digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about paid social media!
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing: today is paid social media day! ๐Ÿ’ป
When you are a brand and you want to promote your products or services online, you have to run paid social campaigns to raise brand awareness and drive traffic.
As we know, nowadays, everyone use social media and it represents good marketing channels. It can support your organic social media efforts in the long run. Let me explain that better:
Paid social allows you to target your most relevant customers. Indeed, you can set up campaigns and target specific customers thanks to Meta ads tools: only women, only people living in the U.S etc.
You can track your campaigns and it can give you the perfect insights ( what was the most engaging post, how many people did you reach etc.)
Before running a social media campaign, ensure your business is relevant and people know you. Moreover, you have to allocate an excellent budget to run campaigns.
Here are the 5 keys to ensure that your first social media campaign will be successful:
Choose the most relevant social media platforms thanks to different factors: potential audience reach, targeting options, and potential for lead generation.
Establish the goals and desired outcomes: you have to know what you want to accomplish thanks to this campaign (increase reach, increase brand awareness, etc.)
Don't hesitate to look at other brand's social media campaign
Be creative: create good CTA, target well your audience, etc.
Always track your campaign results thanks to analytics and take conclusions and insights to run the next campaign.
It was a short but important lesson! It's your time to play! ย Let's GO!
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See you soon for another digital Thursday article!
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digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about search marketing!
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing: today is search marketing day! ๐Ÿ’ป
As we said two weeks ago, search marketing is a tactic to gain an online presence via paid or unpaid strategies over search engines such as Google. To do so, most marketers use Google Search campaigns. You need to have the right keywords.
You have 2 types of keywords:
Long-tail: it is keywords that are more specific and longer.
Short-tail: it is a keyword that contains 1 to 3 words and covers a broad topic. They attract more visitors than long-tail keywords.
Usually, keywords match with Google Ads campaigns. You have to respect the rules of the four keyword match types:
Broad match: It is the least restrictive and gives the least amount of control. Be careful, it is not the best option for people starting out. For example, you have: mens jeans, jean guy
Phrase match: It contains a particular phrase. It is all about the word order that matches in the exact order. For example, you have men jeans, men jeans review.
Exact match: It is the most restrictive that gives the most control. You exactly match the keyword.
Now, let me introduce to you a new word: Stemming
Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its word stem that affixes to suffixes and prefixes or to the roots of words known as a lemma.
Negative broad match: It helps reduce the amount of wasted ad spend. It is the most restrictive option for negative keywords. Therefore, Google will eliminate the search terms that include the keyword with words after or before.
Negative phrase match: Negative phrase match keywords won't trigger your ads for prospects if they search for terms that include the exact phrases. It is therefore a good candidate for multiple Google Shopping campaigns.
Negative exact match: You don't want to eliminate additional search terms related to the negative keyword. It only eliminates the search queries that contain the exact phrase.
โš ๏ธ Don't forget to look at the Search Terms Reports to track what you are doing and correct your keyword if needed. The Google tools can also help you monitor your keyword strategy.
It was a short but important lesson! It's your time to play! ย Let's GO!
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See you next Thursday!
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digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about email marketing part 2!
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing: today is email marketing part 2 day! ๐Ÿ’ป
Last week, we defined what is email marketing. If you missed it, here is a quick reminder:
Today email marketing is one of the most profitable marketing channels! In addition to being easy to use and inexpensive, you can automate your campaigns and save precious time โŒ›!
It is important to measure email performance. You have to track everything. So you can make some changes and save money!. Please follow at least these analytic elements:
Open rate: it is the % of subscribers that open your email
Bounce rate: it is the % of emails that don't make it into the subscriber's box for various reasons (wrong email address, spam filter..). You have the hard bounce and the soft bounce rate.
CTA: it is the % of subscribers that click on a link that you put in your email (pictures etc).
Opt-out-rate: it is the % of subscribers that unsubscribed group your email list. This metric is very important. You have to understand why subscribers unsubscribed (you send irrelevant emails, you send too many emails..)
