digitalraiblog · 3 years
Beas Kund Trek
The Beas Kund Trek brings trekkers away from the hustle and bustle of the capital, along the banks of the River Beas, in Himachal Pradesh's royal mountains. The trek provides stunning views of the Pir Pinjal ranges' snow-capped mountains as it passes across lush green meadows and glaciers. Bakartach and Dhundi's grasslands are stunning in their own right.
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 Origin of the Beas Kund
The beautiful lake of The Beas Kund Trek is fed by glaciers and is located at a high altitude of 3,800 metres. The word Beas comes from the word Vyas (Sage), while Kund refers to a lake. Rishi Vyas, the author of the Indian epic Mahabharata, is said to have taken his daily bath in this sapphire pool. Visitors to the region sometimes take a dip in the freezing bath.
  The Beas Kund Trek : Quick Itinerary
The trek begins in the captivating valley of Solang and continues through lush green meadows, small streams, and waterfalls until reaching breathtaking snow-capped mountains. The next stop is Dhundi, which is known as the Beas River's birthplace and is surrounded by thick deodar and oak forests. You'll spend the night at the campsite, 
which is situated next to a beautiful waterfall  The Beas Kund Trek.
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 Bakartach is reached after crossing a few bridges and provides a 360-degree view of the Great Himalayas. The mighty peaks of Deo Tibba, Hanuman Tibba, and Shitidhar will surround a trekker here. This is a perfect location for photographers because it allows them to capture those once-in-a-lifetime memories. In just a few hours, you'll arrive at your final destination 
  The Beas Kund Trek .
 Right Time to Trek
From mid-May to mid-October is the best time to visit the The Beas Kund Trek . The weather remains good throughout this period.
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  Summers are cool, with a maximum of 25 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 10 degrees Celsius. Between November and February, the area experiences a significant amount of snowfall, with temperatures ranging from 12 degrees to -15 degrees Celsius  The Beas Kund Trek.
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
7 Reasons To Go On Kashmir Great Lakes Trek
Kashmir is known around the world for its surreal natural beauty, snow-capped peaks, mighty rivers, and diverse culture. The word Kashmir is said to mean "desiccated soil" in folklore (Ka: water and Shimeera: desiccate). There are many tourist attractions in Kashmir, ranging from the winter wonderland of Gulmarg to the beautiful meadows of Sonamarg, Pahalgam, Chandanwari, Aru, and Betab valley. The Dal Lake, Tullian Lake, Chenab River, Jhelum River, and other beautiful lakes and rivers can all be found in Kashmir. Kashmir, with its massive mountains and glaciers, is an ideal playground for adventure seekers. Every year, it draws a diverse group of visitors, including hikers, mountaineers, skiers, and snowboarders. Trekking in Kashmir is a one-of-a-kind experience that blends nature, adventure, and culture. The Great Lakes trek is one of the most scenics of Kashmir's many excellent trekking trails. The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek (KGL Trek) is known for its spectacular meadows, unparalleled views of Mt. Harmukh, and more than 12 alpine lakes situated at the foot of various mountains. It is located in the Sonamarg area. In this blog, we've outlined seven reasons why the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek should be on everyone's bucket list   Kashmir Great Lakes.      
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                                            1. Magical views of Sunrise from the Tabletop of                                                 Shekdur  campsite. 
The first stop on the Kashmir Great Lakes. is the Shekdur campsite (also known as Tabletop). It is a large meadow surrounded by forest and mountains with flat grasslands. From this vantage point, the Sonamarg valley can be seen. The sunrises from this location are truly spectacular. There is also a shepherd's hut here where you can get Tea, Kava, and Maggie snacks Kashmir Great Lakes.                                   
                       2. The ever-changing landscapes: 
The trek begins in the village of Sitkari, which is located near Sonamarg. The trail begins by ascending and descending through dense woodland, crossing rivers and streams. You'll be walking through endless meadows and landscapes of shades of green and brown as you climb higher. You'll also pass through high-altitude passes including Nichnai Pass, Gadsar Pass, and Zaj Pass, where the weather can bring snow. You'll be walking on trails near beautiful alpine lakes every day. Large boulder areas and rocky trails can also be found in some of the patches on the last few days' treks. The trails become dusty as you approach Naranag village, and then it's a steep descent all the way down to the last stage. You can see various colours of meadows, streams, and dramatic shifts in the landscape each day Kashmir Great Lakes.                                             
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           3. Kashmiri people and their warm hospitality.
