dinner-and-a-show · 7 months
I’m writing up a list of Hannibal fic aus, and adding another one-
Abigail Hobbs is the adopted daughter of Hannibal Lecter. Since she was five years old, and her dad, a patient of Lecter, dropped her off at his office then got caught by the FBI killing little girls that look just like her. She knows who her adopted father is, and has been asking to go on hunts for a few years now, but he says she still a little young. He’s a good parent, and they’re happy, but she can see Hannibal is lonely still, for an equal and not a ward.
So when she meets Will Graham for the first time, she’s excited. Her father is obviously smitten, although Will can’t see that. Then she hears his occupation, and it takes five minutes alone before she starts ribbing Hannibal for falling for an FBI agent. She scared, but she trusts him.
It works out, with Will keeping secrets and slotting into their family easily. Abigail is too old to see his as another dad, but he parents her pretty well, and helps her through some parts of her becoming that Hannibal is unprepared for, being so set in his way. It becomes an inside joke, a serial killer falling for an FBI agent, and she gives them both so much shit for it.
Until she goes away for university at 18, and comes back home with a new friend, Clarice Starling, who has no real family and wakes up crying in their shared room. She thinks Clarice might do well with a session from her adopted father.
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dinner-and-a-show · 7 months
Does anyone have a solid number on how many people Hannibal actually killed? I know the ripper only had 9-10 official victims in season 1, and more as the monstro, but also-
The average human has, I think, about 70-75 pounds of edible meat, and the healthy amount of red meat per week is apparently 500g (~1.1 pounds) of red meat. But Hannibal isn’t eating all the person. Lungs are around 1000g, the average adult male has a leg weighing about 15 kg, so depending on his storage method, Hannibal could probably stretch his victims to a few monthes on average, and close to a year for the larger parts, but that’s with 0 waste, and without any dinner parties or other social events. So either-
Hannibal is killing people outside of being the ripper, but because they’re never found/displayed, it’s assumed they were killed by animals or freak accidents, or just went missing, and Hannibal uses them to supplement his diet when he isn’t being the ripper.
Or, much funnier, Hannibal supplements his diet with regular meat from stores, and will sometimes treat himself to the human meat if it’s about to go off or if he feels he deserves it. There have been several times when he reached into the freezer for certain cuts, and only realise halfway through that what he’s cooking isn’t actually pork.
(Also, if he killed, let’s say four people a year from ages 18 to 43, his age at the beginning of the show, that’s 100 people, roughly 10 more than the most prolific real life us serial killer. Although, he’d only need to do that if he wasted a lot of the body, or it went off before he ate it. Again, without any additional meat for guest or parties).
This entire thing was researched incredibly lazily, so feel free to comment correcting any inaccuracies.
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dinner-and-a-show · 8 months
Because Hannibal is clearly just a teenage girl dealing with her first serious crush, I raise you-
An early season 1 fic where Hannibal is still getting Abigail over on his side, pushing the ‘family’ idea, which means sometimes bonding. Hannibal also talks about Will a lot, mostly so Abigail is familiar with him, and Abigail, recognising this for what it is, asks if Hannibal likes him. Hannibal has a mini heart attack, but Abigail is already talking about the best ways to ask him out, and do they want the house to themselves, and if Will would let her dogsit if they went out for an evening.
When Hannibal says they aren’t together (he does not deny his feelings) Abigail pushes it. When Hannibal tells her Will is getting sick, she tells him he needs to take care of Will, so Will can see how good Hannibal is for him. When he mentions framing Will, she tells him that that means Will won’t be able to talk to him.
Basically, an au where Hannibal wins Will over by being charming and good to him. Will eventually gets to the cannibalism and murder, but is much more chill since he wasn’t being framed for it, and it’s all orchestrated by Abigail, who actually gets to know both of them through it instead of being idolised or martyred. End game murder family, and at least one scene where Abigail paints Hannibal’s nails.
