The husband had multiple affairs and his wife found out about them.  It was rumored that some of the affairs were with men whose reputations would have been ruined if the affairs were ever made public. However, none of this could be proven.   She was also claiming mental cruelty and loss of affection.  In the few times Kevin had met the husband in the divorce proceedings, there were always verbal altercations.  All the lawyers were in fear that the husband may become physically violent.  It was known he had a temper.  He became abusive to his wife.  Kevin, and even his own lawyers during some of the preliminary hearings had seen his verbal abuse.  On more than one occasion, his own lawyers had to remove the husband from the meetings because the arguments got too heated.    
The divorcing couple both in their early forty’s had been married for 15 years,and had no children. Kevin got a very nice settlement for the wife, along with monthly alimony payments a family of five could live comfortably on, let alone just one person.  Kevin was pleased with the results of this divorce case.  The fees the wife paid him were quite a large sum also. He knew very well the husband was able to easily afford the court ordered payments.  The husband’s name was Tom, and he was furious with the settlement. He did not think it was a fair trial. He tried on numerous occasions to get the settlement appealed, but to no avail.  At the end of the final hearing, he told Kevin, he would get even with him for what he had done.  Kevin thought nothing of it.  The losing party in a lawsuit especially in a divorce proceeding always uses hollow threats.    
A few months had passed since the final settlement between Tom and his wife.  Kevin was working late in his office on a mountain of paperwork for other divorce cases he was working on.  He had been in court that day, so he was wearing his lucky trial suit.  It was a European designed lightweight navy blue pinstriped wool suit, a white shirt, and a silk tie that coordinated with the suit. He had many suits in his wardrobe, but whenever he wore this suit, it seemed to bring him good luck with the verdict usually going in his favor.  
 Everyone who worked in the law offices had left for the day.  While at his desk dealing with the piles of paper, Kevin heard some noises from in the hall.  He looked at his Rolex and thought it was a little early for the cleaning crew to be in, but he really did not know what their schedule was.  He thought if it were the cleaning crew he had better wrap things up, since they did not like to clean in the offices while people were still working.  Kevin finished what he was working on, and got up from his desk.  He went to the door and put his suit jacket on.  It was hanging on a wooden hanger from a hook on the door.  He realized he had forgotten his briefcase behind his desk.  He put the keys into the lock so he would know where they were and returned to his desk for his briefcase.  There was a knock at the office door.   Thinking it was the cleaning crew, Kevin said, “Come in”.   There was no response.  Again, there was a knock at the door.   Kevin repeated louder, “Come in”.   There was still no response.   After the third knock, Kevin went to the door, opened it and said, “YES”. Kevin was startled to see Tom standing there. Kevin asked him what he wanted. He told Kevin he wanted to talk to him. Kevin told him it was late and to make an appointment with his secretary in the morning.  He would see him during regular hours.  Tom told Kevin that this would not take long, and he was not going to leave without seeing Kevin tonight.  It was obvious that Tom had been drinking.  Kevin could smell the alcohol on his breath.  Kevin knew it was futile to argue with him, and told him to come in.  Kevin led the way into the office and went to sit behind his desk.  Kevin did not notice that when Tom closed the door to the office, he locked the door and took the key.  
Kevin settled himself behind his desk, and told Tom to have a seat.  Kevin’s desk was a giant carved wooden desk that was meant to intimidate anyone who was sitting opposite the person behind the desk.  He asked Tom what he could do for him.  Tom did not sit down, but paced the length of the front of Kevin’s desk.  After a few moments, Tom told Kevin he wanted to repay him for what Kevin had done to him. Kevin asked, “What do you mean”?   Tom’s response was, “I want to take the shirt off your back, and fuck you the way you fucked me!”  
Kevin was a bit startled, and gave a nervous little laugh.  Kevin was unsure what to say or do next.  He stood up behind his desk, and put his fists down onto the leather desktop and told Tom he was in no mood for games, and to tell him exactly why he was there or get out.  Tom said that was exactly why he was there.  
 Kevin told him, this was obviously going to be unproductive and he was going to leave.  Kevin got up from his desk to leave.  As he headed for the door, Kevin noticed the keys were missing from the lock.  He tried to open the door anyway.  Kevin told Tom to give him the keys.  Tom said if you want them come and get them.  Kevin approached him.  Tom sucker punched Kevin in the gut, and knocked the wind out of him.  Kevin was out cold.  
 Kevin woke up to find he was lying splayed on his desktop, with his hands and feet tied to various parts of the desk.  He looked around still in a daze and asked Tom what was going on and why was he tied to his desk?  He tried to free himself from his confines, but he could not loosen the restraints.   Tom said, “I told you, I was going to get even with you for what you did to me in the divorce”.   “We can work something out!”  Kevin said.   Tom replied, “It’s too late for that now. I am going to take matters into my own hands.”  
Tom stood over Kevin reached down and grabbed the breast pocket from Kevin’s suit jacket, and ripped it off.  He stuck it into his pocket.   “I remember, this is the same suit you wore to my trial!  This will make a great souvenir!”  Tom exclaimed.   He then took hold of Kevin’s jacket at the shoulder, and tore the sleeve off one arm, and proceeded to do the same to the other arm pulling the loose sleeves over Kevin’s hands and onto the ropes Kevin was tied to.  There was nothing Kevin could do in this situation.   “Stop, PLEASE!  This is my best suit!”  Kevin begged.   Tom just laughed and said “good.”   Tom took the jacket by one side and pulled it from under Kevin.  This caused the jacket to rip in half up the back center seam.  He then took the halves of the jacket, and ripped the jacket down the side seams in order to get the jacket loose from the ropes holding Kevin down.  Tom pulled the remains of the jacket off over Kevin’s head.  He then went to work on Kevin’s tie.  Very carefully he untied the knot in the tie, and removed it from around Kevin’s neck.  With the tie in one hand, Tom took a knife out of his pocket with the other hand, and cut the tie in half along the whole length of the tie.  Again, Kevin begged him to stop what he was doing before it was too late.  Tom leaned over the desk, and with the knife, sliced the buttons off Kevin’s shirt exposing the soft blond hair on his chest.  He pulled the shirt tails out of Kevin’s trousers, and the shirt fell open draping on the desk.  Tom carefully arranged Kevin’s open shirt on the desk before taking hold of one of the front pockets on Kevin’s trousers.  Giving it one good tug the trousers went RRRIIIPPP all the way down the side seam exposing Kevin’s muscular leg and the blue sheer nylon briefs he had on, which appeared to be color coordinated with the navy blue suit he had on. Tom walked around the desk to the other side of Kevin and took hold of the other front trouser pocket and did the same thing.  RRRIIIPPP went the trousers.  This time the force was so great, Kevin’s leg jerked up with the trousers.  Tom unfastened the belt from around Kevin’s waist and pulled it off.  Kevin was almost in tears pleading with him to stop what he was doing. Kevin said he would have the case reopened.   Tom ignored his pleas.    
 Tom then stood at Kevin’s head and put the belt around Kevin’s wrists.  He cut the ropes that were holding his arms down.  Kevin’s suit jacket sleeves fell to the floor.  Tom went down to Kevin’s feet, and with the torn tie, bound Kevin’s feet together before loosening the ropes that were holding him down.  He turned Kevin over on his stomach.  He tied Kevin’s legs back up with the ropes, and removed the tie holding his feet together. His legs were spread apart again.   Tom went to work relieving Kevin of the remainder of his trousers.  Twice, he stuck the pointed blade of his knife near the crotch of Kevin’s trousers, and twisted the knife making holes in the trousers.  Tom inserted one of his fingers into one of the holes and started probing Kevin’s ass through his nylon briefs.  Kevin twitched his sphincter muscle when he felt Tom’s finger probe.  Tom was unable to get his finger deep into Kevin’s ass, so he inserted a finger into the other hole he had made in Kevin’s trousers and pulled down on the fabric.  RRRIIIPPP the expensive fabric tore as his fingers pushed against it.  Tom tore the back of the trousers down to the back of Kevin’s knees before stopping and taking his fingers out of the tears he had made.  Grabbing the back pockets one at a time, Tom pulled until the pockets ripped on the trousers.  Pulling one pocket caused the center seam of Kevin’s trousers to rip open, and on the other pocket, the trousers ripped down from where the pocket once was.  Tom now had a nice view of Kevin’s ass, and could see the snug fitting robin’s egg blue nylon briefs that he was wearing.  Then he noticed the writing across the backside of Kevin’s briefs.  ‘Entrance in Rear’ was imprinted in bright red lettering on arse of the briefs. This made Tom chuckle.  
Tom yanked the torn trousers away from Kevin’s body.  Kevin felt the clasp and zipper break away from his trousers as they were being wrenched away.  Kevin was just lying there in the remains of his shirt and the nylon briefs now.  Tom slit Kevin’s shirt up the back with the knife, and pulled the remains over Kevin’s head.  Tom ran his hands down Kevin’s back and ass.  He rubbed Kevin’s briefs covered ass for a few moments.  Kevin let out a soft moan.  Tom was not sure if it was from fear or pleasure, but Tom did not care.  He liked the feeling of Kevin’s nylon briefs as they brushed against his hands.  He continued down the back of Kevin’s legs, stopping at his gartered sheer dark blue silk socks.  He ran his hands up and down the length of Kevin’s silk socks a number of times, before unlacing Kevin’s imported black Cuban heeled shoes.  Kevin wore Cuban heels frequently.  They gave him the illusion of being taller than he really was.  This was important to him, especially in court, when he wanted to intimidate. Gently, Tom removed Kevin’s shoes. After removing each shoe, he put it to his face and deeply inhaled the heady aroma of the leather.  Kevin was unable to see that Tom was becoming very aroused by this.  Tom let the shoes drop to the floor.  He inserted his knife into the toe of Kevin’s sock and stopped when his knife poked a hole through the foot of the sock.  With the sharp edge of his knife against the silk sock, he sliced the sock open, from the bottom of the foot through the top of the sock.  He pulled Kevin’s foot out of the sock, and left the sock hanging by the garter.  He did the same to the other sock.  Tom put the knife blade between Kevin’s legs.  Slowly, he ran the knife up Kevin’s inner thighs to his crotch, across the back of his briefs and down to his ankles.   Each time, he would stop the blade at the leg band of Kevin’s briefs and pick at the elastic leg band with the point of the blade.  Kevin was both excited and scared by the sensation.  Tom stopped running the knife at one of Kevin’s garters.  He slid the blade between Kevin’s leg and the garter.  With a swift flick of the knife he sliced one of the garters off.  When the elastic of the garter recoiled, Kevin involuntarily jerked his leg.  Tom ran the knife back up Kevin’s inner thigh and down his other leg and sliced the other garter off.  The hair on Kevin’s body was on end.  Tom ran both hands up and down Kevin’s naked legs.      
Tom repeatedly ran his hands over Kevin’s nylon briefs.  He was also touching deep between Kevin’s legs and feeling for Kevin’s cock and balls. He said, “I like your smooth nylon briefs, they do not stretch like most other nylon briefs I have played with before.  Too bad you will not have them much longer.” Kevin implored Tom to stop.   “I’m not like that, I am straight!” Kevin cried.   Tom put his hand deep under Kevin’s crotch, and found what he was looking for.   Tom laughed and said, “Your cock is telling me quite a different story, as does the writing on your sexy nylon briefs!”   Kevin had completely forgotten about the writing on his briefs.   “Please, please, don’t.  Leave me some dignity.”  Kevin begged.   “Dignity”, Tom shouted, “did you show me any dignity during my divorce proceedings”?  
 Tom ran the blade of his knife up and down Kevin’s blue nylon brief covered ass crack.  Kevin moaned again, and this time Tom knew it was not out of fear.  He ran the blade up and down a number of times before he let the blade finally catch on the nylon fabric.  Tom’s knife blade easily sliced through the delicate nylon fabric, revealing Kevin’s smooth plump bubble butt.  Tom sliced open the briefs from just below the waistband all the way down to where the fabric disappeared between Kevin’s legs.  Tom slid his hands into the sliced fabric, parted the fabric and began caressing Kevin’s ass.  Tom moved his hands apart.  The nylon fabric did not stretch, and began tearing under the tension.  Rips were beginning to appear along the bottom of the waistband and around the leg straps.  Kevin’s bubble butt was thrusting up through the torn fabric.  Kevin was getting very aroused but did not want Tom to know he was enjoying it.  
 Tom removed the restraints from Kevin and turned him over again, onto his back, before retying the restraints.  Tom was surprised that Kevin did not struggle too much and how easy it was for him to put the restraints back on Kevin.  Tom ran his hands up and down the front of Kevin’s briefs.  Kevin could not hide the fact that he had a huge boner inside his briefs. Tom looked directly at Kevin and said “I watched you every day in court.  That bulge was plainly visible through your trousers and was almost hypnotic to watch. Whenever you moved, the bulge moved up and down inside your trousers.  Now I am going to find out what you had hidden in those trousers.”   With that, Tom put his hands between Kevin’s legs and reached under his ass.  He found where his knife had stopped slicing Kevin’s briefs.  Tom pulled on the fabric with both hands. RRRIIIPPP, he tore the tantalizing nylon fabric of the briefs up the front.  Before Tom even finished ripping the nylon briefs, Kevin’s hard stiff cock jumped out of his briefs.  Tom stopped for a moment and gazed at the length and girth of Kevin’s cock.  Tom ripped through the fabric until he reached the elastic fabric covered waistband but he was unable to break it.  He tugged on the fabric until the nylon tore apart along the bottom of the waistband.  Tom stopped. He took his knife, and with one quick swipe, sliced the waistband.  Tom stared down at Kevin’s cock and balls.  He saw that Kevin was clean shaven, with the exception of a small patch of dark blond fur above his cock.  This small patch was almost hidden by the engorged size of Kevin’s cock.   “Straight my ass!”  Was Tom’s only response.    
 Tom hopped on the desk and was on his hands and knees.  He put his head in Kevin’s crotch.  He began to suck on Kevin’s swollen member, taking the whole thing deep into his throat. Kevin did not know what to make of this. He was thoroughly enjoying having someone take his whole member into their throat, but this guy had come into his office intent on harming him.  Kevin loved the sensation too much to worry about being harmed.  Tom stopped sucking Kevin’s cock, and moved up his body.  He kissed and nibbled on Kevin’s nipples until they both were hard and erect.  He then moved up a bit and started kissing Kevin all over his face.  Kevin raised his head, and could see the bulge in Tom’s slacks. Kevin put his head back down and did not resist Tom’s kissing him.  Kevin wriggled his arms back and forth, and found he was able to loosen the restraint. It seems Tom did not properly restrain Kevin’s arms the last time he put the belt on his arms.   With a little manipulation, Kevin was able to slip out of belt and free his arms.  Tom did not even notice.  He was too busy ravaging Kevin.  Kevin thought about pushing Tom off him, but he too was enjoying what Tom was doing.  
