Reblog this if Michael Clifford is hotter than the guys at your school
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I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people who dream. And support. And do things.
Amy Poehler (via versteur)
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Date someone who will
wake up at 4am just to listen to you talk about a bad dream you just had
tease you for little things just to apologize six million times when you act upset
be nervous to kiss you for the first time because they don’t want to fuck up 
touch your butt 
offer to buy you a book that you absolutely love, and insist when you tell them no
watch your favorite movies with you even if they don’t like them
let you give them too much information and just listen to you talk for hours 
stay up until you fall asleep just because they want to talk to you
share your love for dogs
talk about animals with you for hours 
make you laugh even if it’s 2:30am and you’re laying in bed crying because you sat there and over thought
reassure you that they care and will always be there for you
tell you that they think you’re cute when you get angry at a video game 
laugh with you 
claim to not know what you’re talking about just so they can watch as you struggle to explain it just to tell you they already know and just think you’re adorable 
Most importantly, date someone who makes you happy. 
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YAY Chapter 3 is up! I’m hoping to have 4 up later today/tonight!! Please read and vote and tell your friends and leave me comments!! 
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(via Read “Stay with Me (a Harry Styles FanFic) - 1-Harry”)
Hey guys! Please check out my first ever fanfic! It’s a Harry one and I have already planned out the whole thing, it’s basically a novel haha! there is going to be 3 parts and close to, if not, 40 chapters! Thanks xx-Ariel
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Exactly! I don’t think we can handle it if Harry’s luscious locks leave the band too.
this fandom has gone through a lot but I’m still not prepared for what will happen when harry cuts his hair
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@my underage followers do not date anyone over 18. like it’s different if you’re 17 and they’re barely 18 and you’ll both be 18 soon (given that you’ve been dating for a while of course)
but like example if you’re 15 and your partner just turned 18 like… that’s a big age difference. it’s just 3 years but the difference in maturity is HUGE. like i myself as a 15 y/o was nations away from where I am now as an 18 y/o
never let anyone tell you “love has no age”, and never bend to threats. your comfort zone matters and you deserve someone your own age. question why an 18+ year old would want to date a minor
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Stand By Me, 13/09
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I just put up chapter two! I’m aiming for two chapters a day, but we’ll see! Please please please share and read and vote! xx
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(via Read “Stay with Me (a Harry Styles FanFic) - 1-Harry”)
Hey guys! Please check out my first ever fanfic! It’s a Harry one and I have already planned out the whole thing, it’s basically a novel haha! there is going to be 3 parts and close to, if not, 40 chapters! Thanks xx-Ariel
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(via Read "Stay with Me (a Harry Styles FanFic) - 1-Harry")
Hey guys! Please check out my first ever fanfic! It’s a Harry one and I have already planned out the whole thing, it’s basically a novel haha! there is going to be 3 parts and close to, if not, 40 chapters! Thanks xx-Ariel
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Niall out in London - June 3 (appreciatelouis)
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5SOS, Barclay Card Arena, 5/6/2015 (my photos, please don’t take credit)
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Things you need to remember when you see hiatus rumours:
They will not be cancelling shows that have already been scheduled. 
Putting in a small hiatus between tours/albums is actually the standard thing for artists.
We have been begging to give these boys a break for ages. We asked for this and we wanted this.
A break is a great time for them to relax. They’re more likely to stay together longer if they have breaks. They will be happy and rested. Also likely better music will be made because they have more time to write.
They have more time to participate in other projects. Like Louis as an Xfactor judge, perhaps. 
The Sun and Dan Wootton are both shitty expired cheese sandwiches on mouldy bread. Do not even give them your time.
Anyway, thank you for your time.
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Louis’ comment on Niall’s picture - June 6, 2015 
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Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 6/6
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