 You will be trekking and hiking in a land where life is easy and the air is thin for the first seven days of your journey in this beautiful country. 
The Kashmir Great Lakes offers an opportunity to learn about Kashmiri culture. Smiles will be seen all over you, and their beauty will win your heart. As the trek connects the Sonamarg valley to the Naranag village, you'll likely run into locals on the trails. Nomadic tribesmen of the Gujjar and Bakharwal stay with their cattle in a few shepherd's huts along the trail. They are the kindest, most humble people you'll ever meet. We had experienced bad weather and heavy rains on a few occasions during my trek with Adventure Pulse last year and were lucky enough to find shelter in the shepherd's hut, where they offered us hot tea, kava, and some food. After the trek, we stayed in a houseboat on the popular Dal Lake, which provided us with an opportunity to enjoy the warm hospitality of the locals Kashmir Great Lakes.                                    
        4. Unique trekking experience and challenges 
                                              on the trek.
 The Kashmir Great Lakes in Kashmir is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for several reasons. The trek provides a unique variety of landscapes as well as views of majestic, snow-capped mountains like Mt. Harmukh. It varies from trekking in other parts of the Indian Himalayas due to its geography and changing weather. This remote location's untouched beauty has its own allure that you won't find anywhere else in the Indian Himalayas. 
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 The Kashmir Great Lakes is a fairly challenging climb. The trek is ideal for both inexperienced and seasoned hikers. This trek, however, necessitates good physical health and prior planning. The trek involves several steep stretches and parts that will bring your physical and mental strength to the test. Despite the fact that the ascent is not as steep as on other treks, proper acclimatisation is necessary. In addition, depending on the season, very cold temperatures can be expected during the night. Physical exertion is needed to reach the Nichnai and Gadsar passes. Since there is a high risk of rain when crossing the pass, one must be well prepared. All of these factors combine to make it a difficult but satisfying high-altitude trek across some of the most scenic and inaccessible parts of the world.          
                   5. Beautiful campsites in the vast meadows and 
                                   on the shore of lakes. 
You'll be camping in stunning meadows on the shores of alpine lakes every day. Each of the Kashmir Great Lakes campsites is breath-taking, but ours near Krishnasar Lake was my personal favourite. During the night, if the moonlight is dim, you can see millions of stars and even the Milky Way. The sunrise and sunset views from the campsites were simply breath-taking. It is recommended that you add a day or two to your itinerary as a buffer day so that you can spend an extra day at one of the campsites and take in the raw and beautiful landscapes.                                              
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                            6. High altitude alpine lakes.
The Kashmir Great Lakes trek, as its name implies, takes you through more than 12 alpine lakes, each one more spectacular than the last. One of the unique aspects of these lakes is that some of them are named after Hindu gods. The first lake on the trail is Vishnusar, followed by Krishnasar, Gadsar, Satsar (a group of seven lakes), and the twin lakes of Nandkol and Gangabal. These lakes are a visual treat for trekkers, with their immense beauty and turquoise-coloured water. The views of the crystal-clear water and its surreal reflections of the surrounding hills can take your breath away.
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                                                                                             7. A photographer’s paradise.
 Nature lovers and photographers will enjoy the Kashmir Great Lakes trek because it helps them to catch nature in all of its moods. The trek will surprise you every day with colourful vast meadows, snow-capped mountain peaks, massive lakes, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and magical starry nights. The meadows are a riot of colour, with vibrant flowers blooming everywhere. The trek's mountains and hills have a peculiar mix of brown, green, and black colours. Lakes glistening with sunlight reflections, white clouds, and blue skies produce a stunning contrast.
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Kashmir Great Lakes
The Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is one of India's most scenic treks. This trek is situated above Sonamarg (or Sonmarg), which is located just before the Zozila Pass on the Srinagar-Leh highway. The real beauty of Kashmir can be found in the remote valleys off the beaten path. This trek was also inaccessible to civilians until a few years ago, and it features several breathtaking alpine lakes along its paths. This trek takes about eight days to complete, but the views are unforgettable.  Kashmir Great Lakes
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will last a lifetime, and since it's a moderate-level hike, it's ideal for healthy yet beginner trekkers, as well as some first-timers.
