dionysianmystery · 17 hours
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Moon over the Parthenon temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece.
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dionysianmystery · 2 days
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Buried 🌋🙇🏻‍♀️🕊️
Aprils work is Pompeii themed, inspired by photos I took in the House of the Vettii. The illustration is named Buried and is of the remains of the villa’s north courtyard, bathed in streaming morning light, with a mysterious occupant. Even though this scene is modern day, the girl is in Roman dress looking at the viewer. And oh what’s that? She’s slightly transparent...👻
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dionysianmystery · 2 days
Sometimes I think about moving back in with my parents to save money, but then I remember when I lived with them I had a dedicated spot where I’d drive to cry
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dionysianmystery · 3 days
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thank you for the great idea! im absolutely going to name my child after a cattle goddess whose name is pronounced "boobona"
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dionysianmystery · 4 days
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Oil container in the form of a boar, Greek Southern Italy, 325-275 BC
from The RISD Museum
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dionysianmystery · 5 days
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Scythian Tattoos Appreciation. I
Kurgan II of Pazyryk, Altai. Right upper arm of a Scythian men with tattoos showing animals and hybrid creatures. 5th century BCE.
Original skin (left) and outline (right).
Source: Under the Sign of the Golden Griffin. Royal Tombs of the Scythians (2007).
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dionysianmystery · 6 days
Woke up feeling terribly sick, so I told my boss but offered to instead work an hour from home to ensure everything was ok. She was fine with it.
I message my coworker that my allergies are acting up (a half lie; it’s easier to say allergies than explain my disability’s interactions with it) but that I will be working at a set hour.
She says, quote. You really stayed home because of allergies…?
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dionysianmystery · 6 days
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Bronze sculpture of Dionysus. Materials: bronze, silvering, gilding. Base made of marble. The product contains natural amethysts.
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dionysianmystery · 7 days
Not the DJJ worker censoring the word kill in their official email to my work…
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dionysianmystery · 7 days
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another marvellous Platonist quote about the perfectly benevolent state of the Theoi
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dionysianmystery · 8 days
"None is so abundant in skill as Apollo. To him belongs the archer, to him the minstrel; for unto Apollo is given in keeping alike archery and song. His are the lots of the diviner and his the seers; and from Phoebus do leeches know the deferring of death. And Phoebus it is that men follow when they map out cities. For Phoebus himself does weave their foundations."
- Callimachus, Hymn to Apollo
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dionysianmystery · 9 days
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going to weep over this roman epitaph that a mother and father made for their young son. they loved him enough to count his short life out to the day. for all the terrible things we know about the ancient world, we still know that somewhere a mother and father loved and grieved their 4 year old son
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dionysianmystery · 10 days
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I saw this today and knew in my heart you would have a rant locked and loaded about it so I am giving you the opportunity to do so if you wish <3
You'd do this to me on April 1st?
I've kinda been here before in a way. They're not 'melted'. They're not made from granite, but limestone that has undergone wear and tear. You can get lintels or stele from granite, sure. Granite was the prerogative of the king so people were quite happy to get permission and show that off with their granite pieces. A whole temple staircase? No.
I've been to Dendera. I've climbed this staircase to get to the roof. What these images are missing is a) the window that's just at the top of it, and b) the rest of the staircase with no damage. Or:
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The 'melting' is confined to this very specific section under that window and goes about as far as the sun reaches during the day when it shines through. It's in the middle of the staircase, right where people would walk, and since we're in Egypt they'd bring in sand to sit on top of the limestone. This would get heated by the sun and probably in some way fused to the stairs (I'm not a geologist but y'know). Water from rainfall could also make it in through that window to cause wear and tear too because limestone is erm...soft. This can also happen to granite. You look at any granite stairs in old European towns where they're used and even in 500 years:
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I'm sure Wells Cathedral also had a lovely nuclear accident too judging by their stairs:
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This is all really just the result of like 2500 years of going up and down stairs.
But anyway here are some of my own photos of Dendera rooftop, which I had to use those 'melted' stairs to reach:
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Hmm yes seems very like there was a nuclear accident/war on this site. Idk about the rest of you, but I don't think limestone would withstand a blast like that.
'it is said that some of Dendera was built over an existing site'
yeah it's a Ptolemaic temple built around an existing Middle Kingdom temple, with New Kingdom bits and even Roman period bits. Wow...such continued use of a religious site. Such conspiracy.
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dionysianmystery · 10 days
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minoan mermaid fresco
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dionysianmystery · 10 days
Really truly unfortunate in that I like my job and find it fulfilling but I loathe my coworkers and so I am actually considering a new job
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dionysianmystery · 11 days
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🌿Leucippus of Crete 🌿
Antoninus Liberalis wrote in 'Metamorphoses' that Leucippus was born a girl but given a masculine name and raised as a boy in order to prevent his father from killing him. Once he got older, his mother, Galatea, prayed to the goddess Leto to make him biologically male.
Phaestus, the city Leuccipus was born, afterwards held a ceremony called Ecdysia in honor of Leto as a rite of passage for young boys. As a part of the ritual, they would wear a feminine peplos, the removal of which echoed Leucippus removing his own. . Something different than my usual work! Wanted to explore some interesting queer mythology. The plant at his feet is dittany of Crete
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dionysianmystery · 12 days
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me at work
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