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she's got the world on her shoulders
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They said it, not me.
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How to Cook for Your Girlfriend this Valentines Day
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Step 1: Pick a recipe that she likes
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Step 2: Choose something that she maybe hasn't been able to make on her own
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Step 3: Make sure the recipe has a deep meaning and connection to her
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Step 4: Let that dish bring her closer to you
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Wait. Hold on. Wait a minute...
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idk dude IS SHE? cause you're sure not convincing me.
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In conclusion, men (really just Carmy) will tell you they're making you a special dinner just for you when in reality they're just reminiscing on how their totally "platonic" business partner found her way into his life with said failed dish. So stay vigilant this V day.
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Claire was the Cold Prep.
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The Ice Chips episode will be the when he talks to her again because she is the last chip of getting stuck in the freezer he has left over to deal with. They are always connected to cold and fridges. He reconnected with her in the freezer aisle at the grocery store.
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They made out in the garde manger which is the cold prep station in kitchens.
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And of course they broke up by the walk in fridge.
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Claire was a Cold Reading for Carmy. A rehearsal. A practice girlfriend before the real thing. Molly and Jeremy did not even do a chemistry read before they were on set running lines together, and that was not due to poor planning. It was very intentional just like Claire's entire character. Her lack of development, he costuming, their interactions, are all tied up with being a cold prep. Their entire relationship was written as practice for Carmy wanting to be with Syd, which is why he mirrors everything about Sydney into that relationship.
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Fak is going to tell Claire that Carmy told him he’s still in love with her to try and get them to fix things. She will probably try to reconcile and tell Carmy that Fak told her he does love her, but I think Carmy is going to tell her he never told him that and that he’s not actually in love with her and can't be with her.
*Season 3 Spoiler Skip this paragraph* That is what is going to cause the fight that we heard, because Fak/Claire will accuse Carmy of lying about it and Carmy will insist he didn’t lie about saying he loved her.
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Technically Carmy didn’t say he was in love with her. Fak asked Carmy how much he love Claire and he said he loved her a lot. Carmy does love Claire. But he’s not in love with her. 
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He loves Claire same way he loves Fak or Tina or even Mikey. He loves her as an old friend and someone in his life he cares about and doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, which why he tried to gently reject her with a fake number but couldn't say no to her face.
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He asked Tina how much she loved Mikey and she said a lot. Which is the same thing he told Fak about Claire, because he doesn't love her romantically.
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Carmy tried to be in love with her. But he never told her I love you and he was bothered when she said it to him in the voicemail because he realized love and being in love are two very different things.
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Claire loves Carmy romantically but he doesn't love her in that way.
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In his panic attack he figured out the difference between the two. He loves Mikey and his family and even his mom and Claire. But he’s not in love with them. Sydney was a completely separate type of love and peace for him because he doesn’t just love her, he is in love with her.
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Claire was there Christmas after Donna crashed her car. He saw that she saw the mess behind his life. He didn’t want to stay there so he left to New York. She has always been tied to horrible memories for him and it's not her fault, but he can't separate the two.
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But honestly, the fact that Claire saw what his life was like that night and the full extent of his family trauma around alcohol makes me even more angry that she took him to that party and the told him that “she knows” about him having to take care of sad drunk people.
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She might have said she wants to understand, not fix people. But it seems to me like she thought she could fix Carmy’s shyness and trauma around parties and alcohol by forcing him to be around it, but really she was just bringing up all the past trauma he had and bad memories tied to her.
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They both tried to use that relationship for bad reasons, he tried to teach himself how to be a boyfriend and she tried to teach him how to be "normal" because she wanted a boyfriend, but the type of guy she wanted is not who Carmy really is, which is why he was pretending to be Logan at that party and why she loved seeing him act like that, even when it's not him. Carmy wanted to see Syd in Claire, and Claire wanted to see "Logan" in Carmy.