Email is a great way to promote your business. You can use Shopify Email as a tool to help you.
โ—You have to send emails about interesting topics and not only about sales or your customers will unsubscribe! To do so, don't hesitate to follow trends or make interactions with your customers.
Have you heard about email receipts or shipping messages? ๐Ÿ“ง
Email receipts have an open rate of 70.9%! You have to take advantage of it and offer deals! It's a golden opportunity for you. ๐Ÿ‘‘
Another tips: make your emails personal! It's always good to open an email and have your name on it!
Email marketing is a good test and learn. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Change your strategy
Keep an eye on the statistics
Ask feedback
Improve your content
Create survey
Finally, use your e-commerce website and try to encourage your customers to subscribe to your newsletter for example.
Now, you know everything about email marketing! It's your time to play! ย Let's GO!
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See you next Thursday!
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digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about SEM and email marketing!
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing: today is SEM and email marketing day ๐Ÿ’ป
Last week we talked about SEO, I hope everyone masters the topic now! ๐Ÿ˜Žย 
Now, it is time to speak first about SEM or Search Engine Marketing. We are still talking about referencing a website with the aim of developing traffic. SEM is an important communication channel because it uses pull marketing. The main objective is to give a specific response to the user's existing intention to buy rather than to push him to consume.
What is paid search?
Imagine that you work at Barilla. You want to advertise your new line of gluten-free pasta on the internet. You use paid search. The objective is to make sure that your ads are in the best place in the search engine or on websites in order to be seen by the maximum number of consumers and therefore generate traffic to the Barilla website. The easiest way to do this is to use pay-per-click. In other words, your campaign does not cost you anything until the user clicks on it. This can allow some companies to reduce their marketing budget. It is also the best way to target consumers and be the first result in the search engine. Let me explain:
With keyword research, Barilla can target potential customers who are looking for pasta.
Barilla can have control of its advertising expenses and uses its budget effectively
Barilla can see immediate results when people will click on the ads.
Let's get back to our pasta. You can place your new ads on Google SERPs in different ways:
Ad extensions
Landing pages
Don't forget that like for SEO, you have to follow rules to optimize your campaign:
Use the right location (if you want to advertise only the U.S. with your new gluten-free pasta, don't put ads on Italian websites !)
Choose the right keywords to increase awareness
Choose the right match types ( exact, broad or phrase match)
Finally, BE CREATIVE while respecting the rules! ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Now, it is time to speak about email marketing ๐Ÿ“ง !
Today email marketing is one of the most profitable marketing channels! In addition to being easy to use and inexpensive, you can automate your campaigns and save precious time โŒ›!
There are 3 types of email:
Transactional emails
Promotional emails
Lifecycle emails
However, like SEO and SEM, you have to follow some rules! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
First, you have to write good subject lines so your target audience will be more attracted to open the email. So, be clear, be short, ask a question, and don't be clickbait.
Use Google Analytics or other metrics to know when you have to send the mail. You will have to run some tests to know at what time of the day/week your customers are more likely to open it. Moreover, it is important to target your customers! Don't send mail about the new anti-age serum to your 18-year-old customers! โŒ
People who will open emails don't want to spend time reading them. So start with one offer and write short paragraphs. Don't forget to incorporate images to add value. Finally, you have to adapt your mail to every platform on which people will potentially open it (laptop, phone, tablet ...)
Finally, use good CTA but don't create urgency!
Oh, and don't forget to personalize your mail with your company logo, a beautiful signature, and a cute design! So people will be able to identify your brand !!
Now, you know almost everything about SEM and email marketing! It's your time to play! ย Let's GO!
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digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about SEO part 2 !
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing: today is SEO day, part 2 ! ๐Ÿ’ป
Last week we started talking about SEO and what are the best practices to optimize it! This week, I will continue to give you advice on how to optimize your SEO.
