dieroterosine · 1 year
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you are under arrest!
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dieroterosine · 1 year
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Happy New Year!
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dieroterosine · 1 year
What if Kuroo stayed at Kei's flat when he had to visit Sendai for work?
Sure, the JVA could've booked him a hotel room, but it was "more convinient" to stay with Kei - even if Kei saw it differently.
He wasn't quite sure why Kuroo had to stay with him - they were merely friends.
But Kuroo had to visit Sendai surprisingly often and somewhere after the tenth visit Kuroo wasn't really a guest anymore.
He had his own futon, a matching coffee mug and a toothbrush in Kei's apartment.
He knew Kei's routine by heart, already preparing him coffee before he left for work.
And whenever Yamaguchi came to visit Kei, Kuroo was there too. Just sitting at Kei's kitchen table as if it was the most normal thing to do, nodding to Yamaguchi, who - during the first few times - was more than confused.
But after a while everyone knew that Kuroo was 'living' with Kei - so no one was really shocked when Kuroo brought Kei home after a match or picked him up after training.
He was just - there. And nobody mentioned it any further.
Until one day Kuroo kissed Kei on the cheek in front of the whole team and Kei just smiled?? As if nothing happened?
Well, that was the day the team found out the two had been dating for a couple of weeks already.
But no one found out because nothing had really changed...
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dieroterosine · 1 year
Thinking about Yotsuya Motor Spirits who have a match against the Sendai Frogs.
Daishou sees Kuroo near the court and wants to annoy him a bit, so he shouts "Yo Kuroo!" and both 'his' Kuroo but also the blonde SF middle blocker turn around with a collective, annoyed "What." :')
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dieroterosine · 1 year
When Kei's and Tetsu's daughter is in her first year in High School things starting to get rough. Despite being the bubbly and pretty girl that she is, some classmates bully her for her legs.
They're "too long" and "make her look like a giraffe."
Both Kei and Tetsurou have a hard time cheering her up, but then Kei takes her out for a walk and starts talking about his time in high school and how he was called a "beanpole" or a "lanky stick".
And how he managed to make it into something positive - being the best middleblocker his age.
And when they're home, Tetsurou adds (but only after Kei left the room) that he totally fell in love with Kei's legs that time.
After this (and many more) talks their daughter starts being more confident.
One year later she stands on the court - middleblocker. And proud.
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dieroterosine · 2 years
OK we all know about "Tsukki who's wearing Kuroo's jacket™" but what about "JVA-Kuroo wearing Tsukki's jacket, because his boyfriend got buff and his shoulders are wide and his arms are thick and Kuroo looks /small/ in this™"?!
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dieroterosine · 2 years
While other Omegas try to hide their pheromones, Tsukishima struts around wearing them like perfume.
He knows how to use them.
Since it's forbidden during a match, he makes sure to stroll past his rival teammates /before/ the match and make their heads spin.
So no one misses how Tsukki takes particularly long when he walks past Kuroo. And how the black haired man stares at Tsukishima's back, mouth agape and a tiny absent minded smile on his lips.
Instead of being distracted, Kuroo plays better than ever before on that day.
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dieroterosine · 2 years
Decided to repost some of my older Twitter stuff here - it's nice coming back to my ideas years later :)
So don't be confused when you recognize some of them.
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dieroterosine · 2 years
Tsukishima gets cold easily, and Kuroo is a living furnace. So it's only logical that Tsukishima put /his/ hands in Kuroo's coat pockets, right?
Yamaguchi: Tsukki, you know that gloves exist, right?
Tsukki: But gloves you can forget, Kuroo is always there.😌
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dieroterosine · 2 years
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на русском - vk
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dieroterosine · 2 years
Feels weird to be back again after almost 7 years... but I'll make the best out of it! Happy to see so many faces I know from the bird side ❤
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