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series 3.07, "Camp Prom" | 4.01, "High School Musical 4"
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this scene is so funny when you think that if this cabin moment had happened in the book, percy would have said something like
“annabeth looked at me like she was going to use her necklace and strangle me with it but instead she just gave it to me”
and then we see her with the sweetest most genuine expression and he’s just a seaweed brain
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When do you think Ricky started liking Gina? Do you believe he liked her while dating Nini? When do you think he realized he liked Gina given that he said he let her slip through his fingers? It seems as though he knew he had a shot with her and didn’t take it.
I love this so much, thank you anon. :)
I think Ricky liked Gina from the moment she kissed him in the car. I have seen some speculation about what the Rina cue is. I and so many others thought it was just for Rina moments.. but I think the speculation is right. It’s a direct callback to HSM2 (you are the music in me). Being the music in someone is the love you have for them. That person lights you up and makes you feel something special. That’s what the entire song is about. Every time the Rina cue comes, it’s because Ricky feels something… the music… inside him. He has a moment that shows something big just happened for him. The first cue? In the car when she kisses his cheek. And you can see it. His face says it all. The way his eyes go wide and he shakes his head and smiles. You don’t need him to say it out loud- he likes her. I think there was maybe a little spark or something before because he mentions in the car he stayed in the show for her and he got defensive with Gina on the date with EJ. He even said he felt like Gina got him at Homecoming. This was ALL before the rina cue. But I think when the cue happened was when Ricky finally acknowledged and understood he liked her. TBH I think it was a lot like Ashlyn and Val’s moment with the fireworks.
I absolutely think there were feelings there while he dated Nini. Think about the timeline: he just got back together with Nini. She leaves and Gina comes in and says if she wasn’t leaving, she wouldn’t give up on them. Then Ashlyn gets the idea well after that to let Gina stay. Somewhere between the play and Christmas, Gina moved in with Ashlyn and she told the cast she was staying. This put Ricky in a tough position. He has these feelings for Gina and where he just got a girlfriend not only would it be inappropriate for him to say he wouldn’t give up on Gina too, but it would also be HELLA awkward for him to go back to Nini and tell her “never mind” after that big “I love you” speech. Also, as much as Ricky liked Gina, I think he worked SO HARD for Nini he didn’t want to let her go. Especially after seeing everything else in his life change (like seeing his mom’s boyfriend THAT NIGHT), he probably was holding onto the one thing that was stable: Nini. Gina could have been leaving, his parents were everywhere, Nini offered to stay and he knew Gina was out of the picture so, as he said himself, “I don’t know… with Gina leaving… it’s different… maybe I’m back to who I always was”. Gina leaving was the catalyst to him dating Nini because it meant stability and boy oh boy was he attracted to stability.
But, here’s the kicker: Gina stayed. So now Ricky is in a catch 22. Does he risk it all for Gina? Does he stay with Nini, the constant? Well… Nini left too. The last hope he had. So now, the one thing he thought wouldn’t change, wouldn’t leave, left. So, he reverts back to old Ricky. Trying every thing he possibly can to cling onto this thing he thought was a constant. And while Gina still continued to show up and while his feelings were there (as demonstrated in Valentine’s Day and in the snowstorm episode with how much he tried to talk to her, playing off the chocolates, feeling uncomfortable talking about Nini to her and in front of her [shushing her at his house when Nini called]), he wasn‘t going to let that constant go. His break up with Nini was SO important because it wasn’t just with her… he was breaking up with an old version of himself. That’s why his song he made on the piano was such a big moment for him over break, because it meant he finally was “letting go”. Of Nini, his need for consistency, his old self.
