dinozaaar · 4 years
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dinozaaar · 4 years
Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that's what maturity is all about.
— Osho
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dinozaaar · 4 years
Consistency is more important than being “the best”.
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dinozaaar · 4 years
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all these late nights
instagram | twitter | shop | commission info
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dinozaaar · 5 years
Rules of Manifestation
1. Vision
focus clearly on what you want.
2. Ask
ask the universe - send it out to the universe.
3. Action
work towards your goals.
4. Trust The Process
in order to manifest - you have to believe it will.
5. Receive
acknowledge and accept what you receive.
6. Raise Those Vibes
you attract what you put out into the universe.
7. Let It Go
remind yourself to breathe and relax - let it fly.
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dinozaaar · 5 years
Today is my interview in UERM and I don’t know what to do right now. My interview will be in an hour already, and still, I’m nervous as heck.
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dinozaaar · 5 years
I want more. I want to be surrounded by those who are positive and invested in me; I want to be positive and invested in others. I want to laugh really, really hard, a lot. I want to let go of the things not meant for me – friendships that are not fulfilling, relationships that are painful, memories that haunt. I’m ready to write more, create more, read more, adventure more. I’m ready to embrace and enjoy life for what it is and push to have positive experiences.
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dinozaaar · 5 years
To help people grow, you don’t need to try to change them. You only need to love them.
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dinozaaar · 5 years
Before January ends, I’m going to magically and extremely be blessed by the universe.
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dinozaaar · 5 years
Relatable No. 99
Me: Wow, that’s a great idea I just came up with! I hope won’t forget it!
My brain: Ikr?! Write it down!
Me: *doesn’t write it down and forgets it*
My brain: Seriously? You should really write it down next time.
Me: *remembers the idea*
Me: Wow, that’s great idea! I will totally write it down this time!
My brain: Yes, finally!
Me: *forgets it again*
My brain: *facepalm*
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dinozaaar · 5 years
Hi as INFP i am going to say that sometimes when I'm alone I start talking as if I was being listened by someone, a doctor/my parents/friends/ people that I want to say something/confront/ people that did something to me or just imagining myself talking with someone like me but years later and who I'm telling my story to help them go on in life. I know probably I'm crazy 🤣 but that have been really helpful and therapeutic and even self-revealing. (Even Ted Talks lol)
Man, I thought I was the only one! No, literally, you described exactly what I’m doing all the time. I didn’t even know it was an INFP thing.
But it’s definitely not crazy, it’s an alright way to cope.
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