 Kevin reached down and started rubbing and caressing Tom’s hardened cock through the fabric of his slacks. If Tom was aware that Kevin had freed himself from his restraints, he did not show it.  Kevin could feel the wet spot of pre-cum on Tom’s slacks every time he would rub Tom’s hard cock near the tip.  Kevin decided to take a chance, and unzip Tom’s slacks.  Very slowly and carefully he unzipped them, hoping not to upset Tom.  Tom’s hard cock spilled out of the open zipper.  As Kevin stroked Tom’s hard cock, Tom moaned with pleasure.  Kevin heard this very clearly, since Tom was still kissing Kevin’s nipples and face.  After hearing Tom’s moans, Kevin got a little braver.  He slid his body down a little and positioned his torso directly over Tom’s groin.  His legs loosened from their restraint, and he was able to kick them off.  He was now free of all his restraints.  Instead of trying to escape, he reached up to Tom’s open zipper.  He took hold of the fabric on either side of the zipper and RRRIIIPPP!  He tore open Tom’s slacks ripping the zipper apart and continued pulling his slacks until the fabric ripped open between Tom’s legs, and up the ass seam.  Tom did not try to stop him from tearing open his slacks.  In the position he was in, Kevin was clearly able to see that Tom was wearing green and white checked boxers.  The white squares had green four leaf clover in them, and the green squares had white four leaf clover in them.  
Tom stopped kissing and sucking on Kevin.  He looked down the length of his chest and saw his slacks were torn open, and his hard cock was sticking out through the fly opening of his boxers.  He also realized Kevin was no longer restrained.  Tom positioned himself so he was able to flip Kevin over onto his stomach once again.  When he did, he reached under Kevin’s chest and pulled him up onto all fours.  Tom moved behind Kevin.  Kevin heard the sound of fabric ripping.  He turned his head quick enough to see Tom tear open his boxers at the fly.  He did not stop until he had torn his boxers completely off.  He then unfastened his belt and let his already torn slacks dropped to his knees.  Tom was stroking his already hard stiff cock.   He looked up at Kevin and said, “Sorry man, but I have to do this!”   Kevin knew what was going to happen next. Tom took the lifeless fabric that once were Kevin’s robin’s egg blue nylon briefs and finished tearing them off.  Kevin then braced himself for the worst.                
 Tom inserted his hard cock into Kevin’s ass.  Kevin tried, but was unable to stifle his cry of pain and pleasure.  Tom was not deterred.  He continued to pack his hard cock deeper into Kevin’s manhole.  After the initial pain of having a large dick shoved up his ass, Kevin started to relax and gyrate with the motion of Tom’s thrusts.  Kevin began to moan with pleasure.  Tom started to push harder and shoved more of his hard cock up Kevin’s ass.  Kevin took it all in.  Kevin felt like he was going to be split in half.  He screamed again.  While still fucking Kevin, Tom reached for Kevin’s hard cock, and found it to be wet with pre-cum.   He started to jack Kevin off.  Kevin was in a sexual frenzy, and could not take any more.  Tom knew Kevin was ready to have an orgasm and aimed Kevin’s hard cock to Kevin’s chest.  When he started to cum, Tom captured some of the hot cum in his hand, and used it as a lubricant on Kevin’s cock.  This only made Kevin cum with more intensity.  Kevin shot his hot cum on his chest, and Tom rubbed it over Kevin’s midsection.  No sooner had Kevin finished shooting his load, than Tom came in Kevin’s ass.  Kevin’s knees gave out from under him, and he and Tom fell onto the desk.  
 Tom pulled his now flaccid cock out of Kevin’s ass, as he did, his cum started oozing from Kevin’s ass. Tom got off the desk, and sat in Kevin’s executive leather chair with his legs spread far apart, dripping cum from his cock onto the chair.  He took the remains of his torn slacks off and threw them across the office.  Still wearing his shirt he stared at Kevin.  Kevin sat up on the desk and hung his legs over the edge of the desk facing Tom.  Tom’s cum was still oozing from his ass, and his own cum was dripping down his stomach.  
 Kevin looked at Tom and asked him, “Now what?”   Tom responded that he was satisfied, but there were still a couple of issues to deal with.   “How are we going to get out of here now?” Tom asked.   Kevin smiled and got off the desk.  He walked to a file cabinet in the corner and opened it.  He pulled out 2 pairs of sweats.  He tossed one set to Tom.  Kevin bent down and picked up a piece of torn fabric and wiped himself off with it.  He looked at the fabric again and noticed it was a piece of his blue nylon briefs.  He sighed with sadness.  He then put on his sweats.  Kevin saw that Tom had taken off his shirt and put on the sweats also.  
 Tom approached Kevin. He put Kevin’s hands into his own. When he did, he slipped Kevin’s Rolex from his wrist and held it up to Kevin.   Before Kevin could say anything, Tom said “if you want this back, you have my number and you know what it will cost you!” Tom turned, bent down and took the office keys out of his torn slacks.  He wadded up his slacks and put them under his arm. He then walked to the door and unlocked it before exiting and leaving Kevin there alone.      
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
The Wrestling Match
Mitch and Dave had been friends for years.  They went to high school and college together.  Both had done some amateur wrestling in college and were even on the wrestling team.  Even though they were on the college wrestling team, neither one was very good at it.   After college they went into the same profession, architectural engineering and design.  Mitch designed track housing, while Dave designed custom homes.  Both were very successful in their business ventures.   
One evening Mitch was over at Dave’s house to watch some television after work and have a couple of beers, as they often did.  Dave was dressed in his navy blue dress slacks, and Mitch in his black dress slacks. They had both kicked off their shoes and taken off their shirts and ties, leaving them in their tee shirts.  They were watching a documentary discussing new home construction, and future trends.  As the program progressed, they took opposite views on the presentation.  They voiced their dissatisfaction on the opinion that was being said to one another.  Dave told Mitch it was easy for him to see why he designed track houses, the work was easy, and there was not a great deal of imagination put into the design of track housing.  Mitch retaliated by telling Dave the only reason Dave designed custom homes, was that the people buying the homes made all the decisions, and he could put the blame on the buyers if something was wrong or did not look right. 
By the end of the program some heated verbal exchanges had occurred, and both men were on their feet demeaning the others professional abilities.  They had both consumed enough beer to repress their inhibitions, so name calling, swearing, and belittling was inevitable.  Dave reached over to Mitch and grabbed his tee shirt the sleeve and pulled it toward the center of Mitch’s chest, causing the tee shirt to rip at the sleeve, down the side, and around the collar.  Mitch’s chest was exposed.  Mitch was in very good shape.  He took pride in keeping fit.  He had a light coat of soft blond hair covering his chest and forearms. Mitch was startled by having his tee shirt ripped open, and without even thinking what he was doing, he grabbed Dave’s tee shirt by the ‘V’ neck collar and ripped the tee shirt down the front of his chest, exposing Dave’s well-defined chest and pecs.  Dave’s chest was clean-shaven, which showed off his many hours of gym workouts.  He liked the feeling of having his shaved chest rubbing against his tee shirt; it always made his nips hard.   
Dave and Mitch lunged for each other in one of their old wrestling moves and immediately fell to the floor thrashing around.  Dave got Mitch into a position where Mitch was on his back, and Dave was straddling him. Mitch’s knees were bent, and his feet were flat on the floor.  Dave’s hands were on Mitch’s knees.  Dave pushed Mitch’s knees apart.  Mitch groaned in pain as his groin was being stretched.  Dave heard something rip.  He stopped and looked down at Mitch’s crotch and did not see that anything was ripped.  He continued to stretch Mitch’s knees until they were almost on the floor.  Mitch had to do something quick, as the pain was becoming intense.  He managed to prop himself up on his elbows.  He put his weight onto one elbow, and with his free arm, managed to knock Dave off balance.  Dave fell to the floor.     
Mitch quickly got up and was able to take hold of one of Dave’s legs before Dave was able to move. He bent Dave’s leg and pressed it to Dave’s chest.  Unbeknownst to Mitch, Dave’s pants were snug on him.  When he brought Dave’s leg to his chest, Dave’s pants could not take the stress.  RRIIPP! Dave’s pants tore horizontally slightly near the rear seam.  Mitch looked down, saw the tear, and started laughing.  He put his hand on the tear.  RRRIIIPPP! He ripped Dave’s pants across the butt from the rear seam to the side seam.   “Hey!  What the fuck are you doing?” Dave shouted. 
Dave wriggled away from Mitch and stood up.  He put his hand to the back of his pants and was able to feel the leg band and exposed briefs at the rip in his pants.  Dave looked at Mitch quick enough to see that Mitch was going to head-butt him.  Dave stepped aside, and tripped Mitch.  Mitch fell to the floor, flat on his stomach. Dave knelt on the back of Mitch’s knees to keep him down.  He reached down and grabbed hold of Mitch’s pants from between his legs.  He pulled up on the fabric.  RRRIIIPPP, he tore Mitch’s pants open.  The fabric of his pants tore like tissue paper, but the seams remained intact.  The material at the crotch and the inseams were torn apart.  Dave looked down at the gaping rip he had created in Mitch’s pants and saw what he heard ripping earlier while stretching Mitch’s knees was actually Mitch’s baggy boxer shorts tearing.  Mitch’s balls were showing through the rip in the crotch of his boxers.   
Mitch managed to turn himself over and reached under Dave.  He took hold of the tear in back of Dave’s pants.  As he was doing this, Dave attempted to stand up and step back. The combination of Mitch holding Dave’s pants and Dave stepping back only caused the back of his pants to completely shred across the back, from side seam to side seam.   The seat of Dave’s pants was torn open completely, exposing the back of his briefs.  The torn fabric hung like an open flap.  Dave turned his back to Mitch in an effort to get away and end the foolishness.   Only to hear Mitch say in a mocking tone “Nice underwear!”   Dave’s briefs were white baggy fitting cotton briefs.  The kind of briefs a guy’s mother would have bought, and he wore in school, but never admitted to wear as an adult.  They were usually either Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, and heaven forbid your mom bought the cheap brand from JC Penny.        
 That was all it took, Dave flew down onto Mitch and attacked him.  After Dave delivered some good solid punches to Mitch’s stomach, he decided to take revenge on his pants.  Dave sat up and grabbed a handful of fabric near the zipper of Mitch’s pants and yanked it.  The frail fabric tore open fully exposing his boxer shorts.  In return, Mitch took hold of one of Dave’s front pockets.  He pulled on the pocket at the same time he was pushing Dave off him.  In doing so, Dave’s pants seemed to explode and tear apart from just below his waist band to his knee.   
Both men were swift to get to their feet.  It was a standoff.  Their strength and abilities were evenly matched, and they knew it.  Dave put his hand out to Mitch to end their clash. Mitch began to extend his hand, but instead, suddenly took hold of the torn front of Dave’s pants.  With one good yank, he completely ripped Dave’s pants apart.  Dave’s pants fell to his ankles.  In return, Dave took hold of the front of Mitch’s pants, and with the same motions, tore the front of Mitch’s pants.  They fell to his ankles also.  Mitch was standing there in his crisp white cotton boxers that had little antique cars and trucks all over them.  The rip in them was clearly visible.  They had torn just below the fly opening to the lower crotch seam.  This time though, it was Dave who pointed.   He laughed and said, “Nice boxers Dude!” 
Once again, they lunged for each other and began thrashing on the floor in their underwear and torn tee shirts, kicking off the remains of their slacks.  They rolled over and over and tore the remains of their tee shirts off. Without realizing it, they began rubbing their cocks together through their underwear.  They felt each other getting harder and harder as their weight shifted on top of one another.  Both of them pretended to make attempts at getting the other guy off him, but in reality, they were enjoying this man-on-man action.  At one point, when Dave had rolled on top of Mitch, he paused there for a moment.  Dave sat up and straddled Mitch’s groin.  He put both his hands into the fly opening of Mitch’s boxers.   Dave pulled the fly open, stretching the non-stretch cotton fabric beyond its limits.  RRRIIIPPP, Mitch’s boxers tore open along the fly, and completely tore the crotch seam down and through the boxer inseams.  He did not stop there.  He continued to stretch, pull, and rip the fabric until the boxers were torn loose from the elastic waistband.  
Mitch pushed Dave off him and stood up.  Mitch’s thick ample cock was at attention, and Dave could not help but notice. Mitch knelt down between Dave’s legs. He could see that Dave’s cock was hard and straining against the front of his now tight briefs.  Mitch rubbed and caressed Dave’s throbbing member through his briefs.  When Mitch was satisfied that Dave was good and hard, he took hold of Dave’s briefs by the fly, and pulled the fly in opposite directions.  Dave’s briefs gave out with one continuous RRRIIIPPP, and were completely torn off his body, leaving just the waistband intact. Dave’s large mushroom headed hard cock sprang up like a flagpole.  Mitch saw that Dave’s chest was not the only area of his body that was clean-shaven. Dave was completely shaved clean. The only hair was on his head. Mitch ran his hands up and down Dave’s body, paying particular attention to his cock and balls, and by the lack of any stubble, Mitch surmised that Dave had very recently shaved.  Mitch pulled the torn briefs from under Dave.  He put the briefs up to his face, in order to get the full musky scent of Dave.  He then looked down at Dave to see his handy work and admire Dave’s throbbing dick.  
Somehow in all their years together, they had never seen one another naked, let alone with an erection. They stared at one another for a few moments, before Mitch tossed Dave’s briefs aside, Mitch got back down on the floor, and put his head in Dave’s lap taking Dave’s erect cock into his mouth. Dave reciprocated by taking every inch of Mitch’s cock deep into his throat, seeming to want more.  They sucked the others hard cock with passion and expertise.  In their lust for each other, they realized that neither one of them had ever had such a hard and sustained erection.  The two of them had a great rhythm going, until neither one could hold out any longer. They both blew their loads at the same time, with the force and vigor of a teenager.  They felt the hot cum as it traveled the length of their shafts.   They shot their loads hard and long, overflowing each other’s mouth.   
After both men had sucked the other dry, and swallowed every drop of their sweet nectar, they just lay there for what seemed like an eternity.   Mitch finally said, “I’m exhausted.”   To which Dave’s reply was, “What was the argument about?”   “I don’t remember any more!”  Said Mitch.   “We need to practice our wrestling more often!” was Dave’s response.   They both responded “yeah!”    
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
The Mechanic
Bob was an arrogant 33-year-old businessman who made a fortune in .COM E-business.  He treated everyone as his personal servant, and felt he was better than they were.  He insisted everyone call him Robert, not Rob, or Bob.  He got away with this most of the time, because of his smile, and boyish looks.  He was cute, and he knew it.  He still had his perky bubble butt and usually wore briefs which were too small for him, so that they hugged his butt and made it look bigger.  
Robert had taken his Mercedes SL Roadster into his favorite mechanic for some minor adjustments, an oil change, and lube job.  The reason this was Robert’s favorite mechanic was that Robert was able to bully Eric, the mechanic, and Eric would always end up cutting what he would normally charge for service in half from what it should be.
