dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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Gillian Anderson + her smile
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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secret santa for isa
What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it’s curved like a road through mountains.
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
i agree
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Gillian Anderson + being a total charm with other actresses
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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honestly… do you know anybody who came back from the dead and immediately upon seeing you joined you in holding your boss at gun point… no questions asked… because that’s the only definition of love everything else is a lie
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
Several questions: a) when did mulder first fall for scully, b) when did he realise it, c) when did scully fall for mulder, d) when did she realise it, e) when did they first bang forreal
I will try and keep this shorter than novel length…
I think Scully had a crush on Mulder in the very beginning. She was used to always being the smartest person in the room and here comes this handsome, weirdo genius with all this passion. The intellectual battles fired her up. For arguably the first time, Scully’s brain was matched in competency and it was exciting. She left medicine for a career in excitement, no? But she also recognized that he was an obsessed workaholic with no time or thought toward anything even remotely romantic. So, she flirted some and was jealous some (Phoebe) and eventually compartmentalized the crush. Scully’s ability to pack up thoughts and feelings into boxes with neat little bows and shelf them throughout the series still amazes me.
Mulder had a different experience in the beginning. Scully was a spy, she was not to be trusted, but here was this woman who actually listened to what he was saying. No one ever just listened to him and gave his thoughts consideration before disagreeing or dismissing him as crazy. He didn’t want to like her, because she was the enemy, but he couldn’t help himself. She gave him respect when no one else bothered. So, he tried to guard himself with sarcasm, but still ended up spilling his guts about his sister on their first case. There was no crush going on for him like there was for Scully- for a long time Mulder just didn’t believe he was worth anything. And the people in his life, namely his parents, kept proving that to him. So, when they were reassigned at the end of season 1, Mulder took it as Scully leaving him, and good for her, she’ll have a better life.
At this point, Scully had shelved her little crush but cared about Mulder enough to pull him out of his funk, even though he straight up ignored her in the hallway when she tried to say hi. Little Green Men was really Mulder’s moment to realize that Scully actually gave a shit, and oh my god he had a friend, a partner, in this. His spy guard came completely down at this point and all those caring feelings he pushed back came to the front. 
Then they took Scully away. Mulder went bat shit crazy. The one person, the one thing in his life that didn’t treat him like crap was gone. He didn’t know how to function anymore. I know a lot of people think he was in love with her then, but I don’t see it that way. He wasn’t capable of being in love quite yet, still too damaged and self-loathing. It was more like he’d been holding his breath for years and then finally inhaled. And right at that moment, all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. He totally panicked. His life didn’t make any sense without her anymore. Thank the lord she was returned, because I do believe that if she hadn’t been, he would’ve spiraled out of control and gotten himself killed within a year. He was so affected by her being gone, he traded his sister for her later that year. Season 1 Mulder wouldn’t have.
When Scully came back, her investment in the X-Files went up 1000%. They wanted to get those bastards together. Lots more touching and love in season 3, very deep friendship going on. If they were normal people with normal lives, they’d have fallen for each other during this time. But, this is Mulder and Scully and their focus was not on their relationship, it was on justice and the truth. They both trusted that the other would be there until their work was done, so there was no reason to question anything at this point. It was an unspoken pact between them that they’d keep going and keep fighting until all the questions were answered.
Season 4 is when things get interesting. Good ol’ Ed in Philly reminded Mulder that Scully is a person outside of their partnership and that he was taking her for granted. Right after this, cancer brings the whammy. That understanding they had going on that they’d both be in it to win it endlessly is completely shattered by Scully’s mortality. The cancer arc is where Mulder tips the scales and falls in love. He’s aware of it in his own way, but she is dying and there’s no point in exploring it at this time. The way he looks at her and touches her COMPLETELY changes and evolves in season 4. I’ll never forget his face when he sees her on the couch with Eddie Van Blundht.
Scully has a ton of emotional garbage thrown on her through season 4 and 5. Emily really messed her up and thoughts of being in love with Mulder were far from her head. I mean, she did, but she put it in a box and shelved it without even realizing it. I think Scully fell in love first but she had absolutely no clue. When she wrapped up that crush from season 1 in a box, that was the last of her exploration into anything beyond friendship with Mulder for a very long time.
They both were in love with one another in FTF, Mulder knew it, Scully didn’t. This could’ve been their moment to bang it out and enter the bliss of being in love, but cue Fowley. I swear I have never hated anything as much as I hated that woman. When Scully sees her holding Mulder’s hand in The End, she is completely devastated. That scene is so damn powerful, her walking out to the car and calling him to go to the office. Seeing that affected her so much, she couldn’t even handle it. This pushed her to explore her feelings some, which is why she was in a place to kiss him in the hallway in FTF.