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dinner-and-a-show · 8 months
OP, I’m gonna cry. But, I would say that, while tricking people into cannibalism makes him feel like god, it doesn’t make him feel less alone, because yes, people are eating other people and enjoying it, but they don’t know they’re enjoying eating people. Hannibal is still tricking them into doing it, whereas he knew what he was eating and enjoyed it anyway. Yeah, he was starving, but he still knew. So, yeah, he’s smarter than everyone else by tricking them, but that makes him better, it doesn’t make him equal.
Unless, of course, he met someone who did know. Someone who could look him in the eye, knowing what was on their plate, and enjoy it anyway. Someone who, despite knowing it makes them a monster like him, still enjoys it. Maybe that would make him feel less like a monster, less alone.
I often think about how Hannibal tricked people into cannibalism. it’s really easy to right this off as Hannibal just being sick and twisted, a psychopath, but its clearly something much deeper than that to Hannibal. Not only because he’s lonely and wants someone to understand him, enjoy this with him, but to console himself. He was forced to eat his own sister whom he loved and he enjoyed it. Every time he watches someone else enjoy it he feels righteous, he feels normal.
He does it to prove to himself he’s not a monster. Anyone else would feel the same in his situation. So he forces people over, and over, and over, to the same conclusion.
To comfort the sad little boy inside filled with doubt.
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dinner-and-a-show · 8 months
Getting a bunch of notifications for this blog and realising without looking at the trending list that it’s time for tumblrs bi-weekly Hannibal trending again.
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dinner-and-a-show · 8 months
This blog is going to end up being all my Hannibal fanfic ideas, since I have no time to fully write them.
Fic where, once Hannibal’s surrender and in prison, Will starts getting… really bad. All the food he eats tastes like sawdust, he doesn’t sleep longer than half an hour uninterrupted, all the stimulation he gets both inside and outside Wolf trap is unbearable to him. He becomes even more isolated, looses weight, starts seriously considering staying in bed forever, until he falls asleep, forget everything else. He only goes out with the dogs or for work.
It starts out small. Will puts on some more classical records and listen to the classical radio station more. Not needing to focus on words makes things more bearable, and he can listen to the same stanzas again and again. He wears different clothes, because his old ones irritate his skin, and they just so happen to be better quality, but they make him feel more comfortable now.
He tells himself that he doesn’t miss anyone.
But all the food he can make doesn’t stay down long, so he searches for better recipes, with spices he can’t pronounce. It’s not perfect, there’s still something missing, but it’s better.
The aftershave is a breaking point. Will had been staring at his own in the bathroom, before going to get more. It’s as he passes the aisle when he smells something familiar. Again, it’s not completely the same, but it feels safer. Will buys his own, then impulsively reaches for the other.
He wears it once. Goes out and gets home exhausted, sleeps in his clothes and has the best sleep in years. When he wakes up, he smells something different, and expects someone there when he opens his eyes. It takes two weeks of almost sleepless nights before Will puts the aftershave on the blanket he sleeps with, and only wakes up when the sunlight gets through his windows. He still wears his own, recognises how Alana and Jack look at him when he mentions a new recipe, or a piece of music, and doesn’t want to give them ideas.
Still, it’s a lot. Will feels like he’s letting someone else live vicariously through him, without them knowing. He almost jumps at the chance to talk to Hannibal about the dragon.
He wants to leave this part of Hannibal with the man, instead of it following Will around. Even if it’s the only part of Hannibal he has.
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dinner-and-a-show · 9 months
You know what messes me up the most about the brain eating scene in Hannibal? How, if the realistic consequences of the scene were to happen, it would definitely kill Hannibal.
In the real world, eating a person is, health wise, roughly the same at eating any other animal if prepared correctly. The exception is the brain. Even cooked, there’s a chance of Kuru, a disease similar to mad cow disease, from human brain tissue. Eaten raw, there’s also any diseases from raw meat, although I can’t say if any are fatal.