But, once he reconciled that part of him, the person he still was holding onto was gone. The next episode is the one where Carlos talks about EJ making eyes at Gina and Ricky goes, “Gina??” I think he saw Gina was staying, he wasn’t pursuing Nini anymore, now he could go back to the girl who had his heart since S1: Gina. But uh-oh! She’s taken by EJ now. So why try? So he finds the next promising thing: Lily. He’s started to accept change but doesn’t know what to do with it so it’s like he’s a total yo-yo and finds the biggest out of character person for him to date. Like he was embracing too much change. But then that doesn’t work out, so he realizes he just wants to accept what comes and do what is best for him (the song before he shows up at camp). He’s finally free of all his old patterns. So, with that in mind he just wants to be happy. Summer of fun! Right? Well, those unresolved feelings for Gina (as Carlos said) creeped right back in. They never left, but they were buried, came back up after Nini, then quickly buried again because of EJ and not talking to Gina. Now he and Gina are back to their S1 dynamics and starting over and he doesn’t have any distractions romantically, he’s embracing change, but not too much change (like Lily). Interesting he’s finding a “balance”…sound like anyone else we know this season? And guess who just happens to be there when he is at his best self? Gina. There’s nothing to distract or derail him from his feelings and that makes them even stronger and deeper than before. That’s why we keep seeing the rina cue SO MUCH and even twice this last episode. He can’t do anything to hold the feelings off and because Gina isn’t totally invested in EJ and spending a lot of time with Ricky (instead of ignoring him like 2B), those rina cues, those feelings, become more deep and profound.
Ricky let her slip through his fingers the night he chose Nini. Opening night he let her walk away because he thought she was gone for good. Now he blames himself for something that realistically, was kind of unavoidable. Honestly? I’m glad he didn’t choose her that night. I think they both needed to see what they didn’t want in order to know what they DO want. They needed to go through every single possible scenario that could be an argument against Rina and still come out stronger. They’re the couple that beats the odds and will meet each other at their best. And that is some beautiful, beautiful writing on Tim’s part.
Thank you for coming to my tedx talk.
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#he can't stop himself
“I found myself staring at her, which was stupid since I'd seen her a billion times. Still, she seemed so much more mature. It was kind of intimidating. I mean, sure, she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful.”
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Luke tearing up while talking to Percy because he sees what he must look like through Percy’s eyes.
Luke panicking when he sees Annabeth because he sees who he used to be. He sees himself through her eyes, which is so much more devastating.
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One last "the way Percy looks at Annabeth" for the road 🫡
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The warm lighting as Luke holds Percy at sword point because Percy trusts Luke. Luke would never hurt him.
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Then Luke later betraying Percy in the very same woods and hurting him with the same sword as the lighting shifts to this ominous dark purple
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i could write an essay on how the writers use lighting as a method of storytelling
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percabeth + being entrusted with each other's prized possessions
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i’ve said it so many times but i will NEVER be normal about annabeth untying her camp necklace and putting it around percy’s neck before his fight with ares as a token of good luck in the books. in the season finale, she does it before he marches up to olympus to face zeus because he’s “tired of running from monsters” (and i could write a whole essay about him equating the gods with monsters and the percy/luke parallels the show draws) but the sentiment still rings the same because the way she’s gifting him a tangible representation of everything that’s ever meant anything to her—luke, thalia, and the home she found at camp half blood, as well as the lingering hope that her father loves her and wants her to the same extent she wants a present father—means so much to me!! like, “here is everything i’ve ever cared about and i want you to take it and wear my love for my home and family, which you are now a part of, around your neck as a shield to protect you from those who are trying to take you away from me” i’m going to SOB…tell me she’s not a softie i fucking dare you
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he did not take his eyes off of her oh my god
percabeth shippers stay winning i fear
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“You’re not just a kid.” “And you thought you were just a kid.” And then, Annabeth saw Percy smiling about her Disney World comment and immediately assumed the place was filled with monsters, only for him to respond with “Just be a kid.” HE WAS SMILING BECAUSE HE WANTED HER TO FINALLY GET TO BE A KID
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the best percy & annabeth we could've ever asked for
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