Eric was a 35-year-old red head, built like a lumberjack.  It took a lot to get him upset, but once he was mad, watch out! There was no holding him back.  
Robert was late as usual in picking his car up.  Eric had to wait until 7 PM for Robert to get there.  Robert immediately started harassing Eric about the work performed and how much it cost.  Eric tried to explain to Robert that because of the type of car he was driving, parts were a lot more expensive, even at the wholesale level which is what he had charged Robert.  Robert did not want to hear anything about Eric’s costs.  Robert looked the car over and noticed there was a small spec of grease on the hood.  Eric apologized and started to rub the grease off the hood.  Robert went ballistic.  He called Eric every name in the book, told him he was an incompetent mechanic, and said he was going to have Eric’s certification from Mercedes pulled. Eric had had enough.  He told Robert he has made every effort to make him a satisfied customer, but that he was never satisfied, and there was no way to ever satisfy him.   Robert looked at Eric and said, “you little mother fucker, I will buy this business, take your house, and your car, leaving you a penniless bum on the street.”  
Eric turned away from Robert and walked over to his workbench.  Robert followed him, and demanded he look at him while he was talking to him.  Eric turned around to face Robert and proceeded to smear axle grease down the front of Robert’s off white cotton broadcloth shirt and white silk slacks.  Robert was horrified.  He could not get a word out before Eric smeared more grease on Robert’s face.  Robert turned to run out of the garage.  He was not fast enough.  Eric caught up with him, and with his greasy hands pushed Robert over the hood of his Mercedes.  Robert’s arms were out in front of him as his body was pinned to the hood of the car. Eric proceeded to smear more grease over the back of Robert’s designer shirt, and down the legs of his designer slacks.  
After Robert was good and greasy, Eric wiped his hands off on Robert’s shirt.  He then grabbed the rumpled fabric and ripped the back off Robert’s shirt.   Robert yelled, “What the fuck are you doing?” Eric then applied grease to Robert’s back. Reaching down inside the front of Robert’s slacks, he rubbed grease all over Robert’s cock, balls and ass.  Eric could tell that Robert was wearing some briefs which were snug on him.  The grease had already stained through Robert’s silk slacks.  Eric then attacked Robert’s slacks.  Eric took the back of Roberts slacks, and ripped them down the center seam, to the inner thigh seams.  The silk tore very easily.  This exposed Robert’s grease stained ‘My Little Pony’ briefs.  Eric was puzzled by what he saw.  He grabbed the inner thigh seams of Robert’s silk slacks one at a time, and tore them down through the cuff of the slacks.  He pulled Robert’s grease covered silk slacks away from his body and threw them to the floor.   “What the fuck are you wearing, Man?  ‘My Little Pony’ briefs?”  What’s that all about?”   Eric queried Robert.   “Tell me, what am I missing?”  Eric then shouted.   “They are my favorites!”  Robert quietly and humbly said. “I like ‘My little Pony’.” Robert then pleaded.  “No more Mr. Eric, I’m sorry for what I said.” Eric ignored Roberts pleads.  Eric rubbed more grease into Robert’s now grease stained briefs, and into Robert’s crotch and ass.  Although he was scared, Robert got an immediate hard on from the sensation of having grease lubricate his cock and balls.  Eric turned Robert over, so that his greasy back was lying on the hood of his Mercedes.  He took Robert’s and slid them off Robert’s body.  
“Say goodbye to your ‘My Little Pony’ underwear!”  Eric said mockingly.  He tossed the grease stained briefs across the room.    
Robert’s cock was fully erect.  Eric took more grease and started giving Robert a hand job.  With his other greased up hand, Eric probed Robert’s legs, and thighs.
 With one quick hand swipe, Eric tore what remained of the front of Robert’s shirt off him.  All that was left of his shirt, were the sleeves, which were stuck to his arms because of the grease.    
Again, Eric turned Robert over, so that his firm round ass was fully exposed.  Once Robert’s ass was greased up, Eric unzipped his coveralls, letting them fall to the floor.  He slid down his red jockstrap, exposing the red mound of fur that surrounded his large, hardened dick.  Eric lubed up his own dick with grease and shoved it up into Robert’s ass.   Robert let out a piercing yell. “NO MORE!” However, Eric continued to thrust into him. Eric pulled out of Robert just long enough to push him onto the floor.  Eric stepped out of his coveralls and jock and continued to fuck Robert.  Robert was delirious from both the pain and the pleasure he felt in his ass.  Robert managed to get up on his hands and knees while Eric was still fucking him.  Robert wiped some of the grease that was on his balls into his stiff cock and gave himself the hand job of a lifetime.  He had never had a lubricant so thick and smooth running up and down the length of on cock.  After a few minutes, Robert let himself go.  He came like he had never cum before.  Even after his body had ceased producing cum, Robert continued to crank his shaft.  He could not believe that he was still hard and fully erect.  
Eric then pulled out of Robert’s ass.  He flipped Robert over on his back and gave himself a hand job.  It did not take long for Eric to cum.  He shot his load all over Robert’s face and chest.  Once Eric was finished, he knelt down, and wiped his greasy cum filled hands all over Robert’s face and chest, smearing cum and grease together that was already all over his body.
Eric walked away from Robert.  He bent down and wiped his cock off with the Robert’s ‘My Little Pony’ briefs, and then put his red jock and coveralls back on.  He turned and was glaring at Robert.   “I suggest you put the top up on your car. Get in it and get the fuck out of my garage NOW!  I NEVER want to see you in this establishment again!”  Eric shouted.   With those words spoken that’s exactly what Robert did.  Giving little thought about getting grease on the leather seats of his car or the thought of being naked driving home.
“‘My Little Pony’ briefs! Now I have seen everything!”  Eric said to himself.  “I will admit, they were cute on him!  Perhaps I should keep these.  Maybe I will wear them eventually!”  Eric placed the greasy briefs into a pan with degreaser in it, hoping the grease stains would come out.    
A few months later, Eric was at home reading the newspaper, and saw an article about Robert.  It seems Robert, now referred to as Bob in the article went bankrupt with his .COM E-business and owed a fortune in back taxes. He was now living at the YMCA. There was a photo attached to the article showing Bob riding a bicycle instead of driving a Mercedes SL Roadster. Eric sighed to himself.  “Oh well, I guess I would have lost him as a customer anyway.”   Eric then thought of the ‘My Little Pony’ briefs.  He remembered cleaning them in the degreaser and then laundering them, but he had forgotten about them.  He went into his underwear drawer and looked for them.  To his surprise he found them, and they were completely clean.  There was no sign of any grease stains on them. “Perhaps I should put these on tonight, before going out!”  Eric said with a chuckle.  
0 notes
diegodog2002 · 2 years
The Tailor’s revenge
Adam was a real estate broker and developer for a very prestigious real estate in a large city. He was a well-built 35 year old with sandy blond hair, a square jaw, and beautiful blue eyes.  It did not hurt that he was good looking also, and he knew it. Adam worked out 3 to 5 days a week at the health club to keep in shape.  The club was located in boy’s town.  Most of the guys envied the body he had.  At his age, he could still get away with wearing skimpy and flimsy next to nothing workout shorts and worn out tee shirts that left very little to the imagination, and he did.  During the workouts, when he was on the workout bench, he made sure his legs were spread as far apart as possible to give the other guys a view between his legs.  His jockstraps were stretched out and really were of little support value.  They were great for letting everything hang out, so to speak.  He knew what he was doing, and loved the attention he got.  He usually removed his workout shirt immediately after his workout, just to flaunt his physique.  Once in the locker room, he immediately stripped off his gear, and took his time showering and dressing.  He would often prance around the locker room with just his towel around his neck.  Many a health club member would approach him and either ask him for a date or just want to make out with him.  However, Adam was never interested in them, or would ignore them.  He was always the tease.  
 On this day, after his workout, Adam had a meeting scheduled with a new client to discuss a multimillion dollar real estate development deal that would give him over a year’s salary in commission in this one transaction.  He brought his suit, shaving gear and other essentials with him so that he could go to his meeting after his workout.  As usual, Adam strutted naked around the locker room after his shower. He brushed his teeth, combed and quaffed his hair, and shaved.  
After he put his sheer OTC socks and garters on, he pulled a linen suit bag out of his locker.  The bag contained his suit.  Adam examined the suit.  It was a tailored tropical gabardine wool navy blue suit.  This was the first time he was to wear it after all the alterations had been made on it.  He had given the tailor a very rough time during the many fittings.  Each time the tailor was done with the alterations, Adam went in and tried the suit on.  He would complain about something and make the tailor re-do it.  Graciously, the tailor made the changes as requested, but after the fifth free re-fitting, the tailor and Adam were yelling at each other about the quality and amount of work the tailor had done.   The tailor finally told Adam to take the suit.  He was doing no more alterations.   “Don’t even bother to try the suit on, I will not be doing any more alterations!”  The tailor said.   The tailor said that it would have been cheaper for him, if Adam were to have a suit custom made.  The tailor also told Adam that he had lost more money because of the alterations, than what Adam had paid for the suit.  However, the tailor told Adam he did not want to lose him as a customer, so he gave Adam an imported linen French cuff white shirt to go with the suit.  Naturally Adam took the shirt without hesitation, and left the tailor shop without trying on the suit again.  
 Adam put his shirt on, followed by his tie, and then affixed his gold cufflinks. He had to look at himself in a full length mirror to see how he looked.  With the exception of his shirt, tie, socks and garters, Adam was naked. As usual, he liked what he saw.  In his opinion, the shirt fit him beautifully. It was fitted at the shoulders, and tapered as it went down to his waist.  For most guys, the shirt would have been too tight in the shoulders and arms, but this is how Adam liked his shirts.  He adored seeing the outline of his chest through the fitted almost sheer fabric.
 In the truest sense, Adam was a narcissist.  He was getting an erection just looking at his reflection.  He would walk around the locker room naked, but he did not want the other guys to see him with an erection.  He was afraid it would give them the idea he was interested in them.
 Adam put his underwear on in an attempt to hide his erection.  Since Adam loved how he looked, he always bought underwear that was too small.  Today was no different.  He wore a pair of white nylon ‘Jockey’ brand briefs that were too small on him.  They had red hearts all over them.  Under the hearts was written “I love you.”  A true narcissist, Adam was in love with himself. The outline of his erection was clearly visible through the stretched nylon fabric, and the briefs themselves were stretched to their limits.  As it was a few seam threads popped when he finally pulled them up over his hips. Adam took his suit pants off their hanger and put them on.  He immediately knew something was wrong with them.  They were too tight.  He could barely get them over his hips.  The waist was almost impossible for him fasten.  When he did finally get the inside waist button buttoned, and outer clasp and button fastened, he had to struggle with the zipper to get it closed. They were too tight around his butt, and thighs.  It was as though he got someone else’s slacks.  The length of the pants was the only thing that was correct.  He pulled up his braces and slipped on his shoes before he had a look in the mirror to see how the pants looked.  He was not happy with what he saw.  The pants were so tight, that every line and seam of his too tight briefs showed through the imported fabric of his pants.  He was wearing a pair of pants that were many sizes too small. He had no choice but to leave them on, because the only other clothing he had to wear were his sweats and workout togs, and there was not enough time for him go home and change his clothing. He thought about taking off his underwear, but he had such a difficult time putting his pants on, that he did not want to go through the ordeal again.
 He took the jacket off its hanger and put it on.  He thought that perhaps he could just button the jacket up and hope it would cover the extreme tightness of his pants.  When he put his arms in the jacket he immediately knew the jacket was too small. It was too tight in the shoulders and arms.  There was no way he was going to be able to button the jacket either.  This was turning into a disaster.  Adam was furious.  He took the jacket off and tore the lining out of it, hopeful it would give him a little extra room.  At this point he did not care.  He was cursing the tailor, and mumbling that he will pay for his incompetence.  Adam put the jacket back on, trying to hide both the loose threads that were now hanging, and the fact that it was also too small on him.  He managed to button the jacket, but he knew it did not look all that good.  Adam splashed some cologne on before putting the rest of his gear back into the locker and locking it up.  He had to have one last look in the mirror, just to see the calamity. From the front, the suit did not look too bad.  The buttons of the jacket were pulling and stretched.  The real disaster was when he turned to see how the back of his suit looked. All he saw was the tight jacket pulling and gaping open the rear vent of the jacket, and his butt bursting out of the jacket vent.  The suit definitely was, and looked too small on him.
 Adam left the gym, hoping no one had seen him in this embarrassing ill-fitted suit.  He had to take the subway downtown for his meeting. He looked at his watch and noticed it was later than he thought!  He had to hurry if he was going to be on time for his meeting.  He quickly walked the distance to the subway station, and noticed how hot it was this morning.  When he got to the underground platform he needed, it was packed with people, all waiting for the same train he wanted.  He had to get on it.  If he waited for the next train he would be late.  He pushed his way and squeezed into the train.  He and made his way in and away from the door.  As soon as the doors closed, it became quite apparent that the air conditioning was not working properly.  The train became a sweatbox very quickly.  Adam wanted to go to another car, but there was no way for him to get to the door to the next car.  He stood where he was and began perspiring.  With each stop the train made, it seemed more and more people got on. No one got off.  Adam felt the heat of everyone around him, and the warmer he got, the more he perspired.  He suddenly felt beads of sweat rolling down his back and wicking into his pants and briefs. His only thought was this was not the image he wanted to portray to his clients.        
 The train got into the downtown area.  There was a mass exodus at one of the stops.  Adam noticed there were finally some empty seats and decided to sit down the rest of the way and try to cool down before he got to his meeting.  When he plopped down into his seat he heard something rip.  He knew it was his pants, but did not know what gave out, until he looked down at his crotch and saw that the seam below his zipper had burst.  His red heart white briefs were showing.    He calmly put his hand on the ripped seam to see how bad it was. He ran his fingers the length of the tear.   It had stopped where this seam intersected the inner thigh crotch seam.  Adam was nervous now.  He had to meet with his clients in a torn pair of pants.  Thinking about his situation only made things worse.  He began to sweat profusely.  
 When Adam got to the station he needed, he quickly exited the subway train and took the stairs up to the street level.  He was so focused on not being late to his meeting that he forgot about his tight pants. He ran up the stairs taking two and three steps at a time.  That was until he heard a series of RRRIIIPPPs.  “Fuck!” he said to himself, and immediately stopped on the stairs.   He pushed his jacket aside, and saw that the front pocket seam of his pants tore on both legs of his pants.  There was going to be no hiding these.  His underwear and part of his upper legs were exposed. His heart briefs were clearly showing.   He had to leave his jacket on.  Carefully, he took the rest of the stairs to the street one step at a time.  