Many of the lakes along this trail are named after Hindu gods and have fascinating tales about their origins and life. Gangabal, Vishansar, Krishnasar, and Gadsar are the most stunning lakes on this trek.  
Kashmir Great Lakes
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Kashmir Great Lakes
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Spiti Jeep Safari
Spiti is a land unlike any other, as defined by Rudyard Kipling: "At last they reached a world within a world." A valley of leagues, where the high hills were fashioned from the mountain's knees' debris and refuse. Surely the Gods reside in this place.”
Spiti Jeep Safari
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MHE's Spiti Jeep Safari takes you into a timeless land of utter fascination, a bastion of ancient Buddhism and even now, a research and cultural hub for Buddhists! The Spiti Valley is home to some of the world's most beautiful Buddhist monasteries, including the Ki Monastery and the Tabo Monastery, which is one of the world's oldest monasteries and a favourite of the Dalai Lama. The Pin Valley of Spiti is now home to the last remaining Buchen Lamas of the Nyingmapa Buddhist sect.
Spiti Jeep Safari
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The revitalised nunneries of Spiti are interesting to visit; share a laugh with the nuns as they proudly show you their new solar bathhouse, which they also use as a meeting place for tea and chat in the winter!! They are doing incredible work in the areas of environmental sustainability and education.
This is the tour for you whether you're looking for the best offbeat destinations in India or a true epic adventure!
When you trek with MHE, you can be assured that we have a long history of delivering healthy and environmentally friendly adventure trips. The employees at the office, as well as the guides and porters on the walk, have years of experience in ensuring a comfortable and fun adventure. We will help you choose the best equipment and preparation, and no question is too ridiculous for us to answer.
Spiti Jeep Safari
Wherever you are, our trips are built for your full pleasure and comfort, taking into account the climate and circumstances.
We use the best available lodging, whether it's constructed buildings or tents, with attached bathrooms wherever possible. Please keep in mind that you are in a remote and challenging area, and you should adjust your standards accordingly.
We believe in tourism that is safe, legal, and responsible. Our guides are both certified and educated, and our porters are paid well above minimum wage and are not allowed to hold more than 30 kilogrammes (the international standard set by IPPG as well as the government). All of our crew members are covered by insurance and are outfitted with appropriate uniforms and supplies.  
 Spiti Jeep Safari
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We recommend giving no gifts of cookies, pens, or other items to the adorable local children you encounter along the trail in order to help the local economy. If you are serious about donating something, please talk to us first.
You won't be rummaging for money on our "all inclusive" tour, because you'll know exactly what's included up front.
Spiti Jeep Safari
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Prashar Lake Trek
The next day, you'll have the opportunity to see an incredible sunrise over the snow-capped Himalayas, which you must photograph. After that, you'll return to Panarsa by following the mountain trail back to Prashar Lake in Himachal Pradesh. About the fact that the trip would be a lot of fun, you can not take it lightly. Remember to bring good-quality woollens because the air can be bitterly cold at higher elevations. Even, bring comfortable hiking shoes with spikes to avoid slipping on ice or sinking in fresh snow.   
Prashar Lake Trek
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We have a nice excursion in Himachal Pradesh scheduled for you this winter weekend, so you won't be bored. Pack your bags and join us on a trek to Prashar Lake. Prashar Lake is a grassland pond with an ovular shape. The Pandavas are said to have found the pool, which is situated at an elevation of about 9000 feet above sea level. However, you won't see a green meadow here because the winter snow has absolutely obscured it, transforming it into a quintessentially Himalayan landscape. Despite the fact that the trek is just 9 kilometres one direction, the snow can make it difficult. 
Prashar Lake Trek
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This Prashar Lake winter trek will take you over slightly steep ridges, offering plenty of suspense. You'll pass across cedar, fir, and spruce woods that will be blanketed with snow along the way. You'll also drive by a variety of rivulets that are bound to be frozen due to the cold. You will visit the nearby pagoda-style temple after arrival at the pool. Make snowmen or snow fairies, or chuck snowballs at each other, for the remainder of the day. Then it'll be time for a cosy bonfire and dinner before retiring to your tent for the night.