First, SEO-friendly writing does not mean writing for search engines. You have to:
Write relevant content about your topic
Put conclusions at the beginning
Use lists instead of paragraphs
Make your links part of the copy
Include internal sub-headings and it should include your keyword phrase
Proofread your pages
Now, let's talk about meta-description. It is a meta tag that describes what the page is about. It increases traffic and conversions. Be careful, Google can generate a description for your webpage that is different from the description you created!. To optimize your meta-description, follow these best practices:
Keep the meta descriptions around 160-165 characters max
Identify what your competition's kryptonite is
Be specific, inspire confidence
Refresh your meta description
Finally, don't forget that you can format the text (bold, heading tag..). You need to think about the UX.
It is also important to optimize the image file names to improve your SEO. (Image Alt text or HTML tag).
Image file size (it adds weight to a page). So it needs to be less than 200KB. However, you can compress the image thanks to a free website.
The image file name needs to follow the same rules as the URL (hyphen, low case). Here is an example if you want to add a picture of Laday Gaga winning the Grammy Awards in 2019: lady-gaga-grammys-2019.jpg Don't write more than 4 words.
Alt text supports good SEO
For the format:
Use lists instead of paragraphs
Limit list items to 7 words (people can't remember more words!)
Write short sentences
Finally, let's speak about user experience. This means designing a website in such a way that the user experience is the best possible.
Thus, the website user must be able to find his way while browsing your website without being frustrated. Here are the best practices to optimize your customer experience:
Have an ergonomic website with a beautiful design
Make sure that your site gives the user reassurance about its credibility
Have an intuitive website with a fluid navigation
Have a website that is easy to use
Your website must be adaptable to all media (phones, tablets, computers)
Now, you know, even more, things about SEO. It is your time to play and define or improve your SEO strategy!ย Let's GO!
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See you next week for another Digital Thursday !!ย ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿฝ
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digitalmarketingwithlena ยท 1 year
DIGITAL THURSDAY: Let's talk about SEO
Hey digital marketing lovers, ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒ
Every Thursday, I'll introduce a new topic about digital marketing; today is SEO day! ๐Ÿ’ป
SEO stands for search engine optimization or positioning a website, mobile app, or web page in the first natural results of search engines..
Let's give an example to better understand this concept:
You would like to buy new sneakers and you love Nike. So you go on Google and type "Nike". As you can see, the first result is the official Nike website. That means the company has a good SEO because you don't see the "Adidas" website as a first result.
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Moreover, another good SEO positioning is to have Nike ads on websites you navigate on such as The New York Times
Now, letโ€™s talk about the best practice in SEO. ๐Ÿ™Œ
First, you need to have a good page title or HTML. It should be clear and properly describe a Web site. For example, if you want to share on your cooking blog your famous pancake recipe, a good title to improve the SEO can be Pancakes recipe; simple but clear! However, you must have clear content and a hierarchy. (Home page, product page โ€ฆ). Keep in mind that itโ€™s important to avoid repetition. Donโ€™t forget that a page title can be changed and updated every time. You have to keep it fresh! โ„๏ธ
Secondly, there are useful tools for improving your referencing. One is the call to action, which generates leads. These are buttons on web pages that encourage the user to click on them and therefore generate an action. It can be the "subscribe" or "add to cart" buttons.
Thirdly, the URL is very important because it is the first thing the users will see. Use keywords! For example, a good URL for your pancakes recipe can be: https://pancakesrecipe/lenaiscooking.com. It needs to be consistent and avoid long or complex URLs with numbers such as: https://pancakesrecope234/lenaiscooking/desertscategory/witheggs343.com
In addition, you must have a proper header tag. These may have a significant impact on the placement of a page. They introduce the content headings of a webpage. As such, they must structure and contextualize the article. You have to add keywords, maintain consistency and mention bits of information.
Let's move on to the second section !
Do you know what is black hat SEO ? ๐ŸŽฉ These are processes and automation that allow exploiting the flaws in the algorithms to manipulate the results in his favor. On the other hand, we have the gray hat or the techniques that make it possible to improve the referencing of a site while respecting ethics and quality.
Now, you know almost everything about SEO. It is your time to play and define or improve your SEO strategy!ย 
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See you next week for another Digital Thursday !!ย ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿฝ
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