How to Create a Winning Local SEO Strategy for Your Business
How to Create a Winning Local SEO Strategy for Your Business
Local SEO has always been an important factor in digital marketing. However, it became even more crucial amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Internet usage unsurprisingly went up over the past year. With nearly everyone staying at home to stay safe, we became more reliant on the internet for nearly everything. It became our go-to source for entertainment, food, services, and updates about the global situation.
Although business slowed down due to quarantines, movements to support local small businesses soon popped up across the country. As such, having a solid local SEO strategy is more important than ever, so you can make the most of the increased local support.
What is Local SEO?
If you want to increase website rankings in search results pages, you need to develop a great local SEO strategy.
Local SEO or Local Search Engine Optimization is what helps your business become more visible on local search engine results pages. It is the process of optimizing the overall online presence of your business to rank higher in searches and gain greater local visibility. 
Who Needs Local SEO?
This is a fairly common question, especially for new and small businesses. So, do all businesses need local SEO?
No — unless you have a legitimate physical address for your business, you won’t need a local SEO strategy. All you need is regular or traditional SEO.
The only businesses that really need local SEO are those that have a physical location. Local SEO is also necessary if you have more than one brick-and-mortar store or serve more than one area. In these cases, you’ll want each of your locations to rank high in searches for their respective areas.
Businesses that have face-to-face interactions with their customers also need local SEO. If you run a business from your home and meet your clients in person, a local SEO strategy will greatly benefit you, as well.
Here are several types of businesses that need local SEO:
Food businesses, including cafes, bars, and restaurants
House repair contractors, such as plumbers
Local non-profit organizations
Law offices
Real estate agencies
Hospitals and medical service providers
Schools, colleges, and universities
Nail salons and technicians
The Benefits of Local SEO
Local SEO for business is necessary if you want to increase website traffic and increase website leads. That’s because local SEO allows more people to find you when searching on Google or other search engines and directories.
An optimized SEO strategy helps your business appear higher in organic searches and in Google’s map pack or top three location search results. That’s only one of the many benefits of local SEO for business, though. 
Here are five others:
Higher organic traffic
Lower advertisement costs
Greater website authority
Better brand awareness and trust
More local backlinks
Overall, having a solid local SEO strategy allows you to find new leads, reach your target audience better, and drive business growth.
Factors to Guide Your Local SEO Strategy
Optimizing your local SEO strategy requires a basic understanding of the different factors or signals that affect your Google search results ranking. Although Google isn’t the only search engine, it is the most popular one all over the world.
Industry experts are surveyed to determine the most relevant local search ranking factors for the year. Results are provided two-fold. One set of relevant signals each to rank higher in local organic searches and to help you appear in Google’s map pack.
Although the percentage changes, the signals remain largely the same each year: 
Google My Business
On-page SEO
Link building
Behavioral signals
Social signals
Top Tips for a Winning Local SEO Strategy
You need to always account for the top local search ranking factors when creating a local SEO strategy. Here are our top tips to help you get started.
Check if Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly
Many consumers search for local restaurants and other businesses using their mobile phones. This includes searching for contact information, finding directions to your location, or looking up reviews.
If you have a mobile-friendly website, consumers searching for your product or service may be more likely to visit your website, stay longer, and contact you. As such, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is one of the first steps in optimizing your local SEO strategy.
Audit Your Whole Website for SEO Issues
Mobile optimization isn’t the only thing you have to check regarding your business website. There are many other website and SEO issues that may prevent the local SEO strategies you implement from performing optimally. 
Here are some website and on-page SEO issues you need to check:
Slow website speed
Missing or unclaimed Google My Business listing
Missing page titles or page titles without keywords
Missing meta descriptions and titles
Broken links or incorrect citations
Insecure websites (no HTTPS)
Duplicate content
Optimize Your Google My Business Listing
Having a Google My Business listing is a must-have for any local business wanting to increase website rankings. Google My Business is a free service or platform that Google manages. You can use it to generate more reviews, publicize essential information like your business hours, and increase website traffic.
Optimizing your listing is arguably the single most valuable thing you can do to improve your local SEO strategy. Unless you create an account and claim your business name, it will be almost impossible to rank in Google’s map pack.
Make sure your listing contains all the essential information:
Business name
Location or address
Business category
Business hours
Contact numbers
Website link and other relevant links
Business description
Once you’ve optimized your Google My Business page information, don’t leave it as-is. Use it to interact with any customers or clients who leave reviews or to answer any questions they may post. This can further improve your search results ranking.
Optimize for Other Online Directories
Although Google is the most used online search engine, it isn’t the only directory people use. Make sure you also optimize your business so that you appear in other online directories.
These include:
Yellow Pages
Bing Places
Better Business Bureau (BBB)
Make also need to make sure you also optimize your business listing to appear in map data aggregators, such as Foursquare and Factual. These aggregators feed you map data and business information to other big directories, like Apple, TripAdvisor, and more.
Optimizing your online directory and search results listing calls for consistency. You need to be consistent in how you write your business address and other important information across all aggregators and other websites. This helps Google and other search engines verify your business information — verified businesses rank better in searches.
Conduct Local Keyword Research
If you’re an established business, you most likely already have a set of keywords you use for traditional SEO. However, you may need to tweak those keywords and add new ones to target local SEO.
Make sure you conduct keyword research again when creating your local SEO strategy. One way to determine new relevant keywords is to look at what your competitors are using. There are several online SEO tools you can use to check what keywords your competitors rank for and where their backlinks come from — target these as well.
Regardless of what type of business you run, make sure you have your main keywords with the modifier “near me” — such as “pizza place near me” or “hair salon near me.”
You also need SIL or service in location keywords. This refers to attaching your business location or city to your major keywords, such as “coffee shops in New York” or “yoga studios in the Bay Area.”
Improve On-Page SEO for Local Search
Once you’ve got your new keywords to help you rank in local searches, make sure you use them to improve your on-page SEO. Revise your webpage content to include these keywords. This includes your meta titles and descriptions, as well. You should also ensure that any on-page issues you discovered during your website audit were all addressed.
Aside from adding your localized keywords, adding your NAP information also helps optimize your homepage for local searches. NAP refers to business name, address, and phone number.
Like with your listings on search engines and data aggregators, you need to make sure the NAP you include on your homepage is consistent. A great way to ensure this is by using the address and phone number format that Google My Business uses.
Build Local Citations or Backlinks
Citations are any online mentions of your company. These often include not only your business name but also your address and phone number. You get local citations from business directories, social media profiles, blog posts, and other website content.
