f/os growling: exists
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Full Partner Digimon ask game!
Send me a 馃捇 and which element you like the most and I assign you a Digimon partner plus an entire digivolution line for it
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Always wanted to date an Egyptian god?
You can!
Consider Anubimon
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FYI your Digimon F/O can and WILL degenerate to in-training stage to give you puppy eyes to get what they want. May it be just them wanting cookies or them asking your permission to destroy the world. Whatever floats your boats man just know they will use their adorable in-training stage for puppy eyes.
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FlaWizarmon/FlameWizardmon, another Digimon F/O suggestion. Consider it~
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You want....
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A dragon....??? Dragon F/O??? Consider Dorugoramon
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It's a fact that Digimon will digivolve in order to protect either the innocent or those close to them
Imagine your Digimon F/O, in its cute Rookie Level stage. You are not aware of what they will digivolve to yet, you are not aware of their future attractiveness. They are cute and tiny and always seeking your attention, maybe in a Tsundere way, maybe in an openly affectionate way, but then the day comes
The day they need to protect you. Imminent danger threatening your life, your well being. An accident about to happen, or a wild and savage Digimon trying to harm you.
And your partner jumps in between you and the threat, you only see dust and a radiant light. You were certain that you should be dead by now but - there they are. Digivolved to that one stage that gets you simping, that gives you that flutter in your chest, blocking off whatever was about to hit you with their entire body, shielding you, bend over you. Their eyes fixated on you.
"Don't Worry Y/N. I will always protect you from any harm."
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A'ight another F/O suggestion
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Maybe have an Ofanimon? Maybe even go further and have a trans one like the one canon Ophanimon identifying as male.
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Thick thigh anthro Bunny, y'all should consider Lekismon as F/O
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Buff Bara for you to consider. DeathMeramon/SkullMeramon!
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Amazing design, would make great F/O material for people. But....
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He has no legs. This is his lower body...
Thankfully, 2010 I created an Apocalymon OC named Abe. I fixed the problem with his design
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Will redraw him if anyone gets interested~~
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Always wanted a merman? Again, Digimon got your back. Consider F/Oing a Neptunemon and date a god of the sea~
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He isn't a jack skellington but.. Close enough? I present you NoblePumpkinmon! Having one of these as F/O would certainly lead to the fanciest dates ever~ Only the best for their lovers~
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How about a Shutmon prompt? Maybe something along the lines of how they would meet you for the first time? Maybe at first the Shutmon would be apprehensive but as they observe how you act around them they warm up to you? I don鈥檛 know what else to say since I鈥檝e never really asked for prompts before XD
A Shutmon prompt! Here we go~ (DW it's also my first attempt at a prompt)
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Shutmon have a very special ability. Anything they cut with the scissors they are sporting on their backs will completely cease to function. This makes the prompt easy - Ahem -
The ears are perked up, the fur standing up in alert. Humans usually mean no good. Especially for a Shutmon. Far too often does it end in one of two horrible ways. The human Tamer forces them to commit crimes with their abilities, or.. Even worse.. An accident happens. One moment of mindless interaction and snap! They accidentally get cut, and cease to function. Shutmon are as dangerous to their tamers as the tamers are to them.
So, your new partner is distant. They stay on a friendly level with you but try to avoid getting too involved personally. They watch your every move, both distrusting you and distrusting themselves. Whenever you touch them they awkwardly flinch to make sure their blades are out of reach. Also, your new partner needs to get used to your presence. They are mostly lone wolves, literally.
But they can't help but notice... This human, you, something is special about you. You aren't scared of their ability, you aren't trying to make them commit crimes, or force them to harm the innocent. You are so relaxed and comfortable around them. And despite all their efforts not to get attached, they begin to feel drawn to you.
First, it's only innocent things like checking if you have eaten yet, asking you how you slept, catching you before you slip. Things a friend would do. But they notice that this isn't enough yet. They sometimes see how you are cold at night and have the desire to snuggle up to you, warming you with their fur. Or see you stare into the distance, thinking about something and they hope it's them you are dreaming about at that moment.
Shutmon keeps it under control, until one of the worst things for them could happen to you. Either, you are in great danger, or you meet someone of interest. They can't handle that idea. Before they know it they finally realize the obvious: this human is mine. And they will let nothing take that away from them.
As soon as this idea manifested inside their heads they see anything as a threat. From the cashier at a Fastfood restaurant just being friendly with you to a rude group of virus Digimon making jokes about your taste in clothes. The tiniest reason to get jealous or feel the desire to protect you will be enough to make them just grab you, snarl at whoever the aggressor or flirter in their eyes is, and run off with you.
As you ask them what's wrong, you see their ears drooping and their tail twitching restlessly. They avoid eye contact, trying to act cool and distant but that bit of pink on their cheeks is way too prominent to ignore.
"Just protecting my Tamer. You know, like a decent Digimon Partner should." they mumble. You reach out to touch their face, scratch them behind the ears - you know they love that. Their tail now happily wags. And you could have sword you heard your Shutmon just mutter "mine..."
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Sistermon Noir awakened. Bayonetta vibes~
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Digidestined make great familial and platonic f/os! They all have different traumas and experiences so there's most likely one out there that fits to you!
That much is true! As I selfship romantically with basically every mega level version of Greymon (Wargreymon, VictoryGreymon, Shinegreymon Yada Yada I have a thing for them okay) I can't help but see Markus from Digimon Savers as platonic F/O. His chaotic energy just vibes well but I didn't decide on if I should make him actual family or one of my idiot best friend homeboi ones.
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