Prashar Lake Trek
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Bali Pass Trek
At an altitude of 16240 feet, the Bali Pass trek connecting Yamunotri and Har Ki Dun Valley is a challenging trek only experienced trekkers can attempt. The Bali Pass trek begins in Uttarakhand's Sankri village and ends in Janki Chatti. The Bandarpoonch, Kalanag, and Swargarohini peaks can all be seen from this trail.
Bali Pass Trek
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The Dev Thach alpine meadows, located in the centre of the Ruinsara forest, are worth visiting. The Ruinsara Lake is unsurpassed in its majesty and grandeur, and it has a mythological tale attached to it.   Bali Pass Trek
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Trekkers who want to see nature at its finest and test their boundaries should consider the Bali Pass trek. May to June and September to October are the perfect months to go on a Bali Pass trek.   Bali Pass Trek
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To complete this trek successfully, one must have a high level of physical and mental stamina due to the difficult terrain, steep ascents and descents, thrilling pass crossings, and narrow paths.
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  The Bali Pass Trek is for explorers who like to go on offbeat treks. It is considered one of the most unexplored trails in the Indian Himalayas. Keep tuned to this page for the most up-to-date information on the Bali Pass trek, including a route map, itinerary, temperature chart, photos, videos, and feedback. To read the blogs about the Bali Pass trek, scroll to the bottom of the page.  Bali Pass Trek
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Buran Ghati Trek
Buran Ghati Trek, this is a beautiful pass in Himachal Pradesh
Buran Ghati, located at a high altitude of 15,000 feet in the heart of Himachal Pradesh, is an extremely diverse trek and an exciting path. This incredible trek begins in Janglik and is ideal because it involves all of the fun, including slipping down and rappelling down a snow wall.
Therefore, witness the changing landscapes, diverse vegetation, superb mountain views, verdant forests, and quaint idyllic villages during your trek.
Arguably, Buran Ghati is a diamond hiding in the hills because of its unparalleled adventure and beauty!
Buran Ghati Trek
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                              Key Points of Buran Ghati Trek
uration: – 6 Nights 7 Days – from Shimla to Shimla
Base camp: – Janglik
Summer Temperature: – Day (5°C to 10°C) Night (-2° C to 6° C)
Buran Ghati Altitude: – 4572 Meter
Best Time: – May, June, September, October
Trek Level: – Moderate
Trek distance: – On foot 29 Km – By taxi 375 km
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If you are traveling from Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Mumbai or Gujarat any other city, so you will have to come to Delhi, you will get a train/flight from Delhi for Chandigarh comfortably.
Buran Ghati Trek
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digitalraiblog · 3 years
Dayara Bugyal Trek
Dayara Bugyal Trek About the Dayara Bugyal Trek
This lush green expanse of meadows, which covers 28 square kilometres, is a perfect place to go skiing in the winter. This beautiful place is framed by towering snow-capped mountains. Catch sight of the lake of Barnala Tal strewn over the green alpine prairies– in whose reflection the peaks seem much more beautiful– when on this unforgettable Himalayan Dayara Bugyal trekking tour in Uttarakhand, India. 
Dayara Bugyal Trek
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About the Dayara Bugyal Trek
Dayara Bugyal, a spectacular alpine meadow at 12,000 feet, stands against a magnificent backdrop of lofty Himalayan neighbours such as Bandarpoonch, Kala Nag, Shrikhand Mahadev, Srikanth hill, and Gangotri hills. The Dayara Bugyal trek is characterised by a canopy of wildflowers and thick maple and oak woods surrounded by misty valleys. Over the winter, when the region gets a lot of snow, the highland meadows draw skiers from all over the country.
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Expansive grasslands, alpine pools, and trickling streams lull the senses with a sylvan symphony along the trail. Dayara Bugyal trek get a rare insight into the interesting cultures of a Himalayan village in addition to the majesty of the scenery. Trekkers will also be able to see the dynamic elegance of the rhododendron flowers that adorn the trek's tracks.
Dayara Bugyal Trek
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