Citations that mention your NAP information help you rank higher in local searches. That’s why you need to make sure your citations are consistent and the links included are working properly. 
You can build your business citations by making accounts or business profiles in industry-specific directories, listing your business on the Local Chamber of Commerce website, and joining community hubs.
If you need to build better backlinks, guest blogging is still one of the best ways to do so. Creating your own informative and useful blog posts is genuinely helpful, as well. Once you’ve created your blog content (complete with relevant keywords and links), all you need to do is promote them well.
Another way to build backlinks is to be active in your local community. Consider sponsoring a sports team, partnering with a non-profit, organizing a volunteer day, or even sponsoring an online event. This not only provides better brand visibility in your community but can also generate positive press and backlinks with authority for your website.
The Bottom Line
These tips only lay the foundation for a winning local SEO strategy — the work doesn’t stop here. 
In order to remain on top of local search results, you need to continuously improve the online presence of your business and its keyword usage. This means regular audits and optimization measures.
We understand how this can take its toll on you and your whole business — after all, digital marketing isn’t without its challenges and intricacies. If you truly want to create the right local SEO strategy and get positive results, it’s best to get help from experts.
That’s what Sayles Industries: Digital Marketing Agency is here for — to help you optimize your local SEO strategy and take your business to new heights. Visit our website today to get a free SEO audit and get started on your path to local SEO success.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/how-to-create-a-winning-local-seo-strategy-for-your-business/
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8 SEO Tips To Get to Page One of Google
8 SEO Tips To Get to Page One of Google
If you’ve just built your website, earning the top spot on Google is no cakewalk. However, you can attain it over time with the right SEO practices. If you want to learn the top SEO tips for page one results on Google, keep reading!
1. Study High-Ranking Content
Your site may not have landed on page one yet, but you can learn from those that already have. Take a closer look at their landing pages. Compare each page, and see how they’re written. Do they include keywords not found on your page? Do the backlinks have higher quality? 
Are there additional helpful elements like videos or charts? By studying pages with a higher ranking, you can adopt the best practices and make your content more relevant.
2. Maximize Internal Linking
Your site’s internal linking structure helps give Google an idea of what the website is all about. So, thoroughly use linking across your pages to build authority on your major topics and increase your chances of getting a higher rank for them. 
Only link pages when they’re relevant to the users and help satisfy their needs. Showing that you have addressed the issue well gives Google the assurance that visitors to your site will be pleased with the content. 
3. Ensure a Mobile-Friendly Site
About 60% of online searches come from mobile devices. Mobile-friendliness is also included in Google’s page experience update, which means that mobile-ready content will be prioritized. So, if your site is not yet optimized for mobile use, revamp it to help rank your website to page one of Google.
4. Earn and Build More Links
Rankability may involve several factors like relevance, content quality, and semantic relationships. However, backlinks still help rank websites to page one of Google. So, earn links by creating high-quality content that’d urge other sites to use it as a resource. Then, develop links by looking for essential links from reputable sources. 
5. Revive Previous Performers
Effective SEO tips also include refreshing old yet great content. Apply splicing or look for the pages containing low-performing keywords and create new content pages tailored to those keywords’ purpose. Then, interlink them with the present ranking page so it’s easier to rank on a topic category that you already have authority on.  
6. Target Featured Snippets
With Featured Snippets, you can get to the top of the search results. While this is hard to achieve, you can improve your chances by exploring your keywords’ variations and check if there’s a featured snippet. Then, examine the featured content’s structure to see what format is favored by Google, and apply it to improve your top-ranked page for the particular query. 
7. Modify the Site Navigation
Top Google SEO tips for page one results also include moving more important pages higher in your site navigation. When examining a page’s relevance, Google considers its distance from the home page through internal navigation. As it contains the most external links, the homepage has the highest authority on your page. So, move your most essential pages near the homepage to enhance authority and possibly get a higher rank.  
8. Tweak Threshold Pages
Pages in positions 11 to 20 are called threshold pages. They may not generate much traffic, but refining them will help get you to the top. So, focus on these pages instead of trying to rank on new content. With a rank tracking tool, you can segment your pages with keywords that are in positions 11 to 20. To determine which segment offers greater chances for returning visitors, sort by the search volume.  
Google SEO Tips: Let Your Site Stand Out
With the competition getting tougher, you must apply the best SEO tips for page one results on Google, like researching high-ranking content, building more links, and tweaking threshold pages. You can also work with a top-notch SEO agency like Sayles Industries to help increase your visibility online. Contact us today, and we’ll address your SEO and other digital marketing needs!
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/8-seo-tips-to-get-to-page-one-of-google/
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How To Avoid SEO Disaster During a Website Redesign
How To Avoid SEO Disaster During a Website Redesign
Ideally, companies of all sizes and industries should redesign websites every two years to keep content relevant. However, if you don’t consider SEO components with your upgrades, you could face catastrophic consequences. Apart from negatively affecting your ranking, you could harm your site’s long-term growth. 
The first item on any list of website redesign tips should be SEO preparedness. When you understand how enhancements affect your SEO, you can develop a viable plan for your site. Read on to learn how to keep SEO rankings with a new website. 
Relationship Between SEO and Website Redesign
A BrightEdge study reveals that 68% of online experiences start with a search engine, making it crucial to boosting site traffic. These platforms focus on providing users with exceptional services, and they only promote sites that help them achieve this goal.
Search engines analyze site speed, user-friendliness, content quality, and other such components to determine a site’s relevance. When you decide to overhaul your site, Google and other search engines should reindex it. If not, you will come across many potential issues, including:
Loss of Rankings: One of the worst things that can happen to your site is to lose all previous rankings. 
Index the Staging Site: While rebuilding your website, it’s crucial not to let search engines index the development site. The massive amounts of duplicate content could negatively affect existing and new websites alike. 
Look Suspicious: Applying too many changes at once will confuse search engine crawlers. 
Don’t let any of these complications happen to you. Read on for website migration tips from professional web designers. 
Website Redesign Tips
There are many reasons to improve a website, from achieving faster load speeds to boosting mobile-friendliness and reducing costs. However, be careful not to let your redesign project affect your SEO efforts. Below are practical tips on how to keep SEO rankings with a new website. 
No matter your redesign goals, your methods shouldn’t affect your site’s value. 
Migration Seasonality: Plan a migration during low seasons and never before major holidays. There are always risks involved in site improvements, so choose periods with minimal impact on your sales. 
Information Architecture: Don’t omit any page valuable to your ranking, and make sure that the new design will not dilute the overall message. For guidance, use a crawling tool to create a sitemap for your new site. 