 The early morning heat had now transcended into a very humid mid-morning.  The temperature above ground was no better that what he was subjected to in the subway.  Adam walked the two blocks to the office tower where his meeting was to be.  He knew the address of the building was familiar, but did not know why.  Then it dawned on him, his tailor was in the very building where he was to have his meeting. When Adam saw this, he knew he would be stopping by the tailor shop immediately after his meeting to find out what happened to the alterations on his suit.  
 Adam looked at his watch again and saw he only had a few minutes to get up to the offices of his clients.  However, he wanted to stop into the men’s room and compose himself.  He found one in the lobby, and dashed in.  He grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser, and wiped his brow and face.  He took off his jacket, only to see his shirt was soaking wet.  He knew he had to put his jacket back on, not only because his shirt was wet and clinging, but also because it was hiding the rip in the pocket seams of his pants.  He checked the torn zipper seam.  It seemed to be alright.  The tear had not gotten any worse.  
 Adam exited the men’s room and took the elevator up to his client’s floor.  He looked at his watch when he reached the offices.  He was on time.  He was greeted by an angry receptionist who informed him he was half an hour late.  The clients had been waiting, and chastised her for his not being there.  It seems Adam was never given the information about the change in time from his secretary.  The receptionist pointed Adam to the room where the meeting was already in progress.  Adam knocked on the door and slowly opened it.  An executive motioned for him to enter.  Adam made an attempt to apologize for being late, but the executives did not care.  He was late, and they told him they hoped this was not how he conducted business. Adam suddenly realized this was not a small meeting room with a few executives.  It was a large conference room, complete with a stage for his presentation.  There were at least fifty high powered executives and directors in attendance. They motioned for Adam to take the stage and get his presentation going.  He had already wasted half an hour of their time.  When Adam got onto the stage, one of the executives told him that this meeting was being videotaped so it could be played back to the entire board of directors for their approval of the plans.  Adam began his presentation, only to realize all the stage lights were on, and there were spotlights shining on him.  Needless to say, it was very warm on the stage.  
 Adam had practiced and memorized his presentation.  Fortunately, all the materials he needed for his presentation had arrived.  He was projecting the images of the presentation on a screen that was behind him on the stage.  
 Adam’s presentation was going well, with the exception of the heat and him sweating.  He went to reach up to the projection screen to point out an important fact, when he heard a loud and long RRRIIIPPP!  There was a little nervous laughter from the audience. Adam quickly put his arm down.  The damage was done.  The back center seam of his jacket had completely ripped in half, and to make matters worse, since he had torn the lining out of it, there was nothing to hold the two halves of the jacket together.  The jacket fell to his hands.  Before the halves of his jacket could fall off completely, Adam took them off and put them on the desk in front of him.  The desk had been nicely laid out with all the presentation documentation he needed.
 Adam was not sure what to do.  It was obvious that the rips in his pants were noticeable, and he had been sweating so much, that his shirt was completely soaked and had become transparent. He looked down at his chest and arms, and realized it was as though he was not even wearing a shirt.  His barbell nipple rings were showing through as were his protruding nipples.  This would have been a good day to wear an undershirt, he thought to himself.  Adam attempted to ignore the transparency of his shirt and continued with his presentation.  He moved around the stage hoping the air movement he was creating would dry his sweat soaked shirt.  It was not working though.  Adam felt the sweat beads continue to roll down his chest and back.  He knew the waistband of his pants was wet with sweat, as was his underwear.  He suddenly became aware that his braces had become loose.  The buttons holding them on had somehow come off.  The tight waist of his pants seemed to keep the buttons from falling to the floor, however his braces were just sitting on his shoulders and were attached to nothing.  Quickly, Adam stepped to the side and off stage.  He took the braces off and tossed them on the floor.   While he was off stage, there was a question from the audience asking Adam if everything was alright.  Adam retuned to the stage and said everything was fine.  
 Adam returned to his presentation.  A maintenance engineer came up on stage with a large fan and an extension cord.  Thank goodness Adam thought.  This should give some relief to the heat.  After placing the fan on the floor he disappeared off stage. Unexpectedly the fan came on.  However it was on high speed.  All the neatly stacked papers that were on the table suddenly started blowing off the table.  Adam quickly ran to the table to collect them.  By then the table was in disarray and his papers were all blowing through the air, and falling on the floor.  The whirring fan stopped when the engineer saw what had happened and unplugged it.  
 Adam began grabbing after the papers as they floated in the air.  He reached up with both arms to catch some of the sheets as it began to float down.  When he did, his shirt began ripping at every seam.  The wet tight shirt could not withstand being pulled in so many directions. His shirt was so tightly tucked into his pants there was no give.  The arm seams ripped where they were connected to the body of his shirt.  Once they had ripped, it was just a matter of seconds before the threads in the side seams appeared to dissolve and deteriorate. The sleeves were barely holding on, and the side seams were torn open all the way down to where his shirt disappeared into his pants.  He was so concerned about his papers, that he never noticed his chest and back were bare, and his nipple barbell rings were on full display.  That was until he saw his shirt hanging down around his waist. His shirt had fallen completely apart.    
 Without thinking, Adam bent down to pick up the papers from the floor.  He had forgotten that his pants were tight.  No sooner did he begin to crouch down to pick up the papers, when RRRIIIPPP.  It was as though someone or something had pulled his pants in every direction away from his body.  Every seam on his pants seemed to explode.  It was quick and sudden.  His pants fell to the floor in multiple sections.  Had it not been for the fact that the legs were loose around the ankles, they would have completely split apart.  Adam quickly stood up, but it was too late.  He was standing in front of the entire audience in his ‘Jockey’ briefs with red hearts and I Love You.   His torn shirt had now also fallen to the floor.  Laughter erupted from his audience.   He then heard the voices of some of the audience say “We love you too!”   Adam did not know what they meant until he looked down and realized his ‘Jockey’ briefs were now seen by everyone. Totally embarrassed and humiliated, he tried to cover himself up by bending down and pulling up the torn pieces of his pants.  His nylon ‘Jockey’ briefs were so wet with perspiration they were transparent and stuck to his body.  When he bent down another RRRIIIPPP could be heard.  He had torn the back of his tight briefs wide open.  It was a good thing he was facing the audience, they did not see his ass on display through the enormous rip.  He yanked his pants up, but all he managed to do was finish tearing the seams of his pants around his ankles.  He had nothing to cover himself with.  He was unable to move.  Everyone was laughing and calling out to him.  He just stood there in his briefs and sheer OTC socks and garters and shoes.  All that remained of his shirt was the collar and his tie, shirt cuffs and cufflinks.  Adam finally regained his composure and ran off the stage.  However he somehow caught his briefs on the corner of the desk, RRRIIIPPP.  They shredded, ripped and tore completely off him.  His white nylon ‘Jockey’ briefs with hearts and ‘I Love You’ were left hanging on the corner of the desk as he ran offstage naked.    Adam could hear the laughing.  He found a corner behind the stage to hide in.  He did not move.    
 Adam waited where he was for over half an hour.  It appeared audience had left the conference room and everything was silent.  He heard noises on stage, and looked to see what was going on. The maintenance engineer was packing up the equipment.  Adam got his attention, and told him what had happened.  He asked the engineer if he had anything he could put on to get out of the building.  The engineer told him he would check and be right back.  When the engineer returned, he apologized to Adam and told him all he could find was a pair of briefs that someone had left behind.  Adam looked at the briefs, and was mortified.  The briefs were a pair of cheap white cotton briefs that were printed with ‘Hello Kitty’ images all over them.   “This is all you could find?”  Adam asked.   “Take them or leave them.  We don’t keep a supply of clothing here for strippers.” The maintenance engineer quipped. The maintenance engineer was about to take them out of Adam’s hands, when Adam said “I’ll take them”! Adam slipped the briefs on.  They were too big and baggy on him.  They looked even more ridiculous than his too small ‘Jockey’ brand briefs.  The leg straps were hanging lose, the waistband was barely tight enough on his waist to keep them from falling down.   The maintenance engineer could not keep from chuckling.  He told Adam that it might be best if he were to take off his socks and garters, and just keep his shoes on.  Adam noticed there was a full length mirror hanging on the wall just before you entered the stage.  Adam stepped over to the mirror and looked at his reflection.   “Not the stud I am used to see in the mirror.” Adam mumbled to himself. “What did you say?”  The Maintenance engineer asked. “Nothing.  It was nothing!”  Adam sighed. Adam returned to the area where the Maintenance engineer was, and sat down on the floor.  He removed his shoes, socks, and garters as well as his tie and cufflinks. He tossed the shirt collar and his shirt cuffs aside.  He put his shoes back on and rolled the garters, tie, and cufflinks up into the sheer OTC socks.   As he got up from the floor, his ‘Hello Kitty’ briefs slid down off his waist to his knees.   “Mmmm, perhaps you should just leave here naked, I approve!”  The Maintenance engineer said with a grin and a wink.   “Ha ha!  Very funny!  I don’t think I want to be arrested for indecent exposure after all of this!” Adam said.   Adam then pulled up his baggy briefs.        
 Adam asked if there was a back exit of the stage to a service elevator he could use, so that no one would see him.  The engineer told him how to get to the service elevator and gave him the codes necessary to get to the lobby of the building without stopping on any floors. Adam saw his braces on the floor. He picked them up, and with his socks and garters in hand, Adam headed for the service elevator.  He was relieved when he reached the service elevator area of the lobby without being seen.  As he was ready to leave through the maintenance exit of the building, he saw the entrance to the tailor shop.  
 Adam ran into the tailor shop to confront the tailor.  His baggy briefs had begun to slide down his lean torso once again.  He stood in the middle of the shop wearing his ‘Hello Kitty’ baggy briefs and shoes.  He put his hands on his hips and struck and indignant pose.  The tailor saw Adam and began laughing.   The tailor said “I see by your current choice of clothing that your suit is no longer wearable.”   Adam began yelling and cursing at the tailor. “Calm down, everything was fine.”  The tailor said.   Adam was beside himself, yelling “Fine?  How could everything be fine?  I just did a strip show for the executives, and most likely lost a multimillion dollar contract, not to mention my job too!”   “Nothing has happened.”  The tailor told Adam.   He reminded Adam, that he is the tailor for all the executives in the building, and asked the executives for a favor.  He asked them if it was possible to change the date of the meeting.  They did, without hesitation.  Adam asked the tailor how he knew the date of the meeting. The tailor responded, “You told me many times exactly when you were going to wear the new suit and what it was for. Remember?” Adam nodded his head.  He had remembered.  The tailor continued saying that then he hired actors to play the parts of everyone in the conference room, including the Maintenance engineer.  The tailor said Adam’s suit and shirt had been stitched together with substandard thread.  The thread was also treated with a chemical that reacted to moisture and would dissolve. Perspiration was perfect.  He told Adam there was no way his incorrectly made suit was going to remain intact.  However, the tailor said he did not know Adam was going to tear his underwear off.  Adam asked him how he knew about his underwear.  The tailor said, “I watched it on closed circuit TV.”   “I saw EVERYTHING!  By the way, I loved the ‘Jockey’ brand white nylon briefs with hearts on them.  The ‘I Love You’ was an added bonus!”  The tailor said.   “Every detail of your briefs was clearly visible, and this includes the fact that they were way too small on you! Shame on you for even wearing them under one of my suits!”  The tailor added.   Adam’s face turned bright red.   Adam asked him why he did this to him. He replied that Adam was getting too arrogant and self-centered.  He needed to get back to what was important.  The work he was doing was important, not the clothing he was wearing!  
 “Those was not the board of directors and executives I was supposed to really meet with”?  Adam asked. “Nope, they were all hired actors.  Your meeting is really scheduled for next week. Your secretary should have all the new information by now.”  The tailor stated.   Adam was totally relieved.  The tailor handed Adam a garment bag.  Adam looked at it quizzically.  The tailor told Adam that it was his suit.  He handed Adam a new shirt and tie, and a new pair of proper fitting red silk briefs.  He told Adam to go into the fitting room and get dressed.  When Adam returned wearing the suit, the tailor asked him if there were any problems with the suit.   Stepping in front of a mirror to look at himself, Adam replied “it is perfect.”   The tailor responded “good, I guarantee this suit will not fall apart on you!” “What should I do with these?”  Adam asked, holding up the baggy ill fitting ‘Hello Kitty’ briefs.   “Just drop them in there!  They will be disposed.”  The tailor said, pointing to a waste paper basket next to where Adam was standing.                                  
0 notes
diegodog2002 · 2 years
Brian the geeky groomsman
Brian had always been a bit of a geek.  Even though he was in his late twenties, he constantly looked disheveled.  He was a good looking guy, but it was very difficult to notice, because of his shaggy hair cuts, scruffy beard and thick lensed glasses. Brian did not know or care how he dressed or looked.  No matter what he wore, he looked unkempt and messy.  Brian’s real problem was he was very clumsy.  He was constantly tripping over his own two feet.  Brian still had patches in the knees, because he fell so often.  
His cousin Joey was getting married, and Joey’s family insisted he have Brian as one of his groomsmen. Brian and Joey had grown up together and had been the best of friends.  Growing up, people mistook them for twins, because of their strong family resemblance. After high school, they grew apart and went their own ways.  Joey tried in vain not to have Brian stand up for his wedding, because Brian did not fit into the image the groom and the groomsmen wanted to portray.  They were all very good looking muscular guys. Brian was a little overweight.  He was not fat, but could afford to lose a few pounds and he was not muscular.  He would rather spend time working on his computer than spend any time working out to build up any muscle.  His cousin Joey tried to encourage him to workout, especially before the wedding so that he would fit in, but Brian did not want anything to do with working out.
Brian first met the other groomsmen at their tuxedo fitting.  The tuxedo’s his cousin ordered were very expensive.  They were designed for the man with an athletic build.  That build being broad shoulders, and a small waist. The tuxedos were made of the finest silk and wool materials.  There was no way this style tuxedo could be altered to suit Brian’s average build.  They were able to find him a plain black cheap tuxedo to rent that would allow him to just blend in and not be noticed.  Of course the other groomsmen strutted around like peacocks in their newly purchased custom fit tuxedos.    
Brian was forced to socialize with the groomsmen a couple of more times before the wedding.  Each time it was the same drunken rowdiness.  Being the loner that he was, Brian lacked in the social skills. He though they were a bunch of womanizers and drunks. Unfortunately, he told them so, and they did not like it.  From that point on, Brian was more or less ignored and only called upon when absolutely necessary.  
