Tips for getting your website ranked Top on Google
There is no hard and fast rule for implementing this. The only thing one should keep in mind is to follow and implement the digital marketing strategies in a right and timely manner.
SEO plays a key role in boosting the organic traffic of a website. On-page SEO mainly focuses on website structure, keywords, meta tags, headers used, indexing of pages, title tags, site maps, etc. Of page SEO involves creating back links by guest posting, blog commenting, blog and article submission, social media marketing, Reddit marketing, Quora marketing, etc. You can check your website's SEO performance by using various free or paid tools like seo-optimer, Google ads, etc. These tools provide a complete report along with suggestions and tools to fix the error.
Off-page, SEO needs patience and time as one cannot start getting back links the very next day of doing off-page activities. Sometimes after doing continuous efforts we do not get satisfying results.
One can go for the paid ads and campaigns to get higher website traffic. PPC(pay per click) marketing, Content marketing, YouTube marketing, Email marketing, Social media marketing methods are implemented to get your website ranked on top.
One should plan beforehand about the Goals, Budget and can implement marketing strategies accordingly to boost web traffic and generate leads.
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Tips for getting quality back links
Although it seems pretty easy to use the back link strategies and then wait for getting back links on your website. But in reality, it costs more than just implementing those strategies.
If you want to get your website ranked on top then you have to put some extra effort in addition to what you are already doing.
After researching through so many websites, blogs from famous bloggers, and my personal experience I have come up with the following tips to implement back link strategies in an effective way to get large traffic to your website in no time.
Always track or monitor your progress by using various free or paid back link checker tools for checking back links.
1.) Guest blogging: So what most people do with guest blogging is, they just find the sites related to their niche and start writing for them without analyzing whether that website is having good DA or not. The first thing you have to keep in mind is to find only those guest blogging sites that are listed with high DA(Domain authority) value. This is an important factor in search engines' eyes to get your website listed on top.
The more you get back links from high DA websites the higher will be your website rank.
2.) Broken link building method: The tactics involved in broken link building is that you have to find the websites with broken links and then prepare a similar and high quality of content with which you can swap dead links. The next thing that after finding a dead link is to contact the website by writing a brief, polite email to convince them for replacing their dead link with your content page.
This will not only help the website to fix its error but also improves user experience as well.
Well, one thing that you need to keep in mind is that target only those websites which are having large visitors for their broken link.
So in this way replacing that dead link will result in directing that large number of visitors to your website.
3.) Use directories: Directories are a good option to get quality back links but only when you are on the directories which people use.
You have to find the list of directories under your niche and start using the one with large people.
4.) Use Infographics: Infographics are an asset for catching website visitors' attention. There are many types of infographics other than images that you can use to get large traffic like diagrams to depict concepts, charts or graphs, photo galleries, templates, etc.
Many websites like pixels, Unsplash have a stunning collection of images available to take advantage of.
5.) Update old content: Simple but time-consuming method to get back links. In this, you have to search for the articles or reports that have not been updated for a long time and also check how many people refer to them.
Create a fresh piece of related content with all the updated data and contact the blogger and let them know bout the updated version.
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Google is the most common platform used by people to search for products, services. So whenever any user searches for something related to your business's service or product the corresponding ad will appear which can turn visitors into paying customers.
Google ads play a vital role in businesses these days. These ads help businesses to show upfront online whenever a user searches for a related service or product.
Google ads start with a goal and a campaign. There are various types of campaigns based on marketing goals, brand strategy, and the time you are ready to put in.
Types of campaigns:
1.) Search campaigns: Search campaigns are text ads on the search results to reach the target audience, increase sales, and traffic to the website. It helps to showcase your products or services to the customers. Text ads are easy to set up using keywords. Smart campaigns are an asset for businesses these days.
2.) Display campaigns: It uses display campaigns are the best to boost sales and leads. With display campaigns, we can follow up with new or existing customers.
3.) Video campaigns: These are used mostly for brand awareness as other campaigns mostly focus on conversions. Video campaigns result in lead generation, large sales, re-marketing.
4.) Shopping campaigns: Shopping campaigns are best for retailers to sell their inventory by posting local inventory ads. It generates large sales and leads.
5.) App Campaigns: Promote your app, engage user signup and sales through the app.
6.) Local campaigns: These help to bring people to your store. Local campaign ads will appear on search, google maps, you tube search.
7.) Smart campaigns: Smart campaigns are the most easier ones that help to get your ad set up and running. You only have to create ads for your business, rest google will find out to get you the most out of that.  
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Digital marketing for Beginners
Any business without an online presence stands nowhere today.
Times are gone when business marketing was done offline or manually. But now, one has to be actively engaged or using online resources to grow your business. Not only this, effective use of digital marketing practices is a must for a successful business.