On-Page Optimization: Before you upgrade your site, make sure you maintain its relevance. Keep URLs, meta descriptions, page titles, and copy that convert. 
Redirects: As much as possible, avoid presenting a 404 error page to a site visitor. Make sure that all pages containing links lead to the correct pages. This tip may be the most time-consuming one on this list, but it’s essential in preventing lost opportunities. 
During the Launch
As you launch your site, follow your checklist and watch out for any potential quality control issues. 
Never launch a page without testing all its components. Use a sandbox to your new site on a server. It’s better to delay your launch than to risk spending months recovering and rebuilding your lost rankings, links, and traffic. 
Your work doesn’t end when you launch your improved website. As soon as you go live, there are many factors to test. Let’s go through some of them. 
Verify Canonicalization: Make sure that the canonicalization on your new site does not reference the old one. Referring to the previous website can prevent search engines from indexing the new one. 
Fix Duplicate Content: Errors during the migration process may cause duplicate content. Some issues include publishing multiple URL versions, using wrong redirects, and having folders leading to the same content. 
Update Links: The first step after the migration is to go back to the redirect file to test all URLs. Make sure your previous URLs perform 301 redirects to new ones.  
Dev-to-Live Audit: Confirm that all the pages from your dev site carry over to the live one, especially if it contains a lot of dynamic content. For example, optimizing title tags but not databases may lead to missing website sections. 
Submit XML Sitemaps: After testing all your site’s components — SEO included — submit the XML sitemap. Make sure your XML sitemap is flawless, without any URLs resulting in 404 errors. 
Upgrade Your Website Now
Stanford Web Credibility Research reveals that 75% of consumers judge business credibility by a website. It should provide visitors with maximum value, making website redesign crucial for any organization. 
If you feel like you can’t perform such a project flawlessly even after reading the website migration tips above, it’s time to consult with site professionals. 
At Sayles Industries, we specialize in helping clients boost their traffic via search engines. Speak to an expert now to develop an improved and optimized site. 
  source https://www.saylesindustries.com/how-to-avoid-seo-disaster-during-a-website-redesign/
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Is Having One Product Page With Multiple Products Bad for SEO?
Is Having One Product Page With Multiple Products Bad for SEO?
For eCommerce SEO, having one product page with multiple products may be a good strategy if your product is part of a category. Typically, you would consider whether to have a single product or a category of products. In other words, your one page would either feature one product or include variants of the same product.
This dilemma tends to be common among online marketers who offer multiple products within the same family. Once you identify the true nature of your product, you can determine whether to give it a single product page or a category page. Here’s a closer look into each product type using sweaters as an example.
When to Use a Single Product Page
Stick with a single product page if the end-user will not benefit from a separate page for a specific variant. In the case of sweaters, a customer does not need an individual page for various sizes, materials, and colors (for the most part).
When a customer shops for a sweater on your single product page, they would select a size, material, and color anyway. Individual pages for small and large sweaters are unnecessary. At the same time, you could include an option for the sweater material if the product calls for it. Such factors are not unique enough to justify separate product pages
Meanwhile, color may be a somewhat unique feature to justify a single product page. In some cases, customers may only want to see green clothes. Individual pages for one color would benefit such customers looking for sweaters of a specific color. Single pages featuring colors may also make room for styling and blending options that some customers would appreciate.
In essence, the point of having a single product page should rely on end-user benefit. Be sure to determine whether your consumers would need individual variant pages for multiple products.
When to Use a Unique Category Page
A category page for each of your product variants is ideal if each item has at least a thousand searches a month. For sweaters, categories may include crew-neck sweaters, V-neck sweaters, and sweater vests. Consider using a category page if you intend to expand the product line to offer more options for the same item.
Having a category page for different colors of sweaters may also help you condense your content. With a category page, you can expand your product line and link similar product pages into it. In other words, different versions of the same product in the collection would make it easier on the customer’s end to find variants of the main product.
Conclusion: Is Having One Product Page With Multiple Products Bad for SEO?
Single product SEO may be good depending on the product you sell. You must assess whether your product’s multiple variants require individual pages. To do so, consider your end-user.
Your customers may not need a separate page for an item that comes in different sizes if they can select their preferred size on a single product page. Meanwhile, an item with similar products under the same category would give customers more options. Be sure to keep your customer’s benefits in mind when creating product pages.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/is-having-one-product-page-with-multiple-products-bad-for-seo/
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Are Core Web Vitals a Google Ranking Factor?
Are Core Web Vitals a Google Ranking Factor?
Google constantly tweaks ranking factors. Recently, they’ve announced that they’ll be putting more emphasis on one important aspect: user experience.
The more value a user gets from the time spent on your website/web page usually means a positive experience, and so they are bound to come back. Google plans to measure this through what we call core web vitals.
This will truly change SEO practices for the better. Are core web vitals part of what’s considered a Google ranking factor? Let’s discuss.
What Are Core Web Vitals?
A subset of web vitals, core web vitals are applied to all web pages. These are tools that site owners may utilize to measure real-world user experience. The data gathered will then be valuable for them to work on their websites and get more visits and possibly conversions.
There are three core web vital metrics, namely:
LCP also known as Largest Contentful Paint
FID also known as First Input Delay
CLS also known as Cumulative Layout Shift
LCP refers to the time it takes before the largest image or block of text loads on your web page. FID measures the time it takes for the browser to respond to a user engagement, i.e. a button click. And lastly, CLS refers to the stability of your web page’s layout which refers to the layout shift of the content a user is looking at as the page continues to load.
As you can see, these core web vitals are quite user-centric, which is always a good thing. Site owners will be obligated to always develop good quality web pages with content that is meaningful and that will cater to the needs of visitors.
The quality of ranked websites will improve this way. Gone are the days where the user’s time is wasted on aimless browsing and poor-quality content.
How Are They Measured?
All three core web vitals are measured as good, needs improvement, and poor. The goal, of course, is to always be rated good at all three of them so you can rank higher.
LCP is considered good if your web page scores (or loads at) 2.5 seconds or lower. A score of 2.5 to 4 seconds would be rated needs improvement, and anything higher than that will be rated poor.
FID is considered good if your page has a responsiveness of 100 milliseconds. Your web page has got to hit this target around 75% of the time.
Google will consider your CLS good if you hit 0.1 or lower, 75% of the time. So, layout shifts on your site should be fast enough to qualify for that score.
Google has said that yes, core web vitals are now considered ranking factors. How important are they? VERY.
