digimonie · 7 years
Ears Have Walls
This reading really opened my understanding on how sound is now being used in art and installations. Sound is a completely different than what is normally used in traditional art pieces, such as physical materials, color, and light. Sound is invisible but still fills up a space and requires a person to use their hearing, not only vision. Sound is also not something that is easy to block out; we are always hearing sounds whether sounds around you are being made or not. Sound is an element that felt, but we cannot seek out to feel it physically. It is invasive and can even pass through barriers. The reading mentions that sound has the ability to create a space that can become a reminder or a memory. But sound is does not have an origin; it is only created by other objects
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digimonie · 7 years
Project 4 Artist Statement
My idea for this project began by hearing an experience from my friend who was in a jail cell for three days. When I heard his experience, I felt very hurt and felt extremely emotional even though I was only reading his words through messages. Through this project, I attempted to create something that could recreate the feeling when others heard it. I incorporated many of the details I was given into overlapping sounds. In this project, I wanted to create a sound space that felt claustrophobic and that created a feeling of panic. I began with the sound created by a ceiling fan which became an ambient background sound. I included sounds of water dripping throughout the piece, sounds of footsteps to represent a person measuring the perimeter of the cell. I also added some high pitched ringing sounds to represent a fear and an insanity just by imagining being trapped in a a cell for a long period of time.
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digimonie · 7 years
Sound project final
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digimonie · 7 years
Sound design in film
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digimonie · 7 years
Scariest sounds in movie history
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digimonie · 7 years
Article on analyzing space in a recording; what techniques are used, how sounds should be spaced out.
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digimonie · 7 years
A project on creating an interactive sound space. A lot of information on the sounds they used to create a space that felt claustrophobic.
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digimonie · 7 years
Christian Bok, Eunoia, Chapter E, 2001, book, e-book and recording
This is an interesting piece because the artist creates phrases and narrative using the phonetics of the language and rules. This seems to be a complex form of poetry because it must tell a story and use specific rhymes. The reading reminds me vaguely of poetry during the Shakespearean times because the listener is able to hear each word and syllable clearly but the words don't seem to make much sense. I think if you were to take your time to fully understand the phrases and rules, it would make some sense. The rules created by the artist pretty much determines what poems are going to be created. In a sense, there is not much freedom in creating this artwork.
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digimonie · 7 years
Extra Credit degradation assignment
(It will play both tracks, original then final after exporting 22 times)
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digimonie · 7 years
Gola Levin, Dialtones (A Telesymphony), audience, mobile phones, 2001-2002
Mobile Phone concert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1G-YesiBB8&fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0 I think this is an early concept of electronic music and live DJing in concert. To me, it is a lot like musicians perform their concerts now. I really like the concept of using peoples' cellular devices because of the randomness of the noises in the music. It is interesting how they used complex technology to incorporate the audience's devices and the artist will never know how the music will sound until he performs the piece.
The music created in the piece follows contemporary musical patterns and theories so the music being made is still pleasing to the audience. The performance is mainly an experience for the audience because they are hearing music being made with sounds they are used to but in a different way. Ringtones usually bring a sense of urgency when someone calls you and this creates a different feeling using these tones people are used to disliking. The audience experiences a happier feeling than they are used to.
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digimonie · 7 years
In class assignment
Roll 2x
1-6 Sounds
1. keysmashing
2. banging on table/mic
3. coin noise
4. random noise
5. laugh
6. rio says something
1-6 Effects (second roll)
1. bass overload
2. no filter
3. pitch up/down (coin flip, heads up, tails down)
4. reverse
5. wah wah
6. no filter or double filter (flip coin, heads no filter, tails double filter (2 of your choice))
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digimonie · 7 years
project 4
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digimonie · 7 years
In-class assignment Linh Ngo & Rachel Morris It's lit down here :^)
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digimonie · 7 years
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digimonie · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Strangers Documentation
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digimonie · 7 years
Artist Statement
The body is an entity for expression and a representative figure for “life”. In this performance project, I chose to use my mind and body to describe my relationships in the past 19 years of my life. I chose this topic because it is the one topic that is most important to me and many others. In the past, I often struggled to keep good relationships with others even when I wanted to, but I often felt like I would fail because of my mistakes, shortcomings, and introversion. But, through this project I wanted to experience something like an ‘examination of conscious’ and also hear how others can relate with their own relationships.
To begin, I wrote 19 cards that had reasons I thought were why I couldn’t keep up a relationship with family and friends, and each card representing a year of my life. A wore white, sat on a white cloth, and was blindfolded to become vulnerable to those interacting with me. By being blind was like putting on a mask and it became a barrier between those around me and myself. As I spoke to them about the card and the project, I felt a deep connection to who I was speaking with for the time being, but the moment they stepped away I had a sudden realization that I would never speak to that person again since I could not see them. I felt like I was reliving my past experiences with old friends who had broken apart from me.
There were also a few moments where I felt confused and lost then people were not around and I felt truly lonely until another person approached me. Each time I spoke with a person, I felt like I lost a bond after they left, but I think each person stood out to me and left their own words and stories that I was able to benefit from. I think my blindness also ended up becoming a form of trust that I formed with humanity and led me to realize that I wasn’t alone in the world, even if I felt like I was.
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digimonie · 7 years
Strangers Excerpt
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