.targa .png
This series of images are moments of interaction between the text shape and the page background.
The images are originally taken from an old book about the city of Basel „Wanderatlas, der Zucher illustrierten Basel süd - west“ from 1934.
Every chapter is an exploration of the possibilities of the format .targa and the format .png.
All the images in .targa are generated in compressed fine from photoshop, and not illustrator. This first selection determinate the outcome of the glitched images which proceeded in this methodology:
- first scan of the book in high color resolution, 600dpi.
- second convert the images in .targa by compressed  16 bits/pixels.
- then try with different exportations explained in the chapters.
- The last step is the use of the program Hexploder to see  the different outcomes.
The sequence of the images could be also shuffled, but the original sequence start with the exploration of the first line of numbers in 0xED of the images as the W images shows.
In .targa file it‘s possible to manipulare the position of the lines in horizontal sequence and the possibilities of color changes but with .png, after exporting the image in .targa the text and the background create a more intense relation.
The explorations goes from clear images to blurry and the interesting moments are the seldom changes where it‘s possible to read clearly the text, but also the intermediate moments to the extreme realtions of abstract colors where the text become an illegible image.
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difficult to read but stil something interesting
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Outcome of the experiments, a little book. 
The description is following
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the magic moment which gives those changes in colors, the first two 00 in the code. Still need to explore the combination with other numbers in the first line. 
All targa file but with different numbers changes.
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This the point where is possible to strech in targa! Just high resolution files saved by photoshop! All today’s gleetch are from saving the file on photoshop targa.
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exploring by changing numbers, green, ah is it possible to have this diagonal more legible? I have to try out. 
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changing numbers in the 0eXD, try to understand where are the numbers which change drastically the shape of text.
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some experiments with targa format, in a really small format from an image scanned in high quality and saved in jpeg low quality. 
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manual collage of glitches of parts of the book! 
I wanna try to make a all book like this, but If I manipulate manually a gleetch is it still a gleetch?
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all glitches experiments to plan new experiements
changing FB to all set: A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1
the image is screeenshot form a low resolution jpeg.
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change just one tiny element in the book, same jpeg scan in 300dpi, saved as a medium resolution
1:change once F8 to A8_line16EBD
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jpeg scans of a 300dpi book.
1:substitute_Ato1_at the end 183 sobstitutions
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