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The finalized lamp design is most likely my weakest project, it turned out ok and I learned quite a bit but there were fragility issues with the lamp. From mistakes made in this project I learned the most.
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Final version of the 3D printed wax seal, slight changes could potentially benefit the design but ultimately I am happy with the way it came out, see earlier posts for wax stamp results.
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The lid now fits snugly and the size has been increased
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I tested some lip sizes to make sure they would fit the body, finally I found a size that worked and went to print a full scale version
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This is the next vessel prototype, it was on the small side and the lid did not have a lip so it fell off easily, the lifting however was good and worked well so I was happy with the design.
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First edition of the vessel project, the prototype was both too small to fit anything through the hole and the lid did not fit the body. This is when I decided to change my design.
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Studio photos on one of the original cardboard prototypes.
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here is the full project with lookboard
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Here is a close up of one of the pins I made for percent markers.
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I really like these retro posters and want to do something in this style for the data analysis project.
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I printed it out and It works perfectly, I just forgot to take a picture of it by itself, so here is the 3D model prior to printing. The results of using it as a wax seal are also included in this post.
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This part was tricky, I had to get Professor Starrett to help me create this in a different (non fusion) program, since fusion was picky about what I could and couldn't do with the ai file. It came out perfectly, except I forgot to flip the & sign, so you can see me mirroring it in the background on the computer screen.
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This is the final design for the wax seal, the Museum’s name is Witches Wizards and Warlocks, hence the three W’s. And the broomstick is self explanatory. It will also be the handle to the wax seal
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the next project we were assigned is a utensil, this took me a while to figure out what i wanted to do, but in Krus’s class we are working on an occult themed project so I realized that I could tie the classes together and stamp the witch brochure with a wax seal that I could 3D print in this class
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I have the final design for the candy jar, it took a few “pivots” but it looks a lot better than the original concept.
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New idea for my vessel, but the top was missing a certain something so Professor Starrett showed me how to loft objects so I can make the lid look like a candy wrapper.
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I found the fable I was referencing
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