Take note that they will be updating the parameters each year so this will evolve, and as a site owner, you should adapt. Luckily, there are a ton of ways to improve upon your metrics. Perhaps it’s time to do so now.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/core-web-vitals-google-ranking-factor/
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5 Holiday Internet Marketing Tactics to Start Right Now
5 Holiday Internet Marketing Tactics to Start Right Now
The holiday season is a busy time for many shoppers and businesses alike. It is also an opportunity for business owners and marketers to boost sales before the year ends.
Shopping for the holidays officially starts with Black Friday leading up to Christmas and New Year. Now is the right time to strategize your holiday internet marketing efforts, especially if your competitors have already begun planning theirs.
Don’t miss out on promotional and sales opportunities this season. Here are five internet marketing strategies you can employ to make the most out of the 2021 holidays.
1. Use Google My Business
Google’s local search results now allow business owners to include promotional sales or offer posts in their listings. This is a great feature that provides many benefits, especially if you are active with your Google My Business profile.
You can create and share offers, new or popular items in stock, or announcements directly with people. A “View Offer” action button will also be included in your listing. These posts will serve as additional information in your map results, which is extremely vital for local SEO efforts.
This feature enables you to connect with your existing and potential customers. When they have more access to your business information and updates, your customers are more likely to choose your business over competitors.
Adding posts through your business listing on Google search and maps can boost your relevance to improve ranking and clickthrough rates. To use this feature, go to your Google My Business profile and click on ‘Posts’ to add your holiday offer.
2. Aim for Year-Round Holiday Internet Marketing
You should aim to make your web pages and content “evergreen,” meaning they can thrive and continue to be relevant no matter the season. This provides you with higher chances of growing your traffic over time.
With that said, your holiday marketing efforts should not be limited to Black Friday or Christmas. Still, there are several different ways to host holiday landing pages to ensure they will be evergreen.
You can host your current holiday page using the same URL as the previous one. This is beneficial to have a relevant and strong page just in time for your next sale. Or, you can opt to use different URLs for different holiday sales.
It is up to you to decide whether you want a single page that centers on a particular holiday for your business or have individual pages for each holiday. If you prefer to retain your past offers online, you can just move them to a new sub-page.
3. Target SERP Features
In SEO, a search engine results page (SERP) contains different website links that the search engine considers relevant to a user’s query. The contents of SERPs can include organic or paid results and SERP features.
A SERP feature is not a traditional organic result, but it can make your page stand out among the other results.
The most common SERP features you can find on Google include:
Featured snippets
Knowledge panel
Local pack
People Also Ask (Related questions)
Ranking for particular keywords can put you up against larger competitors. Instead, you can choose to target other areas of the search engine results that other companies are less focused on.
Since every query is unique, there is an opportunity to create optimized content for your seasonal marketing strategy. Think of how users refine their queries and aim to target them.
4. Take Advantage of Google Trends
Google Trends is another useful tool for business owners and marketers to help elevate their holiday internet marketing tactics. This keyword research tool reveals valuable insights based on Google’s actual search data.
Since many companies are competing for shoppers’ attention this season, you should engage your customers in key decision-making moments. Understanding the latest holiday trends can help you better reach and connect to them.
Google Trends allows you to unlock and extract real and accurate keyword volume data. These insights are especially helpful for developing keyword strategies to promote your webpage.
Other functions of this tool enable accurate segmentation of keyword data. This helps you discover new and trending terms and which locations to focus your holiday promotional efforts.
Below are some ways to maximize the Google Trends tool:
Compare keywords to get more accurate traffic data.
Evaluate keyword data by short-term or long-term period for customer insights.
Use the Related Topics and Related Queries features.
Narrow down keywords according to a category to obtain more accurate data.
Refine keyword data to uncover various search intents.
5. Remarket Ads
Search ad campaigns let you show your ads across Google’s search results. Although it provides more visibility for people searching for your business, it can also be costly.
However, you can still put your ads via the Display Network even if you are on a budget. This is done through remarketing.
With simple remarketing, you can display your ads to people who have visited your site. It is much better if you place your ads on the exact section they have been to. This is a low-cost method to present your holiday promotional messages to customers.
Another strategy to consider is by uploading your customer lists and remarketing them to Google. You can also remarket to people similar to those in your audience or list.
By combining your remarketing efforts with email campaigns, your promotional messages are sure to reach your customers at various touchpoints.
Start Planning Now
Before the holidays kick-off, now is the right time to work on your holiday internet marketing campaign. These useful strategies will help you get started, so you can test, fine-tune, and implement them for your next big sale.
Unsure where to begin when it comes to internet marketing or just too busy running your business? No worries, hire the internet marketing experts at Sayles Industries today to help boost your online sales this holiday season.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/5-holiday-internet-marketing-tactics-to-start-right-now/
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7 Ways to Improve WordPress SEO
7 Ways to Improve SEO on your WordPress Website
Are you one of those business owners who have a physical store and want to extend the market to online visitors? Or are you new to business altogether and want an online presence? There are several ways to improve SEO on your WordPress website, from your domain to themes and even your comment sections! Want to know more? Keep reading for seven tips to help you get started to improve SEO and increase your online visibility.
1. Select a Domain
There’s not much difference if you’re choosing a domain with or without “www” in it. If you’re aiming to have a CNAME record for future website traffic redirections, you may go for a domain with www in it.
2. Fix Your Site Links
Search engine algorithms often reward websites with readable links. If the links are simple enough, it may even help your site visitors remember them better for future browsing.
3. Choose a Suitable Theme
Choosing a theme isn’t only limited to the entire look and feel of your website. While these things may help drive traffic to your website, you need to focus more on themes that help improve the overall browsing experience of your site visitors.
4. Optimize Your Navigation System
This is sometimes known as breadcrumbs. They are called this because they are expected to lead you to pages that you previously visited. Furthermore, these nifty tools can help you go around the website without getting lost. In a way, they serve as clickable guides within your web pages. Incorporate them in as many of your pages as possible. Search engines consider breadcrumbs as plus points to improve WordPress SEO because they make the navigation experience of the site visitors much easier.
5. Pick Plug-Ins That Help Increase Your SEO Score
Plug-ins are there to help boost your website speed and functionalities. Just remember not to place too many plug-ins, or it may lead to a website with slow loading time. In worse cases, it may even lead to site crashes and overload.
6. Block Off Unwanted Pages
This is one of the easiest ways to improve SEO but often the most overlooked. Assess your robots.txt file to make sure that no viruses or odd pages will crop up. Regularly perform scans to ensure that your site stays indexed in most search engine databases.