On the day of the wedding, Brian tried to make himself presentable.  However, he had forgotten to get his hair cut and have his beard trimmed. After he showered, he combed and brushed his hair the best he could.  He remembered he needed his black shoes from the back of the closet.  He pulled them out only to find they were completely scuffed up.  He quickly got his shoe shine kit out and started to polish them.  In his usual clumsy way, he ended up with black shoe polish all over his hands and in his fingernails.  He tried to get the polish off his hands, but he could not.  He was unable to get all the polish out from under his nails either.  After an extended scrubbing, he gave up and put his rented tuxedo on.  His tuxedo trousers were a little snug.  The Tuxedo Shop did not want to give him the next size larger, because the jacket would not fit correctly then.  The rental shop only rented tuxedos in matching sizes.  A specific size jacket went with specific size trousers.  So in order for his jacket to fit correctly, he had to have trousers that were snug. They were not only snug in the waist and seat, but in the thighs as well.  Brian accepted this.  He was too embarrassed to say anything at the fittings, because the other groomsmen looked so good in there tuxedos.    All went well with putting on his shirt and trousers, until he had to tie his bow tie.  It was not a clip on or wrap around the neck and clip.  He fumbled with it and did the best he could, which was not a very good job.  Once completely dressed, Brian looked in the mirror.  It was as he expected, he looked frumpy.  The look was not great, but presentable.  
Brian locked his house and walked down the street to where his car was parked.  When he stepped off the curb, he twisted his ankle and fell to his knees.  Panicked, he quickly got up to assess the damage he had done to his tuxedo trousers. He checked the knees of his trousers and saw he had scraped them.  They did not tear, but the fabric had become very thin and was almost see through.  He brushed away the dirt and got into his car to go to the church.    
Outside the church, Brian heard someone calling him from the other side of the grassy area.  It was his cousin Joey.  His cousin motioned for Brian to come over.  Brian waved and started walking across the grass.  He did not know the grass had recently been watered. Joey shouted for him to walk around the grass, but it was too late.  Brian’s shoes and the cuffs of his trousers became mud laden.   Joey fixed Brian’s tie and told Brian to go into the men’s room and clean the mud off his shoes and trousers.  Brian returned a few minutes later.  The wedding party then had their photos taken.  Of course, Brian was hidden behind the other groomsmen, and only his head was visible in any of the pictures.            
Brian made it down the aisle and to the reception without tripping or falling over anything.  He was beginning to feel some confidence about being part of the wedding party at long last.  It was now time for the dance.  He had to dance with the bridesmaid he walked down the aisle with.  Brian was not too keen on this idea, because he was never a good dancer, but he knew it was required of him.  When the dance music began, both he and the bridesmaid met on the dance floor.  Fortunately for him it was a slow dance, so he could count the beats in the music and move accordingly.  The dance was going fairly well with just a couple of missteps and feet getting stepped on. Close to the end of the dance, the bridesmaid took a step forward, but Brian did not take a step backwards.  When she took her step, her spiked high heel came down and got caught in the cuff of Brian’s trousers.  She nearly fell down.  Amazingly, Brian caught her waist to stabilize her and keep her from falling. This was a rare feat of coordination for him.  When he did though, her heel pierced the cuff of his trousers and put a hole in the cuff. Her heel slammed onto the floor. She was unable to see that her heel was still caught in the cuff of Brian‘s pants because her flowing dress was covering up his pant leg.  She attempted to move away from him, thinking they had separated, but they had not.  She moved forward and to the side of Brian, but when she did, Brian heard the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing RRRIIIPPP. The leg of his tuxedo trousers tore up the front of his leg from where her heel had pierced the cuff.  Matters were made worse, because they were both moving in a forward direction, and all it did was put all their momentum force on the front of his trousers.  Before Brian could get her to stop, she had taken another step.  The tear to his trousers had grown and they tore at the weakened fabric at his knee.  
He quickly grabbed her and told her not to move.  Brian moved her dress away to show her that his trouser leg was ripped.  She let out a nervous giggle and tried to get her heel free from his cuff, but she was unable to free her heel.  The fabric covering on her shoes adhered to his trousers like Velcro.  He thought it would be best if he unstuck her shoe.  Being careful not to tear his trousers any more than they already were, he stepped away from her.  He crouched down.  That was the worst thing he could have done.  The tight rear of his rented tuxedo trousers exploded.  RRRIIIPPP, they tore open from his zipper all the way around and through the waistband.  His suspenders were all that was holding up his trousers.  Brian quickly stood up and tried to run off the dance floor, forgetting her shoe was still caught in his trouser leg.  He took one step, and RRRIIIPPP, the already torn pant leg ripped the rest of the way up his leg to the waist of his trousers.  His upper thighs had been tight in his trousers, and there was no slack in the fabric.  They were already stretched as much as they could be.  He took this step so quickly, that it knocked his dance partner to the floor.  Her shoe came off her foot, but was still stuck to his trousers.   He stopped just long enough to finally get the shoe released from the fabric of his pants and tossed it at her.  
The other four groomsmen encircled him on the floor and said they would help him out of there.  They told him they were all going to move in the same direction and get him to the men’s room.  Two groomsmen took the torn rear of his trousers and pulled it together to close up the gaping rip.  The other two groomsmen pulled the front rip in his trousers together to keep his leg and thigh from being exposed. When Brian began to walk in one direction, all the groomsmen took large steps in the opposite direction.  Brian’s trousers strained as much as they could, and then RRRIIIPPP, the fabric of his trousers began to totally fail and tear apart.  The men holding the back of his trousers together pulled back, causing his pants to rip apart down the inner thigh seams.  While the men holding the front of his pants together simply pulled the torn fabric across the front.  The front fabric tore apart just under the waistband, and across to the other side.  They yanked down on the torn fabric causing his pants to rip down the front of the other leg.  They all gave one more quick tug, RRRIIIPPP, what remained of his weakened torn pants were wrenched from his body, breaking the buttons that held his suspenders on. One of the groomsmen was quick enough to get Brian’s jacket off him.  
Brian was frozen.  He stood there in his cheap, shabby, ill-fitting, dingy white cotton briefs.  He had tucked his shirt inside his briefs, thinking it was the proper thing to do when wearing formal attire.  The groomsmen all pointed and laughed while they tugged on his briefs.  Brian quickly ran to the men’s room.  His cousin Joey watched in horror as this happened.  It was so fast he did not have time to react or stop the groomsmen from doing what they did.  Joey raced over to the groomsmen.  He grabbed Brian’s jacket from them and ran to the men’s room after Brian.  Joey burst into the men’s room before Brian had a chance to bolt the door.  Joey apologized to Brian and told him he had no idea this was going to happen.  Brian did not believe him and was nearly in tears.  
Joey told Brian he was going to make it up to him right now.  He said it was time his groomsmen learned a lesson.  Joey called the groomsmen into the men’s room.  He informed the groomsmen what they had to do in order to make it up to him for the embarrassment they caused both Brian and him. He told the groomsmen to take off their pants.  Of course they all protested and said they would not.  Joey said fine, and quickly grabbed the pocket on one of the groomsmen’s trousers.   RRRIIIPPP, the groomsmen’s trousers ripped down the side of his leg.  Before the groomsmen had time to react, Joey quickly grabbed the torn fabric and ripped the side of his trousers completely exposing his leg.  Again Joey told the groomsmen to take their pants off before he finished ripping them off each and every one of them.  Reluctantly, they removed their trousers.  Both Joey and Brian began to laugh hysterically.  One of the groomsmen was wearing a red jockstrap, another had on a florescent yellow thong.  The groomsmen whose trousers Joey ripped had on a pair of briefs with ‘Hello Kitty’ images on them, and the fourth groomsman had on a pair of black bikini briefs that had read ‘Hot Stuff’ in bright red lettering emblazoned across his butt.   Joey looked at them and said “Fine group of guys you all turned out to be!  At least Brian was smart enough to wear proper underwear!”   Joey then ordered them to take their jackets off, and roll the bottoms of their shirts up and tie them in a knot so that their underwear or lack thereof was fully exposed.  He then dropped his trousers to reveal he was wearing a pair of white briefs, however they were obviously new.  He too had his shirt tucked into his briefs.  He also took his jacket off.  
Joey instructed the groomsmen to walk out of the men’s room and continue with the reception.  Joey offered Brian his trousers, but Brian refused them saying that what was good for one was good for all.  
Joey re-entered the reception room first.  He saw his bride and approached her.  She looked at him and was shocked.  He whispered in her ear to just go with it, this was for Brian.  Joey took his bride and was heading to dance floor.   She nodded and said OK when she looked over Joey’s shoulder and saw the other groomsmen entering in their embarrassing underwear.   They all tried to cover themselves up with their hands, but it was of no avail. Brian walked out last.  He had a big smile on his face.  He saw his bridesmaid partner and led her to the dance floor.  She too was taken a back, until she saw that Joey and the bride were dancing.  Joey gave the other groomsmen a signal to find their respective partners and dance with them.  Reluctantly, they followed his instructions.  No one in attendance had laughed when Joey and Brian started dancing, but when they saw Joey’s groomsmen in their embarrassing underwear the room became a roar of laughter at the expense of the groomsmen.  
Joey, Brian and the other groomsmen remained at the reception without their trousers and jackets, as they were instructed to do.  Joey called the photographer over and requested a special picture be taken of him and Brian.  Joey asked Brian to take his glasses off for the picture, and Joey messed up his own hair. When the photo was developed, they looked like twins again.  
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Arrested, naked in jail   Part II
My name is Jack Woodward. I am the guy who was arrested by the cop in the park for littering and indecent exposure.  My boyfriend is Derrick Welles.  He is the gorgeous Thom of Finland looking motorcycle rider who fucked me in jail, and brought me home.   After my jail experience, Derrick and I got to know each other.  We found we had a lot in common.  One of the kinkier things we had in common was or love of wearing embarrassing underwear, and seeing if one of us could expose the other wearing them.  We had fun being in a restaurant and before leaving after we ate, one of us would inevitably grab the back pocket of the others pants, and RRRIIIP, tear the pocket down to the knees of the victim. This would give everyone in the restaurant a great view of the others embarrassing briefs.  Sometimes Derrick would wear a pair of briefs that were totally outrageous.  Perhaps they would be polka dotted, or even look like a pair of boys briefs with cartoon images like ‘Scooby-Doo’ all over them.  I think his most embarrassing briefs is the pair that had ‘My Little Pony’ images all over them.  Where he found those briefs, I have no idea.  Me on the other hand, I like to wear briefs that were made from sheer or shiny fabrics, and they too would be on the embarrassing side.  Especially the time I wore a pair of sheer white nylon briefs that said ‘Hungry Bottom’ across the arse.   That evening when Derrick went to rip the back of my pants open, he got a bit carried away, and the back of my pants ripped apart and fell to the floor, exposing my ‘Hungry Bottom’ to the whole restaurant.  Needless to say I was mortified.  Whoever was exposed first, was then forced to get ice cream, or some other dessert from a takeout shop, with his underwear exposed.  By the time we got home, we were both so horny, we could not wait to get into the house and get the rest of our clothes off.  
Derrick and I talked a lot about our arrest.  We found out that our arresting cop was Officer Rod Stanton.  We were able to find out that he was one of those gung ho type cops who wanted to arrest everyone, no matter how minor their offence was.  He personally arrested Derrick a few more times after our jail incident.  The charges were always insignificant ones that would never hold up in a court of law, and ended up being dismissed by Stanton’s superiors.
We both had enough of Rod’s antics, and decided it was time for us to take him down a few pegs, and bring him back to reality.  We began by checking out officer Rod’s work schedule.  We found out he worked a Monday through Friday schedule, and he was always on the day shift.  Once we got his schedule we followed him a few times to see where he lived, and what his routine was.  Turns out, Rod was single, and was a very predictable fellow.  Every morning he left his house at exactly 4:30 AM and went to the gym.  He got to the gym at 5:00 AM without fail.  He left the gym at 7:00 AM.  He would be wearing the same clothing as when he entered the gym.  A pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.  He arrived at his police precinct at 7:45 AM.  When he got out of his car, he always had his clean uniform hanging up in the back seat of his car.  He would put his uniform on while at the precinct and start his day at 8:00 AM.
The best thing about getting to know Rod’s schedule was that when he last arrested Derrick, Derrick gave Rod a little stuffed animal.  It was a pig dressed in a cop’s uniform.  Hidden inside the pig was a motion activated camera, and a microphone.  We had hoped Rod would take it home and we would be able to watch his evening habits while at home.  Rod did not take the pig home.  He put it in his work locker.  Whenever Rod opened the door of his locker, it activated the pig, and we were able to watch Rod change out of his sweat pants and into his police uniform, and we could hear his conversations.  Every day was the same routine at the lockers.  Rod would strip out of his tee shirt and sweatpants.  He would carefully fold them up and put them in the bottom of his locker.  Rod’s underwear was as routine as he was.  He always wore white Fruit of the Loom brand boxer briefs.  Not the fashion type of boxer briefs, but the kind that had the briefs style fly on them, and long legs.  When he finished his workout, Rod would shower and put his boxer briefs and his sweats back on.  
It was now time to humiliate our friend Officer Rod Stanton.  Derrick and I had every step of our plan detailed and worked out to the second. It was to our advantage that Derrick has a bit of a shady and unscrupulous past.  He has many friends who were able to help us out, and teach us things we needed to know in order for our caper to work.   Our first step was to follow Rod from his house to his gym.  As usual, Rod locked his car in the parking lot of the gym.  He always parked in the same spot every day.  After he was in the gym, Derrick and I were able to pick the lock on his car.  We learned this skill from one of Derrick’s friends.  We had to be careful, as we did not want to set off the car alarm.  Once we unlocked the car, we took Rod’s uniform out of the back seat.   We had obtained some slow working corrosive solution that over a period of about six hours would totally dissolve all the threads of his uniform thus causing his uniform to fall apart while he was wearing it.  The timing of this was crucial.  We wanted Rod to be around a lot of people when his uniform fell apart.   Once we had the solution on his uniform, we carefully rehung it on the hanger and then hung it in the back seat of his car. We locked his car back up and went into the gym.   As usual at this early hour of the morning, there were very few people in the gym.  Rod was friends with the few guys who worked out at this gym at that hour of the morning.  The gym was a men’s only gym.  This alone led us to be suspicious of Officer Rod.  
