dindrodzy · 14 days
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Weight milestones tracker with rewards .
Weight : Reward
85kg : New bedset
83kg : New back to school outfit
81kg : something from my AliExpress wishlist
79kg : one day vacation at a nice hotel
77kg : silver bracelet
75kg : perfume
73kg : winter coat
71kg : books
69kg : art supplies
67kg : new pjs
65 kg : spa day
(deadline : 31.12.2024)
63 kg : new tailored clothes
61 kg : trip
59 kg : new clothes/pjs
57 kg : spa/massage
55 kg : pool day
(deadline : 01.06.2025)
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dindrodzy · 14 days
I'm back and I gained weight I feel like shit .
I have to school before classes start .
My plan for the next 2 weeks is to eat 800 cals max , walk for 1h everyday , and eat hihh protein low carb healthy diet .
Start 11.09.2024 : weight 87.5
Deadline 25.09.2024 . I will log my food and my exercice here daily .
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dindrodzy · 7 months
From tomorrow until Friday I will :
Eat healthy : only natural healthy foods (STOP EATING BREAD LMAO )
Drink water : 1.5 L of water every day
Walk : for 30 minutes everyday
Gym : 2× /week Saturday and Thursday
Sleep : sleep early and wake up early 10 pm to 6am
Take my medicine, vitamins , honey , ginger , lemon , garlic .... I have to get better by next week so I can fast .
I will lose 3 kg this week on Friday I will be 79 kg
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dindrodzy · 8 months
Things I will do when I get to 55 kg
- Wear more dresses
- Wear large pants with short tops
- get a whole new closet
- new cute workout clothes
- buy new accessories
- take more full body pictures
- go out with friends more
- go to the library more often and skip meals
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dindrodzy · 8 months
How I plan to lose weight and at the same time improve my mindset around food :
- be conscious , present and mindful before and while eating
- cut/reduce processed foods from my diet and focus on natural food especially protein sources and vegetables
- low carb low sugar diet don't overdo it with fruits
- don't count macros and calories every day (reduce the amount of times you count until you no longer feel the need to and when you do limit is 1500 cals )
- allow myself to eat in special occasions : bdays , weddings ...
- NEVER feel pressured when there's a lot of foods because you can always SAVE it for later .
- move daily , do the 5 minute workout every hour (Dr Berg method to avoid being sedentary)
- walk and move every chance I get go to the board in class , go for a walk between classes , go to the library instead of studying at home .....
- go to the gym every Saturday and do other workouts at home
- take pride in my healthy eating choices instead of feeling ashamed of still being fat when I used to starve
- move my body daily even if it's just a stretch or a mobility exercise
- I like to motivate myself by reading / watching stories of hardworking people not just those who lost weight but those who work hard in any area of life ( both real life and fiction )
- be patient and give my body the time it needs to change
- إخلاص النية لله في كل خطوة
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dindrodzy · 8 months
I don't want to be glutton anymore . I want to be a cool interesting girl that doesn't think about food all the time and only uses it as a source of energy only when it's necessary .
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dindrodzy · 8 months
I want to give myself a gift for my birthday and I think the best gift will be : improving my self mentally and socially and physically
I will improve my confidence ، self esteem, social skills , improve my relationship with food and body image , work on my skills and hobbies , prepare myself for applying to scholarshis and make a portfolio and a cv ...... I want to be a better person for my birthday that's the gift I'm giving her
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dindrodzy · 8 months
It's been a while since I've been here because of my exams but I'll finish tomorrow and will come back strong 🤍
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dindrodzy · 8 months
I feel like I had an epiphany
I think the best way for me personally is to listen to my body and ask myself questions about food and find out why exactly I want to eat a certain thing or if I even want to eat it in the first place
I found out after trying this for the past 2 days that I'm not eating much compared to when I'm restricting and forcing myself to refrain from eating
I realized that I could be a normal person like my friends and refuse to eat food even if it's the most delecious thing I used to be so surprised and fascinating by how non disordered people behave around food but I'm starting to understand and I think I'll get there eventually so what I did was ask myself :
Am I actually hungry or do I just want to eat
am I hungry or just craving this specific thing
I realized that Having a piece of two will satisfy my cravings and I don't need to eat the whole box
Are my energy levels affected by what I ate/didn't eat today ?
If I'm low on energy how can I fix that and nourish my body ?
Am I hungry ?
Am I thirsty or actually hungry ?
Am I craving this for a specific reason or is it because I'm used to it ?
Do I want to eat because I'm hungry or because I want to numb a certain feeling like stress anxiety guilt ..... ?
Is this really worth eating ?
Do I really want to put this in my body ?
Is this as delecious and addicting as I originally thought ?
I also noticed my unhealthy coping thoughts Like omg I had a really bad day I think I'll just grab snacks from the store I really deserve something to ease my anxiety / make me feel better Or when I decide to do low restriction/ fast when something bad happens to me because my brain somehow links it to being fat lmao and it always ends up with a binge .
I've always used food as a coping mechanism to fix bad feelings and mental states
It was so shocking to me because I never noticed my thought pattern , I thought it was subconscious or something because I only always realize it when the urge to binge / starve is stronger than me
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 8 :
Breakfast : eggs , banana , tea , peanut butter 361 cals
Lunch : chicken , olive oil : 317 cals
Dinner : cheese butter garlic spread , bread : 577 cals
Snack : sweet ginger milk 169 cals
Total : 1491 cals
Didn't Weight .
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 7
Weight : 78 .1 kg
Breakfast : croissant and coffee 610 cals
Lunch : chicken breast , olive oil , cheese 350
Snacks : smoothie , cocoa milk , dates , cow milk butter , honey herbal tea .....
Total : ~1800 cals
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dindrodzy · 9 months
I fucked up and ate a lot of croissant I feel like total shit I hate how week I am to food when I wake up feeling like shit . That past few days I woke up feeling well/okay and I didn't even need to resist bad foods because I didn't even consider it or feel like eating 😭
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 6 : 78.5 kg
Breakfast : banana brownie : 263 cals
Lunch : chicken with olive oil : 317 cals
Dinner : 3 eggs + olive oil + cow milk butter 434 cals
Snack : green smoothie 104 cals
Total : 1118 cals
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 5 : 78.6 kg
Breakfast : green smoothie 132 cals
Lunch : chicken and meat with vegetables : 523
Dinner : omelette 373 cals
Snacks : banana : 121
Total : 1149 cals
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 4
Weight 79.5 kg
Breakfast : green smoothie : 108 cals
Lunch : chicken with olive oil and cheese 596
Dinner : banana date smoothie : 218
Snack : 1 medium egg : 63 cals
Total : 985 cals
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 3 :
Weight : 80.6 kg (remember one pound at a time )
Breakfast : 3 eggs , 1 tbsp olive oil , 1/2 orange : 339 cals
Lunch : chicken , courgette , olive oil : 328 cals
Dinner : 2 eggs , banana : 231 cals
Snack : tuna can : 113 cals
Total : 1011 cals
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dindrodzy · 9 months
Day 2 : 80.7 kg
Breakfast : eggs , pastries : 454 cals
Lunch : chicken , potato , cheese : 598 cals
Dinner : 1/2 orange , apple , banana , egg : 279 cals
Total : 1331 cals
I went over but my limit but it's Alright as long as I'm in a deficit I will lose .
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