7. Moderate the Comments
Depending on your preferences, you may or may not allow the site visitors to leave comments after reading a blog post. Here are some insights for both options:
With Comments: Your site may be vulnerable to spam attacks, especially if there’s no one from your team who regularly moderates comments and actively interacts with visitors. Also, wrong spelling and grammar from comments may decrease your SEO score.
Without Comments: This can provide you with limited knowledge of your site visitors’ thoughts and feedback.
Some More Reminders
When you’re working on optimizing your website, make sure to use SEO tools as guides. They are not merely there to provide you with some metrics. Some of the best SEO tools can give you a lot of helpful suggestions to optimize your website. These are concrete action plans that can help you boost your online visibility. The good news is most of these tools are free, so you can have access to them anytime.
Having said all these things, take note that WordPress SEO scores for business websites can take some time to change and increase. On average, it may take around three to six months to see significant changes. This is because this is the average time span that search engines make major changes in their algorithms.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/7-ways-to-improve-wordpress-seo/
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WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
What is the Difference Between WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
  You might be someone who thinks WordPress.com and WordPress.org are the same. Or you know they’re different but don’t know the details. So, what’s the difference between the two? While WordPress.com involves managed hosting, WordPress.org is self-hosted. Keep reading to learn more about WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org, their corresponding pros and cons, and the right platform to use based on your needs.
To help you understand the differences between the two platforms, you should examine them separately. A hosting service established by Automattic, WordPress.com is managed by Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress. As the founder is the same, users easily confuse WordPress.com with WordPress.org.
With WordPress.com, however, you won’t have to download software or pay for hosting. You can publish your site for free. But if you want upgrades, WordPress.com offers pricing plans—from Personal ($48 annually) to VIP (about $5,000 monthly).
If you are starting a blog for your hobby or your family, then WordPress.com is perfect for you. The platform gives you up to 3GB of space. If you need more storage space, you should subscribe to a paid plan. For instance, with a Personal plan, you get 6GB for $48 per year, while with a Business plan, you get 200 GB of storage for $300 per year.
Another advantage is you won’t have to deal with updates or backups because WordPress.com will do the work for you. Thus, you can focus on developing your content.
WordPress.com has its own limitations. Given that you’re using a free website, WordPress.com places ads that your users can see, but you don’t earn anything from it. You need to upgrade to any of their paid plans so users don’t see these ads. You’re also not allowed to sell ads on your site. If your website has high traffic, you can take advantage of WordAds, but you need to share revenue with WordPress.com.
Another disadvantage is that you can’t upload plugins. With the free plan, Jetpack features are already provided. If you get other plans, like Business, you can install from compatible plugin options. Free plans also give you very limited theme collections. You need a paid plan to get custom themes.
In terms of monitoring your stats, free plan users can’t add Google Analytics or any other tracking tool. You need a Business plan to install these platforms. Also, if WordPress.com thinks you’ve violated their terms of service, they can always delete your account.
Unlike WordPress.com, WordPress.org gives you full control of your website. You can customize as much as you want and need. Also called self-hosted WordPress, WordPress.org is free software; you only need web hosting and a domain name.
WordPress.org is free and easy to use. You also own your website and all the data. So, as long as you’re not doing something illegal, it can’t be taken down by anyone. You’re also free to add free or paid plugins or apps to your website. Then you can customize it any way you want to.
Unlike WordPress.com, WordPress.org allows you to monetize your website with your own ads without the need to share revenue. You can easily use Google Analytics and other tracking tools as well. WordPress.org also allows you to set up an online store for your products and process credit card transactions.
Despite WordPress.org’s several benefits, it has its corresponding disadvantages. For instance, you need separate web hosting. You can start with about a $3 to $10 monthly charge. However, this increases once your website brings in more traffic. Also, unlike WordPress.com, you need to manage updates and backups with WordPress.org.
WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: Which One to Choose
By knowing what the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is, you can assess which one works for you and your needs. If you are a personal blogger and making money from your website is not your priority, then use the free WordPress.com service. If you’re a blogger or a business that aims to gain more revenue from your website, then use WordPress.org software. WordPress.com’s Business plan may offer advanced features, but you can do so much more with WordPress.org at a lower cost.
Use the Right Platform to Achieve Online Success
As you’ve seen, WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org includes pros and cons. Knowing the difference between the two helps you pick the right platform based on your goals and needs. If you want to boost your online presence and generate more revenue, hire trusted professionals from Sayles Industries to handle your WordPress development needs.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/wordpress-com-vs-wordpress-org/
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10 Questions to Ask When Searching for the Right SEO Agency
10 Questions to Ask When Searching for the Right SEO Agency
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most cost-effective ways to boost your lead generation, conversion, and sales figures. Without a doubt, an SEO agency can help you take your business to the next level. However, looking for the best SEO agency is not as easy as it seems.
Before you hire an SEO agency, you have to ask the right questions. Learn how to hire an SEO agency the right way. Your success can depend on it. Let’s go through the top ten questions to ask an agency before committing to an agreement.
1. What sets you apart from other agencies?
Every SEO agency is different, and each one boasts of specific achievements. Once you hear about an agency’s unique selling propositions, you’ll understand what its decision-makers value. Below are some of the factors you should consider.
Experienced professionals
A dedicated representative or team assigned to you
Customized SEO solutions
Omnichannel communications
Dedication to results
2. What services do you offer?
SEO is a multifaceted marketing branch that involves several business aspects. Before you decide on the best SEO agency for your company, determine what you need first. For example, if you have an excellent creatives team, you don’t have to outsource such services. Below are some of the offerings you can expect from an SEO agency:
Web development
Content creation
A/B testing
Expense management
3. What strategy will you use for our brand?
When it comes to SEO, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. An agency should discuss its goals for your brand and a step-by-step action plan to achieve them.
An agency will likely discuss keywords, user experience, page titles, etc. The most important thing is getting an answer about a bespoke strategy for your specific needs.
4. How do you measure success?
Keep in mind that it takes considerable time and effort to achieve SEO goals. They also depend on what you need as a company.
Any agency guaranteeing page-one rankings in a month might use black hat techniques that may look like success in the beginning but leave you with massive penalties and less traffic than you did before.
5. How satisfied are your clients with your services?
Many agencies look good on paper. Most of them offer top-notch services, guaranteed results, and other such statements that pique your interest.
Don’t fall for such words without seeing results. There are many ways to check client satisfaction, such as checking Google and Facebook reviews. However, ratings don’t convey the whole story.
If you want to gain a better vision of an agency, check out its case studies. Review the screenshots of processes and reports.