Before jumping directly to use these practices one has to have a thorough understanding of every strategy of digital marketing. In simple terms, you have to analyze every digital marketing strategy before actually starting implementing that in your business. This can lead to a negative impact on your business if implemented blindly.
Digital marketing in simple terms is the promotion of your product or services online using the internet and online digital technologies such as mobile phones, computers, and other digital technologies.
It is a practice that involves using digital channels like emails, social media and, search engines to reach potential customers.
Then the question arises why digital marketing?
Well, the obvious answer is we can get exposure of our business large audience. In addition to this, it is cost-effective as compared to traditional methods of marketing. As well as digital marketing delivers measurable results such as increased web traffic, higher rank, large sales, etc.
To effectively implement digital marketing we have to do the following:
Set the goals for your business
Identification of targeted audience
Analyze and set a budget for different digital channels
Create a balance between paid and free digital marketing strategies
Create quality content
Conduct keyword research
Measure your goals using different analytics tools such as google analytics.
Start working on various digital channels to boost your business
There are various digital marketing strategies in practice these days. Here is the list:
Search engine optimization(SEO).
Content marketing
Cost per click(CPC)
Social media marketing
Email marketing
Affiliate marketing
Sponsored content
Search engine optimization: It is the process of optimization of a website to rank it higher on the search engine which in turn increases organic traffic. It is broadly categorized into 3 parts:
1.On-page SEO: It focuses on the website content and use of keyword which have high volume, low competition and relevant to the website.
2.Off-page SEO: It focuses on all the off-page activities that generate traffic for our website. It involves creating back links to the website through different digital channels lie blog commenting, link exchange, guest blogging, social media sharing.
3.Technical SEO: It deals with the Structure of webpages, optimization of images and, CSS files to increase website loading speed which is important for google ranking.
Content marketing: It deals with the creation and delivery of quality content to generate leads, brand awareness. It includes blog posting, articles, info-graphics.
Cost per click(CPC): In this method, we pay the ad publisher whenever our ad is clicked by a user. Examples are google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, LinkedIn messages.
Social media marketing: This includes promoting your brand on social media to increase web traffic, brand awareness, lead generation. The social media channels one can use are Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter.
Email marketing: Emails are used to promote content, discounts, offers, and direct people toward the website. There are various types of emails sent to website users such as welcome emails, follow up emails, loyalty program emails, offer or discount emails,
Affiliate marketing: It is a commission-based promotion of someone else's product or service. It involves posting video ads, posting links on various social media accounts. 
Sponsored Content: This involves paying another business to promote your product or service. One of the popular types of sponsored content is influencer marketing. The brand sponsors an influencer that belongs to their industry to promote their product on different social media through posts or videos. Other sponsored content includes blog posts or articles written to highlight a product or brand or service.
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Content marketing is one of the powerful approaches for increasing online visibility. It offers tremendous opportunities to businesses to boost web traffic by delivering quality, valuable, relevant, consistent, and targeted content to users which satisfies their current needs.
Content marketing is a proven result-oriented approach that results in increased back links, more web traffic, minimize cost, more indexed pages on search engines, more leads, generate ROI.
Content marketing is not just writing and delivering content. It is a well-planned approach to focus the target audience and convert them into profitable customers.
There are four elements of content marketing strategy that can transform a business into a successful one.
Brand positioning
Owned media value proposition
Business case
Strategic plan
Brand positioning: It deals with defining and positioning your brand and product clearly to focus on the target audience and serve their current demands.
It requires deep research about your brand value, competitors approach for brand promotion, current needs of a target audience, figuring out the competitors in the market, find out the potential users, what problems are solved by your brand, to present a unique value of your brand.
Owned media value proposition: Every business has to define its media value proposition. For this, you need to research your users that what makes them choose a particular content channel, 
their favorite resource channels, and the information they are looking for. Along with this, Competitors market analysis is also needed to be done to figure out their strategies.
Business case: A business case gives a clear understanding of the cost, risks, benefits of implementing the content marketing strategy for your business. Analysis of business goals and how content marketing helps to achieve those is also an important task.
Strategic plan: It will focus on each step of content marketing strategy and how will it leads to company goals. A strategic plan helps you to figure out whom you want to target, how will you deliver content to them and, how will you measure the results.
Steps to create a content marketing strategy
Set your goals
Set KPI(key performance indicator)
Research your audience
Assess your current status
Find out the best research channels
Think of content types
Identify and allocate resources
Make content calendar
Create content
Publish and market content
Measure your results
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Boost your business with PMB(Promote My Business)
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Promote Your Business with PMB(PromoteMyBusiness)
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