After Rod had completed his workout, he took his shower like he always did.  This was where our timing had to be critical.  While he was in the shower, Derrick and I had to unlock his locker, and steal his gym clothing, his jockstrap, and his underwear.   One of Derrick’ “friends” taught me how to open a typical gym locker.  He told me they were all the same, and breaking into one was easy.  It took me a lot of practice, but I finally learned how to do it.  Derrick was my lookout.  As soon as Rod was in the shower, I started my job of cracking the gym locker.  I had exactly eight minutes in which to open the locker, remove his belongings, replace them with our items, and re-lock his locker.  I was as nervous as could be.  I hoped I would not get caught by anyone, and have enough time to complete my task.  It took a few tries before I got the locker unlocked.  Once I did, I removed Rod’s things and replaced them with ours.  Derrick was signaling for me to hurry up because Rod had finished his shower and was drying off.  Somehow I managed to get everything done in my allotted time period.  Derrick and I rushed out and hid behind some lockers at the other end of the locker room.   “What the fuck is this?”  Rod shouted.   There was no one there to answer his query. The other guys who Rod associated with had already left the gym.  We watched them leave the gym before we went in.   “Who the fuck took my workout clothes and left me this shit?”  Rod shouted again.   “Goddamned mother fuckers.  I’ll get even with those guys.  I thought you were my friends!”  Rod mumbled.   Derrick and I quickly left the gym.  Our timing was great.  No one saw us leave with Rod’s clothing in our hands.  We rushed home so we could watch Rod change his clothes at the police station and see if phase two of our plan worked.   We got home in time to watch the pig camera start up just as Rod opened his work locker.  He kept looking around.  It was obvious he was waiting for the locker room to empty out before he stripped out of his sweats.  He finally took off his tee shirt, and began removing his sweatpants.  We were not sure what we were going to see when Rod removed his sweatpants.  As he slid them off, he revealed he was wearing a pair of red sheer lace panties. We could see Rod was trying to cover himself up as he removed his sweatpants.  There was no hiding this pair of underwear.  They were bright red. Rod looked around and began to play with himself.  It was evident that he was enjoying the feeling of the red lace panties.  Rod stopped when voices were heard in the background.  Just as Rod was pulling up his uniform pants, a voice in the distance was heard.   “Nice underwear!”  The voice said.  “I see you decided to spice up your life a bit and get rid of your usual underwear. I will bet all the boys like them! Hey guys, come here and get a look at Rod’s new under fashion!” “Shut the fuck up!  My supposed friends at the gym played a gag on me and took my underwear.  They left only these.”  Rod fired back.   “Yeah sure, OK, whatever you say.”  The voice said.   Before the other officers could rally around, Rod had pulled up his uniform pants and was putting his shirt on.  He stuffed his shirt into his pants without unbuckling them.   Derrick and I laughed while watching the video feed.  We made sure to record the event for our future enjoyment.  
Now it was time for the final part of Rod’s embarrassment.   Derrick and I put on some disguises so that Officer Rod would not recognize us.  We each put on a shaggy unkempt wig, dark glasses and some oversized rumpled clothing.   Once a week on this day, Officer Rod would go to a meeting of Sexaholics Anonymous.  Not as a group member, but as an officer of the law and speaker.  He would inform the meeting members how to try and overcome their problem and make it one of their twelve steps. As Officer Rod was beginning his talk, Derrick nudged me, and pointed to my shoulder.  I looked at Officer Rod.  I could see that his shirt seam was beginning to tear.  He had no idea of this and continued his talk.  Since Rod was not standing behind a desk or podium, the audience was able to see what was happening.  He wanted to make a specific point.  He went to the board behind him and grabbed a marker to write with.  When he reached for the marker, he dropped it on the floor.  With his back to the audience he bent down to pick it up.  When he did the back of his uniform pants split apart.  No sound was heard, but the butt seam of his pants burst apart, exposing his red sheer lace panties.  Rod had no idea his pants had torn open.  There was a roar of laughter from the meeting group.  When Rod stood up and turned around, he asked what was so funny.  Someone in the audience said that someone had just told a funny joke.   Rod returned to the board to write the specific point he was going to make.  Just as he raised his arm to begin writing, his shirt completely fell apart. It was still tucked into his pants, and that was all that was holding his shirt to his body.   “What the f…!”  Was all Rod was able to get out.   As if it was a normal reaction, Rod pulled the remains of his shirt off and tossed them to the floor.  Even before his shirt hit the floor the rest of his pants fell apart.  His pants looked like they were peeling away.  It began at the seam just under his waist band, and fell forward.  The weight of the fabric only helped in tearing his pants off him.  The seams of the front and back of his pants both fell apart at the same time.  It happened in only a few seconds, but there was Officer Rod, standing in front of everyone in just a pair of red lace see through panties.  Of course since he was in front of a group from Sexaholics Anonymous, they let out hoots and hollers wanting more.  Officer Rod was as red faced as his panties.  He ran to the door to get out of there.  However, as an added bonus to his embarrassment, his lace panties started to dissolve.  It seems that the chemical used on Officer Rod’s clothing had somehow been absorbed by his lace panties, perhaps from his perspiration.  Before Rod was at the door to exit, the front panel of his panties began dissolving.  He gave everyone in Sexaholics Anonymous a good view of his circumcised hairy cock and balls.  Somehow, as Rod opened the door to exit, he managed to catch the side of his panties onto the door latch.  As he ran out, whatever remained of his panties were wrenched off his body.  He now gave everyone the full moon shot!  Sexaholics Anonymous was in an uproar.  Everyone was asking if this was planned.  
While everyone was laughing, Derrick and I slipped out.  We were also laughing.  Before we left the building where the meeting was, we made the mistake of removing our disguises.   We heard Rod yelling.  “You BASTARDS!  I will get you for this!” Derrick and I started to run, but Rod was right on our heels.  Before we got a few steps, Rod grabbed hold of me.  He got me by the rear pocket of my disguise pants.  RRRIIIP.  He tore the back of my pants apart, exposing me wearing a pair of leopard print bikini briefs.   Rod tackled me.  Derrick was ahead of me, and heard me as I fell to the floor. Derrick pushed Rod off me, and to our surprise, Rod’s rod was erect.  He tried to cover himself up, but it was too late.  We had seen him.  Derrick was the first to say anything.   “You enjoyed this!”  Derrick said.   “No, you guys totally humiliated me!” Rod barked back.   “Yeah we humiliated you, but you liked being humiliated, and you liked being on top of Jack !  You want to have sex with him!”  Derrick responded.   “I was right!”  Derrick said to me.  “He is gay!” Rod started to get up while trying to keep himself covered up.   “No, no I am not gay!  I will get you for this so help me!’  Rod shouted.   “No you won’t!”  I replied.  “If you ever try to retaliate for this, I will make sure everyone sees you wearing your little panties and playing with yourself.  We will make sure everyone knows you are gay!” “How did you know I was playing with myself?” Rod sheepishly asked.   “We have video and pictures.  You leave us and Derrick’s motorcycle friends alone, and no one else will ever hear about this incident.  If anyone says they saw you, you can deny it.  But if you cross us, I will make sure everyone sees the video!” I stated.   “Agreed.”  Rod said.   Derrick and I left officer Rod there naked. How he got out of the building we have no idea.   All I can say is that before we got to our car, the back of my pants were torn off, totally exposing my leopard print bikini briefs.  I had to buy the ice cream today!
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diegodog2002 · 2 years
Pete West Construction Part II
Pete woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door of his hotel suite.  He was still exhausted.  Glancing at clock on the nightstand, he realized he had only gotten a couple of hours sleep.  In a loud voice, Pete asked who was at the door.  The response came back that it was Marcus from the front desk.  Pete told him to use his pass key and come in. When Marcus entered the suite, he announced himself again, and said he had a telegram and a package for Mr. West. Pete told him to come into the bedroom with it.  When Marcus entered the bedroom, Pete realized Marcus was the same desk clerk from last night.  Jokingly, Pete asked Marcus if he ever went home, since he always seemed to be onsite when Pete came and went.  Marcus chuckled back with “of course.”  Marcus was in his late twenties.  He was cute, with dark hair.  He had a decent build, not muscular, but a nice body just the same.  Marcus liked wearing tight pants, and enjoyed seeing other guys in them.  Today was no exception.  Marcus was wearing a pair of tight tan slacks, a white shirt and striped tie. As he entered Pete’s bedroom, it was evident he was wearing boxers under his slacks.  The hem of his boxers was visible through the material of his slacks, and his dick was nicely hanging against his left leg.      
Pete threw the covers back and got out of bed.  Realizing he was naked, he grabbed the bath towel that he dropped on the floor last night after his cleanup shower and wrapped it around his waist.  He apologized to Marcus.  Marcus said he was not offended by Pete wearing a towel.  
Walking to the end of the bed where Marcus was standing, Pete took the telegram from Marcus, and read it.  It was from the suits from yesterday.  They were postponing the rest of the week’s meetings and would resume them on Monday. They needed the rest of the week to discuss some redesign and improvement changes they wanted to propose to the architect, and would then bring him back in.   Pete was relieved.  He feared the worst when he started reading the telegram.  
Marcus handed Pete the package.  Pete ripped open the top of the sealed manila folder and dumped it on the bed.  It was his keys, wallet, cell phone, and a cigar. There was also a folded note that read “No hard feeling Mate.”  Pete frowned. He was not sure if the message meant that they had no hard feelings toward him, or he should have no hard feelings towards them.  Marcus asked if everything was alright.  Pete nervously responded “um yeah, everything is good.”  Marcus then asked if there was anything else he needed.  Pete asked Marcus to send up the tailor, as he needed a new suit.  He told Marcus that his suit had gotten badly stained and would not come clean.  Marcus grinned and said it would be his pleasure. Pete then asked Marcus to send up a breakfast tray.  Pete said his day was now free, and he was going to take advantage of it.  Marcus was leaving the suite to take care of the things Pete requested.  Pete followed him into the sitting room and handed him a tip before he left.  As Marcus turned to Pete, Pete’s towel came loose and fell to the floor.  Before Pete had a chance to pick up the towel, Marcus grinned and said the tip was not necessary.  He handed Pete a calling card and told Pete to call him if he needed anything, and he would be there to assist.  Pete knew Marcus was referring to the incident of the last evening.  Pete thanked him, rewrapped the towel around his waist and put the folded bill in Marcus’s shirt pocket.  
Pete showered and shaved. After, he stepped into the bedroom naked and saw that his breakfast tray had been delivered.  Marcus was also in the room, removing a new robe from its wrappings.  He told Pete he took the liberty of obtaining it for him.  Marcus held the robe open while Pete slipped it on.  Pete gave an approving gesture once the robe was on. The robe was a luxurious imported silk shorty robe, barely long enough to cover.  Marcus then poured Pete a cup of coffee from the tray and motioned for Pete to sit down and eat.  There was a knock on the door, and Marcus said he would answer it.  It was the tailor.  He wanted to show Pete some of the fabrics he had and measure him for the suit.  Marcus introduced Mr. West to the hotel’s Italian tailor Nash, short for Nashello. Marcus excused himself and was leaving, when Pete told him to stay.  Pete said it was obvious that Marcus had good taste, and he would value his opinion in choosing a suit material and style.      
After a brief discussion with Nash, both Pete and Marcus decided on a suit for Pete.  The suit should be a double breasted heather grey pin stripe gabardine suit.  Nash asked Mr. West if he would mind if he measured him for the suit.  Mr. West said he needed to put something on.  Nash told him that if he did not mind, he could get a much better fit if he were naked, and asked him if he minded.  Mr. West said he did not mind.  He got up from his chair and Marcus immediately helped him out of his robe.  Nash asked him to stand in front of the full length mirror.  It became apparent quite quickly that Pete was enjoying being fitted. Nash measured for every possible measurement of the suit.  When Nash measured Mr. West’s inseam, Pete got a hard on.  Somewhat embarrassed, he apologized.  Nash told him it was good that he got an erection.  He could measure for a proper fit if it should happen while he was wearing the suit.  He would make sure there was plenty of room.  Pete caught a glimpse of both Nash and Marcus in the mirror, and both had obvious erections in their pants.  None of them said anything, but it was obvious they all liked what they were seeing. Marcus made his exit, and reiterated to Mr. West that he was available for anything Mr. West may need.  Pete thanked him, and Marcus left.   Nash finished up this measuring of Mr. West and made numerous notes in his notebook. They chatted for a few moments before he too left the suite.    
Pete was feeling quite frisky after seeing Nash and Marcus with bulging erections in their slacks. He began to remember how Marcus’s hard cock pushed against his tight slacks. It looked like his hard cock was ready to rip the front of his slacks apart.  He then remembered how Marcus’ face turned red and he turned away from them. The only problem was that the back of Marcus’ slacks was now drawn very tightly against his ass cheeks, and the lines from his underwear plainly showed.  It was quite evident to Pete that Marcus was wearing a pair of briefs. Pete began to imagine that Marcus bent over to pick up the newspaper from the floor to put it in front of him and hide his erection.  But when he bent over, RRRIIIPPP, the rear seam of his slacks burst open, and his bright lime green silk briefs were in view.  Totally embarrassed, Marcus began to back out of the suite.  Nash had heard the thunderous rip and offered to fix Marcus’ slacks.  Marcus said no and continued to back out.  However, Nash being the consummate tailor that he was approached Marcus and wanted to see the damage Marcus had done.  Nash attempted to stop Marcus’ movements by grabbing hold of Marcus’ front slacks pocket.  Unfortunately, it was too late for Marcus to stop and RRRIIIPPP, Marcus’ slacks completely tore down the side, exposing his thigh and leg.  The little bit of fabric that was still stitched together in the back seam ripped apart also.  Marcus froze, and Nash let go of the torn fabric.  Marcus’ ripped slacks fluttered and fell to the floor.  Marcus’ lime green silk briefs were like a light beacon, with his stiff cock pointing the direction.  
Nash was beside himself! He could not apologize enough to Marcus for what he had just done.  Marcus was concerned how he was going to leave the suite now.  It was quite obvious that his slacks could not be fixed anymore.  Mr. West told Marcus to take a pair of his slacks from his closet.  They both knew though that his slacks would not fit Marcus. Marcus would never be able to get into Pete’s slacks, they were too small.   Nash looked at Marcus and told him to wear his slacks, and quickly took them off before Marcus had a chance to protest.  Marcus put them on, and he was very pleased with the fit.  There was only one problem though.  Nash’s slacks were thin white linen slacks, and when Marcus put them on, his lime green silk briefs could unmistakably be seen through the material.  Neither Pete nor Marcus had noticed this on Nash, because they both now saw that Nash was wearing a pair of off white silk briefs.
The phone rang.  Pete was jolted back to reality, but he realized he was stroking his hard cock, and oozing pre-cum.  He answered the phone.  It was one of the suits secretaries, making sure he got their telegram and reassuring him everything was alright.  
After the telephone call, Pete decided he would see what was in the area.  He dressed in a pair of casual slacks and a button down shirt. As he was leaving the hotel, he saw both Marcus and Nash in the lobby.  They all nodded to each other.  
Walking down the street a few blocks from the hotel, Pete saw the figure of a man who looked just like Jefe walking toward him.  Pete thought that it could not be Jefe.  This guy was impeccably dressed in a very expensive ultra-shiny grey shark skin suit.  The odd thing was he was wearing a bow tie with the suit.  It was not the combination normally seen for this type of suit, but it worked very well.  As the guy got closer to Pete, Pete realized it was Jefe.  Jefe walked right by him, without any semblance of recognition. Pete turned around and started following Jefe.  He was curious where he was headed dressed so nicely.  Pete kept his distance, and followed Jefe.  Pete’s eyes were immediately drawn to Jefe’s backside and the way Jefe walked.  Jefe’s hard bubble butt glided within the confines of the tailored suit pants.  It was hypnotic to watch.  The sun was at Jefe’s back, and shone brightly on his backside.  