6. How long have your experts been in the industry?
There’s nothing wrong with hiring a new agency, but you should ask about the experience of their experts. Here’s why: SEO strategies for a small brick-and-mortar store can greatly vary from the methods used by a large multinational company.
Make sure that the agency you choose has enough experience in your industry or niche. Having such a partner can help your business reach new heights.
7. Who will handle my account?
Many companies often overlook this essential question. Before you sign any agreement, make sure there’s a dedicated person assigned to your account.
Working with web development and marketing experts is a great thing, but an agency’s expertise means nothing if you can’t get a hold of its representatives. You know your company better than any agency does, and your input should always matter.
8. What’s the cost of breaking the lock-in period?
Many factors might lead to you changing your SEO plans, from a management overhaul to budget cuts and everything in between.
Contracts often involve lock-in periods, and you should always ask about the consequences of breaking them. Ideally, it’s best to get a partial refund or compensation for any work not rendered by the agency.
9. How long will it take to see results?
As mentioned earlier, it takes a while to see results in your SEO efforts. Generally, you should see results anywhere between three to six months, depending on your current standing and targets.
However, a reliable agency should give you a specified time frame, along with a quality strategy to achieve your goals. Be wary of agencies that promise results overnight.
10. How will you synergize your efforts with our marketing strategies?
The best way to achieve your SEO goals is to make them part of your overall marketing strategy. Don’t trust any agency that tells you otherwise.
Your SEO efforts should go hand in hand with your website development, content creation, and social media strategies, among others. In effect, your agency should work with your marketing team as much as possible.
Hire a Reliable SEO Agency Now
If you’re looking for a trusted SEO agency, consider Sayles Industries for your SEO, website design, and social media needs. We are a group of web development and marketing experts specializing in high-quality leads that enhance conversion and revenue figures. Book your complimentary consultation now to take your first step toward SEO success.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/10-questions-to-ask-an-seo-agency/
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5 Reasons Why Fresh Content Is Critical for Your Website and SEO
5 Reasons Why Fresh Content Is Critical for Your Website and SEO
 Your website reflects your distinct brand identity online. Every new piece of content you add to your website and the number of changes you make has an impact on how it interacts with people and search engines.
On the other hand, a static website does not update as frequently and is seen by search engines as a lifeless entity on the internet. As a result, it’s critical to keep your website updated with new content regularly. If you are a beginner SEO marketer or a small business owner aiming for content marketing success, keep reading! This article will go over five reasons why having fresh content is essential for your website and SEO.
1. Fresh Content Causes Your Website To Be Indexed More Frequently
Web crawlers are high-tech programs used by search engines to scour the internet for websites. Search engines determine a set of algorithmic parameters that the web crawler uses to index a site. The number of incoming links to the site, the type and quantity of subject keywords utilized, and the frequency with which the site is updated can influence a site’s indexing.
When you make a change to your site, the search engine notices and re-ranks it. If you keep your website updated with downloads, blog articles, and new web pages, a search engine will come back to your site more frequently. As such, if you want to increase the ranking of your website, make frequent adjustments to the content so that a search engine can reassess your position in its index.
2. Frequent Updates Are Google’s Favorite
Google, being the leading search engine, has a massive impact on how websites are built. When Google indicates a preference for frequently updated websites, it’s a clear indication that you should refresh your material as regularly as possible.
So, to be easily detected by Google, post an article, an image, or alter something on your site. Blogging for SEO success and regularly publishing articles that your visitors will see is the simplest and most effective strategy to stay relevant. The comments that visitors leave on your blog posts qualify as updates — such are the benefits of blogging. So, publish something that will catch people’s attention and encourage them to start contributing to your frequent updates.
3. More Keywords Result From More Content
Adding new content to your site can help increase the number of keyword opportunities. When it comes to search engine ranking and indexing, keywords are at the top of the list.
Now, you must keep in mind that Google no longer places a high value on the number of keywords on your website because of changes in the algorithm. Whenever Google indexes a site, it looks for high-quality content rather than keyword-stuffed drivel. As a result, produce high content that includes your keywords, but only if they appear naturally.
4. Your Authority Is Reinforced by New Content
Following the SEO maxim, “content is king” is the most common technique for creating an authoritative site. Here, the importance of blogging comes into play. The more relevant and helpful content you can produce about your industry, the more authority your website will have.
Your authority becomes stronger, and people start trusting what you say when you publish more about a particular subject with excellent content. Potential customers are more inclined to buy from you if they have trust in you.
5. Maintain Constant Engagement with Your Audience
You establish long-term loyalty by keeping your audience updated and informed, which results in repeat visitors that add substantial value to your website.
Similarly, your frequently updated content can give helpful information about your company and its products or services to new visitors. Help them realize why they need your service or product by educating them of its advantages. The more knowledge a prospective buyer possesses, the more inclined they will be to make an educated purchase decision.
The Bottomline
It’s crucial to update your website with fresh content regularly. Knowing the benefits of blogging new content and giving news updates can help your website be indexed more frequently by search engines, especially Google. Regular updates can also help to establish your brand’s authority and keep your audience engaged.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/5-reasons-why-fresh-content-is-critical-for-your-website/
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How Apple iOS 14 Release May Affect Your Ads and Reporting
How Apple iOS 14 Release May Affect Your Ads and Reporting
  Unbeknownst to most people, giant tech companies Apple and Facebook have had an implicit but long-standing competition for about a decade now. Unsurprising as it may seem — since many companies operating in the same industry do engage in some form of rivalry — a lot of people were under the impression that this was similar to friendly banter. However, the latest update for the Apple iOS 14 appears to indicate that the competition between these two monoliths might not be so friendly at all.
Released on April 26 this year, the Apple iOS 14 update came with a feature that has affected, in essence, Facebook’s entire business model. The App Tracking Transparency, which involves Apple Facebook privacy settings, gives iPhone users the choice to opt-out of being tracked by apps, which includes Facebook. In the past, disabling tracking necessitated going to your phone’s settings and manually disabling this feature, which many people are likely unaware of. However, with App Tracking Transparency, a prompt will pop up on the screen to ask users whether or not they will allow apps to track them.
For the majority of the internet population, this seems like a good thing — after all, nobody likes the idea that they’re being watched, or that their digital activities are being monitored. However, for advertisers and small businesses, this seemingly routine software update can significantly affect how their ad campaigns work, as well as how they can track results from these campaigns to fine-tune future advertisements.