If Hannibal did eat Will’s brain, there is a possibility he dies from a slow, painful disease. It would wither away his body mentally and physically, there’s tremors, muscle jerks, mood changes, dementia. It’s rare, but it’s very possible. And Hannibal, as both a doctor and cannibal, should know this.
Do you think, when deciding what part of him to eat, Hannibal was so focused on the ~symbolism~ of eating Will’s brain, he didn’t think about the consequences, impulsive to a fault? Too focused on the epic culmination of betrayals and emotions that he disregarded his health for his message.
Or did he know. Did he pick Will’s brain, not just for its message, but because of the higher chance he wouldn’t survive it? They’re blurred, after all, no saying if either would survive separation, so why not kill both of them in the same act. Suicide is the enemy, but Hannibal isn’t killing himself here. He’s in control, it’s his decision, but he doesn’t die from his own hands. It’s Will’s body, Will’s brain, that’s killing him. Of course it is. Who else would it be. Who else would deserve the slow, steady rot of Hannibal’s body. Even when he’s dead, Will Graham is the only one that can kill Hannibal Lecter, the only one who’s allowed to.
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dinner-and-a-show · 9 months
Love when Hannibal fanfic writers come up with the most convoluted situations for Will to get a dog-like creature, even just Winston. Like yeah, it’s the 1700’s Urban London and Will lives in a tiny hut with no space whatsoever, he’s being put in every fanfic cliche ever and it’s almost completely noncanon, but my boy needs his dogs.
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dinner-and-a-show · 11 months
New favorite headcanon, Will went vegetarian in the three years he and Hannibal were separated. But he most likely went back to eating meat when they were reunited
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dinner-and-a-show · 11 months
“Nothing happened to me, I happened”
Hannibal, you sad bastard.
Honestly, I always thought of his ‘rudeness’ pathos as a means of control. We know (I think) that Hannibal learns about rules and etiquette from his aunt, who with his uncle, take him in after the most tumultuous part of his life to date. And after the first kills someone.
I’ve also always headcanon Hannibal as ND in some way, mostly because as an ND, the use of rules to navigate social situations is familiar.
But Hannibal is further than that, he doesn’t recognise his own humanity, if he has it or not. Because of this, those rules are the most concrete way he can connect with people. He doesn’t have to follow them himself, because he *isn’t human*, but it’s the easiest way to look like he is. On the surface, he is like everyone else, but those connections are shallow.
So when someone breaks those rules, the ones he defines humanity by, he kills them. They aren’t actually human, because they don’t understand them. As opposed to him, who understands them, but can work around them.
Until Will, who tries very hard to follow them, but is socially lacking only because it bores him so much, in a way Hannibal finds incredibly familiar.
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dinner-and-a-show · 11 months
“Mutually unspoken pact to ignore the worst in one another in order to continue enjoying the best.”
Something about Will seeing Hannibal as the worst parts of himself- his violence, his coldness, his disconnection from what humanity and moral should be.
Something about Will being almost defined by his emotions- his empathy, sure, but also his desperation to be accepted, and how he changes himself to do so. How he uses his emotions to manipulate, a tool or weapon instead of a flaw or weakness.
Something about Hannibal being emotional- he’s lonely, he’s angry, he’s desperate. He can’t control them and that’s a mistake. He refuses to believe they’re a part of him, until the moment it’s obvious, and even then tries to (literally) cut them out. He is proud of his coldness, uses it to ensure his victory.
Something about Hannibal loving Will for his emotions, and Will loving Hannibal for his impartialness to Will’s weirdness.
Something about self love through the other, and learning to love the worst parts of yourself .
Something about separation, and the inevitable lack of it. About the acceptance of the other and yourself in the same moment. About one person in two bodies.
“I've never known myself as well as I know myself when I'm with him.”
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