Pete got on his phone and was about to call the phone number Marcus gave him.  However, Pete was quite surprised when Jefe entered the hotel he was staying at.  Pete put the phone away and entered the hotel lobby a few moments after Jefe.  Both Marcus and Nash gave him a quizzical look. Pete nodded and tilted his head to them to indicate Jefe was a person of interest.  Both Marcus and Nash nodded back and gave him a wink.  Pete followed Jefe into the hotel lounge.  The lounge was empty except for the 2 of them and the bartender.  Jefe sat down at a high table that had backless stools around it.  
Pete approached the table and said hello to Jefe.  He introduced himself to Jefe only as Pete.  Jefe said hello and introduced himself as Bruno Dickman.  Pete could hardly contain his chuckle, especially when he noticed Bruno was sitting on the bar stool with his legs spread apart, and the outline of his massive cock and balls was silhouetted beneath his shinny suit pants.  There was still no evidence that Bruno recognized Pete.  Pete was not sure where to take the conversation, but Bruno told Pete to sit down and have a drink with him.  Bruno said he was supposed to be in a meeting that morning with some business men who were building a large apartment complex, but he did not receive any notification that their meeting was cancelled until it was too late, and he was already in the area.  Bruno continued saying he had been walking around for a while and decided to pop in and have a drink.  Pete was now very interested in what Bruno had to say.    
Pete sat down on the stool next to Bruno.  The bartender came to the table and took their orders.  Bruno kept hitting Pete’s leg with his knee.  Each time he did it, Pete did not move his leg, until Bruno moved his. After a couple of drinks, Bruno hit Pete’s leg again, but this time he left his knee pressing against Pete’s leg. Pete took the opportunity to put his hand on Bruno’s upper leg.  Bruno stiffed up, but immediately relaxed, and never looked down to his leg.  They continued chatting.  Pete was pumping him for information about his cancelled meeting, and Bruno was very forthcoming with information.  Pete began to rub Bruno’s leg.  With each stroke, Pete was moving his hand higher up on Bruno’s thigh, until his hand stroke stopped when he brushed his hand against Bruno’s cock. Pete continued rubbing the length of Bruno’s upper leg nonstop.  Bruno did not know that Pete had a hand held fabric shredder, and with each up and downward stroke of his hand, the material on Bruno’s shark skin suit pants was being slowly being destroyed.  Bruno never realized what was happening to his slacks.  He kept repositioning himself on the barstool to compensate for his erection that was growing in his slacks.  
Pete intentionally dropped the shredder to the floor, and kicked it to Nash.  Nash was sitting at the table behind Bruno, and Bruno never saw him sit down.  Pete had told Nash the whole story of what had happened the night before.  Nash thought the tool might come in handy for Pete.
Pete went back to rubbing Bruno’s thigh.  When Pete’s hand met with Bruno’s crotch, it was quite evident that Bruno had a full erection.  Pete slid his hand back down Bruno’s thigh.  On the way up this thigh this time, Pete gently pressed one of his fingers into Bruno’s thigh.  Just as he hoped, the fabric tore open with the pressure of his finger.  He stopped there, and inserted his finger into the hole. He slid his hand up Bruno’s thigh. RRRIIIP, Bruno’s slacks were sliced open.  Pete sliced them open as far as possible, until his finger met with resistance with the fabric.  Bruno was unaware of what was happening, until Pete slide his whole hand up Bruno’s thigh, and ripped his slacks up to the waistband and grabbed his underwear clad hard cock.
Bruno jumped off the bar stool.  He finally looked down at his bare leg and began yelling at Pete, asking him what he did. Pete feigned ignorance as to what happened.  He said he just suddenly felt Bruno’s leg. Bruno did not know what to make of it. Nash and Marcus came up to the table. Being the concerned hotel employees they are, they asked Bruno what was wrong.  Bruno showed them his ruined slacks.  His toned thigh was completely exposed, as was a glimpse of his obviously very snug purple silk briefs.  Nash introduced himself as the hotel’s tailor and told Bruno to come with him and he may be able to fix his slacks.  Nash motioned for Marcus to come along, and told Mr. West to join them, if it was alright with Bruno.  Bruno said yes, and all three of them followed Nash.  Bruno was between Marcus and Pete, keeping very close to them so no one would see his ripped slacks.  
When they reached Nash’s tailor shop at the rear of the hotel, they all entered.  Nash put up the closed sign and pulled down the shade over the glass door.  He announced to them that they would not be disturbed.  Nash told Bruno to stand in front of the mirror so he could see what had happened.  Bruno started to take his jacket off, but Nash told him to leave it on for now. Nash knelt down in front of Bruno and looked at the torn fabric.  After inspecting the shred, Nash looked at Bruno’s other leg.  Nash took the fabric shredder out of his pocket, and secretly put it into his hand.  He was much more adept in using the tool than Pete was.  He ran his hand down the length of Bruno’s other leg as though he were inspecting the fabric.  Bruno watched him, and did not suspect anything.  With one run of the tool, he had Bruno’s other pant leg almost torn apart. Nash put the tool back into his pocket, and took the pant leg into his hands.  With the utmost ease, he pulled on the slacks at Bruno’s knee.  RRRIIP, Nash tore the other leg of Bruno’s suit pants from the cuff all the way up to the waist.  Bruno could not believe what had just happened.  This time, Nash pretended not to know what had happened. Before Bruno could say anything, Nash asked Bruno if he had worn the suit in bright sunlight.  Bruno said yes, that he had been walking around today before coming into the hotel for a drink, and it was a bright sunny day out.  Nash told him that he had seen this before with ultra-shiny shark skin fabric.  Nash made up a story about how bright sunlight caused the shark skin fabric to revert to its original shark skin, and now that the shark skin was out of water it would dry out and shred.  To his amazement, Bruno believed it.  Both Marcus and Pete listened to the story, and could barely keep from laughing.  
Bruno asked Nash how bad it was, and if anything could be done.  Nash told Bruno to turn around and he would check the rest of the suit. When Bruno turned around, Nash took the shredder tool and ran it up the length of Bruno’s suit jacket pretending to check the fabric with his hand.  He told Bruno to turn around again, and turn his head so that he could see the back of his jacket in the three sided mirror.  Nash pulled the front of Bruno’s jacket as though he were going to button it. RRRIIIP, he tore the back of the jacket, splitting it in half.  Bruno was astonished as his jacket slid from his shoulders, slipped down his arms, and fell onto the floor.  He said he was relieved that he was in the hotel when this happened. “Just think what would have happened if I were still outside walking around when this happened,” Bruno exclaimed.  
Nash told Pete and Marcus to step over and have a look at what was happening.  Nash passed the shredder to Pete.  Now that Pete had seen the shredder in action, he knew how to use it. Pete knelt down behind Bruno. Pretending to feel the fabric, he ran the shredder down the length of the back of Bruno’s slacks.  Pete announced that the fabric had a strange scaly feel to it.  Then RRRIIIP, he tore the back of Bruno’s slacks, exposing Bruno’s hard butt.  He separated the material to show off Bruno’s purple silk briefs, and socks and garters.  Now Bruno began to protest and ask what was going on.  Nash quickly took his measuring tape from around his neck, and tied Bruno’s hands together with it.  Nash pulled Bruno from in front of the mirror, and tied his bound hands to a large clothing hook in the wall.  Bruno was trapped.  He started yelling.  Nash told him to yell all he wanted.  Nash said the tailor shop was soundproof.  The hotel guests did not want to hear the noise from his sewing machines and clothing pressers.  Bruno realized it was futile to yell anymore and fell silent.  
Marcus asked if he could try the shredder.  Pete handed it to him.  Bruno turned his head and looked at Marcus.  He finally saw the tool and asked what it was.  Marcus said it was just a toy.  Marcus ran his hands up and down Bruno’s chest and back.  He commented on how luxurious the fabric of Bruno’s shirt was.  Bruno snipped with “it should be, it is Egyptian cotton and silk,.”  Marcus noticed Bruno’s nipples were getting hard under the shirt.  Marcus then ran the shredder up the arm of Bruno’s shirt, from the cuff to the shoulder, then down his back and then back up the back of Bruno’s shirt, and finally down the other arm and through the other cuff.  Marcus took hold of Bruno’s shirt, and pulled on it.  RRRIIIP, Bruno’s shirt ripped apart following the “M” outline Marcus made with the shredder. Marcus then made two little slices in the front of Bruno’s shirt near his erect nipples.  RRRIIIP, Marcus tore open the front of Bruno’s shirt.  Bruno began to yell and scream obscenities at all three of them, and demanding to know why they were doing this to him. Pete picked up the torn fabric from the back of Bruno’s shirt and stuffed it in Bruno’s mouth.  
Pete grabbed the back of Bruno’s head and asked him if he knew who he was.  Bruno shook his head to say no.  Pete asked him again and to be sure about his answer.  Again, Bruno shook his head no.  Pete walked away from Bruno.  He stepped over to a table and picked up a pair of scissors that were lying on the table.  He walked back to Bruno, and poked a number of holes into the back, sides and front of Bruno’s slacks.  Pete again asked Bruno if he knew who he was.  Bruno shook his head no.  Pete inserted his fingers into one of the holes he had made.  RRRIIIP, he tore the back of Bruno’s slacks open.  He asked Bruno the same question a number of times. Each time Bruno said no, Pete tore one of the holes he had made in Bruno’s slacks.  Bruno’s slacks were completely shredded, and reduced to thin strips of ribbon.
Pete asked Bruno again if he knew or recognized him.  Almost with tears in his eyes, Bruno shook his head no.  Pete finally told him to think about last night.  Suddenly Bruno’s eyes opened wide and he nodded his head that he remembered Pete.  Pete said “good”.   He opened the scissors up and with two quick swipes, sliced through the waist of Bruno’s ribbon torn slacks.  They fell to the floor.  Bruno’s hard bubble butt only covered by his purple silk briefs was on full display.  
Pete, Marcus, and Nash started to rub their hands all over Bruno’s body.  Bruno began to squirm.  He did not want to like what he was feeling, but it became quite evident by the boner that was trying to pop out of his briefs, that he was enjoying this. Pete sliced what remained of the back of Bruno’s shirt, and slide it off him.  Marcus untied and removed Bruno’s silk bow tie, while Nash unhooked Bruno’s garters and removed his shoes and socks.  Still tied to the wall hook, all Bruno had on was his purple silk briefs, which were barely large enough to cover his ample ass.    
One of them ran his hands up and down Bruno’s inner thighs, before pushing the leg band aside on Bruno’s briefs.  He put his hand between Bruno’s legs and up his butt into his ass crack.  Bruno sighed.  He spread his legs, giving unrestricted access to his to his ass.  They all noticed Bruno was enjoying this.  Marcus knelt down between the wall and Bruno.  He reached up, and took hold of Bruno’s brief covered cock.  It was already rock hard and front of Bruno’s briefs were soaked with pre-cum.  After rubbing and squeezing Bruno’s hard cock and balls, Marcus took hold of Bruno’s briefs at the waistband.  Using both hands, he pulled the waistband, stretching it to its limits, until RRRIIIP.  Marcus tore the front of Bruno’s purple silk briefs open.  Bruno’s hard cock shot out of its confines, almost slapping Marcus in the face.  Marcus fondled Bruno’s hanging balls, and took his big stiff cock licking the pre-cum off the head, before taking his cock into his mouth.  From behind, Pete reached under Bruno and continued to rip Bruno’s briefs.  RRRIIIP, Pete tore them up the backside center.  When the fabric stopped ripping at the waistband, he pulled on the waistband until it broke.  Once Bruno’s briefs were torn in half, Pete slide the two halves down Bruno’s legs and pulled them off.  
Bruno was ready to explode, and they all knew it.  Nash decided to take a risk and untie Bruno from the wall, but left his hands tied together.  Bruno did not try to escape.  Pete shoved his now hard cock up Bruno’s ass.  Marcus continued sucking Bruno’s stiff swollen cock, while he had his own cock in his hand.  Nash dropped his pants.  He removed Bruno’s gag and forced Bruno to give him a blow job.  Bruno did not fight them in any way.  He was too busy enjoying himself.  It did not take very long for all four of them to cum simultaneously.  
After regaining their composure, Pete asked Nash if there was a back exit from the tailor shop. Nash said there was.  Pete looked at Bruno and told him that he had to get home the same way he had made Pete get home the night before.  They all grabbed Bruno and carried him out the rear exit of the tailor shop.  Pete tossed Bruno his shoes and socks, and told him that was all he was left with. Pete then told Bruno that if he got home without incident to come by the hotel again tomorrow, and they would talk about the supposed apartment building Bruno thought he was going to get the contract for.  Bruno began to ask Pete what he knew about the building contracts, but before slamming the door he said “No hard feeling Mate.”            
0 notes
diegodog2002 · 2 years
Pete West Construction Part I
Pete West enjoyed a good cigar bar where he sit around with the boys and have a good chat, and other things.  Usually when he went out of town, he would search out a cigar bar.  Tonight was a little different though.  He had just moved to this city and wanted to find a new hang out.  
Pete was a very successful building contractor and had just landed the contract for a very large high rise apartment building.  He had just finished the first of what would be many long business meetings with the owners and architects of the building.  
Pete wanted to make a good impression on these business men, because he knew they had a number of projects they were working on and Pete wanted their business.  He wore his only suit for this occasion.  He felt a little out of his element wearing a suit.  He was much more comfortable wearing his jeans and lumberjack style shirts, but he knew he needed to impress them.  Deep down he hated the corporate suit type of person.  He felt they were all fakes, and now here he was, dressed up and acting just like them. He had bulked up and gained body mass since he bought the suit.  His suit did not fit him anymore.     He always felt that working construction was the best thing for him.  It had made his body hard and trim without him having to go to the gym for daily workouts. The suit was now too tight on him and it was not comfortable to wear.  He knew if he really wanted to, he could probably hulk out of the suit.  When he put on his white shirt, he found it to be badly stained, worn in the elbows, and it really was no longer white.  It had a yellow tinge to it.  The buttons on the shirt strained when Pete buttoned the shirt up.  Pete hoped his tie would cover up the strained buttons and the suits would not notice.        
Pete was so worn out from his daylong meeting, that all he wanted as a stiff drink or two and a cigar. While walking back to his hotel from the meeting, he stumbled upon a small somewhat rundown tavern that had a sign hanging in the window that said “Cigar Bar”.  He was not sure where he was, as he had been walking, just to try and clear his head, and did not paying attention to the directions he was heading in.  Pete realized this was a mistake, especially dressed in a suit.  When he saw the rough looking guys inside were all wearing torn and tattered jeans, and the guys serving the drinks were obviously subservient he knew he had better get out of there.  Pete tried to back out of the bar, but he could not.  He was being pushed further in by a group of guys trying to enter. He quickly took his tie off and stuffed it into his pocket, and unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt, to make himself look a little more casual.  