Season 6 was a legit rollercoaster for MSR. When Mulder told Scully he loved her in Triangle, he absolutely meant it 100%. He was ready to deal with it, but she wasn’t. She passed it off as a drugged up moment. But, they walked closer and closer to the line and were SO CLOSE by the time Rain King and Tithonus rolled around they could taste it (and so could we). Scully’s speech about friendship and love in the bathroom is how she feels about Mulder. Of course, CC is the devil. So re-enter Fowley. She wrecked everything all over again. Mulder and Scully really had to build their partnership back up after One Son. Scully was still pissed at him in Arcadia. Mulder was so excited to touch her and play married but she was having none of it.
For me, Milagro sealed the deal. Scully almost got her heart ripped out and clung to Mulder for dear life. We got jealous!Mulder and heard someone say out loud that Scully was in love. No time for putting it off any longer, the shift has occurred. You can see it in The Unnatural. The weight has been lifted, they both know they are in love with each other and the coupling will happen, it is inevitable at this point. Even Fowley can’t stop it this time. They even exchange vows in Armor Fati… 
And finally, after seven long years, they bang it out January 1, 2000.
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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That one time Scully commandeered an emergency room out from under the attending physician in order to save the bae
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
90s gillian anderson wearing too-big flannels and chain smoking nervously bc she’s afraid she won’t land any acting jobs, then chain smoking bc she did land a job and now she’s worried every single day she’ll be fired bc she isn’t good enough
00s gillian anderson with a small child and still dealing with all the mega stardom she never asked for in the first place, carving out an acting career to prove that she deserves the hype 
10s gillian anderson emerging glorious from a string of wtf movies, starring in three shows at once and absolutely killing the entire game, flying all over the world to support the people she loves (even though she doesn’t get much sleep) and putting change in the swear jar for saying “heck” even though her favorite word is fuck
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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The Stella Gibson life survival guide.
- - Gillian Anderson in ‘The Fall’ S1
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
always reblog for my alien baby baby mama
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#walk, walk fashion baby
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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Stella Gibson 2017 moodboard 
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
it’s too fucking hard.
It’s so fucking hard to love you.
You’re hardly even here. I can’t wake up next to you, kiss you good morning, wake you up by making you come. There are times when I want to tell you something that isn’t very important, like that I had the most amazing kale smoothie or discovered a new organic coffee place in New York. I can’t buy you a bunch of roses or bar of dark chocolate just because I love you. I only can call you in the evening and tell you how much I miss you. If I’m desperate, I’ll even buy a ticket to London. But it’s so hard loving you when you’re not around.
But when you are around, it’s not easy, either. I have to share you with the whole world. You’re always somewhere while I want you all to myself. When we’re together, you have the book signing, I have the interview. We’re missing each other and then yet again, the evenings are ours to say how we feel, what we did and how much we miss each other. I fucking hate this situation. I want to scream from the rooftops, I want the whole world to know that I love you and I don’t want to share you that much. You’re mine and everyone should know it.
I hate everything about you.
I hate the fact you wake up every day on your own. You’re so cold in the mornings and there’s no one there to hold you close, to warm you up.
I hate how your eyes are tired from reading all those scripts and working with the computer. You have tears in your eyes, they are red and puffy. It hurts you.
I hate when you’re taking lonely walks in the park late in the evening. I’m always worried about you and though I’m so far away, I could jump in the plane and fly to you only to make sure you’re safe.
I hate when you have to attend all those events and parties where you are asked uncomfortable questions about your private life, about me, instead of your amazing work. It’s unfair.
I hate many things about you. But I love you to death.
I love how your nose wrinkles when someone says something funny. How you laugh out loud. How your eyes smile when you look at me.
I love the way you say my name.
I love the fact that you count the days until we see each other again. How every day you send me a short text saying how many days are left.  Today it’s 13.
I love how you sing my songs in the shower and when you say that you’re proud of my work, although I know that honestly you’re not a fan of it.
“I’m your biggest fan”, you tell me.
I love every little thing about you and the fact that I can’t have you every second of every minute and every day of forever drives me crazy.
But you know what?
One day I will be spending every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day, every day of every week, every week of every month, every month of every year and every year of eternity by your side. Now I have to miss you. I have to hate all those things. It has to be hard loving you, but don’t worry.
You’re worth it.
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
no but imagine gillian anderson writing a memoir in her 60s telling us with details her affair with david just like carrie did with harrison i mean…….. everybody would fucking flip but she would say “I’m surprised at the reaction. I don’t think it is that surprising” exactly like carrie did oh my god can this please happen otherwise i’m still alive for nothing
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dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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980 notes · View notes
dieschnapsidee · 7 years
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3K notes · View notes
dieschnapsidee · 7 years
Iconic Season 1 Scully Looks
Baby Hepburn
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Gay in Chambray
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Community College Pottery Instructor
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Your Hot Stepmom
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Plucky Investigative Journalist
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Pumpkin Spice Lawyer (with matching briefcase)
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Secret Agent Woman
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Seafood Restaurant Waitress
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The Midterm is Tomorrow
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The Jacket ™
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