Apple Against Facebook
To understand how the App Tracking Transparency update affects Facebook as a whole, it is important to note that Facebook’s business model operates largely on tracking users across the internet to feed them with targeted ads, which intends to provide them with a more personalized advertising experience. For instance, if you browse for video games using Google, it’s more than likely that you will encounter on your Facebook feed ads or sponsored posts that are related to gaming, such as high-end gaming equipment or websites like IGN that post video game-related content. By tracking your browsing history and digital activities across other apps, Facebook knows that you like video games so it will show you ads related to this particular niche.
However, with the App Tracking Transparency, you can opt-out of being tracked by Facebook and other apps, which means that advertisers will have no means to gather information that can deliver targeted ads to your feed.
With the iOS 14 update, Apple emphasizes its intent to keep user privacy by releasing the App Tracking Transparency feature and giving users a choice. However, Facebook argues that the update will affect many small businesses since they rely heavily on targeted advertising to get the word out for their business. In fact, many small businesses claim that targeted advertising has actually helped them weather the COVID-19 pandemic, with some speaking up about Apple’s update and how it can have a negative impact on their operations.
Be that as it may, Apple has already rolled out the feature, prompting Facebook to make adjustments to their advertising and measurement protocols since ad personalization and performance reporting will be limited as more people on iOS 14 devices opt-out of tracking.
Facebook’s Response
To answer Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature, Facebook, in turn, rolled out the Aggregated Event Measurement, which promises to preserve user privacy while helping businesses run effective ad campaigns. In a nutshell, the Aggregated Event Measurement lets businesses pick up to eight events that they want to track using Facebook ads. Data received from these events can then be used for targeting, optimizing, and measuring ad campaigns.
Advertisers can prepare for the Apple iOS 14 changes by verifying their domain in Facebook’s Business Manager and configuring the most valuable conversion events for their business. Since Business Manager is integrated with the Aggregated Event Measurement dashboard, businesses can rank which conversion events have a high priority when it comes to tracking purposes.
Additionally, when picking which conversion events to prioritize, consider all funnels that can allow you to track and optimize towards mid-funnel and upper-funnels events, which can serve as key elements in your long-term digital marketing strategy. Optimizing for view content and purchase are also two ways you can gauge which conversion events you should prioritize.
Should You Be Concerned?
As a regular consumer and an individual user of both Apple and Facebook, the App Tracking Transparency feature for the Apple iOS 14 doesn’t seem to cause any negative changes on how you experience browsing the app or using the phone. If you opt-out of tracking, you will likely see little to no ads, which, for most people, means having an improved experience. For advertisers, however, the App Tracking Transparency feature from Apple and the subsequent Aggregated Event Measurement from Facebook can potentially change the landscape in which they operate. Whatever category you fall into, it pays to read up more about these changes so you can set your expectations and adjust to the ever-evolving digital sphere that has become a mainstay in everyone’s lives.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/how-apple-ios-14-release-may-affects-ads/
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Google Broad Core Algorithm Update June 2021
The Google Broad Core Algorithm Update Is Here
  Search engine giant Google has just announced that it has started rolling out one of the most anticipated updates it has for this year.
The June 2021 Core Update took six months to roll out since its last update back in December. According to its liaison, the update will take a few days to finish.
The goal for these core updates remains the same: they are meant to present authoritative and relevant content to users. This means that websites that fail to rank despite providing quality content can start to benefit more from this update.
However, Google has also confirmed that it will introduce another update next month, which is another thing to consider.
What To Expect From the June 2021 Google Core Update
Users can expect a change in the SERP rankings within the next few weeks due to the updates made by Google. This is expected, of course, since Google is trying to make its top results even more relevant to users.
If you notice any negative change in your rankings, be sure to update your content by adding authoritative and relevant sources. One thing to keep in mind is that the update is focused only on search relevance and does not affect links or other aspects of SEO.
Experts conducted a quick check using algorithm trackers and found that there had been no major changes during the first few hours of the update being launched. However, they started seeing some changes on June 3, with even more happening by the 4th.
One thing to note is that there is usually a rollback update a week after a broad core update. If you notice any significant fluctuations in your rankings, it’s recommended that you wait until all updates are complete before making major changes to your website.
The web continues to grow each year with content being published regularly. Continuing to put out Google algorithm updates is the key to ensure that users always get the best search experience possible.
There will be more Google changes in 2021. A rollback is expected in the coming weeks and the next update is due in July.
This is why site owners need to keep track of website rankings after each Google core update to see if they need to make alterations to keep up with changes.
source https://www.saylesindustries.com/google-broad-core-algorithm-update-june-2021/
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Avoid Cheap SEO Services
Why You Should Avoid Cheap SEO Services
It is a safe claim to make that most people who fall on hard times usually strive to cut their budgets to influence more efficient spending. Heading into the marketing world, when it comes to content marketing, we want every dollar spent to be as impactful as possible to make an optimal return on investment. Now, you can find a significant number of SEO miracle workers charging prices that seem too good to be true. But the reality is that you get what you pay for, and SEO is one area you should never cut short.
the reality is that you get what you pay for, and SEO is one area you should never cut short..
What to Expect
You can find SEO freelancers charging as little as $10 to agencies charging over $10,000. The key is to understand what you are getting for the price and whether or not the party in question is the right fit for your brand. Some services will optimize a single page and send you on your way, while others will provide strategies and stick with you for months. In addition, you will more than likely want someone who not only has experience within your brand industry, but operates at your speed as well. It is almost guaranteed that a freelancer charging $10 will not give you the upper hand in the search engines you had hoped for. You were probably better off buying a couple of scratch tickets in the hopes of winning one million dollars than to have your article make a dime. In summary, diving into a reputable service that charges more will have a higher success rate than going the cheaper route.
What to Look For
Commitment and execution are foundational to a successful SEO strategy. Going back to the services that optimize a page once then disappear, stay far away if you are looking for success. Good SEO does require a thorough analysis, but must be curated over time to ensure that it is fine-tuned and adjusted for market changes. Results will likely degrade if the attention given to SEO diminishes over time, which is like throwing all of that initial money away. A good return on investment (ROI) would be two to three times what you put into the SEO service. Without such a return, you would be better off not purchasing a service at all.
The Impact to Your Ranking
Worse than the wasted money is the potential for your site to rank lower than before due to poor service. Google algorithms are far more intelligent today than ever before, rewarding high-quality links over a quantity. Cheap SEO companies and freelancers frequently use spammy links and low-quality enhancements, which penalize your Google ranking. Good SEO takes time and research; we are talking a dozen hours per month at least to provide a sufficient solution. Some basic math, the average salary of an inexperienced SEO specialist is around $60,000, which comes out to about $29/hour. At best, you are getting an amateur for a few hours at $100.
