dinnabearrr · 8 years
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
Psalm 19:1-2 (via worshipgifs)
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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Romans 8:18: “I consider that our present sufferings we not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
{Bible Verse of the Day}
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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Ezgi Polat | @ezgipolat
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dinnabearrr · 8 years
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.
Charles H. Spurgeon (via nonelikejesus)
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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Your biggest challenges can become your greatest opportunities. Your biggest fears, can become your greatest accomplishments. Your biggest concerns, can become your greatest motivators. Your biggest stress, can become your greatest peace. Your biggest failures, can become your greatest success. Your biggest discouragement can become your greatest inspiration. Your biggest frustration can become your greatest transformation. Your biggest sin, can become your greatest experience of true grace, love and mercy - unconditionally, and undeservingly given. There is no life too great or small, no heart too soft or hard, no age too old or young and no spirit to broken or whole; that our Maker, Creator and Saviour cannot transform, and rise up - from glory to glory; there’s nothing my God cannot do.
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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You Are…
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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f i n d i n g . a u t h e n t i c i t y . a m i d s t . c h u r c h . t r e n d s // as Christians it’s important to remember that through our humanistic actions — we aren’t always good or right, and that life and salvation is a gift, and not a fight. it’s important to remember that we’re living proof that God exists, we’re not trying to prove His existence through ’thou shalt’ lists. see, its clear that in the lives of the next generation, the church rarely plays a part. the church shouldn’t be a building with walls of ‘dos’ and ‘do nots’, it’s designed to be a living piece of art. where people see and smell and taste Him all around, and say ‘i want what they’ve got!’ from the roof, down to the ground…we as the church need to wisen up — because the next generation is rising up. and if we’re too busy making rules and regulations, and endless expectations, we’ll have wasted the entire journey, when we’re alone at the destination. we can light up neon billboards and wear the trendiest of clothes; but it’s these mild empty distractions, that the generation loathes. if the worship is authentic and the faith is raw and real, then His love should be our sole intention, of all we desire people to feel. instead of forcing people onto a religious hike He never called us to, why not simply invite them along for the ride with you? why not look to share from the truth of love and grace, before we look to teach from a correctional changing place. and maybe put a little more care into the words we choose to preach, and let our lives be transparent to those we want to reach. lets represent faith in Jesus as attractive, no, not hip or cool — but authentically interactive. because you can never underestimate the power of someone who truly cares, and who is willing to be the one person to listen when no one else dares. lets be the love, the love that spurs on a life that people can’t help but be attracted to; authentic love that blossoms and shines through. it’s time to stop blaming younger generations for the problems that they face, and instead to come alongside them; and invite them on an adventure that allows them to see His glory, His acceptance and His grace. Instagram: @_jacintanest // @littlekinta
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
When they whisper words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?
love, Jesus. (via jacintanest)
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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dinnabearrr · 9 years
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Lofoten, Norway, Andre Silva
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