As Pete walked up to the bar, all conversations seemed to stop, and he felt all eyes staring at him. He quickly ordered a scotch neat and a bottle of beer, nothing fancy, just a regular guy’s drink.  Once he ordered his drinks, it seemed things in the tavern went back to normal.  He pulled the bar stool out, and straddled it as he sat down.  As he did, he heard some of the threads pop and rip in the rear seam of his suit pants.  He knew this might happen, since the suit was old and ill fitting, so he decided to ignore it and check out the damage when he got back to his hotel.  Pete looked around the tavern.  No one seemed to notice or hear his pants ripping.  He did notice a few guys were smoking cigars, and this did please him.  Pete was ready to take a cigar out of his pocket when his drinks arrived.  Instead he took his wallet out and paid for his drinks. After paying for his drinks, he went for his cigar, when he realized he needed to piss.  He did not want to light up the cigar and have to leave it to go to the Men’s room, so he scanned the small tavern looking for the Men’s room. He saw the sign in the darkened back corner of the tavern.        
Pete got up to go to the Men’s room.  He walked through the saloon doors and saw there was a guy in the little vestibule standing in front of another closed door waiting to enter the Men’s room.  It became apparent that the Men’s room was occupied, and Pete would have to wait to use it.  Pete leaned on another unmarked closed door waiting his turn to use the men’s room.  The guy waiting to enter the Men’s room ahead of Pete pushed Pete backwards, through the closed door he was leaning against.  Pete fell flat on his back on the floor.  The room was filled with a haze of cigar smoke and smelled of a mixture of cigars and booze.  He looked up and saw the guy who pushed him through the door shut the door and bolt it. Pete did not know what was going on. He looked up from the floor to see a group of rough looking guys all smoking long thick cigars.  Pete was unsure what to make of the situation, and did not want to remain lying on the floor.  He quickly jumped up into a crouching position and then stood up.  While in the crouching position, he heard a few more seams pop on his suit slacks.  He quickly looked down and saw that his beefy thighs had burst the inner thigh seams some. Unfortunately, his suit jacket also fell victim and tore along the main back seam.  He had to ignore it all.  At the moment, he knew it was more important to get off the floor and avoid the possibility of being used by these guys.
Once standing, Pete surveyed the room.  There were 5 guys in the room with him.  Every one of them was good looking and muscular.  They were all dressed very similarly, in tattered jeans and torn lumberjack shirts.  Pete made a remark that it looked like a “Paul Bunyan” convention.  The guy that was obviously the leader of the group spoke up. He told Pete that he had a lot of nerve coming into their bar dressed in a suit.  
The leader was a tall muscular blond with a swimmers build, broad at the shoulders and a skinny waist. It was not until he turned and circled the room did Pete notice his ample bubble butt. Pete was not sure he was actually seeing what he saw or if the haze of the cigar smoke was affecting his vision, but the leader’s jeans appeared to be skin tight and paper thin.  It was evident that they were once blue, but now they were thread bare and nearly white.  In the dimly lit haze, Pete could see his bubble butt was pushing hard against the ass of the jeans.  The rear seam disappeared into his ass crack.  It was apparent to Pete by the way this guy walked that his butt was rock hard and muscular.  The weakened fabric was straining to keep his ass contained in the jeans.  Large tears had already appeared at the top corners of both back pockets, in addition to all the other tears.  Pete had to do a double take on the leader.  When he turned to face Pete again, Pete could not help but stare at the leader’s crotch.  His large cock and balls were very clearly outlined beneath the jeans.  The head of his circumcised cock was displayed as though he were not wearing anything.  
Pete did not want to appear submissive to this guy.  He knew he had to assert his dominance or run the risk of being turned into a slave.  Pete strutted and struck a peacock pose that made him look big and rough.    After hearing the leader spout off about how Pete looked and what kind of guy was allowed into their private club, Pete wanted to be accepted by them, and be part of them.  To show he was not afraid of them, Pete brazenly took a cigar out of his inside jacket pocket. His cigar was also long and thick, the perfect phallus.  Pete knew this was going to be a cock fight.  He tossed the wrapping of his cigar on the floor before deep throating the cigar to moisten it.  Pete let the cigar dangle from his mouth as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his Zippo lighter.  He flicked the top of the lighter, and spun the striker with his thumb.  Unfortunately when he spun the striker, the lighter fell out of his hand and onto the floor.  Not missing a beat Pete squatted down to pick up his lighter.  RRRIIIPPP, the butt seam of his slacks could not take any more stress, and his slacks burst open.  Pete jumped back up to standing.  They all heard the thunderous rip of Pete’s slacks.  With the exception of Pete, they all started laughing, because not only had his slacks torn open, but a button on his too tight shirt had popped off and flew across the room.  It landed in a snifter glass the leader was holding.  
In less than a second, Pete was taken by all the guys.  He was dropped to the floor, and sprawled out on his stomach.  The only one who did not take part in this was the leader.  One guy held Pete’s his arms out over his head, while two other guys spread his legs apart and held them there.  The fourth guy went to work on Pete’s suit. Straddling Pete, he took hold of the torn seam of Pete’s slacks and pulled it as hard as he could. RRRIIIPPP, Pete’s slacks tore apart. What was left of the seam gave out, as did the zipper and clasp.  The fourth guy reached under Pete and unfastened his belt.  Instead of pulling the Pete’s belt through the loops, he yanked the belt at the two ends, breaking and tearing every belt loop on Pete’s slacks as he pulled the belt off.  After he dropped Pete’s belt on the floor, he took hold of Pete’s slacks between his legs. He ripped both inseams all the way down and through the cuffs of his slacks.  Once that was done, he just pulled the lose slacks material off Pete.
The fourth guy glanced over at the leader and called him Jefe (Spanish for boss or leader).  Jefe gave him a nod of approval and told him to continue.  Pete could feel this guy’s hard cock poking his ass.  He ripped the sleeves on Pete’s suit jacket from the cuffs to the shoulder before he tore the sleeves off the suit jacket at the shoulders.  Then methodically, he tore both side seams of Pete’s jacket and then ripped the already torn center seam up and through the collar. Once he had these areas all torn, it was no effort for him to slip Pete’s suit jacket off him.  Once he had completely torn Pete’s jacket off him, he reached under Pete’s stomach and pulled the front of his shirt open.  The rest of the buttons from his shirt broke off and could be seen sliding along the floor.  Pete’s bare chest was pressed against the cold floor.  The fourth guy repeated the process of ripping the sleeves and then tearing the back of Pete’s shirt.  This proved a very easy task for him.  Pete’s shirt was well worn from many washing and wearing.  He reduced the shirt to rags in no time.      
Pete was face down on the floor, degraded to wearing nothing but his white cotton boxer shorts.  Jefe stepped over to Pete and pushed the fourth guy aside.  He stood directly behind Pete.  He carefully studied Pete’s backside.  Pete’s boxers did not have an elastic waist.  They were the old style, long legged yoke front type.  High across the ass was an adjustable belt so they would stay up.  Jefe ran his hands up and down the back of Pete’s boxers, and then between Pete’s legs. He caressed Pete’s inner thighs making sure he grabbed and squeezed Pete’s cock and balls.  Pete let out a yell of protest, only to be gaged with the torn fabric of his slacks.  Pete could not keep from getting a hard on.  The more he tried to resist Jefe’s invasion of his private parts, the harder he got. Pete’s erection was a painful, because he was pushing his hard cock deep into the floor.        
Jefe pulled down on the fabric belt adjustment of Pete’s boxer shorts.  RRRIIIPPP, the boxer’s belt tore through the back fabric.  Jefe continued to rip down Pete’s boxers until he completely tore the back panel of Pete’s boxers.  Pete’s round ass was no longer protected by the thin covering of his boxer shorts.  Jefe now had free access to Pete’s sweet round ass, and Pete was scared.  He had never had his ass unwillingly violated, and the way Jefe was probing, Pete was sure he was going to get his ass pounded by Jefe, if not by all of them.  
Jefe stopped feeling Pete up and walked away from Pete.  He told his guys to pick Pete up and lean him on the table.  When they had Pete on his feet, his torn boxers loosened from between his legs, and looked like a loin cloth covering his cock and balls.  He still had a raging hard on, and the front of his torn boxer shorts tented with his stiff cock.  They leaned Pete on the desk.  Pete jumped a bit when his ass came in contact with the cold metal table. The other guys still held Pete down as he leaned on the table.      
Jefe returned and stood in front of Pete.  He had his snifter filled with some liquid, and was inhaling the aroma of the contents of the snifter before he took a sip of it.  He removed Pete’s gag and put the snifter to Pete’s mouth telling him to drink. Reluctantly, Pete did sip what was in the snifter and was relieved to find it was cognac. Jefe took one of his own long thick cigars and dipped the tip of the cigar into the cognac before lighting it.  It was obvious he was enjoying the taste of the cigar as he puffed on it.  
After a few puffs on the cigar, he took his snifter of cognac and dribbled a little bit of it over Pete’s chest.  As the liquid dripped down Pete’s chest and onto his nipples, Jefe passionately licked it up.  He nibbled and licked Pete’s nipples until they became as hard and erect as his cock. He then poured a little of the cognac down the center of Pete’s chest.  They both watched as the cognac trickled down his chest.  Jefe licked the entire length of Pete’s chest to drink in every drop of it.  Some of the cognac filled Pete’s navel.  Jefe put his tongue inside Pete’s navel and ravaged it until he had every bit of cognac out.  He repeated the process again.  This time he let some of the cognac be absorbed into fabric of Pete’s boxers. Again, slowly he licked the entire length of Pete’s chest, stopping when he reached the top of his boxers.  He set down his cognac and cigar.  He started to rub and stroke Pete’s hard cock through his boxers.  Pete had a hard on the likes of which he never had before.   Jefe pulled Pete’s hard cock through the fly opening of his boxers.  Then putting his hands on either side of the fly, he pulled at the fly.  RRRIIIPPP, Jefe tore the front of Pete’s boxers apart. He continued to rip Pete’s boxer shorts apart until  they were completely wrenched from his frame.  
Pete’s hard cock was as stiff as a flag pole.  Jefe reached for his cognac again and took a sip.  He had Pete also take another sip.  While Pete was swallowing the cognac, Jefe took hold of Pete’s hard stiff cock and pointed it down.  He inserted Pete’s cock into the snifter and soaked the head and shaft of his cock with cognac.  Still holding the snifter, Jefe took Pete’s cock to his mouth.  He began giving Pete a blow job.  He licked and sucked every drop of cognac off Pete’s cock and then carefully poured more cognac on the head of Pete’s cock.  He went to work on Pete’s cock.  Pete could not take anymore.  He shot numerous long streams of hot cum down Jefe’s throat.  Jefe continued sucking on Pete’s cock until he had sucked Pete dry.  Pete tried to collapse on the table, but he was unable, with the four guys holding him in place.
Before Pete had a chance to recover, he was thrown to the floor again. He looked up and saw jeans, shirts, and briefs being tossed into a pile.  He knew they were stripping and why.  Before he could attempt to escape, one of the guys was on his back.  Pete felt his legs being spread apart as he was being mounted.  One by one, they all took turns ramming their hard cocks into Pete’s manhole, and shooting their loads to seed him.
After the four guys had finished giving Pete’s ass a pounding, he could barely move.  He was lying on the floor when he heard Jefe’s voice saying something about Pete’s not respecting others.  Pete reached up for Jefe to help him get to his feet.  Jefe just stood there unaware of Pete’s actions.  All Pete could do was grab hold of the front of Jefe’s tight jeans. Jefe finally realized what was happening and took a step back.  It was too late though.  RRRIIIPPP, Pete had a good grip on Jefe’s skin tight paper thin jeans and as he stepped back, his jeans completely tore apart.  RRRIIIPPP, Jefe’s ass tore through the tears in the back pockets, and ripped down the back of his legs.  Where Pete was holding Jefe’s jeans in the front, they tore open and ripped down the front of his legs.  Pete would not let go, and the more Jefe moved away from Pete, the more his jeans disintegrated.  Pete finally took Jefe’s jeans with both hands, and pulled them as hard as he could with the little strength he had left.  The last remaining vestiges of Jefe’s jeans gave out and ripped off him.
Pete looked up at Jefe, to see that he was wearing a bright red silk thong. Jefe’s big cock could not be contained within the confines of the thong pouch, and hung out the side.  Pete knew it was a thong even without Jefe turning around.  However when Jefe did turn around, Pete saw that the butt seam of his thong disappeared into his big bubble butt crack, just as the seam of his jeans had done before. Jefe quickly left through the door that Pete was pushed through.  Pete noticed that the other four guys had passed out huddled together on the floor. Very quietly, Pete got up and went over to where Jefe had the snifter and bottle of cognac.  He poured more cognac into the snifter and drank it down with one gulp.  He wiped himself up with the torn remains of Jefe’s jeans.  Pete knew these guys were not going to willingly let him go, so he had to escape.  He saw there was another door that had a burned out sign above it that said EXIT. He knew if he walked out the other door, he would probably walk right into Jefe, and if he left through the exit the 4 guys would chase him.  His mind raced with a plan of action.  
Pete took another large gulp of the cognac.  He then walked quietly over to the exit door and checked to see if it would open.  It did. He left the door open a little. He then walked over to the pile of jeans, shirts, and briefs that were on the floor.  Pete poured most of the bottle of cognac over the clothes.  With what was left in the bottle he trailed onto the floor to the exit.  Pete looked around the floor and found his Zippo lighter and picked it up.  When he reached the exit, he lit the trail of cognac with his lighter.  The fire trail quickly ignited their clothing.  Pete shouted to wake them up before he exited to the outside. ��Pete was relieved to hear the fire alarm go off and the four guys clamoring, as he really did not want to hurt anyone.    
Wearing only his TNT OTC socks and shoes, Pete was out a back alley and headed for the street.  His only hope was to somehow make his way back to his hotel without being seen.  Knowing that was going to be impossible, he hoped he would get arrested walking down the street naked.  If he were arrested, he could try to explain what had happened. Luck was not on his side this evening, or perhaps it was.  Pete passed many people on his search back to his hotel.  He received a lot of wolf whistles and propositions as he wandered up and down streets looking for a familiar landmark, but no police stopped him.
Once he finally found the hotel, he had to go to the front desk and ask for his room key.  It had dawned upon him, he had no identification. He did not have his wallet or room key.  With his head high and his cock swinging from side to side, Pete walked to the front desk and asked for his room key.  The normal din of the hotel lobby went silent as Pete strolled by.  It was quite obvious to Pete that every eye was staring at him.  The desk clerk was momentarily stunned when he saw Pete.  However he recognized Pete.  He was the same clerk who Pete signed in with when he registered.  Without hesitation the desk clerk handed Mr. West a new room key and suggested he take the private VIP elevator to his room.  He told Mr. West the VIP elevator was only accessible through a secured hallway, and there was currently no one registered at the hotel using it.  He also told Mr. West his room key had been programed for him to gain access to it.  Pete thanked the clerk and slipped into the secured hallway.
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