SEO is a specialized service that requires research, planning, and execution coated in detail. Cutting corners and spending less may seem like a good idea in hard times to make more money on less. As demonstrated here, you could actually be paying to have your website fall in the ranks due to bad service. So, spend wisely, research your prospective SEO companies, and find the one that fits your brand and goals. It might be an investment up front, but the value will pay off in the end.
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Major Impacts on Social Media this Election Year
Major Impacts on Social Media this Election Year
Social media platforms are continuously making changes to their algorithms for one reason or another. During an election year, they take it to a whole new level, making our job in social media branding vastly more complicated. We need to be prepared as things heat up toward the election, and there are specific metrics that should be focused on.
Increased Competition
It is hard to browse any social media platform during an election season and avoid political noise. While your brand may have nothing to do with such content, it is still taking up precious space on users’ phones that could otherwise be filled with your brand. Some of this content is candidate promotion, news stories, or simply conversations surrounding candidates. The algorithms will favor this content not just because people want political content but also because that is the hot topic, and everyone is talking about it. Understanding this dimension of competition and ramping up your advertising strategy and budget will be crucial to avoid being drowned out.
Organic Performance will Decrease
As a result of this increase in political content comes the decrease in your performance. It is not just the political content you are competing with; other brands are going to ramp up their advertising budgets as well. This can make the battle feel impossible to win, but the data may be in your favor. Polls by the Pew Research Center show that 
46% of social media users were already feeling drained by political posts on social media in 2019. 
Intuitively you may be thinking, “doesn’t that mean there are fewer people to view my brand?”. The answer is yes, and no. Many of the people who are avoiding political content will be seeking alternatives, which is an enormous opportunity.
Ad Costs will Increase Costs have steadily risen in the advertisement realm for as long as they have existed, and during the election season, this will only get worse. An increase in competition means an increase in demand, and the prices rise to capitalize on this event. Not only do you have this increase in price, but a decrease in audience size, which all sounds counter-intuitive.
What does this mean for you? It is time to re-evaluate your strategy not only within our social media platforms, but which platforms ought to be utilized. Within those platforms, how can you strategically target your regular audience and maybe even capitalize on some of the political audience? These are all broad-stroked questions that need to be fine-tuned for your brand and its goals, but nonetheless, crucial to combating the political wave.
The election year is probably going to feel like an uphill battle, and the fact of the matter is because it is an obstacle. Be that as it may, the first step in solving a problem is understanding it. Once you have a solid framework to operate with, then you can begin finding ideal solutions to combat it. Assessing your social media presence, increasing your marketing budget, and adjusting your strategy, all of these approaches will be invaluable in fighting back against the tsunami of political noise coming your way. Take advantage of these methods, and leverage them until the election year is finally over again.
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How Restaurants Can Survive COVID-19 Pandemic
How Restaurants Can Survive COVID-19 Pandemic and Ease Customer Fears
COVID-19 has put the entire world on lockdown, and there is still no cure or vaccine to remediate it yet. As of July 29, 2020 there have been 4.43M confirmed cases and 151K deaths in the United States this far. Because this virus is highly contagious, restaurants have taken a significant toll on both revenue (sales are down by 80%) and maintaining a loyal customer base. People of all communities love to go out to their favorite restaurant and enjoy delicious food in the presence of good conversation. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, restaurants have become a dead zone and have quickly taken remediation steps to stay afloat and ensure their customers remain happy. Though the future paths depend highly on what direction COVID-19 goes, here are the top strategies thus far that have been deemed successful.
Communicate Effectively and Frequently
Communication is key to just about everything in life. If you do not want your restaurant to fail during this pandemic, then you must communicate with your customers and employees as often as possible. Times like these are filled with uncertainty, and people are desperate for information and answers. You can help fill this gap by providing them updates and address any concerns they may have as honest and quickly as possible. It is also suggested you give them access to helpful resources and information as a way to promote your reputability and promote safety at the same time. When this crisis is over, those customers will remember your efforts and will certainly respect you for it.
Online Ordering and Delivery Services
Something that many restaurants are executing is food delivery and pick up. Give your customers the alternative route to dine with you and provide them options. This allows people to still do business with you during this societal shut down and still practice social distancing properly. Food delivery has spiked since COVID-19 became prevalent. If you are a restaurant owner who has not done this yet, you should highly consider doing so to still have a steady stream of revenue funneling in.
Levitate Strict Restaurant Safety and Sanitation Policies One of the rising concerns amongst people is if their delivered food is safe or not. Even though safety and sanitation should be a top priority, no matter what, one of the best things you can do as a restaurant owner is reinforce that policy more strongly to ease fears. When you and your team are taking the necessary precautions and letting your customers know that, it will give them much more peace of mind to order from you still. It all ties back to communication and updating them at all times. Continuously announce your sanitation steps and share any updates (such as new employee sanitation trainings, improved cleaning procedures, etc.) to your customers, so they see you are playing an active role in reducing risk.
Both large chain and independently owned restaurant companies have diligently been strategizing to serve their communities during this global halt. So far, these innovative strategies have been working quite well, and have received a highly positive response rate amongst the public who are quarantined. Though restaurant owners understand that nothing beats going out on a date night or socializing with family and friends, reassuring and offering alternative methods is undoubtedly better than doing nothing at all.
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Secure Your Cyber Identity During the Holidays
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How to Secure Your Cyber Identity During the Holidays
Holidays are when most online purchases are made, and are unfortunately also when most online cyber-security scams are played out. You may think you are getting a great deal, and end up giving your credit card information to a fraudulent company, or become the victim of identity theft if you do not use caution while shopping online for the holidays. Shoppers need to be more vigilant than ever this holiday season, with a rise in technology and identity threats online increasing every year at this time.
Never Duplicate a Password
If you have the same password across multiple websites that you use for managing your money, banking, and social media, you are vulnerable to hackers who can take over your information and finances.
Try enabling a password manager to store passwords, and make sure you keep the manager secured. You can use Google password manager, or check into other legitimate paid services for securing and storing your passwords online such as LastPass.
Check the SSL Certificate of any Site you Shop on
Around the holidays, many popup websites will promise great deals, and not all of them are reputable retailers. Make sure the address bar states HTTPS, not HTTP to check for the SSL certification. The “S” in https stands for secure, and this connection type is only given to legitimate online businesses that apply through the proper channels.
Read More : Secure Your Cyber Identity During the Holidays
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